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科学哲学在 2 0世纪的演变可归结为“在转向中的运动” ,即以“语言学转向”、“解释学转向”和“修辞学转向”等为基点和中枢的生成和发展。 2 1世纪科学哲学发展的可能趋向主要在于 :“后现代性”趋向、“语境分析方法”的运用和“语境论”科学实践观的建构  相似文献   

人工智能时代的不期而至将重塑教学的课堂形态。基于人工智能的课堂教学无论其教学手段、教学方式、教学内容、教学设计、教学过程乃至教学评价等都将以智慧性、泛在性和场景的融合性为表征,知识呈现的形式与场景的融合使教学的“现实场景”凸显,学生发展的“审美创造”成为可能。然而,人工智能时代的教育面临的挑战不容小觑,知识目的观的“祛魅”与人性目的观的“返魅”、单质主客体的“消减”与多元主体的“建构”、“授人以渔”的方法论转向“授人以欲”主体论、学习的“苦行僧”变为意义生成的“审美者”,等等。基于此,就其改进策略而言,教学中“人是目的”的根本要素依然需要持守并要不断弘扬,无论环节、情景、方式、模式等发生何等变换,都是为人的全面发展而服务的。因此,遵循“立德树人”的根本宗旨,以知识“塑造灵魂”;培养混合式、人机融合式的教学模式创构能力;创造“人际”“人机”与“人世”精神交往的教学关系;以劳动教育为基础,以审美教育为灵魂,“五育并举”,创造丰富多样的综合实践活动形式,共同形成一个相互联系的有机整体,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

Often the terms “disabled,” “handicapped,” and “exceptional” are used interchangeably to describe individuals eligible for special education services. The term “exceptional” is the most preferable of the three because the other two can lead to negative attitudes toward individuals so labeled.  相似文献   

In Aotearoa New Zealand journeys of discovery and colonization were also scientific journeys that brought “Maori woman” under the intellectual control of the emerging “scientific” academy. This paper argues that the historical construction of “Maori woman” through the discourses of Enlightenment science continues to affect the constitution of the subjectivities of Maori women scientists today. The paper draws on a doctoral thesis that used literary historical techniques to investigate the imperial archives and feminist narrative interviews with 16 Maori women scientists to collect the research data. I explore the conditions by which the subject “Maori women scientist” emerges and how the Maori women experience these conditions in relation to how they see themselves. I conclude by arguing that the identity of “Maori woman scientist” appears to be “impossible fiction” due to the fragmented nature of the sign “Maori,” “woman,” and “scientist”, which can be “traced” to the historical construction of the signs.  相似文献   

孟庆东 《成人教育》2021,41(1):71-75
推动高职师资“校企双向流动”,有利于破解存量师资“双师”素质短缺,推动高职院校承担责任使命,实现人才资源社会效能优化。高职师资“校企双向流动”制度演变具有组织模式由“自发流动”向“协作流动”转变、流动要素由“身份流动”向“知识流动”转变、企业人员由“全职流动”向“兼职流动”转变、学校人员由“挂职流动”向“切换流动”转变的鲜明导向。为破解观念守旧、价值错位、制度低效等阻滞因素影响,提升“校企双向流动”实效,需要推动工程实践由“大水漫灌式”向“任务驱动型”回归,推动校企合作由“利益结合体”向“命运共同体”升级,建设一批内置于企业的“校企双向流动”支撑平台,构建有利于人才社会性流动的治理体系和社会环境。  相似文献   

“威”是中国古代重要的审美形态范畴。“威”的发生有其历史化原因,夏商周三代的宗法制和“天人合一”观念以及礼乐化的开展,对“威”的形成有决定作用。在许多学艺术和工艺产品遗产中,存在着“威”的审美意象。这些意象具有与众不同的审美形态特征,其中内含着复杂的审美化意蕴。由于受到“天人合一”观念的影响,“威”与“和”相辅相成,形成既有不同的目的和社会效果,又紧密结合的审美价值取向。  相似文献   

庄书中的“美”这个能指符号具有多义性,不能与美学意义上所说的“美”完全对应。庄书中最能与关学意义上的“美”产生对应的概念,其实是“真”这个能指符号。庄子所言之真,并不是认识论意义上的真,而是存在论意义的真,即本性的敞开与澄明。庄子的美论乃是以真为价值指向。庄子的审美体验,也就是人回归本真性情的生存体验。对于审美主体而言,真即是美,美即是真。  相似文献   

A framework is described to assist institutions in evaluating the extent to which activities described as “quality improvements” or “quality enhancements” are likely to directly improve the student experience. The framework classifies ways of improving the student experience into “coaching improvements”, “umpiring improvements”, and “facilities improvements”, while also considering the location of improvements along a “risk avoidance—quality assurance—quality enhancement” continuum. The utility of this framework is explored through case studies of sector‐wide initiatives in Scotland and Australia. If used to stimulate internal discussion, the framework can help institutions to better balance their efforts to improve the student experience.  相似文献   

“There Mommy.” A little girl turns to her mother from the kitchen blackboard on which she has written SKWL DAS. “That's to help you remember the name of the song my class will be dancing to in the recital.” The mother observes the proud look upon her kindergartner's face and looks at SKWL DAS on the board. Quickly, the mother says, “Thank you for writing the name of the song. Now I will remember it. Can you read what you wrote, too?” “Of course,” retorts the girl. “It says SCHOOL DAYS.”  相似文献   

学习是人类社会发展的核心任务,也是社会科学研究领域的关键问题。基于自然属性视角、社会属性视角、教育属性视角出发,全面分析和理解“什么是学习”,智能化时代背景下职业教育在学习内容、学习方式、学习互动、学习动机存在着“四维度”的反思命题。以此职业教育学习论的路向应该包括:以“社会”为核心,搭建“多元跨界”的学习内容新平台;以“开放”为理念,建构“多维扩展”的学习方式新平台;以“对话”为方式,创设“多维互动”学习情景新平台;以“幸福”为目的,生成“个体完善”成为学习内驱动机新平台。  相似文献   

This article proposes a concept of “mythical realism” as a way of understanding important characteristics of religion and orienting religious education. The focus is on beliefs as one central aspect of religion. The author draws on recent cognitive studies in religion to illumine the “counterintuitive” and “mythic” character of religious belief, while also arguing that religious thinking should be and commonly is held together with “intuitive,” “scientific” understandings of experiential reality. A case is made for the enhancement of “mythical realist” religious understanding as a fundamental goal of religious education. Pedagogical suggestions are given for nurturing such mythical realist faith.  相似文献   


Learning disabilities are associated with mental health, behavioural and social difficulties. Developmental dyslexia is a particularly salient example of a learning disability that is associated with social and emotional consequences that are not considered primary features of the disorder. These issues can remain and, in some cases, escalate in adulthood. Practitioners should be made aware of the consequences of the emotional impact of such learning disabilities. The following is a comprehensive review of over 100 journal articles investigating the emotional consequences of developmental dyslexia. Articles published between 1980 and 2018 were found using keywords “dyslexia” and “emotion” or “internalizing behaviour”, “externalizing behaviour”, “depression” or “anxiety”. This review provides an overview of the literature investigating the emotional consequences of developmental dyslexia and suggestions to avoid or at least minimize these consequences on the individual, their family and society are provided.  相似文献   

《云使》对于内容与形式的掌控达到了美妙的平衡。作为主体意象雨云,具有自然特性、情爱意味和宗教性意义;“有生”与“无生”投射的是现实与情感的关系、暗含了“梵我合一”的哲学思想;“艳情味”体现世俗情爱欢愉及暗含的超越精神。  相似文献   

中国“修身”的道德教育思想有注重外在规范与行为养成的传统,同时内在蕴含“修心”的思路。中国文化中的“心”概念与西方哲学对认知与理性的强调相对,表现出明显的情感取向,是人之为人的本质所在。心作为内在意义世界,标画出人的道德意义系统,该意义世界和意义系统具有在世品格与开放自主性。从这一心概念出发,中国传统道德教育思想的内在理路可以被概括为“以心观心”。“以心观心”的内在理路是:首先引导人从心的角度观照道心和他心,从而进入道德意义系统;以前者为前提,指引人从我心走向道心和他心,并在这一行动过程中进一步体认道德意义,如此循环往复,不断充实意义世界,共创和谐美善的人间。  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》不仅仅是一部讲"战"的经典,它更是一部讲如何"争"的经典,具体来说,"先谋"是争之前提,"全胜"是争之理想,"易胜"是争之手段,慎战之争体现了孙子的战争观,即以最小的损失来获取最大的利益,而这一观念源于孙子"唯人是保,而利合于主"的原则。"唯人是保"的思想显示了对于生命的关注,对于人民的重视,为今天倡导以人为本的社会主义核心价值观提供了理论支持,对于今天处理人民内部矛盾、贯彻以人为本的理念、构建和谐社会都有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ideological construction of educational discourses embedded within the South Korean print media. Significantly, these discourses have recently promoted the resurrection of a sweeping national testing and test results release policy. Through careful examination of the “test plus release” policy, the authors show how the government has achieved hegemonic power by shaping public opinion through the national testing contexts. Drawing on a critical discourse analysis of educational policy texts from the government and top 10 print media sources, this paper analyses how discourses on “accountability”, “the right to know” and “the fairness of the tests” have been produced, reproduced and recontextualized to favour particular perspectives. The authors also examine how government and influential print media discourses interact with political and cultural factors such as “acclaiming the evaluative state”, “education fever” and “meritocratic beliefs” to achieve public consent for the new “test plus release” policy.  相似文献   

This article examines the various education policies in Southeast Asian countries, highlighting the underlining philosophies and current practices in the region. The conceptual framework of the presentation includes key concepts such as access and equity, unity and identity, quality and relevance, efficiency and effectiveness. Each of these key concepts will be analysed using a framework consisting of key questions, guiding philosophies, policy options as well as issues and challenges. The article reviews policies relating to questions such as “who get access to what kinds of education?”, “how to widen access?”, “how to ensure success?”, “what kinds of education for a multicultural society?”, “how to promote national integration and social cohesion through education?”, “how to improve quality of education?”, “how to manage and administer the school delivery system?”. It draws examples from different countries in the SEA region to illustrate the issues and challenges in formulating and implementing contemporary education policies.  相似文献   

Responding to the alarming numbers of dissatisfied members of the U.S. workforce, this article introduces a workable plan of action titled “The Whole PIE,” which is useful for members of the workforce at all levels, to enhance their internal locus of control and enhance the quality of life at work for themselves and others. Starting with actions geared toward personal (“P”) performance enhancement, and subsequently graduating to actions at the interactive (“I”) and external (“E”) level, the text leads the reader toward a comprehensive perspective (The Whole “PIE”) in which short‐term and long‐term actors and factors are considered in one's workplace performance.  相似文献   

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