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杜甫诗歌所叙唐代陇蜀荆湘气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜甫诗歌具有广义的史学价值。杜甫晚年飘泊诗作的相关描述,较为真实而又全面地反映了唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候特征。唐代秦州秋阳杲杲,秋雨迷蒙,秋霜凛冽,秋月凄清,同谷岁暮则雨多雪盛,偶见冬虹;成都四季分明,冷热适中,然时有春旱、夏洪发生;夔州夏秋毒热,巫山雾瘴、云雨、霜雪、雷电变幻莫测;荆州及湖湘东南一带春季早暖,夏季酷热多雨、易发洪水,秋季前热后凉,冬季冷热不均。唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候与今天上述各地情况基本相符,杜甫夏秋叹热莫过于夔州与潭州,亦与今天的重庆和长沙同列全国“火炉”城市地位相当。另据杜诗所叙剑门蜀道腊月山花开放,通泉冬季蚊蚋活跃,成都四月黄梅成熟,戎州、泸州六月盛产荔枝,江陵正月嫩荷抽叶、飞燕营巢,潭州正月蜂鸣密林、燕舞江滨,湘潭二月南风蒸地、春热黄昏等情况,唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘一带的年平均气温似应高于今天。  相似文献   

钦州湾表层海水温度盐度及pH值时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年春夏秋冬4个季节调查资料,分析钦州湾表层海水温度、盐度及pH值的季节变化和分布特征。结果表明:钦州湾海水平均温度春季20.4℃,夏季30.1℃,秋季16.0℃,冬季14.6℃,变化特征与气温的季节变化相同,空间分布为夏秋季河口区的水温都略高于湾口区,而春冬季则相反。海水平均盐度春季20.067,夏季17.975,秋季23.864,冬季23.660,表现为秋季〉冬季〉春季〉夏季,各季节空间分布总体表现为河口区低,湾口区高的趋势。海水pH平均值春季7.82,夏季8.11,秋季8.01,冬季8.10,全年空间分布高值区均出现在大风江口外海域。钦州湾海水比较适宜大蚝、对虾、文蛤等广温广盐性品种的海水养殖。  相似文献   

中国古代音乐在其发展的7个不同时期呈现出不同的艺术特征,它们在精微、风采、神韵、气韵、意境、节奏等中国文化精神上有不同层次的体现。远古时期音乐的神秘悠远,夏商时期音乐祭神的风韵,春秋战国时期音乐的仪礼气韵,秦汉时期律学开启精微之风,魏晋时期音乐的融合神韵,隋唐时期音乐的博大气韵,宋元时期俗乐的节奏,明清时期地方戏曲的滥觞等,展现出中国古代音乐文化精神历时性征的多元丰富、兼容并蓄特点,潜藏于内并逐渐形成特色的是气韵生动和清微淡远。  相似文献   

孔子是哲学大师,亦是语言大师。《论语》的巨大影响,在于其思想之精深,亦在于其语言之魅力。孔子的语言观具有几个特点:一是言行一致,二是名实一致,三是文质一致,四是时中的方法,五是老实的态度。孔子的语言具有多方面的美学特征:一是匀称美,二是气势美,三是弹性美,四是睿智美,五是自然美,六是崇高美,七是刚力美,八是人格美,九是无言美。孔子的语言观极具原创性,进而影响其思想;孔子的语言美颇有吸引力,进而传播其思想。其语言的深邃和美相得益彰,凸显孔子思想的伟大。  相似文献   

潮汕方言歌谣,是指流行于广东省潮州市、汕头市、揭阳市及海丰中部一带以潮汕方言为载体的一种民间口头文学。在845首潮汕歌谣的封闭研究对象中,使用最广泛的辞格依次是重叠、起兴、顶针、比喻、对比、铺排、比拟和夸张。起兴、比喻和比拟三种辞格共使用785处,使歌谣平添语音上的声律美、情感上的内敛美和形象上的表现力;运用对比、铺排、顶真的歌谣近500首,使歌谣语势连贯,语气连绵,结构严密,整齐匀称,达到语言均衡的美感;600多首歌谣运用了重叠,使歌谣凸显了强化语意和主题、增强音律和乐感;夸张辞格的巧妙使用,增强了歌谣表现生活的张力和感染力。  相似文献   

为创立中国现代性语境中的"新怨恨"理论,整合现代西方怨恨研究述要,论及意大利的布鲁诺、阿尔贝蒂,法国的笛卡儿、薇依、帕斯卡尔,荷兰的斯宾诺莎,英国的洛克、休谟、斯密,美国的富兰克林、梅、蒂利希,德国的康德、歌德、费尔巴哈、马克思、恩格斯、尼采、韦伯、西美尔、舍勒,丹麦的克尔凯郭尔,俄国的陀思妥耶夫斯基,奥地利的弗洛伊德、阿德勒、舍克等人的怨恨研究。  相似文献   

我国高校学报发展创新的制约因素及对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
高校学报作为具有中国特色的特殊期刊群.为促进校内外、国内外学术交流.为繁荣我国经济发展、促进科技进步,以及反映高校教学科研水平和成果展示方面起到了窗口和桥梁的作用。但随着我国学术期刊竞争的日趋激烈及逐步市场化.建设名刊、名栏和独具专题特色的期刊成为学报界的首要课题。这就需要从学术研究的角度出发,分析影响高校学报发展创新所面临的困难及制约因素.采取“以专业、地域文化特色或以名人名作带名栏名刊建设”.取主动整合之途.走紧密结合、优势互补的可持续发展道路,才能使学报在期刊的竞争中赢得生存和发展。  相似文献   

The pedagogical practices of mathematics education for young children in English and Korean pre-schools were compared through analyses of interviews with practitioners, observations of classroom activities and an examination of documents related to the planning and implementation of mathematics education. Practitioners in both countries used integrated activities to teach mathematics, although they used such activities more frequently in nurseries than in reception classes in England and more frequently in state settings than in independent settings in Korea. Furthermore, mathematics education was more structured, more likely to be led by an adult and less holistic in reception classes than in nurseries in England, whereas it was more structured and didactic in independent than in state settings in Korea. However, mathematics education in England was more systematic, used a more individualised approach and incorporated a variety of hands-on materials and rigorous outdoor activities, whereas it was more group-oriented and utilised limited materials and fewer outdoor activities in Korea.  相似文献   

国外双语教育有明确的国家目标、教育目标和语言目标指明方向,因而双语教育比较成功。而我国高校的双语教学长期以来目标缺失,导致双语教学缺乏连续性、系统性、制度性和有效性。我国高校双语教学在实施阶段、教学对象、教学结果、学生的动力、后续第二语言支持等方面的特殊性决定了高校双语教学的国家目标应定位于:以多元文化认同为基础,扩大国际交流,促进经济发展;教育目标应定位于:培养社会急需的高级双语人才;语言目标应定位于:习得第二语言。  相似文献   

Objective. This longitudinal study assessed similarities and differences in exploratory, symbolic, and social play in mother-child dyads in the south and north of Italy. Design. Altogether, 89 mothers and their children were observed and recorded at home when children were 13 and 20 months of age. From videotapes, exploratory, symbolic, and social play were coded and analyzed. Results. Children did not differ in their play with mothers across region and play type, but they played less in exploratory and more in symbolic modes as they grew. At 13 months, mothers in the south did not differ from mothers in the north in engaging in exploratory or symbolic play with their children; at 20 months, mothers in the south engaged in more demonstrations of exploratory and mothers in the north more demonstrations of symbolic play. Mothers in the south and north engaged in equivalent social play at the two ages, but northern mothers verbally praised their children more at the two ages. Child play was not stable, and mothers' play only irregularly stable. In both regions at both ages, individual variation in children's exploratory and symbolic play was specifically associated with individual variation in mothers' exploratory and symbolic play, respectively, but mothers' play did not predict children's play, nor did children's play predict mothers' play. Mothers' social play was not predictive of child play, although verbal praise was associated with child play. Conclusions. These data highlight the universality of general developmental processes in play as well as specific intra-cultural variation in parenting and child development.  相似文献   

Predictive relationships among perceived family processes, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, incremental beliefs about intelligence, confidence in intelligence, and creative problem-solving practices in mathematics and science were examined. Participants were 733 scientifically talented Korean students in fourth through twelfth grades as well as 71 individuals in fifth grade, tenth grade, and former Korean Science Olympians. Across all students, perceived positive family processes directly predicted creative problem-solving practices in mathematics and science and were indirectly predicted through enhancing confidence in intelligence and intrinsic motivation, which, in turn, predicted students' creative problem solving in mathematics and science. Confidence in intelligence was the best predictor of creative problem solving for scientifically talented fifth- and tenth-grade students but not for Olympians. Alternative interpretations, the importance of confidence in intelligence for creative problem solving in mathematics and science, and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本从查慎行咏怀诗尤其是仕宦时期的诗作入手,通过对其不同时期不同心态的分析,阐释其咏怀诗厚深婉屈的思想意蕴和化内涵,透析其艺术品格和美学风格,展示特殊时代知识分子的坎坷心路及其创作对于后世诗歌的影响。  相似文献   

人们在工作和生活中遇到各种困难,经受各种挫折,产生挫折感,这都是难免的。大学生正处于青年期,其心理、生理发展的不平衡性,思想与情感的波动性,以及面临着生活上的自理、管理上的自制、学习上的自觉、目标上的自我选择等一系列问题,常使他们徘徊于追求与思考、奋进与退却、憧憬与失望、信任与怀疑等矛盾中。因此,产生挫折感则在所难免。本文从分析大学生受挫类型、受挫后的心理反应,以及寻找疏导及解决的办法等方面进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

人文精神在不同时代有不同的内涵 ,数字化时代的人文精神是科学的人文精神 ,是高科技时代人类的精神支柱。数字化时代是人文精神充分彰显的时代 ,主要表现在人的自由时间的大量增加、人的能力的极大提高、人的社会关系的全面丰富和人的自由个性的全面发展等方面。同时 ,数字化时代又存在人文精神衰变的悖论 ,主要表现为人在自身发展、文化、道德和心理、人类安全等方面面临的一系列新困境。数字化时代科学的人文精神的建构要遵循以下原则 :在人文的视野中构建科学精神 ,以价值理性校正工具理性 ;要实现民族精神、时代精神和全球精神的有机整合 ;在理想的视野中把握现实性 ,实现终极关怀与现实关切的统一 ;在人的社会性发展中完善个体性。  相似文献   

高职院校辅导员队伍的“和谐”建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐建构强调要素的质量性、结构的合理性、运作的程式性、关系的协调性、体制的规范性和发展的持续性,以此分析当前高职院校辅导员队伍存在的短板。并依据管理学上的"工作生活质量"理论和方法,有针对性地提出高职院校辅导员队伍和谐建构的改善方案。  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the Scottish School Leavers Surveys and the England and Wales Youth Cohort Study to analyse changes over time in gender and social class inequalities in the opportunities of young people to participate in higher education (HE) in Scotland, England and Wales. The results show that in Great Britain, in the period from the end of the 1980s to 2001–2002, HE expansion has benefited more women than men, and in the most recent time points has led to a reduction in social inequalities. However, gender and social class differences persist at degree level and in the choice of subject studied. The results also show that higher proportions of working class students enter HE in Scotland than in England and Wales, but that social inequalities are more marked in Scotland. The larger availability of vocational routes in Scotland, at both sub‐degree and degree level, may explain country differences in HE participation rate of working class students.  相似文献   

关良先生是中国近现代画坛不可或缺的绘画大师,尤其表现在其戏曲人物画中及具特色的笔墨造型风格当中。在造型上,他主张造型简练和明确,利用几何型、内外穿插型以及变形在画面中的交叉运用,使画面丰富且又有韵味,简洁化的笔墨给人一种近似儿童般的天真,同时笔、墨、色在造型中的不同表现更加体现出其造型的独特性。  相似文献   


Present federal education policies promote learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and the participation of minority students in these fields. Using longitudinal data on students in Florida and North Carolina, value-added estimates in mathematics and science are generated to categorize schools into performance levels and identify differences in school STEM measures by performance levels. Several STEM-relevant variables show a significant association with effectiveness in mathematics and science, including STEM teacher turnover, calculus and early algebra participation, and mathematics and science instructional indices created from survey items in the data. Surprisingly, a negative association between students’ STEM course participation and success in STEM is consistently documented across both states, in addition to low participation of underrepresented minority students in successful schools in STEM.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen considerable changes in patterns of financing higher education in both industrialized and developing countries. Financial stringency affecting public budgets, rapid growth in student numbers, and concern for both efficiency and equity have resulted in changes both in systems of financial support for students and mechanisms for funding higher education institutions. This article reviews recent changes in sources and methods of financing higher education in OECD countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It examines attempts to shift some of the financial burdens, for higher education from public to private sources, through the introduction of tuition fees and student loans, not only in industrialized countries, but also in developing ones in Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

大学生在人际交往中具有横向化、多样化、理性化、精神化等特点,使部分大学生在人际交往中极易产生认知偏差和交往障碍,从而产生认知、情感和人格等方面的心理障碍。因此大学生在人际交往中要纠正交往中的认知偏差,学会自我调适,保持良好心态,掌握交往艺术,克服交往心理障碍,促进身心健康发展。  相似文献   

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