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<金刚经>是唐代最流行的佛教经典之一,主要宣扬"般若性空"之理,对南宗禅的形成与发展起到了非常重要的作用.<金刚经>被六祖慧能奉为禅宗顿悟派的根本经典,神会在继承和发展慧能的顿悟禅法思想的基础上,建立了以<金刚经>为相互传承的南宗祖统说,以抗衡北宗掸以<楞伽经>为基础的祖统说,为南宗禅立宗弘法奠定了理论基础.在敦煌文献及唐代莫高窟壁画中有很多的<金刚经>写本及根据该经内容而绘制的经变画,体现了该经在唐代的盛行.这种现象的出现,应与以<金刚经>为主旨的顿悟禅法思想在敦煌的流行有关.  相似文献   

This article provides the reader with information regarding forming a community emergency response team (CERT) at a community college. College public safety departments are efficient entities in ordinary times. However, recent events at community colleges across the country have shown that there have been situations where their capabilities have been stretched. Additionally, in the early stages of a widespread disaster it is extremely probable that not only a college, but also the larger community in which it resides, will be on its own and will need to call upon the assistance of its citizens. Communities need to be trained in order to provide an effective supplementary response team to reduce the number of casualties. Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and Student Emergency Response Teams (SERT) have been forming across the country to prepare college communities to assist themselves in the event of a widespread emergency that depletes the resources of local first responders.  相似文献   

As society becomes increasingly digital, teachers must be trained to integrate technology effectively into their classrooms. Teachers’ technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), as defined in the TPACK framework, is considered an important prerequisite for effectively integrating technology. The TPACK framework has received a great deal of attention, yet few knowledge tests have been developed that directly assess TPK. However, those tests are crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of teacher education courses on technology integration. We have developed a 17-item test that covers teacher knowledge about various digital technologies as employed in teaching. Experts rated the items to represent the construct adequately. Data obtained from 245 pre-service teachers supports the test’s internal structure. Concerning convergent and discriminant validity, the pre-service teachers’ test scores were not related to their self-reported TPK, but to their self-reported technological knowledge. The test was sensitive to changes in pre-service teachers’ TPK through teacher education courses.  相似文献   

(Mis)Understanding underachievement: a response to Connolly   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In British Journal of Sociology of Education Volume 29 number 3, 2008, Connolly presented what he termed a ‘critical review’ of some of our previous work on the relative attainment of male and female students in UK schools. He proposed three general areas for criticism – our use of attainment gaps, our consideration of outcomes other than at specific thresholds, and our querying of the idea of student ‘underachievement’. These problems, he claimed, have ‘given rise to a number of misleading conclusions that have questionable implications for practice’. However, those of his ‘criticisms’ with any merit are actually the same as our own conclusions, transmuted by Connolly from our papers that he cites, while his remaining ‘criticisms’ are based on faulty elementary logic. In case readers have not read our work and were somehow misled by Connolly, we give here a brief reply to each criticism in turn. This matters, because a greater understanding of patterns of attainment and of the nature of underachievement is a precursor to the design of successful initiatives to overcome inequalities in educational opportunity and reward. This is both a practical and an ethical issue.  相似文献   

In this article I describe how socio-politicalchange in South Africa (in the 1990s) andprocesses of globalisation andinternationalisation provided opportunities forprofessional engagement among South African andAustralian academics. I specifically reflect onthe role that (dis)trust played in knowledgeproduction processes involving South Africanand Australian academics in a project entitled,Educating for Socio-Ecological Change:Capacity-Building in EnvironmentalEducation. The article expands on the work ofTurnbull (1997) who argues that the basis ofknowledge might not be empirical verification(as the orthodox view would have it), buttrust. The article provides some insights as tohow the social organisation of trust might bechanging in post-apartheid South Africa.  相似文献   

文章对现存《修多罗般若波罗蜜经》进行整理,通过其自身面貌、经题名称、结构体例和文句承袭等方面进行分析,从佛教关于佛经真伪判别的传统意义上,认为该经为一部汉人撰写的伪经。同时,鉴于该经丰厚的历史内涵,分析了其文献史料价值。  相似文献   

悬赏广告是指“以广告声明对完成一定行为之人,给与报酬,因而广告人对于完成该行为之人,负给付报酬之义务”。我国早在秦代就已经出现了悬赏广告,但目前我国法律对此并无具体规范,以至在理论和实践中颇有争议。悬赏广告在本质上应当是一种信用广告。行为人完成广告指定行为时,取得向广告人请求报酬的权利;广告人对完成该行为的人,负有给付报酬的义务,即双方之间存在债权债务关系。  相似文献   

本文剖析了兼类词、词类活用和同音词,指出维吾尔语虚词()是兼类词,维吾尔语虚词是同音词.与名词时位格形式()是同音语法形式.  相似文献   

lp(a)是动脉粥样硬化发生发展的独立危险因子.血浆lp(a)水平及apo(a)基因五核苷酸重复序列(TTTTA)(pen-tanucleotide repeat,PNR)的多态性与冠心病、心肌梗死、脑卒中及肿瘤的发生发展均具有相关性.  相似文献   

通过对函数条件f(a x)=f(a-x),f(x a)=f(x-a)的讨论,以结论的形势给出了它们所对应的函数性质,并辅以一定例子说明它们的应用。  相似文献   

论文以作为类型的中国早期喜剧片为观照对象,相对全面而又系统地描述1905年至1949年间中国喜剧电影的发展脉络,力图细致而又深入地阐发中国早期喜剧片的类型意识、市场策略及其艺术特征和文化蕴涵。总的来看,在20世纪上半叶中国独特的政治、军事、经济和文化语境中,在以法国和好莱坞为代表的西方喜剧类型电影的影响下,作为类型的中国早期喜剧片,从民族喜剧影像的发生,经过笑闹滑稽传统的建立,到人文批判视域的拓展,走过了一条从幼稚到成熟,从半封建半殖民属性向深厚的民族文化精神掘进的道路,并以其一以贯之的时事讥讽、悲剧情调和平民意识,形成中国早期喜剧片独特的民族风格。  相似文献   

作为类型的中国早期喜剧片(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文以作为类型的中国早期喜剧片为观照对象,相对全面而又系统地描述1905年至1949年间中国喜剧电影的发展脉络,力图细致而又深入地阐发中国早期喜剧片的类型意识、市场策略及其艺术特征和文化蕴涵。总的来看,在20世纪上半叶中国独特的政治、军事、经济和文化语境中,在以法国和好莱坞为代表的西方喜剧类型电影的影响下,作为类型的中国早期喜剧片,从民族喜剧影像的发生,经过笑闹滑稽传统的建立,到人文批判视域的拓展,走过了一条从幼稚到成熟,从半封建半殖民属性向深厚的民族文化精神掘进的道路,并以其一以贯之的时事讥讽、悲剧情调和平民意识,形成中国早期喜剧片独特的民族风格。  相似文献   

This article provides a brief rejoinder to Gorard and Smith’s reply to an article I published in a previous issue of British Journal of Sociology of Education. In that original article I provided a critical review of their quantitative research on gender and education in the United Kingdom. In their reply to this article, Gorard and Smith seem to agree with many of the points I made. However, they appear to be particularly perplexed by why I had written this review given that they feel they have already addressed most of my points elsewhere. In this brief rejoinder I explain very clearly my motivations for writing my original article and refer readers to a more detailed and comprehensive paper where I have responded fully to each and every point raised by Gorard and Smith.  相似文献   

The PISA studies of reading achievement of 15 year old students in OECD and partner nations show Anglophone nations to have continuing high proportions of weak readers (≤Level 2), with no improvement in this area from 2000 to 2006 (OECD, Science competencies for tomorrow’s world: Executive summary, 2007). The nations which have decreased their proportions of low achievers all use highly regular (transparent) orthographies, which expedite the development of efficient reading and writing skills (Galletly and Knight, Aust J Learn Disabil 9(4):4–11, 2004). While international scrutiny is being focussed on socio-cultural differences in education as a basis of nations’ achievement differences, little consideration is currently being applied to the speed of reading accuracy and spelling development. This is surprising, given the volume of research showing that orthographic regularity significantly expedites development of reading—accuracy and spelling—with very low rates of reading difficulties in nations with highly regular orthographies (Seymour et al., Br J Psychol 94:143–174, 2003, p. 174; Share, Psychol Bull 134(4):584–615, 2008, p. 615). This paper proposes Transition-from-early-to-sophisticated-literacy (TESL) as a variable for use when considering cross-national achievement differences. It is proposed that Complex TESL nations (including Anglophone nations) will need paradigmatically different mechanisms to those used by Resolved and Facilitated TESL nations, for improved literacy and academic outcomes by lower achievers.  相似文献   

程胜 《教育教学论坛》2014,(41):173-175
开放、免费的R软件应用越来越广泛,本文归纳了R软件较其他商业软件的优势,结合实例分析了R软件在时间序列分析课程中的具体应用。通过教学效果来看,采用R作为教学软件,能够提高学生的学习热情,提升学生自我学习的能力,教学效果有显著变化。  相似文献   

“更”、“更加”和“越发”三个副词有着鲜明的使用特点。它们既有共性,又表现出很多个性,对它们的正确认识与合理解释将有助于我们的应用与教学。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Emotional abuse and neglect is an under-recognized, but actually common, form of child abuse. Professionals in the field continue to find difficulty in recognizing and operationally defining it, and experience uncertainty about proving it legally. There are also questions about intervention and therapy to protect the child in the least detrimental manner. These difficulties have led to delays in recognition and protective intervention. Emotional abuse and neglect are defined as a carer-child relationship that is characterized by patterns of harmful interactions, requiring no physical contact with the child. Motivation to harm the child is not necessary for the definition. Unlike sexual abuse that is a secret activity, these forms of ill treatment are easily observable. The child's development is impaired in all domains of functioning but, not being specific to emotional abuse and neglect, cannot be regarded as diagnostic. METHOD: Research, clinical experience and theoretical considerations have led to a conceptual framework and operational definitions of five categories of harmful interactions between parent and child. This framework is contrasted with the APSAC categories. RESULTS: It is postulated that the different categories of ill treatment respectively require different therapeutic interventions. CONCLUSION: Concerns about the presence of emotional abuse need to trigger an assessment process that includes identifying the nature of the abusive or neglectful interactions and a time-limited trial of specific interventions. The family's response to this process and its outcome will determine the need for statutory involvement, as well as providing a basis for litigation if this is required.  相似文献   

Community colleges are unique among higher education institutions in their potential access to local appropriations as well as state funding. A total of 26 states reported to the Education Commission of the States in 2001 that community colleges in their states received some share of local funding. Using data for 781 public community colleges, we explored the implications of resource dependency theory for mission differentiation between dual-funded and state-funded colleges. Significant differences were observed in their student bodies, programming, expenditures, and outcomes. These differences have implications for the increasing dependence on state funding for community colleges and the roles these institutions play.  相似文献   

An important part of children's social and cognitive development is their understanding that people are psychological beings with internal, mental states including desire, intention, perception, and belief. A full understanding of people as psychological beings requires a representational theory of mind (ToM), which is an understanding that mental states can faithfully represent reality, or misrepresent reality. For the last 35 years, researchers have relied on false-belief tasks as the gold standard to test children's understanding that beliefs can misrepresent reality. In false-belief tasks, children are asked to reason about the behavior of agents who have false beliefs about situations. Although a large body of evidence indicates that most children pass false-belief tasks by the end of the preschool years, the evidence we present in this monograph suggests that most children do not understand false beliefs or, surprisingly, even true beliefs until middle childhood. We argue that young children pass false-belief tasks without understanding false beliefs by using perceptual access reasoning (PAR). With PAR, children understand that seeing leads to knowing in the moment, but not that knowing also arises from thinking or persists as memory and belief after the situation changes. By the same token, PAR leads children to fail true-belief tasks. PAR theory can account for performance on other traditional tests of representational ToM and related tasks, and can account for the factors that have been found to correlate with or affect both true- and false-belief performance. The theory provides a new laboratory measure which we label the belief understanding scale (BUS). This scale can distinguish between a child who is operating with PAR versus a child who is understanding beliefs. This scale provides a method needed to allow the study of the development of representational ToM. In this monograph, we report the outcome of the tests that we have conducted of predictions generated by PAR theory. The findings demonstrated signature PAR limitations in reasoning about the mind during the ages when children are hypothesized to be using PAR. In Chapter II, secondary analyses of the published true-belief literature revealed that children failed several types of true-belief tasks. Chapters III through IX describe new empirical data collected across multiple studies between 2003 and 2014 from 580 children aged 4–7 years, as well as from a small sample of 14 adults. Participants were recruited from the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. All participants were native English-speakers. Children were recruited from university-sponsored and community preschools and daycare centers, and from hospital maternity wards. Adults were university students who participated to partially fulfill course requirements for research participation. Sociometric data were collected only in Chapter IX, and are fully reported there. In Chapter III, minor alterations in task procedures produced wide variations in children's performance in 3-option false-belief tasks. In Chapter IV, we report findings which show that the developmental lag between children's understanding ignorance and understanding false belief is longer than the lag reported in previous studies. In Chapter V, children did not distinguish between agents who have false beliefs versus agents who have no beliefs. In Chapter VI, findings showed that children found it no easier to reason about true beliefs than to reason about false beliefs. In Chapter VII, when children were asked to justify their correct answers in false-belief tasks, they did not reference agents’ false beliefs. Similarly, in Chapter VIII, when children were asked to explain agents’ actions in false-belief tasks, they did not reference agents’ false beliefs. In Chapter IX, children who were identified as using PAR differed from children who understood beliefs along three dimensions—in levels of social development, inhibitory control, and kindergarten adjustment. Although the findings need replication and additional studies of alternative interpretations, the collection of results reported in this monograph challenges the prevailing view that representational ToM is in place by the end of the preschool years. Furthermore, the pattern of findings is consistent with the proposal that PAR is the developmental precursor of representational ToM. The current findings also raise questions about claims that infants and toddlers demonstrate ToM-related abilities, and that representational ToM is innate.  相似文献   

在现代汉语中,“杀”、“煞”与“死”都可以用在动词性词语后表极性程度义,三者所在结构“V~”在句法、语义、语用上有着许多相同之处,也存在着不少的差异.主要表现在句法分布、带宾情况以及语体的差异。本文主要从这些方面来分析三者的差别,并试图从三者历时发展变化的分析中得到解释。  相似文献   

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