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This article argues that Harry Potter fan vids can be used in the classroom as works of secondary criticism about J. K. Rowling’s primary text. It makes two claims: the first is that vids can be read as criticism of a particular text (in this case Harry Potter) alongside other critical essays on that text; the second is that the practice of doing so, for teachers of literature in general, and children’s literature in particular, is a valid one. The article first provides readings of four vids, showing how each can be used to complement traditional scholarly sources as interpretations of the text; and then situates issues arising from the pedagogical possibilities of vids within the larger field of fandom studies.  相似文献   

在《哈利波特》系列小说中,J.K·罗琳借用一个魔幻世界,来讲述一个"人"的故事。而在这个魔幻世界的故事里,作者真情流露出了她对真、善、美的追求和对邪、恶、丑的憎恨,让读者看到了她所拥有的价值观。本文将通过分析小说主人公哈利波特的成长经历,探讨小说中所蕴涵的价值观及其对青少年的影响和启示。  相似文献   

读者们注意了!J.K.罗琳这部气势恢宏的《哈利·波特》的完结篇绝对会让您的心脏难以承受——在最终回《哈利·波特与死圣》中等待大家的种种启示、战斗和背叛一定会让粉丝们心情跌宕起伏地看到最后。第七部故事的核心是关于一个英雄的使命——这不仅仅存在于哈利在霍格沃兹求学的过程中,  相似文献   

On the 20th anniversary of J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, we examine the narratives of pedagogical practice of three teachers at “Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”. By drawing on these characters’ stories of teaching as presented in Rowling’s novels, we foreground their personal practical knowledge and the relationship of this knowledge to their curriculum-making. We do this in order to highlight the importance of narrative perspective and context in the assessment and evaluation of teachers’ pedagogical practice.  相似文献   

Series Harry Potter belongs to novel of magic realism.Although series Harry Potter is divided into children’s literary works,it attracts people in all age groups.As hero of Harry Potter,Harry,a boy who mature gradually,has unusual experience of resisting Dark Lord Voldemort.Obviously,Harry and Voldemort,who stand for justice and evil separately,are important roles in novel.J.K Rowling designs many connect and coincidence between Harry and Voldemort to lead the development of plot.In fact,Harry and Voldemort are in a unity of opposite.Therefore,the work presented in this paper will focus on unity of opposite between Harry Potter and Voldemort.  相似文献   

What beliefs and values are upheld, implicitly or explicitly, by recent writers of fiction for older children? The first of Philip Pullman’s trilogy, Northern lights, was published in 1995 and the first of the 10-year sequence of Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling came out in 1997. This paper begins by considering Pullman and Rowling’s fantasies. It briefly appraises recent books by four leading authors, set either in secular Britain or a historical context in which Christian churches had a significant role. (In the order in which they are considered these are: Kevin Brooks, Meg Rosoff, Siobhan Dowd and Theresa Breslin.) It concludes with the work of another Carnegie Medal winner, David Almond, which seems to bring earth and heaven into meaningful contact with each other.  相似文献   

This essay follows the insights of reader response theory to examine how readers of Phyllis Reynolds Naylor’s Alice McKinley series negotiate textual meaning and construct particular identities in relation to the series’ controversial content. Ranking second on the American Library Association’s top one hundred list of banned and challenged books for 2000–2009, and criticized by conservative groups and feminist scholars alike, the Alice series may be understood as belonging to a widely-denigrated genre of relational reading material largely consumed by girls. The study analyzes over 2 years of reader posts to the Offical Alice Blog, the major fan website to the series, to argue that reading Alice is a means by which fans shape their social and cultural identities in sometimes contradictory ways. While Alice fans display an uncritical adoption of some traditional beliefs around gender and sexuality in their reading of the series, their discussion simultaneously reveals how their recognition of the series as transgressive and liberating in its presentation of matters related to female adolescent identity enables readers to construct particular identities for themselves as readers, teens, and young women that are formed in opposition to some conservative and traditional ideologies. Moreover, in their engagement with the series’ progressive sexual politics fans move closer to claiming agency as sexual subjects.  相似文献   

Fans of the Harry Potter series of books have flocked(聚结)to Harry’s second big-screen adventure,Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. And for director Chris Columbus,the deci—sion to use both digital and traditional special effects in themovie appeared to have helped make the magic come alivefor Harry fans.  相似文献   

In this essay,I am going to do some research about the effect of the Domestication and Foreignization of the magic words' translation in Harry Potter.Harry Potter is my favorite book both in childhood and now.It is a series of fantasy novel written by British writer J.K.Rowling.It tells about the life of Harry Potter with his friend Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.Domestication and foreignization are two ways in translation,regarding the degree to which translators make a text conform to the target culture.It is the translation made me feel the charm of the book.This book was my favorite book in childhood,and I really appreciate the translator's skills to translate this book.The essay includes spells,magic animals,magic items and names four parts.Each part is divided into Domestication and Foreignization two aspects.The research method of this essay includes comparative analysis,exemplification,induction and literature summarization.  相似文献   

《哈利·波特》系列小说在20世纪末出版,风靡全球。作者对传统魔幻小说的创新不仅仅不在于题材和语言革新,更多的是在于对真实情感的回归,对文学多元性的吸收和应用。读者能够深刻地感觉到《哈利·波特》既亲切又新奇,有怀旧味道的同时又不乏时代的气息。总之,《哈利·波特》受到市场与学术界的热切关注,本文从哈利·波特系列作品的特点入手,全面分析哈利·波特作品背后的文化现象及其深刻内涵。  相似文献   

Literate behaviours are changing with new technological and commercial reworkings of popular fictions. Today's young people are acquiring new skills and strategies to deal with the enormous onslaught of secondary texts associated with many major fictions. This article discusses such developments in the context of three stories: Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and The Simpsons. It investigates the potential for new approaches to literacy as displayed by particular young readers.  相似文献   

李曼 《海外英语》2014,(12):19-19
无人问津的俱乐部你认为萨尔曼·拉什迪、比尔·克林顿、保罗·科埃略和费奥多·陀思妥耶夫斯基的共同点是什么?嗯。除了都是出书作家之外.他们还是一个新俱乐部的成员——英国人声称的他们不能读完的那些书的作者。在最近的一项关于书籍的调查中有很多有趣的发现。其中一项是。通过对4000名成人进行调查发现,32%的人没有读完J.K.罗前的“哈利·波特”系列丛书的第四本《哈利·波特与火焰杯》。榜单上另外一本书是詹姆斯·乔伊斯1912年的小说《尤利西斯》,这本书多达l000页,排在第三位。令人吃惊的是,这项在线电池的书目中也包括路易·德·伯尼埃尔的小说《柯莱利上尉的曼陀林》。从1994年至今,这本书已经售出了超过两百万册,但能够读完这本书的人似乎少之又少。  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来,翻译研究走出语言学模式,开始考察影响翻译的众多语言外因素,诸如权力关系、意识形态、诗学、赞助人等。单纯的语言内翻译研究不足以解释《哈利·波特》系列小说在中国出版业创造的奇迹。《哈利·波特》在中国的热销主要归功于赞助人——中文版赞助者中国人民出版社、发行商和媒体的巨大努力。文章拟以勒菲弗尔的有关赞助人理论和韦努蒂有关出版业的理论分析《哈利.波特》在中国的热销现象,考察这一译本生产与流通的政治化、体制化层面因素。  相似文献   

《哈利·波特》小说系列自问世以来,以其独特的魅力吸引了众多读者,形成持续不断的阅读热潮。思考其倍受热爱的原因,不仅是由于故事题材的出乎意料和内容情节的奇幻多彩,更是因为J.K.罗琳选取的叙述环境和为读者营造的接受空间的巧妙性以及故事中蕴藏的亘古不变的生命真谛——"最后一个要消灭的敌人是死亡"。  相似文献   

自《哈利·波特与魔法石》问世以来,《哈利·波特》系列小说受到了读者的广泛青睐。《哈利·波特》系列小说有很多新词,这些新词以及新词翻译为研究者提供了一片新天地。既要翻译得原汁原味,又要能重现词汇的意境。文章从目的论的角度出发,探讨《哈利·波特》系列小说中专有名词翻译的归化与异化问题。  相似文献   

Gemma Moss 《Literacy》2001,35(3):106-110
This paper examines change and variation in the design of non‐fiction texts which have a junior‐age readership. Using a multimodal analysis, which draws from Kress and Van Leeuwen’s work, it argues that different forms of presentation of non‐fiction offer different ways of reading non‐fiction texts, which as yet are neither fully described nor recognised. Using the contrasts between linear and non‐linear design, the paper suggests that non‐fiction texts can be more or less firmly orientated towards reading as work or reading as play, contrasts which readers’ own choices in different contexts of use make apparent. From this point of view, the eclecticism of the National Literacy Strategy’s references to non‐fiction texts provides a starting point for renewed exploration of what non‐fiction is and how it really works for its readers.  相似文献   

This article explores questions of paratext and spin-off text through an investigation of websites and other forms of satellite texts relating to three series of novels for young people: the Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling, His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, and the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett. Much of this material, which is often perceived as competition to the book, actually trades on a powerful assumption that the reader has already read the books in question. Extended reading is supported rather than undermined by many of these associated texts.  相似文献   

The series novel Harry Potter was created by English woman writer J.K.Rowling.It contains the rich mythical factor,the witchcraft fantasy component and the folk cultural factor.It has inherited England traditional culture,fantastic novel and children literature.This essay mainly discuss the reason of Harry Potter regarded with great favor in the west from the perspective of traditional culture of British and Europe.It started from the witchcraft culture and Christian Culture.These two points are expounded the western culture details by means of the analyzing on culture background.Both of them layed the culture foundations for the success of the series.At last,the depiction of the heroism of nobody is in sharp contrast with the traditional heroism,thereby refl ected the commendable,which makes people realised to carish the worth of peaceful life.  相似文献   

In this article I focus on the black woman's body and its use as a political and cultural signifier and as a site where the politics of gender power is enacted. I argue that two first novels of two contemporary Caribbean women writers, Zee Edgell and Brenda Flanagan, intervene in a history of fictional representation which uses the figure of the ‘native’ woman to signify territorial, economic and sexual conquest and exploitation. The black woman, in early twentieth‐century Caribbean anti‐colonial fiction, silently concedes to her aggressor, whose actions ultimately end in her destruction. The novels of these writers revise the themes and forms of representation that characterise these earlier, predominantly male‐authored texts: in its focus on resistance to both colonial and patriarchal dominance, their work presents an alternative to either victimhood or to the suggestion that, for the poor, working‐class black woman, her body is her only capital.  相似文献   


This article documents my 2-year sojourn from voicelessness – in the face of normalizing discourses about race, privilege, and difference in teacher education scholarship – to an authentic voice capable of addressing normalizing discourses from a position of inclusivity. This journey has involved my face-to-face and even mediated engagement with a critical community of human scholars. In difference to most self-study work, it has included my dialogic engagement with literary (Audre Lorde and Gloria Anzaldúa) and popular (J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series) textual critical partners. In highlighting the role of these textual partners in my self-study research, I draw upon the field of cognitive poetics and reader response theory to push against the boundaries of self-study practice and methodology.  相似文献   

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