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Three hundred nintey-seven seventh-grade students were studied to determine the effect on immediate achievement and retention of a unit designed to promote the development of estimating skills involved in metric measurement. The study involved five teachers with a total of 15 average- or advanced-level classes divided into the reference and treatment groups. A five-day metric unit was designed so that both groups received exactly the same instruction in metric length, mass, and capacity with the exception of the treatment group's participation in activities relating to the development of estimation skills. Data collected from the Metric Application Instrument and analyzed with analysis of covariance indicated that students in the experimental group did retain significantly more of their improved metric application skills than the students in the reference group. The analysis of the main effects of race, sex, and ability indicated that white students achieved significantly more than black students and that males achieved significantly more than females. Analysis of significant race/ability and sex/race interactions indicated that (a) white students in the advanced group attained significantly greater achievement in metric application skills than black students of equal status and (b) white males significantly retained their metric applications achievement when compared to black males or black or white females.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which black females have closed the earnings gap between themselves and white females in the urban South. It examines earnings and occupational data for fully employed females in the same labor market—a sample of large southern metropolitan areas—at the same point in time, 1970; and at the same educational level—high school, some college, and college graduates.The study shows sizable gains for black females, particularly younger black females with some college, not only in earnings, but in occupational status. Thus, educational credentials were extremely important to urban southern black women in 1970. Finally, the study suggests that black women with at least a high school education appear to have been principal beneficiaries of southern employer response to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  相似文献   

The Dickstein Death Concern Scale was used to examine the death anxieties of a sample of elderly people in north and central Florida consisting of whites and blacks, males and females. Analysis of the data revealed that black elderly males display the greatest death anxiety, followed in decreasing order by black females, white females, and white males. Analysis of variance yielded a statistically significant main effect attributable to race. The overall effects attributed to sex were not significant, nor were there any significant interactions. The implications of these findings for practicing counselors were considered.  相似文献   

The WISC and WISC-R protocols of 94 special education students (51 white males, 5 black males, 30 white females, and 8 black females) who tested in the mildly retarded and borderline range of abilities (IQs of 50–78) were examined. Their test performance was then followed longitudinally for two additional WISC and WISC-R assessments. Mean age of subjects was 8 years at Test 1, 10.75 years at Test 2, and 14.9 years at Test 3. As predicted, subjects had lower IQ equivalent scores on Bannatyne's Sequencing Ability category than their IQ equivalent scores on the Verbal Comprehension or Perceptual Organization factors of the WISC and WISC-R for all three testings. Results were interpreted as supporting the notion that mildly retarded children and learning disabled children have qualitatively similar learning patterns.  相似文献   

非裔美国黑人的黑人特征:简评《看不见的人》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于种族歧视在20世纪上半叶的美国并未消失,为了生存和生活,非裔美国黑人主要采取了三种方式:奴性顺从、戴假面具和倡导分离。白人社会的高压扭曲了非裔美国黑人的人格、促成了他们独特的黑人特征。黑人、白人同是美国人,把黑人长期排斥在美国主流社会之外的种族歧视行为是反美国文明的,由此所引起的黑人民族主义敲响了美国社会的警钟:如果种族关系不改善,种族问题会导致种族之间的暴力冲突,危及美国社会的和谐发展。拉尔夫.艾里森所揭示的黑人危机对已进入21世纪的美国仍有警示作用。  相似文献   

托尼·莫里森的<所罗门之歌>是其突破女性题材,走上塑造男性并进而关怀美国黑人种族命运发展这一深刻主题的颠峰之作.小说以美国黑人传唱"所罗门之歌"向往"飞行"为旋律,通过小名叫"奶娃"的主人公一家三代的对不同时代美国黑人不同生存方式的理解,展示出美国黑人从梦回非洲到认同白人,再到回归传统的精神探寻之路,从而为美国黑人描绘了立足美国而获得"飞行"自由的理想精神境界.托尼*莫里森超越了对美国白人的向往或仇视的传统黑人文学主题,无疑开拓了黑人文学更豁达的思维表达空间.  相似文献   


A total of 256 black and 3009 white sophomore students in the four large Georgia universities were studied with regard to their reading test scores obtained during the 1982-83 Georgia Regents' Testing Program. Classification analyses showed that white students scored significantly higher on the reading subtests as well as apposite aptitude/achievement variables. The overlap of black and white student score distributions was consistent, though insignificant, on the aptitude/achievement variables as well as the reading subtests. The extant overlap, however, was significantly greater for black students on the reading subtests than with the aptitude/achievement variables, and these results were similar to those obtained with white students. Further, with the reading subtests, approximately 41% of the black students were misclassified as white students, while only 26% of the white students were misclassified as black students, and this difference in overlap was statistically significant. The study was regarded, to a limited extent, as a cohort extension of the NAEP studies and the results were compared to those findings.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨普通男大学生无氧功能力及其某些形态等指标的相关关系。[方法]采用Wingate试验、形态测量为方法,对26名普通男大学生无氧功和所选形态等指标进行测试和统计分析。[结果]最大无氧功(An5)与所测指标的相关系数十分接近,An5和平均无氧功(An30)与体重、去脂体重呈高度正相关关系,An5和n30与胸围、腰围、大腿围、小腿围、皮褶厚度、体重指数(BMI)呈中度的正相关关系,与身高的相关系数较低。An5/体重与所测指标均呈较低的负相关关系,An5/体重与胸围、腰围、大腿围、小腿围、皮褶厚度、BMI呈中度的负相关关系。[结论]可将所测An5、An30、An5/体重、An30/体重,4个无氧功指标的统计学数值,视为普通男大学生无氧功的主要指标。  相似文献   

黑白装饰画,是以黑、白对比为造型手段,画面主题以黑、白形体的巧妙组合来得以充分表现,具有高度概括的艺术特色。黑白装饰画的空间表现、造型特征、表现方式具体体现在用黑白构成的外在形式美,灵活运用点、线、面多种形式的表现方式,使画面黑、白、灰变化丰富,虚实层次错落有致以及黑白艺术效果单纯、明朗、强烈,自然带有强烈浪漫主义色彩和抒情性。  相似文献   

美国著名黑人女剧作家洛琳.汉斯贝莉的剧作《阳光下的干葡萄》描叙了上世纪中期芝加哥一个黑人家庭在种族歧视与不公的社会中求生存的故事。剧中的三位女性——妈妈蕾拉、儿媳露丝、女儿毕丽莎都有着对"家园"梦想执著而坚韧的追寻。但在当时社会环境下,她们的梦想都受到了白人、男权社会的两重抑制。  相似文献   

美国黑人女作家托妮.莫里森在处女作《最蓝的眼睛》中运用自然意象生动地刻画了人物形象,突出小说主题,体现了在白人文化的冲击下黑人的精神困境,批判了种族歧视、文化殖民对黑人女性的戕害,揭示造成黑人女性悲剧命运的根源。  相似文献   

Results of the TONI, WISC-R, and WRAT were compared for a sample of 66 learning disabled children: 51 males (32 white, 19 black) and 15 females (9 white, 6 black) whose mean age was 9–5 (SD = 1–10). The mean score of the TONI was significantly different from the Performance IQ. Nonsignificant differences were found between the TONI and Full Scale IQ and between the TONI and Verbal IQ. Correlation coefficients between the TONI and WISC-R ranged from a low of .35 for the Verbal IQ to .44 for both the Full Scale and Performance IQs. The correlation coefficients between the TONI and standard scores of the WRAT were .38, .27, and .23, for Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic, respectively. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

颜色词红黑白的联想意义及其反义关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜色词所体现的化层面上的意义,我们叫联想意义。汉语红、黑、白的联想意义十分丰富。从联想意义的角度考察,黑与白、红与黑、红与白可以构成反义关系。  相似文献   

皮毛贸易是北美早期经济开发的一种模式,是欧洲和北美之间的国际贸易。本文论述了伴随早期殖民活动展开的北美皮毛贸易的情况,主要论述皮毛贸易兴起的原因以及18世纪之前欧洲主要国家在北美展开皮毛贸易的情况。  相似文献   

Attempts to identify characteristics of children who have been sexually abused have generally been based on cases reported to clinics, hospitals, law enforcement and social service agencies. In this study a questionnaire was mailed to a representative sample of the adult population in Texas. Child sexual abuse was defined as sexual interaction between a child and an adult or between two minors when the perpetrator is significantly older than the victim or is in a position of power over the victim. A return rate of 53% was obtained. The surveys returned varied from previous studies of the same population in that the respondents were slightly older, more often married and from a slightly higher socioeconomic level. They were, however, closely matched on the variables of sex, race and educational level. Childhood sexual victimization was reported by 7.4% of the respondents. Female victims comprised 82% of this group. The racial/ethnic distribution of victims paralleled that of the Texas census with 77% white, 5% black, and 16% Hispanic. Victimization rates were highest for Hispanic females followed by black and white females in that order. Hispanic and black males reported the lowest victimization rates. Based on these findings, it was estimated that 821,359 adult Texas residents were sexually abused as children. These results were compared with those of other studies along with their implications for policy-making.  相似文献   

Differential prediction for black and white students was empirically investigated at 13 institutions by comparison of regression planes. Particular attention was given to the possibility that prediction procedures that are appropriate for white (majority) students would underpredict the performance of black (minority) students. The data tend to support, among others, the following generalizations: (a) a single regression plane cannot be used to predict freshman GPA for both blacks and whites in 10 of the 13 institutions studied; nevertheless, (b) if prediction of GPA from SAT scores is based upon prediction equations suitable for majority students, then black students, as a group, are predicted to do about as well as (or better than) they actually do; but (c) the multiple regression (SAT-V, M) prediction for blacks in 12 of the 13 institutions was lower in magnitude than for whites and was nonsignificant in 6 of the situations studied.  相似文献   


This article summarizes previous research of teacher communication patterns related to student race and student sex and presents the findings of a study which examined the differences in teachers' verbal feedback statements to black and white and to male and female students.

The limited number of research studies which have investigated teacher communication patterns as related to the student's race can be categorized as experimental, naturalistic setting, and teacher perception studies. These studies are not easily interpreted and are difficult to replicate and generalize from. The literature regarding teacher communication as related to student sex differences is restricted by the same lack of internal coherence and idiosyncratic methodologies as the literature on race differences. Few studies have examined the interactive effects of student race and student sex.

The research presented here attends to this void in the research literature. Observational data were obtained from 67 classrooms in 10 schools in 4 school systems. The ANOVAs revealed two significant main effects for race, five main effects for sex, and three significant race/sex interactions. For the race variable, the researcher found that black students received more negative behavioral feedback and more positive-negative feedback than did white students. Females received significantly less total communication, less praise, less negative behavior feedback, less neutral procedure feedback, and less nonacademic feedback. The significant race/sex interactions emphasized the white female's infrequent communications with teachers. She received significantly less total communication than the other three sex/race groups. In addition, white females received less neutral behavioral feedback and less academic feedback than did white males.  相似文献   

The primary interest of this study is to discover the extent to which black males are gaining or losing ground educationally relative to other male populations. The findings of this study show that the relative difference in the percent of black and white males with a high school or associate's degree has converged considerably, but the relative gap between black and white males receiving a bachelor's, or graduate degree has remained constant. The data showed much upward and downward intergenerational educational mobility for black males. Finally the data showed that the educational attainment of black males was significantly associated with their age, their father's educational attainment level, and the size of the place in which they lived at age 16.  相似文献   

黑色和白色是世界上最简单、纯净的两种颜色,却成就了中国画永恒的魅力。黑白之色,为何成为了中国画的灵魂标志?黑白之美,如何造就了中国画的精神气质?从黑白之源谈起,说明黑白两色,从一开始就受到华夏先祖的青睐,成为中国人重要的审美、说理的形式载体。从虚实相生、动静结合的角度谈了黑白之法,阐述了黑白之美及黑白两色的艺术前景。  相似文献   

Toni Morrison presents how the white culture crashed on the black people and changed their values in The Bluest Eye.The tragedy story of black girl Pecola reveals that the negative impact of white culture is the major reason for distorted and deformed values of black people.Besides exposing the astonishing reality of black people’s existence,Toni Morrison also explores the way to resist pressures from white culture and keep black people’s mental independence.  相似文献   

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