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This paper takes the form of a position statement followed by three responses from colleagues located in different institutions of higher education. The resulting colloquium is concerned, among other things, with the role of the academic within higher education and with the notion of freedom as it relates to the definition and development of that role. It sets itself against the traditional notion of ‘academic freedom’ and explores alternative constructions of academic professionalism. Freedom remains central to these constructions; but an outward‐looking emancipatory notion of freedom, not an inward‐looking and self‐interested notion. The practices that are documented in the paper and the issues that these raise are a direct consequence of this preoccupation with reconstructing the moral bases of academic professionalism. The paper reaches no firm conclusions, but highlights a number of key differences within a shared emancipatory project: differences shaped by the institutional and cultural contexts of higher education and, in particular, by the gendering of the academic workplace; differences inscribed in the conditions and divisions of labour within higher education and, more specifically, in the organisational structures of support for professional growth and development; differences of value and purpose that help determine what, for each of the authors, it means to be an academic. The form of the paper, with its emphasis on the examined life as deliberative and public, reflects this preoccupation with achieving principled agreement through the recognition and exploration of difference.  相似文献   

引入随机序列滑动似然比作为整值随机变量序列相对于服从负二项分布的独立随机变量序列的偏差的一种随机性度量,通过滑动相对熵限定了样本空间的一个子集.在此子集上得到了一类关于任意整值随机变量序列的用不等式表示的定理.即强偏差定理.  相似文献   

极限的思想和方法是解决微积分问题的工具,极限定义教学是整个微积分教学的重点和难点,是学生学习高等数学的一道障碍,本文从极限概念发展的历史,极限定义的翻译,用极限的定义证明极限等三方面出发,厘清和阐释了极限定义的教学难点。  相似文献   

用似然比的概念研究非负的连续性的随机变量序列的极限性质,得到一类与其条件期望的随机偏差定理,在证明中提出了将Laplace变换这个工具应用到极限研究的一种途径。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the influence of students’ personalized notion of ‘small’ numbers based on real life experiences on their understanding of limits. Tests were conducted on two samples of students. The first sample, consisting of students in the XII grade, had been taught limits using an informal approach (i.e., without recourse to the definition) and the second sample, consisting of first year undergraduates, had been taught the formal definition of limits. Our research points out that most students in both samples round off to zero such ‘small numbers’ while evaluating limits wherever such numbers might occur because they perceive limit as a process of approximation.  相似文献   

Debates on literacy inequalities have been powerfully advanced through Jan Blommaert's work, which demonstrates the ways in which discourse forms can lose function as they are moved into different environments. Looking through a south-north lens, Blommaert maps this feature of loss of function against world wide inequalities conceptualised through the centre-periphery models outlined in world systems theory. This paper presents work that I have done over a number of years on the concept of recontextualisation, examining at a micro-level (rather than a transnational level) examples of everyday print and digital texts which people produce and interpret as part of processes in workplaces and development projects in New Zealand and South Africa. The research then explores what happens to the fit between form and function when these particular texts are projected across contexts in the sequences of events necessary to ‘make things happen’. I explore the implications of this shift in terms of the unit of analysis, questioning how the concepts of literacy events and practices, so central to the New Literacy Studies (NLS), can account for such shifting. I identify the resources that actors have access to and draw on in each event in these sequences, and in their ability to project beyond the local, looking more closely at the materiality of literacy. As people and/or their texts are recontextualised as part of such meaning-making trajectories, time and space become important dimensions of analysis: I explore the levels at which time and space can be analysed in these crossings, treating these levels as forms of scaling. The multi-sited, micro-ethnographic work involved in tracing these trajectories shows that function can be lost, but it can also be sustained and/or gained. The paper suggests that a shift is needed from the focus (evident in much research and teaching in language and literacy studies) on the production and interpretation of meanings within contexts towards a focus on the projection of meanings across contexts. This shift of focus can contribute to new understandings of the placedness of resources for meaning making, the notion of capabilities and the understanding of literacy inequalities.  相似文献   

以对法国雕塑家罗丹的青铜雕塑《欧米哀尔》的解读,阐述了西方现代审美机制中"以美为美——以真为美——以丑为美"的逐级嬗变过程,透视出现代艺术中一种独特的美学观——"审丑"文化,在此基础上探讨"丑"从尴尬的他者文化身份向现代艺术中心的地位转变。  相似文献   

定积分的定义与极限有着密切的关系,本文以定理的形式给出一类极限利用定积分的求解方法,并给予了简单证明,还通过例题总结出该类题目的求解步骤.  相似文献   

Beyond Interaction: The relational construct of 'Transactional Presence'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Namin Shin 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):121-137
This paper presents the novel construct of 'Transactional Presence' in consideration of a distance student's perceptions of psychological presence on the part of teachers, peers, and institutions. Relevant distance education literature is analyzed through the lens of interpersonal relationships, and concepts such as telepresence and social presence are drawn from media and communication studies. When the two streams of literature reviewed are merged, it is conjectured that the perception of presence concerned must be influenced by distance students' idiosyncratic needs for connection with learning resources and sources of support. This notion of presence, designated 'Transactional Presence', is defined as the degree to which a distance student perceives the availability of, and connectedness with, other parties involved in a given distance education setting. The construct's potential significance is explored in view of enriching distance education theory and research.  相似文献   

本文旨在于现代背景下重建公众和公共教育的概念.亚里士多德理解的公共教育涉及公众的再生产,它包括某种身份的形成和对使用理性话语沟通的信奉.在现代背景下重思公共教育,需要对亚氏的公众定义加以修订.本文通过分析米尔顿·弗里德曼等新资本主义者支持择校的观点中存在的两个问题,提出了公众是理想的监管者的主张.通过参与共有价值观的集体反思,公共群体共同制定新规范,增加新的准则,开展道德创新,使其能够应对新的现实.  相似文献   

在奇异值的定义的基础上,利用算子矩阵范数不等式以及正算子的性质,给出了复可分希尔伯特空间上n个算子和与直和的一些奇异值不等式,并进行了推广.  相似文献   

There are many studies on the role of images in understanding the concept of limit. However, relatively few studies have been conducted on how students’ understanding of the rigorous definition of limit is influenced by the images of limit that the students have constructed through their previous learning. This study explored how calculus students’ images of the limit of a sequence influence their understanding of definitions of the limit of a sequence. In a series of task-based interviews, students evaluated the propriety of statements describing the convergence of sequences through a specially designed hands-on activity, called the ɛ–strip activity. This paper illustrates how these students’ understanding of definitions of the limit of a sequence was influenced by their images of limits as asymptotes, cluster points, or true limit points. The implications of this study for teaching and learning the concept of limit, as well as on research in mathematics education, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on the notion of cutting together-apart introduced by Karen Barad and combining it with Lefebvre’s notion of a flaneur (f. flâneuse) who moves between temporal, spatial and political relationships, this article performs a collaboration mediated by social media, namely blogging and tweeting. It draws on the notion of history, space, and social relationships to describe how two women met online. This collaboration as inquiry is about working together despite our differences – finding places to meet rather than diverge, and to dialogue rather than debate. Through a duo-ethnography of how this relationship worked and did not work, notions about how the digital world can act as a mediator for academic work are explored.  相似文献   

Processes of knowledge construction are investigated. A learner is constructing knowledge about the notion of limit in the definition of the horizontal asymptote. The analysis is based on the dynamically nested epistemic action model for abstraction in context. Different tasks are offered to the learner. In her effort to perform the different tasks, the learner encounters a situation of conflict between her concept image of the horizontal asymptote and the concept definition. The model of abstraction in context is used to analyze two new constructions of knowledge for the learner, which permit her to reconsider her concept image and to conceptually understand the definition of the horizontal asymptote.  相似文献   

现行教村各给予数列上、下极限的简单性质,本通过研究数列上、下极限和函数之间的关系,推出数列上、下极限的新性质,并且介绍性质的应用。  相似文献   

大众文化语境中的书评研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
书评是关于书的评论,但是并非关于书的批评就是书评。关于书评的认识,必须引入一种特别的历史主义的眼光,书评是现代消费社会附着于大众传媒而诞生的一种文本形式。这是尤其不能忽视的关键,否则关于书评的任何讨论都只能是形式主义的。书评决不是自发产生的,它是现代社会文化工业生产中的一个环节;因此,书评的商业动机以及这种动机和作为文化事业自身的价值之间的矛盾也就必须进入思考的范围。书评中的文学批评作为一种特殊的广告,为了成功实现自我,它就必须不能只是一种广告。这就是书评的辩证法,背离这一辩证法,书评必将自我颠覆。  相似文献   

目前我国的刑事立法并没有对不纯正的不作为犯作出明确的规定,但是在刑事司法实践中却对不纯正的不作为犯进行定罪处刑,这种矛盾造成了立法与司法的脱节。而解决这个矛盾的关键就在于对不纯正不作为犯的作为义务进行精准的界定,对其作为义务的范围规定的过宽,有可能导致刑法的泛化和刑罚的膨胀,有损刑法的谦抑性原则;反之,对作为义务的界定过窄,则使刑法的处罚范围过小,有损刑法的法益保护机能。因此,科学、准确的明晰不纯正不作为犯的作为义务,对我国的刑事理论和刑事司法都大有裨益。  相似文献   

语块是约定俗成的复合物,与按语法规则拼装起来的句子相比它在日常应用中出现的频率更高,具有更明确的意义,在现代英语教学尤其是口语教学中受到了越来越多的重视。语言是符号系统,具有线条性,这为语块理论应用于英语口语教学提供了理论基础及依据。在运用语块教学法时,要注重不同功能语块的搭配使用,注重使用时的多样性、梯度性以及其预制性和生成性的统一,从而提高我国英语口语教学水平。  相似文献   

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