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五、194 8年至 196 6年 (济南解放到文化大革命前 )这 17年的情况虽然有较大的发展变化 ,但总的办馆方向 ,工作方式方法 ,组织机构以及人的思想风貌 ,基本上属于一个阶段 ,所以作为一个时期来叙述。194 8年 9月 2 4日 ,济南解放了 ,在中国共产党的领导下 ,山东省图书馆的历史翻  相似文献   

漳州古代藏书和近代图书馆事业,是漳州1300多年历史文化的重要标志之一。  相似文献   

本文从民国时期山东报业概况、山东省图书馆馆藏民国时期山东地方报纸概况、山东地方报纸特点分析、山东地方报纸的史料价值四个方面,对山东省图书馆馆藏中的民国时期山东地方报纸进行了较为系统地分析与研究。  相似文献   

为了缅怀浙图历史,发扬浙图精神,创造浙图更辉煌的明天,浙江图书馆为中青年职工举办馆史教育系列讲座,从2007年7月一8月,每周一讲,共6讲,有袁逸研究馆员的《浙江图书馆精神》、徐洁副研究馆员的《张宗祥先生与浙江图书馆》、王效良副研究馆员的《陈训慈先生与浙江图书馆》、赵大雄研究馆员的《近代名人与浙江图书馆》、李性忠研究馆员的《饮水思源——浙江图书馆历史上的捐赠者》和徐晓军副研究馆员的《浙江图书馆的蓝海》。[第一段]  相似文献   

郑玲 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(1):41-42
着眼图书馆馆史的历史科学属性,论述中国图书馆馆史研究方法之创新。  相似文献   

2007年2月3~4日北京大学信息管理系、山东省图书馆联合主办的“北京大学图书馆学系馆科研合作座谈会”在山东省图书馆举行。北京大学信息管理系主任王余光教授、党委副书记李国新教授、中国社科院图书馆馆长杨沛超、首都图书馆馆长倪晓建、深圳图书馆馆长吴唏、苏州图书馆馆长邱冠华、东莞图书馆馆长李东来、佛山图书馆副馆长平玉娜、内蒙古科技大学图书馆卢胜利、山东省图书馆馆长赵炳武等参加座谈。山东省图书馆学术委员会委员列席会议。  相似文献   

试论我国图书馆的走向及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要地将我国图书馆的走向分为:藏书楼时期,传统图书馆时期,现代图书馆时期;其必然趋势是数字图书馆;然而,复合图书馆将是必然趋势之间不可或缺的一个历史阶段。与此同时,指出人们应持的正确态度。  相似文献   

维多利亚图书馆作为最早制定多元文化服务政策的公共图书馆之一,通过长期的实践探索,逐渐构建了较为完善的基于包容性发展价值取向的多元文化服务体系。它与图书馆全要素、全过程的融合对接,支撑着多元文化服务强有力的持续发展。该馆二十世纪卓有成效的多元文化服务历史给今后国内公共图书馆的同类服务实践提供了丰富的经验,对其服务理念、方式的变迁过程深入挖掘有利于国内图书馆学习借鉴,从而打造具有本土化特色的多元文化服务机制。  相似文献   

2009年5月9日,位于二环东路的山东省图书馆知识广场上,红毯铺地,鲜花锦簇,山东省图书馆百年馆庆典礼在这里隆重举行。  相似文献   

明文渊阁地方志收藏述略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳秋 《图书与情报》1998,(2):28-30,11
本文对《文渊阁书目》各类地方志的收藏时间、范围、存佚等都作了详细的考证.  相似文献   

教会图书馆是随着教会学校或文化机构的兴办而发展起来的,是教育的重要组成部分。文章阐述了山东教会图书馆创建、发展、终结的历史轨迹,深入探究其特定的读者群体、丰富而有特色的藏书、图书馆本土化等独有特性,进一步分析其对山东乃至中国中西方文化传播与交流、地方文献的搜集与保存、早期图书馆事业和当地人民思想启蒙所起到的促进作用。  相似文献   

我国乡镇图书馆事业发展滞后,与农村经济社会发展和全面建设小康社会的需要不相适应.论述了乡镇图书馆在实现知识自由和社会公正、发挥"全国文化信息资源共享工程"效益和建设社会主义新农村中的重要作用,并提出了发展措施.  相似文献   

冯磊 《晋图学刊》2011,(1):38-40,44
高校图书馆的计算机数量庞大,工作人员电脑水平参差不齐,如何科学、高效地对电脑进行管理,为图书馆服务师生提供强有力的保障,成为技术部门工作人员面临的一个难题。文章结合实际,对桌面虚拟化技术在图书馆的应用前景进行了探讨。希望能为图书馆界同仁提供一点参考。  相似文献   


This article deals with the most important features of Lithuanian library history and describes specific features of the Soviet period. It also describes the current situation of librarianship in independent Lithuania. Historical analysis shows that Lithuanian libraries status, level and rate of development are influenced by particular historical conditions, social, and economical demands of the society.

During the first stages of their history, Lithuanian libraries were a valuable part of the whole European library history. Their activities subsided when Lithuania lost its independence. This eliminated libraries from the national historical process. After Lithuania regained its independence, it became possible for libraries to recover. Unfortunately this process had subsided during the Soviet years. Society depreciated library activities and librarians work. Nevertheless, librarianship of this period has some achievements also. There is a rather good system of library education, several library networks and scientific research in library and information science.

The last period is very hard and difficult for Lithuanian librarianship. During the years of economic crisis, libraries must struggle for their existence. So we can speak only about the possibility to ensure minimal conditions of existence, about the possibility to survive. The technical basis of libraries is especially weak: few of them use computerized technologies. This new period of the Lithuanian library development raised new problems and sharpened the old ones. The Lithuanian state has to change the library system and its functions, and rearrange library activities. The current situation in Lithuania creates new premises for libraries to develop. The most important premise of these changes is restoration of Lithuanian independence. A lot of work is already done to deideologize library activities, and to consolidate in them the principles of democracy. This work must guarantee the right of all Lithuanian citizens to use information stored in libraries. Now Lithuanian libraries strive to restore and establish new international relations, and to integrate themselves into the world's information system.  相似文献   

This article deals with the most important features of Lithuanian library history and describes specific features of the Soviet period. It also describes the current situation of librarianship in independent Lithuania. Historical analysis shows that Lithuanian libraries status, level and rate of development are influenced by particular historical conditions, social, and economical demands of the society.During the first stages of their history, Lithuanian libraries were a valuable part of the whole European library history. Their activities subsided when Lithuania lost its independence. This eliminated libraries from the national historical process. After Lithuania regained its independence, it became possible for libraries to recover. Unfortunately this process had subsided during the Soviet years. Society depreciated library activities and librarians work. Nevertheless, librarianship of this period has some achievements also. There is a rather good system of library education, several library networks and scientific research in library and information science.The last period is very hard and difficult for Lithuanian librarianship. During the years of economic crisis, libraries must struggle for their existence. So we can speak only about the possibility to ensure minimal conditions of existence, about the possibility to survive. The technical basis of libraries is especially weak: few of them use computerized technologies. This new period of the Lithuanian library development raised new problems and sharpened the old ones. The Lithuanian state has to change the library system and its functions, and rearrange library activities. The current situation in Lithuania creates new premises for libraries to develop. The most important premise of these changes is restoration of Lithuanian independence. A lot of work is already done to deideologize library activities, and to consolidate in them the principles of democracy. This work must guarantee the right of all Lithuanian citizens to use information stored in libraries. Now Lithuanian libraries strive to restore and establish new international relations, and to integrate themselves into the world's information system.  相似文献   

就西藏地方文献的收集、整理、现阶段状况及其西藏地方文献资源的建设等问题做了概要性的介绍并进行了分析。  相似文献   

<正>山东省博物馆是新中国成立后建立的第一座省级综合性地志博物馆。1953年,时任文化部文物局副局长的王冶秋同志在济南广智院小礼堂作了《怎么样办博物馆》的报告,提出了山东省博物馆的建设要求和方法,并指明了博物馆工作需要努力的方向,为山东省博物馆的建设提供了一份蓝图。1954年8月,山东省博物馆筹备处正式成立,被文化部文物局确定为省级地志博物馆的试点单位,领导了全国的博物馆建设,为我国的博物馆事业写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。  相似文献   

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