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This study analysed the modulation of jump performance, vertical stiffness as well as joint and intralimb coordination throughout a 30-s vertical jump test. Twenty male athletes performed the test on a force plate while undergoing kinematic analysis. Jump height, power output, ground contact time, vertical stiffness, maximum knee and hip flexion angles, and coordination by continuous relative phase (CRP) were analysed. Analysis of variance was used to compare variables within deciles, and t-tests were used to compare CRP data between the initial and final jumps. Results showed reduction in jump height, power output, and vertical stiffness, with an increase in contact time found during the test. Maximum knee and hip flexion angles declined, but hip angle decreased earlier (10–20% of the test) than knee angle (90–100%). No changes were observed in CRP for thigh–leg coupling when comparing initial and final jumps, but the trunk–thigh coupling was more in-phase near the end of the test. We conclude that fatigue causes reduction in jump performance, as well as changes in stiffness and joint angles. Furthermore, changes in intralimb coordination appear at the last 10% of the test, suggesting a neuromotor mechanism to counterbalance the loss of muscle strength.  相似文献   

Understanding of the inter-joint coordination between rotational movement of each hip and trunk in golf would provide basic knowledge regarding how the neuromuscular system organises the related joints to perform a successful swing motion. In this study, we evaluated the inter-joint coordination characteristics between rotational movement of the hips and trunk during golf downswings. Twenty-one right-handed male professional golfers were recruited for this study. Infrared cameras were installed to capture the swing motion. The axial rotation angle, angular velocity and inter-joint coordination were calculated by the Euler angle, numerical difference method and continuous relative phase, respectively. A more typical inter-joint coordination demonstrated in the leading hip/trunk than trailing hip/trunk. Three coordination characteristics of the leading hip/trunk reported a significant relationship with clubhead speed at impact (r < ?0.5) in male professional golfers. The increased rotation difference between the leading hip and trunk in the overall downswing phase as well as the faster rotation of the leading hip compared to that of the trunk in the early downswing play important roles in increasing clubhead speed. These novel inter-joint coordination strategies have the great potential to use a biomechanical guideline to improve the golf swing performance of unskilled golfers.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in lower-limb coordination and coordination variability between experienced and novice runners during a prolonged run. Thirty-four participants were categorised as either experienced (n = 17) or novice runners (n = 17). All participants performed a 31-min treadmill run at their individual anaerobic threshold speed, and lower-limb kinematic data were acquired in the sagittal plane at the beginning, middle, and end of the run. Lower-limb coordination and variability during the stance phase were quantified using a vector coding technique for hip-knee, knee-ankle, pelvis-thigh, thigh-shank, and shank-foot couplings. Repeated-measure analysis of covariance revealed that running experience and time had significant interactions on the coordination patterns for hip-knee and pelvis-thigh couplings. During the midstance, experienced runners exhibited a higher percentage of in-phase motion for pelvis-thigh and knee-ankle couplings while novice runners displayed a higher percentage of distal motion for pelvis-thigh coupling and anti-phase motion for hip-knee coupling. Experienced runners displayed more variability in hip-knee and shank-foot couplings, and novice runners had more variability in hip, knee, and thigh motion. Experienced and novice runners adapted to progressive fatigue through different lower-limb coordination patterns. Throughout the prolonged run, experienced runners demonstrated greater coordination variability and novice runners displayed greater joint and segment variability.  相似文献   

Landing with the knee in a valgus position is recognized as a risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Using linear and non-linear regression analyses, the purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between two-dimensional (2D) knee valgus and three-dimensional (3D) knee kinematics measured during a jump landing task. Twenty-eight female collegiate athletes participated. All participants were required to perform a continuous jump test. The average maximum angles of abduction and internal tibial rotation during landing were measured using the Point Cluster Technique. Average peak knee valgus angle was measured using a 2D approach. Linear and non-linear regression analyses between 2D valgus and 3D knee abduction, and between 2D valgus and 3D internal tibial rotation, were performed. The R2 value between 2D valgus and 3D knee abduction was significantly different from zero and had a moderate correlation for all models, whereas the R2 value between 2D valgus and 3D internal tibial rotation was not significantly different from zero. The 2D approach could be used to screen a specific group of individuals for risk of ACL injury; however, using frontal plane 2D analysis of valgus motion to evaluate internal tibial rotation is not advised.  相似文献   

Landing with the knee in a valgus position is recognized as a risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Using linear and non-linear regression analyses, the purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between two-dimensional (2D) knee valgus and three-dimensional (3D) knee kinematics measured during a jump landing task. Twenty-eight female collegiate athletes participated. All participants were required to perform a continuous jump test. The average maximum angles of abduction and internal tibial rotation during landing were measured using the Point Cluster Technique. Average peak knee valgus angle was measured using a 2D approach. Linear and non-linear regression analyses between 2D valgus and 3D knee abduction, and between 2D valgus and 3D internal tibial rotation, were performed. The R 2 value between 2D valgus and 3D knee abduction was significantly different from zero and had a moderate correlation for all models, whereas the R 2 value between 2D valgus and 3D internal tibial rotation was not significantly different from zero. The 2D approach could be used to screen a specific group of individuals for risk of ACL injury; however, using frontal plane 2D analysis of valgus motion to evaluate internal tibial rotation is not advised.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of aerobic capacity (peak oxygen uptake) and aerobic dance experience on the physiological responses to an aerobic dance routine. The heart rate (HR) and VO2 responses to three levels (intensities) of aerobic dance were measured in 27 women. Experienced aerobic dancers (AD) (mean peak VO2 = 42 ml.kg-1.min-1) were compared to subjects with limited aerobic dance experience of high (HI) (peak VO2 greater than 35 ml.kg-1.min-1) and low (LO) (peak VO2 less than 35 ml.kg-1.min-1) aerobic capacities. The results indicated the LO group exercised at a higher percentage of peak heart rate and peak VO2 at all three dance levels than did either the HI or AD groups (HI = AD). Design of aerobic dance routines must consider the exercise tolerance of the intended audience. In mixed groups, individuals with low aerobic capacities should be shown how and encouraged to modify the activity to reduce the level of exertion.  相似文献   


Chronic foot and ankle injuries are common in dancers; understanding how lower extremity loading changes in response to altered task goals can be beneficial for rehabilitation and injury prevention strategies. The purpose of this study was to examine mechanical demands during jump take-offs when the task goal was modified to focus on either increasing jump distance or increasing jump height. It was hypothesized that a jump strategy focused on height would result in decreased energetic demands on the foot and ankle joints. Thirty healthy, experienced female dancers performed saut de chat leaps while travelling as far as possible (FAR) or jumping as high as possible (UP). Ground reaction force (GRF) impulses and peak sagittal plane net joint moments and sagittal plane mechanical energy expenditure (MEE) of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP), ankle, knee, and hip joints were calculated. During take-off, vertical and horizontal braking GRF impulses were greater and horizontal propulsive GRF impulse was lower in the UP condition. MEE at the MTP, ankle, and hip joints was lower in UP, and MEE at the knee was higher in UP. These results suggest that a strategy focused on height may be helpful in unloading the ankle and MTP joints during dance leaps.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine: (1) the modes of action of selected muscles of the supporting leg during the take-off of a running long jump; (2) whether the instant at which maximum knee flexion is recorded is a valid indicator of the instant these muscles change their modes of action; and (3) the relationships between the actions of these muscles and the change in the vertical velocity of the centre of mass during the take-off. Eleven elite, female long jumpers performed six jumps from a full-length approach. A model of selected muscles of the jumping leg was developed to estimate muscle-tendon lengths from segment positions obtained using cinematography. Only half of the muscles exhibited a lengthening-shortening sequence of activity. The instant at which maximum knee flexion was recorded was a poor indicator of when the muscles changed from eccentric to concentric activity. The more the vasti muscles were stretched, the larger the gain in vertical velocity; the longer the triceps surae muscles at touchdown, the more they were stretched, and the faster they were stretched, the larger the gain in vertical velocity. Enhancement through use of the stretch-shortening cycle did not make a significant contribution to vertical velocity via the actions of the vasti and triceps surae muscles.  相似文献   


A case study visualisation approach to examining the coordination and variability of multiple interacting segments is presented using a whole-body gymnastic skill as the task example. One elite male gymnast performed 10 trials of 10 longswings whilst three-dimensional locations of joint centres were tracked using a motion analysis system. Segment angles were used to define coupling between the arms and trunk, trunk and thighs and thighs and shanks. Rectified continuous relative phase profiles for each interacting couple for 80 longswings were produced. Graphical representations of coordination couplings are presented that include the traditional single coupling, followed by the relational dynamics of two couplings and finally three couplings simultaneously plotted. This method highlights the power of visualisation of movement dynamics and identifies properties of the global interacting segmental couplings that a more formal analysis may not reveal. Visualisation precedes and informs the appropriate qualitative and quantitative analysis of the dynamics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in coordination variability in running gait between trained runners and non-runners using continuous relative phase (CRP) analysis. Lower extremity kinematic data were collected for 22 participants during the stance phase. The participants were assigned to either a runner or non-runner group based on running volume training. Segment coordination and coordination variability were calculated for selected hip–knee and knee–ankle couplings. Independent t-tests and magnitude-based inferences were used to compare the 2 groups. There were limited differences in the CRP and its variability among runners and non-runner groups. The runners group achieved moderately lower coordination compared with non-runners group in the phase angle for hip abduction/adduction and knee flexion/extension. The runners tended to show moderately lower coordination variability in the phase angle for knee flexion/extension and subtalar inversion/eversion in comparison to non-runners group. These results suggested that levels of experience as estimated from weekly training volume had little influence on coordination and its variability.  相似文献   

The study investigated the coordination and variability of posture and pistol motion for skilled pistol shooters and novices in a pistol-aiming task. The participants stood on a force platform and held a pistol with the preferred arm to aim for accuracy to a target on 30 s trials. The results revealed that the amount of the centre of pressure (COP) and pistol motion was lower for the expert than novice group. The time–varying structure of COP as indexed by multiscale entropy (MSE) and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) was also lower for the expert than the novice group. The relative phase between the COP in the anterior–posterior (AP) and pistol in the AP and between the COP in the medial–lateral (ML) and pistol in AP was close to inphase for the both groups. However, for the novice group the coordination patterns of posture and pistol motion were more variable with the pistol motion leading the posture motion while it was lagging in the skilled group. The findings show different qualitative and quantitative dynamics in pistol-aiming as a function of skill level with postural control foundational to supporting the reduced dispersion and complexity of the skilled arm-pistol motion.  相似文献   

Mechanography during the vertical jump may enhance screening and determining mechanistic causes underlying physical performance changes. Utility of jump mechanography for evaluation is limited by scant test-retest reliability data on force-time variables. This study examined the test-retest reliability of eight jump execution variables assessed from mechanography. Thirty-two women (mean±SD: age 20.8 ± 1.3 yr) and 16 men (age 22.1 ± 1.9 yr) attended a familiarization session and two testing sessions, all one week apart. Participants performed two variations of the squat jump with squat depth self-selected and controlled using a goniometer to 80º knee flexion. Test-retest reliability was quantified as the systematic error (using effect size between jumps), random error (using coefficients of variation), and test-retest correlations (using intra-class correlation coefficients). Overall, jump execution variables demonstrated acceptable reliability, evidenced by small systematic errors (mean±95%CI: 0.2 ± 0.07), moderate random errors (mean±95%CI: 17.8 ± 3.7%), and very strong test-retest correlations (range: 0.73–0.97). Differences in random errors between controlled and self-selected protocols were negligible (mean±95%CI: 1.3 ± 2.3%). Jump execution variables demonstrated acceptable reliability, with no meaningful differences between the controlled and self-selected jump protocols. To simplify testing, a self-selected jump protocol can be used to assess force-time variables with negligible impact on measurement error.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects of forward trunk lean on hamstring muscle kinematics during sprinting. Eight male sprinters performed maximal-effort sprints in two trunk positions: forward lean and upright. A three-dimensional musculoskeletal model was used to compute the musculotendon lengths and velocity of the biceps femoris long head, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles during the sprinting gait cycle. The musculotendon lengths of all the three hamstring muscles at foot strike and toe-off were significantly greater during the forward trunk lean sprint than during the upright trunk sprint. In addition, a positive peak musculotendon lengthening velocity was observed in the biceps femoris long head and semimembranosus muscles during the late stance phase, and musculotendon lengths at that instant were significantly greater during the forward trunk lean sprint than during the upright trunk sprint. The present study provides significant evidence that a potential for hamstring muscle strain injury involving forward trunk lean sprinting would exist during the stance phase. The results also indicate that the biceps femoris long head and semimembranosus muscles are stretched during forward trunk lean sprinting while contracting eccentrically in the late stance phase; thus, the elongation load on these muscles could be increased.  相似文献   

The movement meanings of students (n = 19) in one fifth-grade class during a creative dance unit focusing on effort (force, time, space, flow) are investigated using a perspective grounded in transcendental phenomenology (Husserl, 1931). Data were collected via videotape, journal, and homework documents and semistructured interviews. Analytical induction (Patton, 2002) structured a four-step analysis process that reduced meaning to its essential essence. Movement meaning was found to be a multifaceted construct that varied among students within and across five dimensions. To enhance meaningful learning, educators are encouraged to consider reflexively (a) their philosophical orientation relative to knowledge making and curriculum values, (b) instructional techniques that help students' access meaning, and (c) the contribution of dance as a source of meaning.  相似文献   

Increased lateral trunk bending to the injured side has been observed when ACL injuries occur. The purpose was to quantify the effect of mid-flight lateral trunk bending on center of mass (COM) positions and subsequent landing mechanics during a jump-landing task. Forty-one recreational athletes performed a jump-landing task with or without mid-flight lateral trunk bending. When the left and right trunk bending conditions were compared with the no trunk bending condition, participants moved the COM of the upper body to the bending direction, while the COM of the pelvis, ipsilateral leg, and contralateral leg moved away from the bending direction relative to the whole body COM. Participants demonstrated increased peak vertical ground reaction forces (VGRF) and knee valgus and internal rotation angles at peak VGRF for the ipsilateral leg, but decreased peak VGRF and knee internal rotation angles at peak VGRF and increased knee varus angles at peak VGRF for the contralateral leg. Mid-flight lateral trunk resulted in an asymmetric landing pattern associated with increased ACL loading for the ipsilateral leg. The findings may help to understand altered trunk motion during ACL injury events and the discrepancy in ACL injuries related to limb dominance in badminton and volleyball.  相似文献   

高校健身街舞课程的构建与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本着既保留美国街舞文化的特色,又利于向大众普及、科学健身方向发展,提出了健身街舞的概念,构建了高校健身街舞课程教学体系,供高校体育专业学生选修,实践证明这是一项融体育、音乐、舞蹈为一体的易学、科学、安全的课程.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the intra and inter-assessor repeatability of a modified Rizzoli Foot Model for analysing the foot kinematics of ballet dancers. Six university-level ballet dancers performed the movements; parallel stance, turnout plié, turnout stance, turnout rise and flex-point-flex. The three-dimensional (3D) position of individual reflective markers and marker triads was used to model the movement of the dancers’ tibia, entire foot, hindfoot, midfoot, forefoot and hallux. Intra and inter-assessor reliability demonstrated excellent (ICC ≥ 0.75) repeatability for the first metatarsophalangeal joint in the sagittal plane. Intra-assessor reliability demonstrated excellent (ICC ≥ 0.75) repeatability during flex-point-flex across all inter-segmental angles except for the tibia-hindfoot and hindfoot-midfoot frontal planes. Inter-assessor repeatability ranged from poor to excellent (0.5 > ICC ≥ 0.75) for the 3D segment rotations. The most repeatable measure was the tibia-foot dorsiflexion/plantar flexion articulation whereas the least repeatable measure was the hindfoot-midfoot adduction/abduction articulation. The variation found in the inter-assessor results is likely due to inconsistencies in marker placement. This 3D dance specific multi-segment foot model provides insight into which kinematic measures can be reliably used to ascertain in vivo technical errors and/or biomechanical abnormalities in a dancer’s foot motion.  相似文献   

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