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Considerable research has investigated the link between academic achievement and social behavior. The authors set the context for their work by reviewing some of the research that has been done. To address similarities and limitations in previous research, they included concurrent ratings of behavior from teachers and children's performance on multiple measures of reading in their analyses. The authors provide an empirical analysis of the relationship between behavior and achievement using structural equation modeling that illustrated comparable outcomes to previous research and discuss their findings as a base for directing attention to the importance of teaching behavior as well as academic skills in efforts to prevent learning problems and failure in school.  相似文献   

Seventy-six children ages 3 to 5 were individually read two storybooks that had been specially formatted to contain salient printed words within the text, and illustrations and text on left or right-facing pages. The reader pointed to each word while reading to half of the children. After each book, children were asked to recognize elements of the illustrations and the specially formatted text elements from among a set of foils. Videotaped sessions were coded for the time children spent looking toward the pages with print versus illustrations. Analyses showed that the percentage of time looking at print was less than 2% in the no-pointing condition but increased with age. Pointing to the words increased print-looking time for all age groups and print target recognition for 4-year-olds. After controlling for receptive vocabulary, visual memory, and maturation associated with these scores, emergent orthography and letter-word identification predicted time looking at print and recognition of the print elements.  相似文献   

该研究通过问卷调查, 结合课堂观察与访谈,调查了大学英语教师的教学观念和教学行为.调查结果发现,多数大学英语教师认同自主学习观念并已做好了角色转换的心理准备;教师的实际教学行为与其教学观念和角色期待大体相关,但认识与实践仍存在一定的差距.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This article addresses the mediating role of early childhood home enrichment in the association between maternal education and academic achievement in the reading and math of 1,093 children aged 7 (Grade 1). Data were extracted from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development database. We used the bootstrapping procedure, a new method recently developed to assess multiple mediator effects simultaneously. Five potential mediating aspects of naturally occurring enriching home environments (HOME) were measured at 54 months of age: learning materials, learning stimulation, parental responsiveness, modeling of social maturity, and variety in experience. Gender differences in the mediating role of aspects of home enrichment were also examined for the letter–word reading and math subscales of the Woodcock–Johnson Psychoeducational Battery–Revised. Results indicated that all 5 aspects of home enrichment mediated the association between maternal education and reading achievement, and 4 aspects of home enrichment mediated this association for math achievement. Some aspects of home enrichment were gender specific. Practice or Policy: Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined whether the communicative behaviors of preschoolers during shared-reading interactions differ according to child age or parent gender. Twenty Italian preschoolers (from 3.1 to 5.11 years) were observed during book reading with each parent separately. Communicative behaviors were analyzed according to the speech act theory. The findings showed that older children produced significantly more requests with fathers than with mothers but significantly more assertions with mothers than with fathers. Sequential analysis showed that only the fathers' reading utterances were significantly followed by older children's requests. These results suggest that older children adjusted their communicative functions to elicit richer conversations from their fathers. Practice or Policy: These findings have implications for the assessment and support of preschoolers' conversational skills.  相似文献   

信仰作为一种精神力量在人类的社会发展中起着重要作用,它属于社会结构中的文化范畴,是文化结构中价值观念系统的核心;文化的历史流延,必然形成社会中具有"文化传统"、"文化现态"、"文化未来"三维向度结构的能量系统,信仰正是通过"执掌"文化的这三种向度而制约社会发展.信仰与社会发展的基本关系体现在三个方面,即信仰对社会发展的阻滞,信仰对社会发展的成果巩固,信仰对社会发展的理想牵导.  相似文献   

The authors explored the relationship between counselors’ multicultural counseling competence (MCC), poverty beliefs, and select demographic factors. Results of hierarchical linear regressions indicate that MCC is predictive of counselor individualistic and structural poverty beliefs. Implications for counselor multicultural training and immersion and future research directions are included.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the classroom behavior of 135 teachers in compensatory reading programs (grades 2, 4, 6) in twenty-one cities. A special observation instrument was designed to categorize teacher behavior during reading instruction and reliability data are reported for the forty-six observers who were trained to use this instrument. Each class was visited on nine different occasions for 15 minutes of coding during each visit, and data are reported in terms of the average amount of time spent in each mode and content activity across the teachers in these programs.  相似文献   

Within early childhood research considerable emphasis has been placed on examining teachers' beliefs about developmentally appropriate practices in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to describe Head Start teacher beliefs and self-reported practices as they relate to classroom quality and examine the potential differences in the beliefs of those teaching in high, average, and low quality classrooms. Scores on two subscales, appropriate and inappropriate, for both self-reported beliefs and practices were used as the dependent variables. Analysis of variance was used to examine differences between the self-reported beliefs and practices of teachers in classrooms of differing quality. The results for both the appropriate beliefs and appropriate activities subscales were statistically nonsignificant. However, the results for the two inappropriate subscales were statistically significant. These results would seem to indicate that teachers in the low quality group tended to respond more favorably to statements about inappropriate beliefs and practices than did those teachers in either the high or average quality classrooms. These findings provide important information about offering professional development opportunities for Head Start teachers that focus on providing theoretical perspectives on children's development and instructional practices aimed at changing beliefs about teaching practices.  相似文献   

Within early childhood research considerable emphasis has been placed on examining teachers' beliefs about developmentally appropriate practices in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to describe Head Start teacher beliefs and self-reported practices as they relate to classroom quality and examine the potential differences in the beliefs of those teaching in high, average, and low quality classrooms. Scores on two subscales, appropriate and inappropriate, for both self-reported beliefs and practices were used as the dependent variables. Analysis of variance was used to examine differences between the self-reported beliefs and practices of teachers in classrooms of differing quality. The results for both the appropriate beliefs and appropriate activities subscales were statistically nonsignificant. However, the results for the two inappropriate subscales were statistically significant. These results would seem to indicate that teachers in the low quality group tended to respond more favorably to statements about inappropriate beliefs and practices than did those teachers in either the high or average quality classrooms. These findings provide important information about offering professional development opportunities for Head Start teachers that focus on providing theoretical perspectives on children's development and instructional practices aimed at changing beliefs about teaching practices.  相似文献   

高校学报专家审稿与三审制的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
许多高校学报编辑认为三审制是“编辑初审、专家复审、主编终审”,而从高校学报专家审稿的产生原因及编辑部与专家的相互关系,以及三审制的责任分级和高校学报专家审稿的内容和方式来看,高校学报的专家审稿不是三审制中独立的一级审稿,不能代替复审,但它又是必不可少的,是学报学术质量的保证。  相似文献   

This article focuses on elementary principals as instructional leaders, as well as public school initiatives and educational accountability in the United States. It presents the methodology, instrumentation, measures of academic achievement in Florida, data collection, and processing procedures. Finally, it presents data analysis, results of the study, implications, and recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

工作记忆是执行认知任务时所涉及的一个对所需信息进行临时保持及操作的系统,它能同时储存和加工信息,其工作记忆容量有限。阅读理解是一个复杂的认知过程,是在头脑中形成语言描述的情境,用推理等活动揭示语言材料意义的过程。个体工作记忆阅读广度的差异反映了阅读能力的差异。只有进一步认识工作记忆的个体差异对阅读理解的影响,才能更好地发挥工作记忆对阅读理解的促进作用。  相似文献   

体育锻炼促进心理健康研究的热点之一是身体锻炼与身体自尊的关系问题.文章采用问卷调查法,对大学生身体自尊与体育锻炼坚持性进行调查和分析.研究发现,大学生身体自尊与体育锻炼行为之间存在显著相关,其中有关运动能力的认知和评价受到体育锻炼坚持行为的影响;体育锻炼者身体自尊与非体育锻炼者差异显著并呈性别差异;体育锻炼与运动能力、身体吸引力及身体价值感三个维度的关系最为密切;通过长期坚持体育锻炼能够改变身体自尊水平,尤其是提高运动能力的自我评价水平.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):85-104
This study examined the relationship between oral reading fluency and performance on a statewide reading test across Grades 3, 4, and 5. A curriculum-based measure of oral reading fluency was administered to 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who participated in the reading test from the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP). A cross-sectional design with individuals nested within classrooms and classrooms nested within grade levels was used. Hierarchical linear modeling was employed to analyze the relationships. Significant correlations were found between oral reading fluency and the CSAP for all 3 grades. The measure of oral reading fluency added unique information to predicting CSAP performance over and above the predictability of previous year CSAP testing. There was significant variation at the individual classroom level in the relationship between oral reading fluency and CSAP performance. Diagnostic efficiency statistics were used with cut scores to predict whether students would pass or fail the CSAP.  相似文献   

在外语教学领域,阅读理解能力长期以来被证明是听、说、读、写、译五种能力中最重要的。因此,对外语学生而言,外语阅读理解能力的提高会有效地推动其他语言技能的提高。本文从形式和功能两个方面论述语篇理解技巧,以及对外语阅读教学的启示。  相似文献   

We studied 52 parent–child dyads reading an alphabet book to examine the nature of children's miscues and parents' feedback, and whether miscues and feedback were related to each other and to preliteracy skills. Letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and expressive vocabulary were assessed in 5-year-old nonreaders who were also audiotaped reading an alphabet book at home with their parent. Results indicate that after controlling for vocabulary, children with higher phonological awareness more often labeled objects with a name beginning with the page's target letter. Parents provided substantial sustaining feedback after miscues, as though using alphabet books as a way of fostering their child's literacy. Findings highlight the need to consider both the child's skill-base and parent–child interactions to understand the role of alphabet books in literacy development.  相似文献   

The relationship between parent-rated behavior problems based on the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ) and the peer relations of nonhandicapped and mildly developmentally delayed preschool children was examined in this study. Measures of the peer-related social interactions of 3- and 4-year-old nonhandicapped children and a 4-year-old developmentally delayed group were obtained as children participated in a series of specially designed playgroups. Correlations with scores for the behavior problem dimensions obtained from the PBQ with social interaction and negative relationship peer interaction factors revealed significant relationships only for the nonhandicapped 4-year-old children. Children rated by their mothers as high on the Hostile-Aggressive, Anxiety-Fearful, and Total Behavior Disturbed dimensions were less socially interactive with peers and received higher negative relationship scores than children with lower ratings.  相似文献   

The relationship between parent-rated behavior problems based on the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ) and the peer relations of nonhandicapped and mildly developmentally delayed preschool children was examined in this study. Measures of the peer-related social interactions of 3- and 4-year-old nonhandicapped children and a 4-year-old developmentally delayed group were obtained as children participated in a series of specially designed playgroups. Correlations with scores for the behavior problem dimensions obtained from the PBQ with social interaction and negative relationship peer interaction factors revealed significant relationships only for the nonhandicapped 4-year-old children. Children rated by their mothers as high on the Hostile-Aggressive, Anxiety-Fearful, and Total Behavior Disturbed dimensions were less socially interactive with peers and received higher negative relationship scores than children with lower ratings.  相似文献   

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