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教育中的惩罚行为造成了师生相互伤害的问题,实然惩罚与或然惩罚相左、应然惩罚与必然惩罚相右。作为理性教育惩罚,以儿童生命个体发展为目的,是意志自律者的道德律,是教育惩罚行为的法则;作为知性自然惩罚,在教育惩罚理念范导下,成为教育惩罚行为的准则,调和应然惩罚与必然惩罚的同时也调和了实然惩罚与或然惩罚。自然惩罚是教育惩罚行为的准则而不是法则,不仅让教育惩罚行为发生的时空可以移动,还为实践中必要的教育强制留下回旋余地,从而使教育惩罚行为成为可能。  相似文献   

通过问卷与访谈,以农村小学教师和学生为样本,围绕对惩罚教育内涵的认识、惩罚方式、态度、影响因素等方面进行实证调查,分析发现:惩罚现象较为普遍,理解惩罚内涵存有误区;惩罚行为存在偏差,惩罚不公现象时有发生;惩罚方式比较单一,惩罚技巧相对缺乏。从而提出建议:一是要明确惩罚的法理依据,防止惩罚滥用过度;二是要保证惩罚目的正确,坚持惩罚的基本原则;三是要惩罚与行为指导结合,完善评价反馈系统。  相似文献   

论惩罚的教育意义及其实现   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
惩罚具有教育意义可以从教育史和教育思想史、文化与法规、逻辑与伦理等多方面加以证明。惩罚的教育意义的实现需要一定的条件。合理地使用惩罚是教师的专业权利和义务。许多对于惩罚似是而非的否定,往往是因为缺乏对惩罚教育意义的理性分析,把惩罚与惩罚的特定形式以及惩罚实施中的问题混为一谈,把惩罚之教育意义落实中的问题与惩罚之教育意义本身混为一谈。  相似文献   

本文针对教育惩罚提出了三个问题:何为教育惩罚?缘何教育惩罚?如何教育惩罚?从而诠释了教育惩罚的真正内涵,分析了教育惩罚的独特教育功能,提出了合理实施教育惩罚的途径。  相似文献   

关于教育惩罚问题已有较多研究。但教育惩罚是什么、教育惩罚为什么、教育惩罚向何处去等核心命题仍待进一步厘清,因此需要进一步澄清教育惩罚的概念、追问教育惩罚的目的、重构教育惩罚的可能性空间。教育惩罚的教育意义不容否定,但需要厘清合理的教育惩罚是什么。教育惩罚的根本目的不在于使儿童行为合于规范,而在于为儿童走向幸福生活引领道路。教育惩罚的发展空间应是无限广阔的,具有丰富而灵活的多样化可能。  相似文献   

关于教育惩罚问题已有较多研究。但教育惩罚是什么、教育惩罚为什么、教育惩罚向何处去等核心命题仍待进一步厘清,因此需要进一步澄清教育惩罚的概念、追问教育惩罚的目的、重构教育惩罚的可能性空间。教育惩罚的教育意义不容否定,但需要厘清合理的教育惩罚是什么。教育惩罚的根本目的不在于使儿童行为合于规范,而在于为儿童走向幸福生活引领道路。教育惩罚的发展空间应是无限广阔的,具有丰富而灵活的多样化可能。  相似文献   

试论惩罚实施中的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惩罚实施中存在着一些问题:惩罚中隐性教育与其他显性教育的冲突,导致教育的不一致;惩罚方式与学生犯错后心理状况不匹配,导致惩罚无效;惩罚原理与兴趣原理发生冲突,导致选择困难;对缺乏凝聚力的班级采用集体惩罚,激化师生、生生矛盾;教师把自身消极情绪投射到学生错误上,导致惩罚滥用;惩罚程度与惩罚对象不符合,导致惩罚不当。  相似文献   

在幼儿教育工作开展中,惩罚是比较常见的一种辅助手段。一般情况下,在幼儿犯错时或者出现不良行为时,教师会采取惩罚手段帮助幼儿进行改正。不可否认,在教育中惩罚发挥着不容小觑的重要作用。但是,对于教师如何惩罚,惩罚程度和惩罚时机等方面,却没有一个确切说明。若是惩罚不当的话,则会被判定为滥用惩罚。鉴于此,本文围绕惩罚艺术在幼儿园中的应用展开探讨。  相似文献   

惩罚按其结果可分为教育性惩罚和非教育性惩罚。教育性惩罚异化的主要表现为:惩罚对象的物化、惩罚方式的变形和惩罚目的的偏离。教师惩罚观念的路径依赖、教师社会认知的冲突和教师职业道德的失当是其异化的主要原因。扭转教育性惩罚异化的现状,需要做到:以学生生命为基石,以教师情感为支撑,以学生发展为宗旨。  相似文献   

曾霞  谢鹏云 《考试周刊》2012,(41):176-177
针对中小学惩罚过度的情况,本文认为,一方面,惩罚教育不等同于体罚,教师应该合理地使用惩罚,防止因随意性的惩罚而酿成悲剧。另一方面,惩罚作为一种教育手段,在教育中具有不可替代的作用。教育中恰当地使用惩罚对维护教育秩序和促进学生社会化具有重要意义。本文分析现今教师无度惩罚学生的现象,揭示和反思学校教育中惩罚教育实践所存在的问题,并提出解决的策略,以达到落实惩罚教育的效果和切实改善教师使用惩罚教育的情况,使教师能够科学地运用惩罚教育。  相似文献   

The present study examined the ability of parents to bias home-observation data by influencing their child's behavior in socially desirable and undesirable directions. Parents of 12 deviant and 12 non-deviant boys, aged 4-8, were given the response set to present their child as "good", "bad", and usual (normal) during 6 45-minute observations of family interaction. Deviant and non-deviant children showed significantly more deviant behavior under the bad condition as compared with normal, whereas their good and normal conditions did not differ. Parent positive and negative behaviors were related to changes in child deviant behavior for the deviant sample; parent positive and commanding behaviors were related to changes in child deviant behavior for the nondeviant sample. Parent self-report of behavior change was generally consistent with the observation data. The results suggested implications for naturalistic observations of families and for child behavior change interventions.  相似文献   

Research on the transition to school has shown successful adjustment to be characterized by a high degree of effort, initiative, and positive interaction with peers and adults. These behaviors often have their root in the earliest transactions between infant and caregiver, particularly the infant's experience of having his/her cues and signals responded to in a consistent, sensitive way and the secure attachment which develops from such care. Through experiences with caregivers in the first year of life children begin to develop “working models” of others and self, models which influence how that child behaves at later ages, and which in turn influence how others respond to that child. Children who are deprived of the opportunity to develop a secure attachment often fail to develop the initiative and social skills which would facilitate their transition to school. Teachers' low expectations and negative responses to the child in the first years of school may perpetuate the child's negative working models and decrease the child's chances for subsequent school success. The challenge to us is to contradict the negative working models many children bring to school. This implies l) considering the meaning of the child's behavior within the context of his/her relationship history and current life experiences, 2) consistently and persistently caring for a child even in the face of apparent rejection of our efforts, 3) looking for opportunities to reframe how we and others perceive the child, and 4) being alert to subtle ways in which we and others may be perpetuating negative working models held by both the child and his/her parents.  相似文献   

中小学生业余钢琴学习问题的调查与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小学生钢琴学习应是一种以人为本的学习活动,应让琴童在学习过程中形成用身心去感受音乐的能力与经验,以促进其个性的完善与发展;应把钢琴学习与琴童自身的爱好结合起来,并以此为切入点发展琴童对钢琴学习的兴趣;在中小学生钢琴学习过程中,教师家长应避免功利心,对中小学生钢琴学习效果的评价应以琴童自身水平为标准;应根据琴童自身的特点与学习水平制定学习计划,并以一颗平常心对待琴童,理解容忍琴童的缺点与错误;同时,教师家长应与琴童保持平等的关系,不断了解中小学生的心理特点,选择易于被琴童接受的方式,从长远发展的高度给予琴童切实的帮助。  相似文献   

Two studies are reported. The first investigated goals for reading with their children held by 294 parents in a cross-sectional sample from junior kindergarten through Grade 3, how these goals are related to parent beliefs about the development of literacy skills, and how these goals may differ across the primary years. The second examined how goals relate to parent behavior. From a different sample of 119 parents completing the same goal survey and observed in shared book reading, a subsample of 42 parents with contrasting goals was selected for analysis. Findings indicated 5 distinct parent goals for shared book reading—Stimulate Development, Foster Reading, Bond With Child, Soothe Child, and Enjoy Books—with the goals of enjoying books and bonding with the child rated the highest and equally highly at each grade. These were followed by fostering reading, stimulating their child's development, and lastly soothing their child. The goal of fostering reading was more highly rated by parents of Grade 1 children than by parents of children in any other grade. Only a modest relationship between goals and beliefs was found. Finally, parents who rated fostering reading high as a goal engaged in more print-referencing behaviors and echoed more reading than did parents with contrasting goal profiles.  相似文献   

The literature reflects that numerous factors impact a young child's ability to have playmates and develop friendships. This in turn can influence health, happiness, and stability throughout life. Social relationships may be enhanced through a youngster's efforts and those of caring adults, especially teachers, parents, and other caregivers. Two checklists are provided, one to assist when observing and recording a child's personal behaviors and another to aid adults with the self-assessment of their child guidance techniques. These results are beneficial to those who teach, guide, train, and provide other essential experiences for children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify reliable, inexpensive predictors of foster care placement disruption that could be used to assess risk of placement failure. METHODS: Using the Parent Daily Report Checklist (PDR), foster or kinship parents of 246 children (5-12 years old) in California were interviewed three times about whether or not their foster child engaged in any of the 30 problem behaviors during the previous 24 h. PDR was conducted during telephone contacts (5-10 min each) that occurred from 1 to 3 days apart at baseline. Disruptions were tracked for the subsequent 12 months. Other potential predictors of disruption were examined, including the child's age, gender, and ethnicity, the foster parent's ethnicity, the number of other children in the foster home, and the type of placement (kin or non-kin). RESULTS: Foster/kin parents reported an average of 5.77 child problems per day on the PDR checklist. The number of problem behaviors was linearly related to the child's risk of placement disruption during the subsequent year. The threshold for the number of problem behaviors per day that foster and kinship parents tolerated without increased risk of placement disruption for these latency-aged children was 6 or fewer. Children in non-kin placements were more likely to disrupt than those in kinship placements. There was a trend for increased risk of disruption as the number of children in the home increased. CONCLUSIONS: The PDR Checklist may be useful in predicting which placements are at most risk of future disruption, allowing for targeted services and supports.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: First to explore what Jewish immigrant parents from the Former Soviet Union consider to be appropriate and inappropriate child rearing practices, and second what are their help seeking preferences in situations of children at risk. METHOD: Interviews with 273 immigrant parents were conducted in Israel. A semi-structured questionnaire included seven vignettes which related to three areas of parental behaviors: Lack of provision of child's needs, corporal punishment and psychological punishment. In addition, open-ended questions were included about the participants' personal beliefs regarding the use of physical punishment towards children. RESULTS: Suggest a concrete and practical approach towards child rearing practices, support for the utilization of certain types of corporal and psychological punishment, consideration of the gender of the child might be a factor in the approach towards corporal punishment. a perception of children as self sufficient at a fairly young age and a tendency not to cooperate with outsiders in situations of children at risk. CONCLUSIONS: Even though Jewish immigrants from the Former Soviet Union might be in a new country for several years, their background may still have a significant role in their child rearing practices and help seeking patterns. Awareness of their perceptions could provide information which is significant for the accurate assessment of situations of abuse and neglect among the immigrants and for defining appropriate treatment objectives and means for achieving change.  相似文献   

Children as young as 18 months display sex-stereotyped toy choices. The present study was designed to determine whether parents encourage involvement with sex-stereotyped toys or avoidance of cross-sex-stereotyped toys and to determine whether masculine and feminine toys lead to different patterns of parent-child interaction, regardless of gender. 40 parent-toddler dyads were videotaped while playing with 6 different sets of sex-stereotyped toys. Equal numbers of boys and girls were observed with mothers and fathers. The children showed greater involvement when playing with same-sex-typed toys than with cross-sex toys even when statistically controlling for parents' behaviors. Parents' verbal behaviors, involvement, and proximity to the child differed across toy groups, regardless of the parent's or child's gender. Parents' initial nonverbal responses to the toys, however, were more positive when the toys were stereotyped for the child's and parent's gender than when they were not.  相似文献   

The NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children, a highly structured interview covering a broad range of clinically relevant symptoms and behaviors, was administered to 242 disturbed children and their parents. Parent and child were interviewed separately and were assessed twice at a median interval of 9 days. Intraclass correlations between symptom scores derived from the interviews indicated that parents were generally more reliable than children in reporting child symptoms. However, test-retest reliabilities showed an opposite age pattern for parent and child. The reliability of the child's report increased with age and was lower for children aged 6-9 than those aged 10-13 and 14-18. Conversely, the reliability of the parent's report decreased with the age of the child and was slightly higher for children aged 6-9 than those aged 10-13 and 14-18. These findings were interpreted in terms of children's cognitive development and age-related shifts in parents' perceptions and awareness of their children's behavior.  相似文献   

The study investigated the attitudes, perceptions, and feelings of parents of 7 Hmong families that included a deaf or hard of hearing child attending a U.S. public school. The findings indicate that many Hmong parents value education and want to be involved in their deaf or hard of hearing child's learning. However, the parents in the study did not know how to become involved, and needed the support of the school. Although they accepted their deaf or hard of hearing children unconditionally, they had lower academic expectations of that child than of their hearing children. Most of the parents reported limited knowledge of the policies, procedures, practices, and organizational structures of special education, and all cited communication barriers as impediments to involvement in their child's education. Most of the parents expressed strong satisfaction with their child's educational program. The findings suggest several areas for further research.  相似文献   

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