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介绍了利用曲线积分计算圆(椭圆)的周长公式,利用二重积分计算圆(椭圆)的面积公式的方法。  相似文献   

棱(圆)台中截面面积公式之推广兰州市九中王普光设棱(圆)台上、下底面面积分别为S1、S2,中截面面积为S0,则有中截面面积公式若设棱(圆)台上、下底面面积分别为S1、S2,截面面积为S0,截面与上、下底面间距离之比为λ,比照解析几何中线段的定比分点坐...  相似文献   

在晶体结构计算中,常有M(摩尔质量)、ρ(密度)、α(棱长或距离)的有关计算。这类题涉及到立体几何的有关知识、物质的量的有关计算,思维性强,难度大。但只要我们找到规律、推出公式,便可迎刃而解。现举例如下。  相似文献   

本文应用矢量代数的方法,对任意的三棱锥,若已知其从一个顶点出发的三棱棱长及此三棱所成的三个面角的大小,可通过简洁的计算求出三棱锥的体积,表面积、相邻二面所成二面角、任一棱与不过该梭的面所成的角和二异面对棱间的距离的度量公式.  相似文献   

教学内容:九年义务教育六年制小学数学第十二册第36~37页。教学目标:1.向学生渗透联系和转化的观点,并养成认真仔细的审题习惯。2.使学生理解和掌握圆柱体积公式的推导过程,掌握求圆柱体积的计算公式,并能运用公式计算圆柱的体积,解决有关实际问题。3.进一步培养学生的空间观念。教学重点、难点:理解并应用圆柱的体积计算公式。教具、学具:圆柱的体积教具、多媒体、课件和自制的圆柱体。教学过程:一、创设情景,提出问题1.怎样计算圆的面积?这个公式是怎样推导的?[课件显示等分圆及拼成近似长方形的过程:通过圆的圆心,将一个圆平均分成若干个…  相似文献   

圆柱的底面是圆.在计算圆柱的体积时可以根据圆而积公式的推导方法来类推。而圆面积公式的推导.是通过把圆转化为近似的长方形来实现的,在学习圃面积公式之前推导三角形的面积公式、平行四边形的面积公式和梯形的面积公式时也都运用了“转化”,这些都体现了“转化”这一数学思想的力量。学生对“转化”思想也有了深切的感受。  相似文献   

徐宁 《江苏教育》2008,(8):41-42
一、谈话导入师:最近我们学习了哪些有关圆的知识?你对圆有了哪些了解?(根据学生回答,课件出示一个圆,依次标出圆心、半径、直径、周长)师:你们还听说过哪些有关圆的知识?了解它们吗?(学生回答:听说过圆的面积,知道有个公式能计算圆面积,很想知道公式是怎么产生的。)  相似文献   

欧拉公式:V+F-E=2是描述简单多面体的顶点数(V)、面数(F)、棱数(E)之间的特有规律的一个公式.这个规律是简单多面体的一种拓扑不变性质,即V+F-E是一个拓扑不变数.用欧拉公式可以轻松求解有关多面体的棱数、面数、顶点数、各面多边形的内角等综合问题.  相似文献   

笔者听过五年级的一节数学课,关于圆的周长怎样计算(用公式:圆的周长=直径×圆周率),课堂上出现了这样的教学片段.  相似文献   

应用向量方法给出棱锥的由侧棱向量表示的侧面积、全面积、体积公式.利用这个结果得到斜圆锥的由斜棱向量表示的侧面积、全面积、体积公式.并通过建立直角坐标系得出圆锥的侧面积、全面积、体积公式.  相似文献   

关于菲涅耳双棱镜实验中干涉条纹的可见度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了影响菲涅耳双棱镜实验中干涉条纹可见度的主要因素。  相似文献   

“棱汁”是方东树用来概括诗法之妙的一个很独特的范畴。所谓“棱汁”,概括了由叙、写、议三法交织错综与次序变化而呈示出来的文法特点与审美效果。方东树以“棱汁”为诗法的重要范畴具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

半数效量分析模型在小鼠血清溶血素测定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 应用半数效量分析模型建立小鼠血清溶血素半数溶血值(HC50)新的计算公式。方法 小鼠血清溶血素分光光度测定法测定正常小鼠血清在不同稀释度的溶血反应率,用半数效量分析模型对测定值进行曲线拟合,建立计算小鼠血清半数溶血值(HC50)的新方法并与原计算方法作统计学比较。 结果1)小鼠血清对数稀释倍数与溶血概率单位符合半数效量分析模型,曲线拟合良好,直线方程为 y=11.4238-2.1911x,r=0.9978,相关系数显著性检验P<0.01,由方程建立的小鼠血清半数溶血值(HC50)概率单位法计算公式为HC50 = lg-1[lg(N)+(5-y)/b]。2)概率单位公式法可在溶血反应率为2.9~97.8%的较大范围内准确计算血清样品溶血素的半数溶血值(HC50),与理论值的误差率范围为2.81~8.30%;与原方法计算结果(误差率范围为4.65~77.11%)比较,除溶血反应率为52.5%的测定值点外,各溶血反应率测定值点的计算结果误差率均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。概率单位公式法计算结果与光密度比值法比较,具有更高的准确性。 结论 小鼠血清对数稀释倍数与溶血概率单位符合半数效量分析模型,由此建立的概率单位公式法可在样品血清较大溶血反应率范围内准确计算血清样品溶血素的半数溶血值。  相似文献   

One of the factors that affect the parameters of an underground cable is earth return path impedance. Pollaczek developed a formula for the case of one-layer (homogenous) earth. But in practice the earth is composed of several layers. In this study we develop a new formula for earth return path impedance in the case of a three-layer earth. To check the accuracy of the obtained results, a comparison has been made with the finite element method (FEM). A comparison between the results of the Pollaczek formula and results of the obtained formula for a three-layer earth has been made, showing that the use of the Pollaczek formula instead of the actual formula can cause serious errors.  相似文献   

本文用代数法推导了混合酸(碱)分步滴定的终点误差公式,并对该公式进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Based on analysis of the syntax structure and semantics model of the metric interval temporal logic (MITL) formulas, it is shown how to transform a formula written in the real-time temporal logic MITL formula into a fair timed automaton(TA) that recognizes its satisfying models with prototype verification system (PVS) in this paper. Both the tabular construction’s principles and the PVS implementation details are given for the different type of MITL formula according to the corresponding semantics interpretations. After this transformation procedure, specifications expressed with MITL formula can be verified formally in the timed automata framework developed previously.  相似文献   

In the economic order quantity (EOQ) model, the decision maker has vague information about holding cost, ordering cost and market demand. With these uncertainties characterized as fuzzy variables, a new formula is developed by analyzing the fuzzy total cost. By comparing with other four EOQ formulas, i.e., using the crisp numbers with the highest membership values in classic EOQ formula, using the expected values of fuzzy parameters in classic EOQ formula, using the fuzzy variables in classic EOQ formula and then calculating the expected value, and calculat- ing EOQ by hybrid intelligent algorithm simulation, the effectiveness of this formula Js illustrated.  相似文献   

This study identified governing state entities charged with the development of a funding formula for community colleges. Analysis of the data revealed that 40 states utilized a funding formula. Twenty-one states had a “Higher Education” entity with governing control of the formula, 5 states had a “Community College” entity with distinct funding formulas for community colleges, funding formulas in 2 states fell under a “Comprehensive (K-20) Education” entity, and in 12 states control of a state funding formula was the responsibility of a state statute. Findings and implications of funding formula governance patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Of several formulas for calculating bursting pressure of mild steel vessel, the Faupel formula is the most famous one. In fact, Faupel formula is conservative in calculating mild steel pressure. Based on hundreds of bursting experiments on mild steel pressure vessels such as Q235(Gr.D), 20R(1020) and, after statistically analyzing data on bursting pressure, it was found that the Faupel formula had some errors in calculation. The authors derived a more approximate modified formula from the data, which proved more general after examining the data on other mild steel pressure vessels with different diameters and shell thickness.  相似文献   

本文对二阶常系数线性非齐次方程建立了一组特解公式(1)-(9).当从实常数扩充到复常数时.公式(1)-(9)依然是正确的.从而扩大了这组特解公式的应用范围。  相似文献   

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