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随着科学技术的发展和多媒体的广泛使用,多模态话语分析成为一门新兴学科,并被应用于课堂教学。从功能语言学的角度来看,多模态话语符号之间互相协调配合,实现课堂整体话语意义的构建。同时,随着虚拟技术的日渐成熟,多模态虚拟课堂成为可能,在虚拟课堂,数码设备可以用来创设虚拟语境,从而启动多种感官同步交互,实现学生的二语体验和习得。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This paper argues that meaning-making with multimodal representations in science learning is always contextualized within a genre and, conversely, what constitutes...  相似文献   

图片新闻作为一种多模态话语,其印刷版式和图片与语言一样,对意义建构起着至关重要的作用.以往对新闻话语的研究大多聚焦在文本层面,印刷版式和图像作为意义建构的重要手段没有引起足够的关注,从多模态角度研究新闻话语意义建构的文献则更少.为此,我们试以新中国成立60周年国庆庆典的图片新闻为语料,从文本、印刷版式、视觉图像三种模态探讨图片新闻的意义建构,旨在说明图像和印刷版式与文本一样可以建构新闻意义.  相似文献   

协作意义建构是CSCL研究的核心问题之一.本文从话语的视角探讨了话语与协作意义建构之间的关系,提出了运用话语分析来研究协作意义建构过程的思想;接着以一个CSCL环境下的教学案例为基础,分析和界定了小组协作意义建构过程中的话语类型和功能;最后选取一个小组话语互动的片段,详细分析了协作意义建构的过程.研究表明运用话语分析可以深入了解协作意义建构的过程和机制.  相似文献   

在外语学习者学习的过程中,多种模态共同产生意义。外语教学和外语学习可看作是符号设计活动,教师作为意义调解者利用各种模态的符号资源和外语学习者一起进行设计和再设计,完成意义建构。由于外语学习者的记忆系统和认知结构的影响,各种模态的不同配合使用会产生不同的认知负荷从而产生不同的学习效果。因而在外语学习的意义建构中,教学设计应遵循一定的原则。  相似文献   

This study uses a Vygotskian approach and a socio-cultural lens, as well as the Transactional Reading Theory to investigate how social interactions and literary transactions can combine through buddy reading to empower young readers and promote literacy in a first grade classroom. The research focuses on how literary transaction and social interaction work together to facilitate emergent and early readers in a ‘partner/buddy’ reading approach. The research question asked whether or not ‘partner/buddy’ reading can promote literacy through social interaction, and yielded three major themes, including the use of reading strategies to scaffold learning, making connections with and to the text in order to construct meaning, and using play as a type of social interaction and motivational method. The findings suggest that buddy reading as a classroom tool can effectively promote literacy and learning in a cooperative setting.  相似文献   

话语分析是Harris在二十世纪五十年代提出来的,这一理论得到了语言学家的普遍关注,但是大部分都只是研究语言,只注意言语系统和语义结构本身对社会和认知的影响,但是这些实际上忽略了图片,声音等对意义的构建。该文将对多模态话语分析给以比较明确的阐释以及通过对《少年派的奇幻漂流》的海报以及典型场景进行多模态话语分析来阐释多模态话语分析的重要性以及多话语分析的优势。  相似文献   

When people communicate,they do not only use language,that is,a single mode of communication,but also simultaneously use body languages,eye contacts,pictures,etc,which is called multimodal communication.The multimodal communication,as a matter of fact,is the most natural way of communication.Therefore,in order to make a complete discourse analysis,all the modes involved in an interaction or discourse should be taken into account and the new analysis framework for Multimodal Discourse Analysis ought to be created to move forward such type of analysis.In this passage,the author makes a tentative move to shape a new analysis framework for Multimodal Discourse Analysis.  相似文献   

Applying knowledge from one context to another is a notoriously difficult problem, both for children and adults, but lies at the heart of educational endeavors. Analogical reasoning is a cognitive underpinning of the ability to notice and draw similarities across contexts. Reasoning by analogy is especially challenging for students, who must transfer in the context‐rich and often high‐pressure settings of classrooms. In this brief article, we explore how best to facilitate children's analogical reasoning, with the aim of providing practical suggestions for classroom instruction. We first discuss what is known about the development and neurological underpinnings of analogical reasoning, and then review research directly relevant to supporting analogical reasoning in classroom contexts. We conclude with concrete suggestions for educators that may foster their students' spontaneous analogical reasoning and thereby enhance scholastic achievement.  相似文献   

在日常交际中,面部表情、动作手势、声音图像、背景音乐等符号系统与语言文字一样,也是意义的源泉,具有多重功能。作为一种新型的话语研究范式,多模态话语分析扩展了语言本身的研究,结合声音图像、动作手势等资源来实现图像意义的再现和互动。电影即是一种集文本、图像、音乐等多种符号为一体的语篇,运用多种符号系统合力来实现意义构建和信息传递。在多模态话语分析理论框架下,从再现意义、互动意义和构图意义三个方面对电影《降临》进行分析,以助观众全面理解图像意义,更好地欣赏影片。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和数字化时代的到来,大众的人际交流方式和表达意义的形式不再以单一的纯文本释义而是呈现出多模态的趋势。2014年南京青奥会会徽整体布局简单、明快;会徽的色彩汇聚了11种鲜亮的颜色,让人觉得鲜艳明快,朝气蓬勃;会徽的文字分别由拼音、英语、阿拉伯数字三类组成;会徽的构图是上中下的总体结构。集结了多种符号信息的青奥会徽是典型的多模态有机体,它很好得诠释与传达了当今社会的复杂信息。  相似文献   

This study details an innovative approach to coordinating and enhancing multiple levels of assessment and discursive feedback around an existing multi‐media curricular environment called Astronomy Village®. As part of a broader design‐based research programme, the study analysed small group interactions in feedback activities across two design cycles. The goal of this analysis is to develop an understanding of the ways that a situative approach to assessment and practise supports learning. Findings demonstrate ways that student and teacher engagement in collaborative activities support and constrain meaningful understanding, which we consider in terms of a trajectory of participation in and across conversations and written assessments, as well as individual learning gains on formal classroom examinations and standards‐oriented external tests. Analyses of complementary formulations of domain concepts—discourse practises and assessment performance—suggest that participation in social forms of scientific engagement supports both learning and subsequent performance in more formal contexts. We suggest design principles for integrating the formative functions of discursive feedback with the summative functions of traditional assessment, through participation in different forms of science discourse(s).  相似文献   

在第二语言课堂中,老师不仅可将话语分析作为考查他们自己教学实践的一个研究方法,而且可以作为研究语言学习者的课堂互动的一个工具。学习者可从运用话语分析中获益。他们可以运用话语分析来探讨语言是什么,和怎样在不同的语境下运用话语分析达到交流的目的和提高对另一语言的熟练程度。  相似文献   

An English classroom is an important site that teachers set teaching tasks to let students accept the integrated ability of using lan guage.Teacher talk plays an important role in the organization of discourse and L2 acquisition.It mainly talks about the teachers how to transfer information to the students in English classes.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a brief introduction of discourse analysis,and then it discusses two aspects of traditional classroom teaching discourse: the I-R-F sequence and turn-taking.The emphases of the paper lay on how language teachers can use classroom discourse analysis to do research and create learning environment,and how language learners can use it to achieve language proficiency and cultural competence.  相似文献   

刘景 《双语学习》2007,(6M):68-69
在第二语言课堂中,老师不仅可将话语分析作为考查他们自己教学实践的一个研究方法,而且可以作为研究语言学习者的课堂互动的一个工具。学习者可从运用话语分析中获益。他们可以运用话语分析来探讨语言是什么,和怎样在不同的语境下运用话语分析达到交流的目的和提高对另一语言的熟练程度。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,多模态在西方兴起,而其中最杰出的代表是克瑞斯和勒文。他们以韩礼德的系统功能语法为基础,提出了全面系统的视觉语法分析框架。文章以Kress&Leeuwen的多模态话语分析为基础,结合语料和理论,以电影《一代宗师》宣传海报为例,探讨了图像、语言及其他符号模态的互动意义、再现意义、构图意义,分析了怎样用多模态手段来解读电影海报和电影主题之间的关系、图像和文字如何在海报中构建完整语篇和表达意义。  相似文献   

文章分析一则国外医学科技报道的杂合性形式及多重意义,证明语篇分析有助于理解语言交际的社会性实质,表明动态语境下体裁的意义潜势的综合运用过程,并提出社会发展和语言使用之间的深层互动关系。  相似文献   

多模态英语课堂要素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多模态话语分析以韩礼德的系统功能语言学理论为基础,其在英语课堂上的应用有助于提高学习效率,增进师生情感,调动学生积极性。在多模态话语理论基础上,分析了课堂教学系统彼此独立又相互影响的四要素:教师、学生、教学内容和教学媒体,并探讨了教师和学生在多模态互动中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

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