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根据"协作教学"的理念,创造性地提出"高校图书馆外文阅览室与外语系英语协作教学辅导"的方法,协助高校英语教师搞好课外辅导,以提高入校新生英语水平,解决学生课内外英语学习理论与实践方面的问题,让学生通过课堂学习和图书馆外文阅览室工作人员结合自身知识和馆内资源分组进行针对性课外辅导。  相似文献   

论文通过对在校大学生阅读情况的调查,发现大学生在线阅读中越来越呈现去学术化的特征。这种缺乏沉思的阅读方式给大学生的成长带来极大的负面影响。对此,高校图书馆应高度重视,从提供学术关怀、优化网络环境、开展阅读指导等方面入手,引导大学生形成良好的阅读习惯。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]蒙古族大学生是蒙古民族文化继承、发展、创新的生力军。全面掌握其阅读状况,能够为有效开展阅读推广、阅读教育等提供基础数据,进而促进蒙古族大学生整体素质的全面提高。[方法/过程]通过问卷调查,从阅读动机、阅读方法、阅读效能、阅读材料、阅读环境、阅读评价等6个方面收集数据,并利用问卷网自动统计软件对数据进行统计、分析。[结果/结论]蒙古族大学生由于语言、文化、民族特点等方面的影响,表现出一定程度的阅读焦虑和阅读障碍,高校及其图书馆要在充分重视其民族文化背景、性格特点和语言习惯的基础上,开展针对性更强的阅读教育、阅读指导和阅读推广工作。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 阅读推广是高校图书馆服务育人的重要途径,文章旨在探讨高校图书馆在阅读推广的过程中如何践行服务育人目标的问题。[方法/过程] 把服务育人与阅读推广工作相结合,分析高校图书馆服务育人的核心目标,并基于中国矿业大学图书馆阅读推广服务育人实践,提出建立健全大学生人格价值体系及其五要素,进而引入课堂教学的三维目标理论,构建了基于服务育人五要素阅读推广的三维KAPO模型。[结果/结论] 高校图书馆阅读推广应聚焦大学生人格价值体系建立健全和德智体美劳全面发展,并进行系统推进。在阅读推广实施中必须厘清服务育人的着力点和系统维度,确立目标、计划、步骤、方法,同时积极探讨借鉴课堂教学方法,系统研究,综合施策,确保阅读推广服务育人的精准性和有效性。  相似文献   

学术阅读对大学生有重要意义。高校图书馆与教师合作开展学术性阅读指导的模式,丰富了学术阅读指导的内容,使指导工作更具有针对性、实效性。结合大学生学术阅读调查的结果,构建了高校图书馆与教师合作的学术阅读指导模式,并重点介绍网络新技术在学术阅读指导的应用、文献阅读研讨课的开设以及毕业论文写作过程的阅读指导。  相似文献   

浅谈高校图书馆的导读工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从高校图书馆导读工作的目标定位出发,概述了高校图书馆对大学生开展导读工作的重要性,探讨了高校图书馆开展导读工作以提高大学生阅读兴趣、营造良好阅读氛围的方法。参考文献3。  相似文献   


Reports of college students using the library for spiritual practices, including prayer and meditation, consist mainly of anecdotal observations, news stories, or press releases about the creation of such spaces within academic libraries. Driven by their own experiences with students using library spaces for prayer, the authors examined how prevalent this was across US academic institutions. Using a large-scale national survey, this study found library professionals observe a wide range of student prayer behavior in a variety of library spaces, regardless of institutional or campus demographics. The results provide academic libraries with evidence to support accommodating students’ spiritual needs in library spaces.  相似文献   

文学经典蕴涵着人类文明的精华,有着修身养性和启迪心智的作用,本应受到大学生的重视。但受大众快餐文化等影响,大学生文学经典阅读行为逐渐弱化、减退。文章阐述了大学生文学经典阅读边缘化的表现,分析了经典阅读边缘化的原因,提出了高校图书馆促进大学生文学经典阅读回归应采取的具体措施。  相似文献   

Encouraging pleasure reading is not traditionally seen as the role of academic libraries. Those students who take time for reading, however, are better poised to succeed in college. Declining rates in reading among young people are cause for alarm, and many libraries at academic institutions are developing programs to promote this pastime. This article will examine statistics on the state of reading in America, outline two reading outreach initiatives that New Mexico State University has engaged in, and suggest strategies for effectively reaching out to the community to encourage reading.  相似文献   

论高校图书馆对大学生实施信息素养教育的原则与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章指出了高校图书馆对大学生实施信息素养教育的四个基本原则:主动性原则、开放性原则、实践性原则、差异性原则,在此基础上提出了图书馆对大学生进行信息素养教育的若干策略。  相似文献   

微阅读改变了大学生的阅读习惯,在一定程度上对经典阅读产生冲击。高校图书馆应对大学生微阅读加以引导,强化经典阅读。通过编制必读书目,制定考核办法,完善移动图书馆,开通官方微博,设立经典阅读室,举办丰富有效的活动和开设导读课等途径,引导大学生正确对待微阅读,提升阅读素养,促进其全面发展。  相似文献   

关注大学生的课外阅读倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对高等院校大学生的课外阅读倾向进行深入调查的基础上,重点分析研究大学生的阅读目的和阅读结构,阐述了在当前新的社会阅读环境下高校图书馆导读工作的内容和形式.  相似文献   

Academic libraries serve many student constituents, but one often overlooked group is students who are parenting children. Students who, by necessity or volition, bring their children with them to the library have specific needs. Serving these students, who often have difficulty succeeding and graduating at college, should be a priority for academic libraries. Offering assistance can help this group focus on their studies, achieve their academic goals, and thus decrease universities' attrition rates. This article begins by drawing on anecdotal evidence, then reviews existing literature on parenting students. Next, it examines and analyzes policies on children in academic libraries at large American universities. Half of all academic libraries don't have clearly accessible policies, and some have policies that discourage bringing supervised children to libraries, while a few have welcoming policies and facilities. This research shows that academic libraries can still make progress to serve a key constituency. Finally, it offers solutions for how academic libraries can serve parenting students, given varying spatial and financial constraints, as well as diffusing potential concerns that might hold academic libraries back from serving this part of the academic community. This analysis could be supplemented by further inquiry and interviews with libraries on how their policies were developed and are being implemented or with parenting students on what they desire and need from the academic library.  相似文献   

The combination of new technologies, changing librarian roles, and a generation of “digital native” students has led to an increase in noise levels in academic libraries. The authors present a review of the literature on increased noise levels in academic libraries in an attempt to identify best practices for adapting libraries to noise and to assist reference librarians who must confront disruptive patrons. They discuss such practices as zoning libraries, furniture arrangement, written policies, signage, and peer policing for noise.  相似文献   

高校图书馆对大学生网络阅读的指导   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
网络阅读是当今大学生获取知识信息的重要渠道.文章阐述了网络阅读的内涵、特征,分析了当代大学生网络阅读的心理特点和存在的不良行为与现象及产生的消极影响,提出了高校图书馆应加强对大学生网络阅读的指导.  相似文献   

采用自编《青少年阅读动机调查问卷》,对571名青少年进行调查,了解不同学业阶段、性别及来源地学生的阅读动机差异。结果表明:24.87%的学生把增长知识作为阅读的主要动机,此动机明显强于其他类型的阅读动机;不同学业阶段学生的阅读动机存在显著差异:初中生的情感满足阅读动机居多,高中生的扩大视野阅读动机居多,大学生的未来求职、科学研究和扩大视野阅读动机居多;不同性别学生的阅读动机存在显著差异:男生主要侧重于未来求职,女生则侧重于完成学业;不同来源地的学生中,农村学生的主要阅读动机为增长知识、开阔视野和完成学业;城市学生的主要阅读动机为增长知识、提高修养和娱乐消遣。家长、教师、图书馆以及社会都应关注青少年的阅读动机。  相似文献   

青少年阅读动机的差异分析与培养策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自编《青少年阅读动机调查问卷》,对571名青少年进行调查,了解不同学业阶段、性别及来源地学生的阅读动机差异。结果表明:24.87%的学生把增长知识作为阅读的主要动机,此动机明显强于其他类型的阅读动机;不同学业阶段学生的阅读动机存在显著差异:初中生的情感满足阅读动机居多,高中生的扩大视野阅读动机居多,大学生的未来求职、科学研究和扩大视野阅读动机居多;不同性别学生的阅读动机存在显著差异:男生主要侧重于未来求职,女生则侧重于完成学业;不同来源地的学生中,农村学生的主要阅读动机为增长知识、开阔视野和完成学业;城市学生的主要阅读动机为增长知识、提高修养和娱乐消遣。家长、教师、图书馆以及社会都应关注青少年的阅读动机。  相似文献   

As the growth in Latino college enrollment is expected to continue for years to come, academic libraries at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) and beyond will be serving increasing numbers of Hispanic students. Since Latino educational attainment remains lower than of other groups and academic libraries' impact on retention, GPA and related educational outcomes has been well documented, it is crucial that academic libraries actively foster Latino students' success. A review of the literature on Hispanic students and library use, the article also includes recommendations for practice and offers a local example to illustrate strategies libraries may implement to better meet the educational needs of Hispanic students.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the use of mobile technology among students of University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia, in order to improve academic library services. We focused on the use of mobile library services of academic libraries in general and students' reading of full text resources on mobile devices in particular. A questionnaire was administered online to collect data from students within all faculties of University of Ljubljana. Assuming that the attitude towards using mobile devices to read scholarly e-resources is also affected by students' perception of mobile devices, we researched this in the context of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). UL students perceive mobile devices as generally useful for reading scholarly e-resources, but with shortcomings. They perceive mobile devices as practical for easy access to e-resources while they do not see them as appropriate for reading. Given the low mobile use of library online resources, UL libraries should develop a plan for the development of attractive mobile services and their effective promotion.  相似文献   

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