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学科、学科文化与研究生教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
学科发展包括学科知识的发展和学科文化的发展。学科文化在学科知识的发展中产生,同时又促进了学科知识的进一步发展。研究生教育既需要传承学科文化,也需要增强学科文化发展的自为性。在适应和促进学科文化发展的过程中,研究生教育需要建立、完善研究生培养制度,帮助研究生内化学科文化中的价值取向和规范。  相似文献   

缺乏科学研究方法的知识和制约了军事学研究生开展军事学术的研究。本文指出了在军事学研究中开展科学研究方法教育的必要性,提出了实施的可行途径。  相似文献   

This article presents a framework and methodology for designing learning goals targeted at what students need to know and be able to do in order to attain high levels of literacy and achievement in three disciplinary areas—literature, science, and history. For each discipline, a team of researchers, teachers, and specialists in that discipline engaged in conceptual meta-analysis of theory and research on the reading, reasoning, and inquiry practices exhibited by disciplinary experts as contrasted with novices. Each team identified discipline-specific clusters of types of knowledge. Across teams, the clusters for each discipline were grouped into 5 higher order categories of core constructs: (a) epistemology; (b) inquiry practices/strategies of reasoning; (c) overarching concepts, themes, and frameworks; (d) forms of information representation/types of texts; and (e) discourse and language structures. The substance of the clusters gave rise to discipline-specific goals and tasks involved in reading across multiple texts, as well as reading, reasoning, and argumentation practices tailored to discipline-specific criteria for evidence-based knowledge claims. The framework of constructs and processes provides a valuable tool for researchers and classroom teachers' (re)conceptualizations of literacy and argumentation learning goals in their specific disciplines.  相似文献   

高素质的食品专业创新人才是食品发展的关键。结合学校优势和地方经济发展,针对食品科学与工程专业课程体系和实践教学体系中存在的问题和不足,探索了食品科学与工程专业教学课程体系,提出了课程体系和教学体系改革和构建的创新思路,使学生的创新意识和综合能力得到显著提高。  相似文献   

随着研究生规模的扩大,如何有效地开展研究生教育和管理工作成为一项重要课题。研究生社团是一个日益庞大的研究生学生组织,它在研究生教育管理中发挥的作用越来越突出。针对研究生社团存在的问题,找到研究生社团发挥载体作用的途径,有利于高校研究生教育和管理工作顺利开展。  相似文献   

民族医学的研究生教育意义重大。本文旨在提出在民族医学研究生教育中应坚持的基本原则,并在此基础上,结合现实条件和实践经验对落实诸项原则的运行机制和主要措施予以探讨。  相似文献   

作者在文中探讨了建设中国研究生教育学的几个基本问题,论述了中国研究生教育学的研究对象、研究方法,提出了中国研究生教育学的学科体系构架及主要研究内容.作者还强调必须加强对研究生教育基本问题、基本关系、基本领域和基本规律的探索,以此为基础推进基本范畴、基本理论的形成和发展.  相似文献   

This commentary begins by summarizing the five contributions to this special issue and briefly recapping the background to the topic of student learning in higher education. Narrative and systematic reviews are compared, and the relative value of different bibliographic databases in the context of systematic reviews is assessed. The importance of measures of effect size is stressed. The relationship of the five contributions to early research on levels of processing and approaches to learning is discussed, along with the presage–process–product model of student learning and historical discussions that are relevant to the current theoretical discussions. This field has benefited from the development of more robust instrumentation, but researchers must continue to develop new kinds of measure, including online measures of students’ strategy use. Researchers need to consider ways of enhancing the quality of student learning through the use of problem-based curricula and other student-centered approaches. Finally, it is suggested that researchers into student learning need to evaluate whether their concepts, methods, theories, and findings are valid in online environments and to investigate how curricula in higher education can build upon those in secondary education.  相似文献   

论医学研究生统计学的学习和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓宏明 《高教论坛》2005,(5):123-124,132
医学统计学是医学研究生的必修课程,也是医学科学研究的基本工具。本文结合临床和科研实践中的经验,探讨研究生统计学教学中的一些热点问题。  相似文献   


This study compared the student course evaluations of standard education and distance learning courses in the school of social work of one southern university. The sample included 14 distance learning (DL) and 122 standard education courses. A 20-item quantitative student course evaluation and a 7-item qualitative questionnaire were used to compare differences between social work courses taught in a standard classroom setting with those taught using distance learning technology. Comparisons of identical courses taught in both formats found that students rated distance learning higher than the standard classroom for a course having predominantly lecture content. Conversely, ratings for clinical practice courses were just the opposite with lower ratings for distance learning than the standard classroom. Results of a qualitative survey (n = 39) of students conducted at the end of a course taught by distance learning found that 73% of the students felt that distance learning technology interfered with class participation. However, 73% of the students felt the instructor handled technological problems in a professional and patient manner. Although 54% of the students reported that they would take another course by distance learning, more research is needed to determine what social work courses can be most effectively taught by distance and classroom formats.  相似文献   

研究生主题教育是高校研究生思想政治教育的重要组成部分。对研究生进行主题教育,不仅能够帮助学生形成良好的政治素养、道德修养和心理品格,还有利于培养学生的创新意识和能力等,增强研究生综合素质,提高研究生教育质量。因此,在研究生培养机制改革的新形势下,分析研究生思想政治教育工作的特点,探讨研究生主题教育的创新与实践问题,充分发挥思想政治教育在建设研究型大学、培养创新型人才中的功能,是时代赋予的新课题。  相似文献   

试论"做中学"科学教育的文化境脉与学生身份   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"做中学"科学教育以建构主义为价值取向,力图创建以情境理论为基础的文化境脉,建构与文化境脉相联系的、互动的、体现参与的学生身份,并探讨由传统学校教育向实习场和实践共同体转化中如何确立学生身份等问题.  相似文献   

学科建设与研究生教育是研究型大学建设的重要任务,二者相辅相成。但在高校发展中,学科建设与研究生教育的协调发展存在实践困境,表现在价值取向分歧、目标迷失、功能错位和制度藩篱等方面。为此,要从办学理念、办学行为和管理评价机制等方面着手,内涵建设,协同发展,推动学科与研究生教育协调发展。  相似文献   

Phenomenographic studies of student learning have shown that students learn in qualitatively different ways and have related qualitatively different learning outcomes. But phenomenography is not, and has never claimed to be, a theory of student learning. This is not to say, however, that there is not a view of student learning which is consistent with these studies. This paper outlines such a view and analyses a number of teaching and learning problems from this perspective. The paper argues that the students’ experiences of teaching and learning situations are fundamental to what they learn.  相似文献   

以美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校教育学院为例,运用观察和访谈等研究方法,通过从教学的两个参与主体--教师和学生的两个角度,剖析美国高校研究生教学中"教"与"学"的特点,结果显示:美国研究生教学中,教师的教学指导清晰明确,教学内容系统概括,教学方式灵活多样,作业考核认真细致,教学评价严格缜密;而学生在学习过程中具有积极认真的学习态度、主动探索的学习热情、自主负责的学习方式、互相帮助的学习氛围,因而取得了明显突出的学习效果.反思中国的研究生教学,还需要继续在课程设置、教学模式、评价体系等各个方面深化改革,实施注重探索创新能力发展的教学方式和教学过程.  相似文献   

现象图析学是西方大学学习与教学研究主要的理论基础.现象图析学作为一种学习理论与研究范式从联系和感知的视角重新解释学习,强调情境的作用和学习者的立场,推进了大学学习与教学研究的繁荣.现象图析学在大学学习与教学研究中的应用包括大学师生的教学方式及其影响因素、教学信念、教学环境感知,以及教学结果.未来进行现象图析学研究应该注意其在情境、文化、国别、解释性与实证性矛盾等方面存在的问题.  相似文献   

为满足社会对高层次计算机人才的需求,对美国大学计算机研究生教育培养模式、必修和选修课程设置及课堂实施过程进行分析,并以河南工业大学计算机科学与技术专业研究生课程设置为例,介绍我国应用型大学计算机专业研究生课程设置情况。对比中美计算机研究生教育特点,提出我国计算机研究生教育应该在交叉学科协同培养模式下,增加跨专业选修课程,实施“以学生为中心”的课堂教学。这将有利于增强学生创新能力、科研能力及应用能力,提高我国计算机专业研究生培养质量。  相似文献   

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