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开展科学的本质教育是培养学生科学素养的核心内容。正确的科学本质观建立在科学知识、科学方法以及科学情感态度与价值观的形成基础之上。通过实施新的科学教育理念,改革科学课程的教学内容,转变教师教学策略,使学习科学成为学生主动探究的过程,必将进一步引导学生加深对科学本质的认识和理解,促进学生科学本质观的形成与发展。  相似文献   

现代科技已经深入到了人类生活的各个维度与层面.人类把科技价值置于很高的位置,迷信、盲从与膜拜现代科技,使现代科技深陷迷误,通过对现代科技价值的论述,分析了科学价值的倾向性和技术价值的异化现象对现代科技的影响,从而对如何走出现代科技迷误提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of gender differences in science courses and careers have identified three probable causes: numbers of mathematics courses, level of science achievement, and attitudes toward science. Recently, differential science experiences have been suggested as a factor contributing to the gender differences found in science interest and achievement. A study of science activities, both within and outside of school, has been conducted. Although both boys and girls report similar classroom experiences, boys more often than girls report extracurricular science activities. The findings suggest that equal experiences within science classrooms do not overcome the advantage that boys hold due to more extracurricular science activities. Increased experiences in science, however, have led to more positive attitudes toward science among the girls in this study.  相似文献   

在大科学下科研组织形式已发生了很大变化,但没有改变科学自由的本质,因而无损大科学的当代价值。从大科学的功用来说,一方面突显了科学的应用性价值,另一方面也突出了科学的责任。中国大科学体制的完善一方面在于决策机制的完善,另一方面有赖于建立合理化的、制度化的、可内化的科学规范系统。  相似文献   

晚清以来,在民族危机与经济变动的双重刺激下,兴起一股学习引进西方先进农业科技、发展近代农业的思潮.近代思想家大力介绍西方的先进农业科技,积极倡导引进西方科技以改革中国传统农业,从而推动了我国农业近代化的科技实践.  相似文献   

科学知识的广泛传播以及科学救国风尚的盛行,引发了"五四"科学思潮的勃兴.当时崇尚科学的浓厚文化语境,既促发了"五四"小说家们利用民主思想对民众进行启蒙,又注重运用科学的精神与方法来达到启蒙的效用.提倡科学理性精神,以科学为武器消除民众愚昧落后的思想意识;唤其觉醒,而建立新的社会文明,是科学思潮对"五四"小说启蒙话语影响的重要体现.  相似文献   

科技的负效应与科技观的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技负效应产生的后果在全球范围内日益严重,本文认为科技负效应的根源在于人,在于人类以科技应用的不恰当,消除科技应用的盲目性,把它的发展限定在有利于人类、有利于改善人与自然关系的轨道上来,是可持续发展战略向科学技术提出的新要求,为此,必须改变传统价值观念树立起人与自然直辖市发展为核心的新的科技观。  相似文献   

科技的进步为体育的发展创造了有利的条件;而现代体育人文、体育管理、体育自然学科的渗透与发展,使体育功能的范畴更加广泛,体育与体育科技的发展带动社会经济的发展,从而推动了科技的进步.  相似文献   

关于科学合作本质属性的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科研生产力和科研生产关系的相互作用,是科学发展的基本动力.科学合作之所以影响科学活动发展,就在于科学合作具有科研生产力和科研生产关系的双重属性.一方面,科学合作是作为体现人与自然关系的科研生产力中主体要素的科研主体合作,具有科研生产力的属性;另一方面,科学合作又是反映科研活动中人与人关系的特定科研生产关系的组成部分,具有科研生产关系的属性,扮演着科研生产力联结科研生产关系的中介桥梁作用.  相似文献   

Students learn about science in a range of life contexts. Unfortunately, science classrooms are often disconnected from the ways of knowing about science that are embedded in, and embodied by, the life experiences of students. Drama has been identified as a potential means by which deeper understandings of the nature of science can be derived and nurtured but research on how this might be achieved is sparse. This study uses drama methodology to explore epistemologies of science with two groups of secondary school students from very different social contexts: one from a private university preparatory school and another from an after-school community group in a low-income neighborhood. We use a combination of traditional instruments and contemporary methodologies to elucidate students’ perspectives on the nature of science. Despite the similarity in perspectives revealed by the two groups when using the more traditional nature of science testing format, we have shown how drama activities can uncover very different ways in which the two cohorts mobilize their understandings about science. We propose ways in which these methodologies may be employed by teachers to explore and expand the epistemic insights that students bring to the science classroom.  相似文献   

讨论了中西方科学目的、研究方法、哲学基质和化基因等本质差异。从中得出启示:其一。西方意义上的近代科学是不可能在中国诞生的;其二,中国近代科学的落后并非是由外在的社会因素造成的,而是由内在的思维方式、价值取向、思想观念等因素造成的;其三,中国在科学上的思维方式、价值观、思想观念上必须来一次根本性转变。  相似文献   

谈邓小平科技思想与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从科技先导、科技开放、科技创新、科教一体思想四个方面阐述邓小平科技思想对社会主义现代化的指导作用。  相似文献   

王全旺 《成人教育》2008,(10):47-48
职业技术教育的发展与科学技术变革是紧密联系和相互作用的。科学技术革命对职业技术教育的专业设置有导向作用。随着科学技术的发展,职业技术教育必然实现科学教育与人文教育的整合,培养具有信息素养的技能型人才。现代科学技术的发展会促使职业教育普通化,职业技术教育则是把科学技术转化为现实生产力的重要力量,是促进科技创新和科技再生产不可或缺的因素。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been upsurge of interest in the applications of interdisciplinary perspectives on science in science education. Within this framework, the implications of the so-called “economics of science” is virtually an uncharted territory. In this paper, we trace a set of arguments that provide a dialectic engagement with two conflicting agendas: (a) the broadening of science education to include the contextual positioning of science including economical dimensions of science, and (b) the guarding of the proliferation and reinforcement of those aspects of economics of science such as commodification of scientific knowledge that embraces inequity and restricted access to the products of the scientific enterprise. Our aim is broadly to engage, as science education researchers, in the debates in economics of science so as to investigate the reciprocal interactions that might exist with science education. In so doing, we draw out some recommendations whereby the goals of science education might provide as much input into the intellectual debates within philosophy of science on issues related to the commercialisation and commodification of scientific knowledge. We explore some implications of commodification of science in the context of modelling and argumentation in science education.  相似文献   

The aim of the Primary and Early Childhood Science and Technology Education Project (PECSTEP) is to improve teaching and learning in science and technology of by increasing the number of early childhood and primary teachers who are effective educators. PECSTEP is based on an interactive model of teaching and systematically links work on gender with the learning and teaching of science and technology. The project involves: a year-long inservice program which includes the development of a science curriculum unit by teachers in their schools; linking of the preservice and inservice programs; and the development of support networks for teachers. Each phase of PECSTEP has been researched by means of surveys, interviews and the use of diaries. Research questions have focussed particularly on changes in: teachers’ and student teachers’ attitudes to teaching science and technology; their perceptions of science and technology; their perceptions of their students’ responses and their understandings of how gender relates to these areas. Specializations: primary science curriculum, science teacher education, sociology of science, technology and education. Specializations: gender and science/science teacher education, feminist theory, curriculum theory. Specializations: Science education research, curriculum development.  相似文献   

文化起源论将西方近代科学革命的起源狭窄化了。科学革命的发生主要是近代以来西方社会经济领域制度变迁的产物:扩张性的资本主义经济关系为科学革命的发生提供了初始动力和继动力;绝对主义的政权为科学革命提供了有利的创新环境和制度保障;社会结构的变化为科学革命提供了创新的主体,也使实验与科学的结合成为可能。曾经在自然科学领域中取得过杰出成就的东方民族,并非由于其文化传统上的先天不足而成为科学革命道路上的落伍者,而是由于缺乏激发、保护、诱导创新意识、科学精神的有利的社会经济制度环境。因此,只有从改造政治、经济的制度体系和社会结构入手、创造有利于科技发展的制度环境和创新主体,才能够推动科技发展和整体现代化进程。  相似文献   

文化价值与科学价值是建筑技术价值考察的主要维度。从住宅建筑技术的发展历史来看。技术价值体现为文化技术、科学技术两个分离的发展阶段,但作为技术价值表现的科学与文化,两者的外延蕴涵性决定了两者统一的必然,这为技术自身发展、商品住房优化以及关于“科学是一种文化”的重新解释提供了理论依据和现实可能。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展和普及,某些科技词语逐渐进入普通词汇成为大众化的语言,在人们日常生活中广泛使用。由于科技的发展,科技词语词义的扩展,论述科技词语的大众化问题已成为我们研究的必不可少的课题。  相似文献   

文章在分析了高等教育的科技生产作用、科技传播作用以及科技消费作用及各自影响因素的基础上,指出了这三者之间的相互作用构成了高等教育推动科技发展的内在机理,缺少其中任何一环,都将影响高等教育对科技发展的推动.  相似文献   

科教兴国理论是邓小平理论的有机组成部分 ,包含着丰富的内容 :科学技术是第一生产力 ;四个现代化关键是科学技术现代化 ;实现人类的希望离不开科学 ;科学技术的基础是教育 ;教育是中华民族最根本的事业 ,各级领导都要重视教育。在邓小平科教兴国理论的指导下 ,我们党逐步确立了科教兴国战略 ,并使之成为中国社会经济发展的重大战略和基本国策。  相似文献   

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