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The study of the structure and materials of ancient works of art has been much intensified with the development and use of improved analytical techniques. It was considered desirable to apply an X-ray fluorescence technique which could scan polished cross-sections of paint materials embedded in plastic. Layer thicknesses of 20–50 μ were successfully surveyed with an X-ray macroprobe attached to a fine-focus vacuum X-ray spectrograph. Elements above atomic number 16 in areas of 50 μ diameter were successfully detected and precisely located in the cross-section. The method has been applied particularly to the study of the technique of Rembrandt and Lievens paintings.  相似文献   


It is still unclear why some of the blue enamel on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century stained window glass is flaking off, while enamel layers with other colours are still in relatively good condition. In order to obtain a better understanding of this conservation problem, 31 historical recipes used for the fabrication of blue enamel were compared with results from the chemical analysis of 25 historic samples. The chemical composition and the microstructure of the enamels were analysed in cross-section by means of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). This study demonstrated that the variation in chemical composition of the samples can be explained by the use of the wide range of recipes existing at that time. Although this study gave an insight into the composition, heterogeneity and use of colouring substances, no clear relation could be found between the parameters analysed and the deterioration rate of the blue enamel paint layer.  相似文献   


One of the main causes of the loss of paintwork from medieval stained glass windows is the propagation of cracks in the grisaille and in the underlying glass, which cannot be considered the result of a stabilization process, but the evidence of an ongoing stress. The thermal behaviour of different-coloured painted glass pieces exposed to direct solar radiation was investigated in order to study the effect of thermal stresses on the conservation of the paintwork. Experimental results have been compared with laboratory tests as well as with measurements carried out on original stained glass windows. The grisaille showed a thermal behaviour similar to that of the glass on which it is fired. A clear correlation was found between the glass thermal cycles, the increase in stress at the glass–grisaille interface and the growth of cracks in the grisaille. According to these results, protective glazing aids the preservation of the paintwork from the risk of damage and loss, reducing the thermal stresses on the glass of the stained glass windows in terms of amplitude and frequency.  相似文献   

Health professionals are collecting and charting data about the family history of their patients in order, to determine if a predisposition to heart, stroke, cancer and other debilitating conditions can be detected or alleviated through patient.education and preventive medicine. Family history-taking for the purposes of preventive medicine is introduced, along with a brief history of the field. The pedigree chart and the genogram are described and their use by health personnel is discussed. A brief search strategy on MEDLINE and a selected bibliography are presented to aid the health sciences librarian to find information on the family history, genograms or pedigree charts.  相似文献   

化石千层下 在野外山崖上找到一块有螺壳的化石,好奇地看来看去,不由想象着千万年前的沧海桑田,这里真的可能是经过了“百川沸腾,山冢 崩,高岸为谷,深谷为陵”。一个小小的螺壳化石里,仿佛压缩了很多年的历史。 经历了亿万年,草木鱼虫都成了石头,漫长的时间仿佛被Winzip压缩过,按照年轮积攒了层层消息,等着有朝一日后人来“释放”历史。其实,过去的历史就是化石,仿佛曾经是动物植物的过去,压得久了成了石头,成了石油,成了煤炭,变了形也变了质。只要有历史,什么都可能是化石,就说文学罢,唐诗宋词,看上去是文字文本,其…  相似文献   

This article provides a broad overview of how American journalism historians have treated the concept of objectivity in the latter part of the 20th century. In following the narrative of objectivity's history, the author finds that historians’ narratives have shifted as intellectual attitudes toward objectivity have changed. Now that objectivity no longer plays as central a role in journalism as it once did, histories of the concept may shift once again.  相似文献   

本文多方面阐述了少年儿童图书馆利用宣传橱窗在发挥少年儿童图书馆的社会教育职能方面所起到的特殊作用。  相似文献   

中央电视台国际部开办的《环球》栏目,是以展示国际优秀电视文化作品、介绍国外文化和科学技术进步以及社会发展为主要内容的专题栏目,是广大电视观众了解外部世界的一个窗口。该栏目自1993年开办以来,连续7年被评为台里的优秀栏目。 《环球》成功的原因何在?笔者仅以自己收看的部分播出内容作些粗浅分析,并就进一步办好该栏目谈点个人拙见。 新奇多彩的节目内容满足了 观众渴望了解大千世界的需要 随着改革开放的深人,从长期封闭、单一文化氛围中解脱出来的中国人民,渴望了解丰富多彩的大千世界。他们不但想通过新闻传媒获知世…  相似文献   

诗文评论及史学评论类著作出现较早,唐吴兢《西斋书目》始设"文史类",专收诗文评论、史书评论著作,为北宋官修目录所沿用.南宋晁公武《郡斋读书志》从"文史类"内析出论史者,创设"史评类","史抄类"亦渐被析出.明代焦竑《国史经籍志》首次提出"诗文评类","文史类"被取而代之.祁承爜《澹生堂藏书目》兼取众目之长,同时增设"史抄类"史评类"诗文评类"三大类,突破了先前文史相杂的观念,进一步厘清了史评、史抄的界限.《四库全书总目》则对此类文献作了最后的界定和归类.  相似文献   

艾尔曼的"新文化史"研究力图融通整合被传统研究割裂的思想史和政治史、社会史.他将这种方法运用到对考据学派和常州今文经学的分析、诠释中,希望从中国思想史的内在发展逻辑中寻找传统向现代转型的原动力,得出了考据学派的出现是官方政策、民间社会、学术共同体三者之间的复杂互动的结果,常州今文经学的兴起是经学、宗族与政治三向互动的产物的新结论.这种方法对人文科学中的思想观念史研究具有普遍的方法论意义.  相似文献   

海洋与大气图像数字图书馆(NOAA Photo Library)向公众提供免费的图像搜索、测览及下载服务,隶属于美国国家海洋和大气管理局。它的主要目的是为海洋与大气研究领域提供信息基础设施,方便科研和教育并促进两者之间的联合。其资源涵盖范围广泛,具有很高的科研及科普教育意义。文章对该图书馆的建设、意义及现状进行了综合性的述评,包括项目概述、资源组织、技术特征、界面设计、服务特征以及作者的评估与建议。  相似文献   

本文论述了创建品牌服务窗口过程中深入挖掘图书馆的文献、人才、设施等优质资源,充分发挥图书馆的社会效益。  相似文献   

中国文摘史略吉士云Abstract:TehChineseancientcompendiumswith“BieLu”(“CompendiumttotheCatalogueofBooks”)and“Qilu”(CompendumofBooksinSeve...  相似文献   

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