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Changing knowledge regimes: Universities in a new research environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper takes an apparent knowledgeparadox as its point of departure. `Knowledge'has acquired a more all encompassing meaningtoday, yet this has not strengthened thesupport for and confidence in higher educationinstitutions. On the contrary, it is oftenclaimed that they have outlived theirusefulness. In trying to understand thedevelopment behind this paradox, we deal withthree issues. We discuss first thewidening concept of knowledge and the claimthat there is emerging a new mode of knowledgeproduction. Secondly the widening concept ofknowledge is put into a social and politicalcontext, where massification and its socialimplications are discussed. Thirdly we developa theoretical framework based on the concept ofknowledge regimes. In this part wediscuss how the concept of knowledge regimesand the related concepts of knowledgeinterests and knowledge alliances may behelpful in understanding the complexities andambiguity of higher education development.Finally we discuss some implications regardingknowledge's role in social development. Wequestion the assumption that there is anecessary relationship between a wideningconcept of knowledge and a given form ofknowledge development.  相似文献   

Part‐time study is one of the foci of the widening participation agenda in the UK. The experiences of part‐time students, however, have received remarkably little attention from scholars, especially in a comparative context. This paper explores existing historical data going back over a decade to identify the main themes of part‐time experience at a number of UK higher education institutions and how it compares and contrasts with the full‐time experience. The surveys use the Student Satisfaction Approach. The main themes emerging from institutional survey data over time are the work/family/study balance, assessment and feedback, access to learning and catering resources, and students' financial situation. There is sometimes a question of identity, but unlike many studies of part‐time student experience, which focus on aspects of disadvantage, social, and cultural capital, the data for this paper indicate that many part‐time students have a sense of themselves as being ignored or at worst marginalised in contemporary higher education.  相似文献   

高校体育教师课程意识是高校体育课程开发和实施的前提,直接影响着《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》的实施.高校体育教师应具备的课程意识包括:课程参与意识、课程重构意识、课程研究意识、课程创新意识、课程开放意识、课程控制意识、课程评价意识.高校要积极营造增强体育教师课程意识的环境氛围,切实转变课程观,认真贯彻和落实新的体育课程标准,培养体育教师课程创新能力.  相似文献   

高校体育教师课程意识是高校体育课程开发和实施的前提,直接影响着《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》的实施.高校体育教师应具备的课程意识包括:课程参与意识、课程重构意识、课程研究意识、课程创新意识、课程开放意识、课程控制意识、课程评价意识.高校要积极营造增强体育教师课程意识的环境氛围,切实转变课程观,认真贯彻和落实新的体育课程标准,培养体育教师课程创新能力.  相似文献   

我国要实现优质教育资源共享,提高高等教育质量,藉此成为高等教育强国,加速建设教育强国,需突破优质高等教育资源少且分布不均的问题,慕课为解决这一问题提供了可能性,研究我国高校慕课发展策略有助于为慕课的健康发展提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

环境中邻苯二甲酸酯样品前处理研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
回顾近十年来环境中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物分析方法的研究进展,比较环境中大气、水及土壤等不同样品的前处理技术和检测方法,介绍固相萃取和固相微萃取等新型样品前处理技术在水样分析中的应用研究。  相似文献   

本课题是根据当前大学生的学习现状,结合教学改革的需要提出的。主要探索如何利用高校网络和信息资源优势,构建一种基于自主学习环境建设的教育模式,从而丰富学生的知识,发展潜在的能力,提高大学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

Scholarly activities are a collection of academic related activities such as research, teaching and consultation work which result in research outputs such as journals, theses and articles in proceedings. The output will then be disseminated to researchers all over the world by means of the WWW. The four pillars of this scholarship i.e. discovery, teaching, application, and integration of knowledge are supported by research activities which often start with the process of identifying key research questions. The ocean of information available on the interact could sometimes cause the scholars to be "lost in Cyber Ocean" Thus, this study aims at recognizing the key research questions and suggesting a support environment for scholarly activities for novice researchers. A structured interview was conducted among researchers to capture three pertinent aspects of research activities: becoming proficient in the new field of research, reviewing a research paper and identifying special research interests in specific research areas. The analysis of the interview shows pertinent questions that scholar make while carrying out their research. The feedback provides an overview of the range and altitude of support needed by scholars in seeking information especially in the electronic joumal environment. Based on the result of the study, a proposal for system prototype and future work will be discussed.  相似文献   

通过实际教学过程中对多媒体教学环境的应用考察,对教师在多媒体教学中存在的问题进行归纳、总结,论述了教师在多媒体课件制作中存在的教学设计知识的缺失,多媒体课件非常单一,布局不合理,配色搭配不得当的现象,并提出了解决这些问题的方法。  相似文献   

Universities and graduate education are increasingly viewed as part of the emerging lifelong learning and education system and we see the evidence of this as the average age of graduate students increases. We are also seeing an increasing emphasis on education for employment in the lifelong learning and education literature, and this discourse is now infiltrating universities and graduate education; graduate education is increasingly referred to as graduate training and is being recast as vocational training. In this meditation I examine these changes in graduate education in light of the developmental needs of graduate students in the second half of life viewed through the lens of Jungian psychology, and discuss implications of the developmental needs of graduate students in the second half of life for graduate education. This is followed by examining the implications that changes in graduate programs have for graduate students in the second half of life.  相似文献   

结合鞍山师范学院应用型本科高校人才培养目标和《常微分方程》课程教学中存在的学时少、学生基础较差、教学内容和结构相对滞后、教学方法和考核方式单一等问题,针对常微分方程课程内容、教学方法和考核方式等提出了改革措施,以促进学生各方面能力的提高,从而达到培养应用型人才的目的。  相似文献   

网络环境对高职数学建模教学与学习带来了巨大变革。文章在研究数学建模活动的教学理论基础上,结合高职数学建模实际,探索了在多媒体网络环境下,教师如何在教学过程中充分应用现代教育技术,精心制作多媒体课件,优化课堂教学以及学生的数学建模学习方式如何朝自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的方向发展,提出了一些数学建模教学与学习过程中值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

高校会计课程教学作为终身教育和会计教育的重要组成部分,在和谐社会与和谐会计的发展中有着特别的地位和作用;因此,在实际实施教学时,必须对其更新教学方法之观念、清晰教学方法之思路、拓宽教学方法之内涵、活用教学方法之实操。  相似文献   

Recruiting and retaining females within science, engineering and technology continues to challenge many European higher education institutions. This study looks at female self-perceptions relating to effective research work and career progression. Focus groups are used to examine the attitudes and experiences of females and a questionnaire is used to explore perceptions in four main skills areas: group work; communication; personal awareness; project planning and management. The study indicates consistent female concerns on issues pertaining to effective female role models, negative work-role stereotypes and the work–life balance of an academic career. For all four skills areas, the average confidence scores of the female participants fell below those of males, but these differences were only statistically significant for perceptions on group work and communication skills and prior to an intense skills development course. Based on these findings, a student workshop on gender issues has been developed, an outline of which is presented.  相似文献   

Research into the research–teaching ‘nexus’ has undergone significant changes in focus and methodology. From an initial quantitative concern with correlating measurements of research productivity and teaching effectiveness, the empirical emphasis has shifted in favour of exploring the experiences of participants (academics and students). This paper reports the findings of interviews carried out in a New Zealand university with 34 students studying across a range of levels in physics, geography and English. In particular, it focuses on students’ understandings of the purpose of a university education and on students’ experiences of research—how ‘visible’ it is for them, where it is located and who engages in it. Analysis reveals that students’ relationship with research varies across the disciplines in both a spatial and temporal dimension according to the ways in which knowledge is conceived of and explored. Accordingly, some students have an early sense of proximity to and/or participation in a research community, while for others, research remains, through their undergraduate years, a remote phenomenon.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,这些都要求学习者要更快,更好地学习和掌握知识,同时也迫使我们不得不努力提升教育教学质量。教学质量评价作为整个教育过程的重要方面,对于教育起着指导和调控的作用。以"网络"教学为代表的学习内容和方法的出现,对学生的评价内容、评价方法等都提出了新的要求。本课题结合网络教学环境,从教学模式特点,教学评价类型、评价研究所面临问题、评价基本要求等方面入手分析制定了网络教学评价体系指标,并构建了反映网络环境下教学评价指标体系的评价模型,对其网络教学效果加以科学、系统、客观、正确的评价,以促进其向更成熟的方向发展。  相似文献   

本文论述了如何充分发挥网络信息技术优势,加强小学语文学科在线学习资源建设,构建小学语文学习共同体平台,以网络信息技术促进小学语文教学改革的方法,并提出了共同体平台师生教学互动方式的创新,基于共同体平台的小学语文各种课型教学模式和教学方法的改革和创新,学生自主、探究、合作学习方式改革的策略。在课题研究实践中探究小学语文学科教学与现代教育技术深层次的整合。  相似文献   

德国环境教育的实践研究及其对我国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王英 《教育导刊》2005,(2):46-48
第二次世界大战后,德国经济获得了非常迅速的发展,创造了“经济奇迹”,成为世界经济强国。与此同时,为了保护环境,自20世纪70年代以来,德国发起了绿色运动和环保运动,在发展经济的同时开始兼顾“生态”环境,提出了“生态社会市场经济”。德国之所以有效地兼顾了经济效益和生态效益,环境教育体制的完善起到了关键的作用。一、德国环境教育状况(一)学校环境教育德国中、小学环境教育可追溯到20世纪60年代中期。针对60~70年代的水污染、70~80年代核废料处理、90年代的臭氧层破坏等问题,德国的环境教育有不同的重点。90年代初期,环境教育的内…  相似文献   

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