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尚笑艳 《海外英语》2012,(18):202-203
Usually people will see a cruel,autocratic duke and a silent,mild-mannered late duchess in " My Last Duchess".However,after deconstructing Browning’ s contradictory use of binary oppositions in this poem,it will unfold the ambiguous beauty of the poem and give us a brand new interpretation of the Duke and the Duchess.  相似文献   

My last day off     
My last day off was relaxing, and a little exciting. On Saturday morning, I was having a chemistry class, but there was an earthquake. Desks and school buildings were shaking. So we went back home. It was very exciting. In the afternoon, I watched TV and …  相似文献   

教材是教师传授知识的载体,是学生学习知识的依据。高质量教材是培养高素质技能型人才的基本保证。《电工电子操作技能项目化实训教程》采用工作过程导向的项目化教材编写思路,在企业调研、工作任务分析、典型工作任务归纳的基础上,选择企业真实工作任务作为教材编写项目,同时融入"电工操作证考试"和"初级电子仪器仪表装配工技能考核"职业技能鉴定标准,使教材内容与职业资格证书制度有效衔接。  相似文献   

My Boss My Hero     
由韩国电影《头师父一体》改编的《My Boss My Hero》,讲述了一个黑社会老大的儿子隐瞒真实年龄进入高中引发的一系列好玩的事情。原作本来就是相当搞笑的故事,由长濑智也演来更是游刃有余,他生动的表情,让人每次看都忍不住期待他又会摆出什么好笑的表情,收视率也在嘻笑中节节攀升。  相似文献   

①When George was thirty-five,hebought a small plane and learned to flyit.He soon became verygood and made his planedo all kinds of tricks.  相似文献   

My Hero—My Mum     
My hero isn't an idol or a famous person,but someone close to me-my mum.She is not tall.She is thin.She has long black hair and big eyes.She is kind and often helps people who are in trouble.I love my mother. My mum is a worker.She is very busy.She often gets up early so that she can cook meals for us.She always says that we should try our best to do work well.  相似文献   

As the saying goes,blood isthicker than water.I think thereis something in it.I do believeFather,Mother and my brotherare the most important personsin my life.  相似文献   

There is one thing that I will never forget, that is my childhood. I spent my childhood in Da Tang.There was a small hill behind our house where bees danced in spring, crickets held concerts in summer, ants worked hard in summer and autumn and a group of children including me often gathered and played on the hill.  相似文献   

Nowadays I study harder than ever before.All that I do is to thank my teacher.In my eyes Mrs Zhang is not only my teacher but also my mother.  相似文献   

My TURTLE     
I have a turtle. It's very young. It is maybe 1 or 2 years old. Its shell is so hard that it can break my pencil! And there are many stripes (条纹) on its shell. It is very cute. Its nose, eyes and ears are all very small. They look like my pinkie. Its feet are very small, too. Although the turtle is small, it is strong! Its claws are sharp, and they can prick (戳穿) about 5 pieces of paper at once. It can also climb out from a tall vat. It always puts its head, feet and tail into its shell when we touch it. It's interesting. It has no name yet. Can you help me give it a good name?  相似文献   

通过对罗伯特·勃朗宁的著名戏剧独白诗《我的前公爵夫人》中的女性形象进行批评分析 ,旨在阐明这两个女性形象实际上所隐含的从早期文学传统 ,厌女症和对圣母马利亚的崇拜继承下来的两个女性原型  相似文献   

在英国维多利亚时期的大诗人罗伯特.勃朗宁的诗作《我已故的公爵夫人》中,叙述者公爵就是父权制社会男人权力和占有欲的典型代表,公爵夫人就是男权社会牺牲品的象征。本文将结合运用拉康的镜子阶段理论和女性主义文学批评理论,通过对诗歌文本具体分析,阐述该诗中的镜像意义:男女共存的和谐社会才是理想的人文社会。  相似文献   

杜玉文 《海外英语》2014,(15):172-173
This paper explored the three dramatic features intrinsic in Robert Browning’s poems of dramatic monologue, namely, the employment of first-person point of view, the use of irony, and the intricate psychological exploration and vivid characterization. Such features are crucial in the successful presentation of various human nature and experience with profundity, making his poems an enduring classic in the English literature.  相似文献   

勃朗宁《我的前公爵夫人》和《波菲利雅的情人》两首诗中的男性叙说就是父权制社会男人权力和占有欲的典型代表,两住女性人物就是男权社会牺牲品的象征。男女共存的和谐社会才是理想的人社会。  相似文献   

罗伯特·勃朗宁的代表作品之一——《我最后的公爵夫人》在某种程度上可以从女性主义视角解读.在所谓的父权制社会,男性无条件地控制着女性.但是正是这种控制恰反映了男性的不自信.该文在分析这篇代表作的结构和内容的基础上提出此论点,进而提出当今社会男人与女人之间要地位平等且相互尊重.  相似文献   

《我的已故公爵夫人》是罗伯特.勃朗宁的名作。叙述者公爵的叙述表面平缓,却暗藏玄机,颠覆了叙事的可靠性。这种从里层颠覆表层平缓的叙述的可靠性的叙述方式,一方面展示了勃朗宁非凡的叙事艺术,另一方面深刻地披露了叙述者公爵的丑陋嘴脸。而这样的叙事在一定程度上也展现了女性在父权制被叙述被囚禁的命运,剖析了男性叙述话语暴政,揭示了男性叙述权威的虚伪性。  相似文献   

文章借鉴国内外批评家的最新研究成果,分析了罗伯特·布朗宁的戏剧独白诗《波菲利雅的情人》。通过分析该诗中的戏剧性场景,探索了英国维多利亚时期的世俗观念形态、性观念形态、宗教意识形态及勃朗宁夫妇的爱情故事,同时揭示了罗伯特·勃朗宁对人性深刻的领悟。  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是英国小说史上的一位重要作家 ,也是现代意识流小说的杰出代表之一 ,通过分析作家在《到灯塔去》中意识流、蒙太奇创作手法的运用 ,着重剖析人物的内心世界  相似文献   

“独白”与对话式教育结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对话式教育内含“独白--对话”之间的相互包含、循环再生的“生态”结构关系。对话式教育基本上是由作为片段的师生各自的“独白”链接、融合而成的。现实语境中存在两种“独白”:一种是实质为独断的“独白”;一种是个人言说之“独白”。不可将“教育中的′独白′”--概地隐喻为独断,否则便会将“教育中的′独白′”与“′独白′式教育”混为一谈。完全消解了“独白”的“′对话′式教育”没有实现的可能性。为促进学生主体的确立和主体间性的生成,必须既倡导和强调“对话”,又鼓励和尊重“独白”,把包括“独白”在内的“对话”的权利还给学生,在“对话”与“独白”的必要张力中理解和构建对话式教育。  相似文献   

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