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有效教学是能够引发、维持并促进学生学习与发展教学活动。基于当代教学论的框架,有效教学的行动表现从目标到评价可概括为九个方面:明确的教学目标定位,全面的教学方案设计,清晰的教学语言表达,适切的教学内容呈现,互动的教学实践样态,多样的教学策略运用,恰当的教学技术介入,高超的教学艺术体现,及时的教学信息反馈。这九个特征,既可以作为评价有效教学的基本参考标准,也可作为追求有效教学的行动框架。  相似文献   

成人教育学发展综论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印使从罗森斯托克再次启用“成人教育学”一词算起.世界范围内的成人教育学也已经历了近百年的发展历程。其间,成人教育学逐步从一个概念发展为一套相对完整的理论体系,从仅仅被视为一种方法演变为一门学科,以至于由多个分支学科组成的学科群。然而,在成人教育取得如此累累硕果的同时,其他学科研究者们的质疑或否定及成人教育学自身发展中所存在的缺陷与不足,也一直伴随着成人教育学。而从元研究层面系统探究成人教育学的历史演进、研究内容、研究中存在的不足以及发展趋势等问题,乃是成人教育学进一步加强学科的“自我意识”并在自为的建设中趋向成熟与完善的重要保障。  相似文献   

教育的过程是人体验幸福的过程,真正的教育不是灌输,而是用教育智慧实现人生的幸福.在当前创建幸福中国、幸福教育、幸福学校的时代背景下,鄞州区高桥镇中心小学从实施“幸福教育”的核心,即“让学生接受到幸福的教育”和“让教师享受到教育的幸福”两个方面来探讨基础教育小学阶段开展智慧型幸福校园创建的新策略,构建幸福校园育人的新思路.  相似文献   

Accelerating threats to a sustainable relationship between economic growth and the capacity of the global social-ecological system to support it require that the implications of competitiveness be reassessed. Today, the capacities that underlie economic competitiveness must also be brought to bear on policy and pedagogy to prepare the coming generation to face an unprecedented and dangerous global future. This article argues that the bureaucratic ‘industrial’, standards-driven model of schooling currently fails to release the talents of students either for the competitiveness or collaboration that will be crucial in facing the demands of the decades ahead. It argues for policies, schools and pedagogies that promote creativity and a human capacity for innovation, not the relentless pursuit of externally imposed measurable standards. The types of necessary learning experiences are explored and examples are provided of principles and practices that teachers and schools need to develop further. Education for economic competitiveness on one hand and education for sustainable development on the other both require similar open minds, creative skills and teaching methods to prepare students for the transformations and innovations ahead. In answering the question ‘what do competitiveness and sustainable development require from schools and teachers?’ we conclude that most elements of appropriate pedagogies are available but they need to be extended. Managing their extension on a large scale to transform complex education systems is a major challenge for policy-makers and educators at all levels.  相似文献   

Dozono  Tadashi 《The Urban Review》2022,54(3):411-427
The Urban Review - Recent research on the school-to-prison pipeline has exposed the disciplining and punishment of Black and Brown youth in today’s school system. Given the convergence of...  相似文献   

成人教学论发展的回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,以研究范畴的确立、理论体系的架构等为主要标志,成人教学论的学科独立性进一步增强,但其发展现状与一门完全独立的成人教学论相比仍有很大差距。本文通过对成人教学论诸多研究范畴的回顾与反思,试图从中发现成人教学论发展所存在的主要问题,并针对这些问题尝试提出进一步发展的基本举措。  相似文献   

Complex, interactive, and far-reaching change ushered in by globalisation processes compels educators, scholars, and policymakers to consider a pedagogy of the future. No other institution than public education is in the position to take on the "reeducation of humankind" that Paul Kennedy professed is needed to face the continuous change taking place worldwide. A pedagogy of the future—one that addresses a social reality in flux and an ongoing redefinition of political, moral, and social foundations—is one fundamental way to respond to such an immense undertaking. The pedagogy I propose in this article aims at nothing less than creating a new consciousness, beginning with preparing socially conscious, multidimensional citizens of the world. Using a sociocultural perspective on learning and development, I lay out a few key pedagogical goals that show great promise for facilitating the necessary shift from an industrial model of preparing individuals for a hierarchical, routinised, and predicable workplace and social world to a knowledge and information model that calls for integrative collaboration, flexibility, and technological versatility. I use the example of an innovative learning environment called La Clase Magica (The Magical Class) as the foundation for a new pedagogy of the future, organised around a system of artefacts that engenders possible visions of an active global citizen and worker capable of taking on a new global identity and responsibility.  相似文献   

While researchers are examining the role of playing games to learn, others are looking at using game design as an instructional tool. However, game-design software may require additional time to train both teachers and students. In this article, the authors discuss the use of Microsoft PowerPoint as a tool for game-design instruction and the philosophical justifications for its use. They examine the research that has been conducted using homemade PowerPoint games in the classroom and detail how the implementation of the games has evolved in a manner that reflects the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework.  相似文献   

美国教育学因应培训教师的需要而获得发展的生命力.在美国教育递嬗的过程中,师范学校关注教育学的独尊地位逐步丧失,大学日益成为教育学发展的主要场所.在以学科的形式进入大学之后,美国教育学的科学研究作为大学教学的一部分逐渐得到认可.在美国大学制度框架下,美国教育学的学科建制逐渐趋于完善,教育学的专业性不断增强,教育学的内容不断拓展,教育学的研究方法得以更新,教育学的理论探讨也在不断深入.事实上,美国教育学的学科地位并不稳固,其科学性不断受到质疑.这种对教育科学的价值与效用的怀疑始终影响着美国教育学的发展,造成其命运时沉时浮.即便如此,美国教育学随教师教育的变化而不断发生变化,人们对其的认识也逐渐走向深入.美国教育学发展考析可为我们分析、甄别、反思、评判美国教育学理论提供历史基础,并为我国教育学发展提供有益启示.  相似文献   

This article addresses issues regarding implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within formal education systems. In particular, it seeks to identify the basic essential components of ESD pedagogy. The authors present a theoretical pedagogical framework based on accumulated theory and experience in the field. The framework aspires to encompass the majority of prevailing pedagogies within a simple set of four basic principles. It will be argued that the four principal pedagogies are basic and indispensable prerequisites for achieving the goals of ESD, and the lack of one is sufficient to undermine the ESD's pedagogical construct.  相似文献   

The paper discusses a framework for the analysis of learning designs using new technologies. It takes a learner-centred view derived from literature in higher, professional and adult education. The process of developing guidelines for applying this framework to particular learning activities is outlined and the strengths and limitations of this approach considered. Evaluation des nouvelles technologies pour l'enseignement. L'article discute d'un cadre pour l'analyse de schémas d'enseignement faisant usage des nouvelles technologies. Il prend en compte un enseignement centré sur l'apprenant À partir d'articles et de livres sur l'éducation supérieure, professionnelle et des adultes. Le processus de développement des lignes directrices pour l'application de ce cadre À des activités d'enseignement particuliers est mis en valeur et les forces et les limitations de cette approche sont prises en considération. Bewertung neuer Lerntechnologien: Grundlagen zur Weiterentwicklung. In diesem Artikel werden Grundlagen zur Analyse von Lernformen besprochen, die sich auf neue Technologien stützen. Man konzentriert sich auf die Sicht des Lernenden und stützt sich auf die Auswertung der in der höheren Schulbildung, Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung verwendeten Literatur. Es wird die Entwicklung von Richtlinien bei der Anwendung dieser Grundlagen bei bestimmten Lernvorgängen besprochen und die Stärken und Grenzen ihrer Anwendung diskutiert.  相似文献   

数字化校园是当前学校教育信息化的一个重要方面,正确地理解和合理地规划和建设数字化校园是当前许多学校信息化建设面临的问题.本文从数字化校园的界定、建设的指导思想、内涵和基本目标以及规划和建设等方面对数字化校园的建设进行了思考.  相似文献   

立足文化组学的视角,从教育学及教育学学科制度化进程、教育学分支学科的发展、教育思想大师的社会影响力、教育研究领域的发展、中国教育的世界影响力五个方面,在大数据统计的基础上对16世纪至今教育学发展概况进行描绘和勾勒。通过宏观展示教育学发展的历史轨迹,提供了一些“传统观点”的历史新证,同时,也有了一些“新的发现”:重新锚定了教育学学科制度化的历史时间节点;直观展示了重要思想大师的社会影响力;揭示了20世纪中国教育在世界教育体系中的历史地位,凸显了21世纪中国教育的时代魅力。  相似文献   

Three explicit instructional alternatives to whole-language instruction are reviewed. Each is targeted at children with high risk for reading failure, and each enjoys more empirical support than whole language. The case is made that whole language is obsolescent relative to reading instruction developed and validated in the 2.5 years since whole language was conceived. Notably, however, experiencing more explicit instruction of reading skills and strategies in no way precludes the authentic reading and writing experiences emphasized in whole language. Rather, explicit instruction enables at-risk students to participate more fully in such literacy experiences.  相似文献   


Drawing on whiteness literature and over fifty years of combined classroom instruction experience, two professors of race and religion—one black, one white—at predominantly white institutions, answer the question, “How do we as religious educators effectively teach white students to challenge racially distorted assumptions and promote racially just outcomes?” In reply, they call into question the idea of “safe space,” dissect “the white gaze,” and offer three pedagogical principles for preparing white students to be allies in antiracist struggle: principled dislocation, supportive relocation, and sustained cultivation.  相似文献   

教育学发展中的继承与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢红 《教育研究》2007,(7):16-21
继承与创新是教育学形成和发展的重要形式。教育学发展过程中的继承,不仅仅是对教育学思想和理论的继承,还是对哲学及其他与教育学相关的人文社会学科成果的继承。同时,教育学发展过程的继承还是跨文化的。创新始于对更高理想的追求,同时也意味着对现实的改进。教育认识的创新按其程度的不同,表现为改进和批判两种典型的形式。  相似文献   

Portfolios are used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are the documentation of one's professional development for others and the improvement of one's own performance over time. This article discusses the concept of the faculty development portfolio and, in doing so, outlines the work of faculty development professionals. It also identifies characteristics of effective faculty development professionals and defines the steps involved in creating a faculty development portfolio. These steps include how to conceptualize, gather, and present evidence of items that can be used as a framework for faculty developers to consider when documenting their professional development for summative and formative purposes.  相似文献   

我校是一所职业中等技术学校,学校在信息化建设、管理、实践中,积累了不少成功经验,创出了许多办学特色,尤其是构建和谐信息化校园建设管理中取得了显著成绩.教师在信息化校网建设中,努力做到以信息化带动教育的现代化,促进学校教育教学质量全面提高,在职业学校办学中闯出了一条新路子.  相似文献   

自改革开放近30年以来,我国的社会、经济发展速度可谓日新月异,在物质文明高速发展的同时.民众对高等艺术院校音乐教育的需求日趋旺盛,经过连续几年的扩招,艺术院校音乐教育的办学规模得到了前所未有的发展,高等艺术教育也由"精英教育"向"大众化教育"转型,为艺术院校提供了一个前所未有的发展机遇.但是.在大众化教育来临的时代背景下,声乐教育也必然受到追求社会效益优先的价值观念的引领.这就给声乐教学模式提出了新的问题,其最主要的表现当是传统的授课方式难以适应声乐教育跨越式发展的需要.为此.我们必须思考如何进行教学模式的改革,使之能适应声乐教育发展的客观需要.  相似文献   

中国教育学发展世纪问题的审视   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
叶澜 《教育研究》2004,25(7):3-17
20世纪中国教育学的发展,以中华人民共和国成立为分界,并依据教育学科呈现出的基本状态和主要特征,可以划分为两个时期和六个阶段。对于百年中国教育学发展的研究,除了沿着原有的研究思路在资料的开发和阶段的梳理方面作更为详尽的研究和作“补缺”式的研究之外,还存在着第三种研究取向,即把研究角度放在教育学百年发展历程中存在于每个阶段、以不同方式出现的共同问题上,这类问题可以称之为“中国教育学发展世纪问题”,包括政治、意识形态与学科发展的关系问题、教育学发展的“中外”关系问题、教育学的学科性质问题等。这些问题是影响教育学科发展的根本性问题,集中在对教育学一些基本理论问题的认识上,其深层表现是教育学研究的思维方式问题。反思和探讨这些问题,是为了新世纪中国教育学研究的原创性发展,为了教育学独特的学术品质的形成与提升。  相似文献   

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