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科学素养是当代科学教育的中心概念.从科学素养这个名词出现至今,已有许多学者和组织对其进行界定,但尚未达成共识.本文在回顾相关文献的基础上,将不同学者或组织对科学素养概念的界定划分为“内容-行为”、“类型”和“类型-水平”三种取向,并对这三种取向的界定进行梳理与分析,希望为科学素养概念的理解提供参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

王帅 《华章》2010,(11)
青少年阶段,作为个体发展的特殊阶段,不但是身心成长的重要时期,也是从一个社会"边缘人"向社会"参与者"转化的关键时期.青少年问题不仅仅是青少年自身的问题,它也是学校、家庭等社会问题的预设与折射.青少年犯罪问题不但是法律问题,同时也是社会问题,具有多元化范式,缺少专业槽,因此,青少年犯罪问题在各国都存在着争议,但究其根本,反映的是对青少年犯罪概念的争议,这种争议主要来自两方面:即对"青少年"年龄的界定以及对犯罪范围的界定意见不一.本文将对我国及国外青少年犯罪概念进行综述,谈谈对青少年犯罪概念的界定的看法.  相似文献   

本文对国际经合组织(OECD)的国际学生评价项目(PISA)进行了借鉴改进,旨在构建评估上海青少年"面向未来"科学素养五种能力的结构模型.通过抽取经过7年、8年和9年义务教育的学生作为调查样本,以评估上海市义务教育阶段青少年科学素养状况.报告对学生科学素养的总体状况及五种能力发展水平分别作了分析,并提出相关对策建议.  相似文献   

科学概念是对科学领域基本概念、基本原理和科学学科内部规律的高度提炼与概括,它是学生学习科学的前提和基础。文章在阐述科学素养视域下小学科学课程概念建构的教学价值的基础上,以教科版三年级上册《压缩空气》的教学为例,探讨了科学素养视域下小学科学课程概念建构的基本策略。  相似文献   

化学概念对学生学习化学有直接的影响,概念教学是化学课堂教学的重要任务之一。化学概念教学是培养学生能力和科学素养的有效途径,从概念的形成、概念的辨析、概念的应用、概念的发展四个维度展开教学,有利于培养学生的归纳与抽象能力、分析与理解能力以及问题解决能力。  相似文献   

我们已经进入一个高新技术的时代,接受科技教育,提高每个人的科技素养应该成为这个时代的特征之一,也应该是我们每一位教育工作应积极探索,为之努力的问题。中学历史课本中科技史部分在化史中占有突出的地位。教好这一内容.弄清科技与国力的关系,科技发展与社会发展的关系,对于培养学生的科学精神,增强科技意识,提高科学素质,树立科学的人精神,具有非常重大的意义。  相似文献   

本文对PISA2006科学素养评估的概念框架进行了分析性抽绎,明确了PISA2006所定义的科学素养的概念和维度以及使用的评估框架,进而对该概念框架提供了建设性的思考.  相似文献   

TIMSS中的科学素养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、关于TIMSS TIMSS是“第三次国际数学和科学研究”的英文缩写。它是国际教育成就协会(IEA)发起的、迄今为止规模最大的国际数学与科学教育比较研究。整个研究历时近十年,涉及45个国家和地区,先后有50万学生  相似文献   

"青少年犯罪"这一概念在犯罪学中占有极为重要之地位,其抓住了青少年群体的特殊性,具有合理性与独有优势,而解析此概念是研究青少年犯罪现象的重要前提,具体而言,"青少年犯罪"中青少年的范围应在十四岁到二十五岁之间,犯罪一概念应当做广义理解,同时包括违法行为和严重违反道德的具有社会危害性的行为,刑法中明确规定的罪行只是其典型形态。  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses outcomes arising from a recently completed National Primary Science Survey (England) intended, in part, to elicit how teachers and others perceive the effectiveness of colleagues and the schools in which they work to implement and deliver primary science within the National Curriculum. While the majority view among respondents was found to be generally positive and encouraging, particularly so in terms of school ethos and regard for science as a curriculum area, certain personal or ‘intrinsic’ and environmental or ‘extrinsic’ elements were nevertheless identified as more inhibiting than others and for certain subgroups within the sample of participants itself. The majority of findings reported here were obtained using a seven-scale, 49-item diagnostic research instrument originally developed for use in New Zealand and subsequently transported to other locations around the world. In its first fully documented use within the UK, the validity, reliability and potential of this instrument to provide teachers and others with a means of evaluating science education provision together with providing an evidence-base for professional dialogue, strategic planning and decision-making for overall school improvement are considered.  相似文献   

从毛泽东到胡锦涛的四代领导人的青少年道德观,是针对具体历史条件,对青少年道德建设提出的一系列论述的集中体现。从整体看,他们把青少年道德建设与中国特色社会主义相结合,与青少年健康成长相渗透,与青少年全面发展相统一,使得社会主义道德具有了鲜明的方向性、协调性、时代性,体现出了鲜明的创新性。从“全面发展”到“社会主义荣辱观”的演进过程,是我们党的四代领导人青少年道德观的创新过程。  相似文献   

This opening article of the Special Issue makes an argument for parallel definitions of scientific literacy and mathematical literacy that have shared features: importance of general cognitive and metacognitive abilities and reasoning/thinking and discipline-specific language, habits-of-mind/emotional dispositions, and information communication technology strategies to prepare people for adult life and democratic citizenship. These frameworks provide potential insights into research and pedagogy. Furthermore, they provide guidelines for second-generation standards, curriculum development and assessment so as not to overlook or underemphasize the fundamental literacy component of mathematical and scientific literacy for all students, which can result in fuller participation in the public debate about science, mathematics, technology, society, and environment issues.  相似文献   

2017版《义务教育小学科学课程标准》提出:科学教学要倡导探究式学习方式,引导学生在科学探究过程中发展思维能力、建构知识、形成求真的科学品质.新课程的实施,使科学课堂教学发生了巨大的变化,课堂的关注点已由原来的"知识传授"为主转变为"探究活动"为主,"科学探究"成为小学科学教学活动的核心要素.在小学科学教学中提出并实践...  相似文献   

对西医从业者开展科学素养测评研究为促进我国医疗卫生事业的健康发展、探索医药行业的人才培养方式等实际问题提供了重要的参考依据.应用职业从业者科学素养五维度模型,根据西医从业者的工作特点和岗位特殊性形成西医职业特征的"专测"问卷,对广州市地区的西医从业者开展了科学素养测评.测评结果显示西医从业者的科学素养综合水平略高于一般公众水平,但在个别维度上略低于一般公众.研究结果显示了在西医职业教育课程中增加科学教育课程的必要性,进一步提高西医从业人员的科学素养.  相似文献   


The paper provides a systematic theoretical analysis of the main visions of the concept of scientific literacy developed in the last 20 years. It is described as a transition from a transmissive educational vision of scientific literacy (Vision-I) to a transformative vision (Vision-III), with a stronger engagement with social participation and emancipation. Using conceptual tools from sociology and the philosophy of education, the notions of science participation and emancipation associated with transformative Vision-III are critically analyzed in order to draw attention to the growing need to define them with greater accuracy as key conceptual components of scientific literacy. Without such an approach, it will be difficult for science education to materialize and consolidate educational actions that are pedagogically sound, culturally and socially sensitive, and coherent with the social transformation of the diverse conditions of oppression. It is concluded that Vision-III should include both a broad conception of participation, which makes visible the invisible and informal acts performed by diverse groups to build society, and an alternative notion of emancipation committed to liberation.


本文从PISA2015科学素养测评科学地解释现象、设计与评估科学探究实验、科学地解释数据和证据三个方面分析数学素养在科学领域的应用,并给出在学校教育中综合提升学生科学素养与数学素养的一些建议。  相似文献   

In response to international concerns about scientific literacy and students’ waning interest in school science, this study investigated the effects of a science‐writing project about the socioscientific issue (SSI) of biosecurity on the development of students’ scientific literacy. Students generated two BioStories each that merged scientific information with the narrative storylines in the project. The study was conducted in two phases. In the exploratory phase, a qualitative case study of a sixth‐grade class involving classroom observations and interviews informed the design of the second, confirmatory phase of the study, which was conducted at a different school. This phase involved a mixed methods approach featuring a quasi‐experimental design with two classes of Australian middle school students (i.e., sixth grade, 11 years of age, n = 55). The results support the argument that writing the sequence of stories helped the students become more familiar with biosecurity issues, develop a deeper understanding of related biological concepts, and improve their interest in science. On the basis of these findings, teachers should be encouraged to engage their students in the practice of writing about SSI in a way that integrates scientific information into narrative storylines. Extending the practice to older students and exploring additional issues related to writing about SSI are recommended for further research.  相似文献   

目前,全球都在肯定人的因素是制约或者推动一个国家进步的根本因素,而另外一个重要因素就是科技,更不必说人的科学素养的重要性。越来越多的国家意识到培养公众科学素养的重要性,我国亦如此。但是目前我国公众科学素养水平却并不乐观,如何提升公众科学素养成为摆在我们面前的难题,解决的对策应该从政策支持、多元途径、科技普及和成人教育入手。  相似文献   

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