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The objective of this study was to examine the usefulness of the Korean version of the Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents (GRCS-A; Blazina et al. 2005) in Korea. Korean high school students (N = 374) completed the K-GRCS-A. Results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the original 4-factor structures. Reliability was acceptable to satisfactory limits. Further evidence of construct validity was found in modest correlations with psychological well-being variables. Taken together, this study sustained the utility of the K-GRCS-A.  相似文献   

The Chinese Value of Learning Scale (CVLS) is a 5-item instrument for assessing the value of learning in Chinese culture. The psychometric properties of CVLS were investigated in a convenient sample of 583 Chinese soon-to-be-aged adults in Hong Kong. CVLS possesses high internal consistency and exhibited satisfactory short-term test-retest reliability. CVLS also exhibited high face validity and mild convergent validity with other 48-item openness-to-experience scale (OTES) from Revised NEO Personality Inventory, and is significantly related to the past and actual learning experience. In view of its brevity and easy administration, CVLS offers a useful instrument to further investigate the value of learning in Chinese culture and its possible relationship with adults' learning behaviour.  相似文献   

Democratic beliefs in education are important in a pluralistic society, where teachers must be prepared to make professional decisions about how best to meet the educational needs of all students. The purpose of this study was to validate the Democratic Teacher Belief Scale (DTBS). The scale is composed of 34 items relating to the three central principles in democracy--equality, freedom, and justice--as they are manifested in classroom life. Results indicated high internal consistency, significant contrasted group validity, and significant criterion validity (correlation with the Classroom Coping Strategies Scale and with principal evaluation of teaching success). These results have important implications for the measurement of teacher beliefs, as well as for practice in teacher training.  相似文献   

Research Findings. A growing number of young children encounter group learning environment for the first time when entering preschool at age 3, yet their parents and teachers have no means to discern whether they are ready for this challenge. To address this uncertainty, this study developed and validated the Chinese Preschool Readiness Scale (CPRS), which assesses children’s readiness for successful adjustment to preschool. The scale was validated through EFA in Study 1, with 29 teachers who rated 288 children. The scale was further validated by ESEM and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in Study 2, with 46 teachers who rated 765 children. A five-factor CPRS was determined: self-care abilities and emotional maturity, cognitive and communications skills, social competence, learning dispositions, and classroom rules. The construct validity and internal reliability were satisfactory. Its concurrent validity was also established: (1) the CPRS scores were positively correlated with parent-rated self-regulation and (2) the social competence domain of CPRS was positively correlated with sensitive-cooperative behaviors and negatively correlated with anxious-withdrawn behaviors.Practice or Policy. The results supported further development and use of the CPRS to monitor children’s development upon entry at preschool. The findings also highlighted the need for more research on preschool readiness.  相似文献   

Rand, P. 1978. Some Validation Data for the Achievement Motives Scale (AMS). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 22, 155‐171. The AM Swas administered to 588 sixth grade Oslo children, 301 boys and 287 girls. Among other tests given were 6 verbal and 2 numerical tests, TASC, and a Lie/Defensiveness Scale. On the basis of achievement theory, scores on the AMS subscale for motive to seek success (M5) were predicted to be positively related to performance on the verbal and numerical tests, and scores on the subscale for motive to avoid failure (Mf) to be negatively related to those scores. The theory also leads to the assumption that the difference in performance between individuals high and low in motive scores would be clearest on tasks experienced as being of medium difficulty. The results show predicted and mostly significant relationships. Even when related to the tests of personality characteristics, the AMS shows promising qualities. TASC scores are related positively to Mf scores and negatively to Ms scores. The fact that AMS scores show negligible correlations with lie/defensiveness scores indicates that the risk of faked AMS scores may be small.  相似文献   

Evidence for the factorial, convergent and discriminant, and criterion-related validity of the Metacomprehension Scale (MCS) was examined in a sample of 237 young adults. The instrument was factorially heterogeneous but exhibited homogeneity within each of the seven subscales. Evidence for the convergent and discriminant validity of the MCS was examined by correlating the subscales from the MCS with subscales from metacognitive questionnaires measuring similar constructs from related domains. In general, correlations within constructs were larger than correlations between constructs, providing preliminary evidence of the convergent and discriminant validity of the MCS. The criterion-related validity of the MCS relative to other metacognitive measures was examined by using the metacognitive measures and the MCS to predict comprehension performance. The MCS predicted performance better than the other measures of metacognition and accounted for variance in performance not accounted for by the other measures. These results show promise for the value of self-assessments of metacomprehension.  相似文献   

成人学习者自我效能感培养探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:学习动机是成人学习者参与学习的内在动力,而自我效能感对培养成人大学者的学习效果只有十分重要的意义,可以从帮助学习者体验成功,给他们提供正确榜样并积极示范、营造融和的学习氛围等方面来培养成人学习者的自我效能感。  相似文献   

从自我效能感的视域看学习动机的激发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我效能感是指个体对自己在特定领域实现预期结果所需行为能力的信念。它不仅能激发个体的行为动机,还关系到个体成就水年的高低。文章阐述了自我效能感与学习动机的关系,并提出了在学校教育中,可从四个方面通过提高自我效能感来激发学生的学习动机:(1)获得成功经验;(2)积极给予反馈;(3)鼓励正确归因;(4)设定挑战性目标。  相似文献   

One of the essential factors related to student success and satisfaction with a higher education experience is the college environment in which learning takes place. The purpose of this study was to develop a scale, the College Campus Environment Scale (CCES), to measure characteristics of college campus environments valued by students. A model emerged with the following six factors: Academic and Career Expectations, Athletics, Health, Role Models and Mentors, Safety, and Social and Extracurricular Activities. The CCES demonstrates good evidence of reliability and validity and can be utilized by researchers and college personnel to promote positive college experiences for students.  相似文献   

The Classroom Appraisal of Resources and Demands (CARD) was designed to evaluate teacher stress based on subjective evaluations of classroom demands and resources. However, the CARD has been mostly utilized in western countries. The aim of the current study was to provide aspects of the validity of responses to a Chinese version of the CARD that considers Chinese teachers’ unique vocational conditions in the classroom. A sample of 580 Chinese elementary school teachers (510 female teachers and 70 male teachers) were asked to respond to the Chinese version of the CARD. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the data fit the theoretical model very well (e.g., CFI: .982; NFI: .977; GFI: .968; SRMR: .028; RMSEA: .075; where CFI is comparative fit index, NFI is normed fit index, GFI is goodness of fit, SRMR is standardized root mean square residual, RMSEA is root mean square error of approximation), thus providing evidence of construct validity. Latent constructs of the Chinese version of the CARD were also found to be significantly associated with other measures that are related to teacher stress such as self‐efficacy, job satisfaction, personal habits to deal with stress, and intention to leave their current job.  相似文献   

李清照诗词引起岙后九百多年的关注是有目共睹的事实。她自成一格的女性自我意识,宛如一股清新的溪流,体现在她的诗词中。在主流化中,作为女人,她是没有自己的位置的。女性的现实处境迫使转向女性自我。这一点与Dickinson一样。在探导自我的过程中,她建立了强烈的自我意识,并为女性自我作颂歌。这种自我意识影响下,她的诗作在下面几个方面表现很突出:1)对于主流社会她持的不是认同而是批评的姿态;2)“自我”在她的诗词中点突出地位;3)通过花的意象来表现女性的自我意识;4)对女性力的称颂。  相似文献   

Teacher–student interpersonal relationships play an important role in education. The Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) was designed to measure students’ interpersonal perceptions of their teachers. There are two Chinese versions of the QTI for student use, and that inherited the weaknesses of the previous English versions, such as items that focus on class behaviour, instead of teacher behaviour, or that include conditionals and negations. The present study aimed to develop an improved Chinese version of the QTI which is conceptually parallel with the original QTI and with the use of optimal item wording. The process contained several steps, including expert panels and student and teacher interviews. New items were also created based on the Chinese secondary classroom context, rather than only using translations of English items. The final version of the Chinese version of the QTI presented in this paper was evaluated with a sample of 2000 students from 4 secondary schools in mainland China who rated a total of 80 teachers. The resulting version of the Chinese QTI had adequate validity and reliability, and it distinguished clearly between teachers. The predictive validity was supported by the relation between the students’ perceptions of their teachers and their academic emotions in class. Although further improvement of the instrument is recommended, it can be used to study interpersonal teacher behaviour in China and to help to improve Chinese teachers’ teaching practices.  相似文献   

How can art function as a medium through which to re(view) the self and others? This article explores this central question through an interdisciplinary classroom experiment that brought theories of identity development in a multiculturalism classroom together with principles of portraiture present in an introductory drawing class. Interview analysis with a dozen participants suggests that such disciplinary interactions can create space for the exploration of stereotypes and “flash judgments” as well as lead to intense awareness of risk-taking and vulnerability so necessary to multicultural education.

Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it. (Brecht, 1964, p. 425)  相似文献   

Researchers suggest that certain supportive behaviors of mentors could increase the benefits of school-based mentoring for youth. However, the literature contains few validated instruments to measure these behaviors. In our present study, we aimed to construct and validate a tool to measure the supportive behaviors of mentors participating in school-based mentoring programs. The mentor behavior scale (MBS) was developed drawing on the premises of the mentoring sociomotivational model. Two hundred and fifty-three (253) college students participating in an eight-month school-based mentoring program completed an experimental version of the MBS and different measures of the quality of the mentoring relationship at two times during the program. The questionnaire has good internal consistency coefficients and adequate factorial structure, with the exception of the factor autonomy support. Moreover, three dimensions of the MBS predict mentoring relationship quality and the perceived usefulness of the intervention. Recommendations for the use and improvement of the MSB are proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a new instrument to measure the multidimensional nature of motivations to engage in healthy behavior practices among older adults. The Healthy Aging Incentives Scale (HAIS) was developed empirically from data collected from 158 older adults participating in a health and wellness clinic located within a multipurpose senior center in the United States. A factor analysis of the HAIS revealed five themes prompting older adults to participate in health aging practices: health and fitness, psychological well-being, locus of control, social functions, and socialization attributes. Additional data are provided that support reliability and validity of the HAIS including convergent validity of the 20-item scale by its correlation with healthy behavior habits. Conclusions are drawn showing literature support for the multidimensional scale and the important determinants for promoting healthy outcomes for this population.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a preliminary validation of the Feelings Experienced in Supervision Scale (FESS), with findings supporting a single-factor instrument. Relationships between the FESS and attachment patterns, cognitive distortions, and difficulty with corrective feedback are reported. Implications include emotion-focused supervision to identify thoughts and feelings interfering with supervisees' ability to synthesize corrective feedback.  相似文献   

在文献分析、访谈、开放式问卷调查以及专家咨询的基础上,编制适合于中国文化背景下的大学生生命意义感量表。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析结果表明,该量表包含自主性、亲密关系、价值感、目标、死亡与挫折的接纳、情绪情感体验6个因子,共28个项目。经检验,该量表具有良好的信度和效度,达到心理测量学的相关要求,可以作为大学生生命意义感研究的有效测量工具。  相似文献   

自我的隐喻重建——关于班韦尔的《海》中的嗅觉描写   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代爱尔兰作家约翰.班韦尔的《海》是一部沉浸在忧郁与彷徨气氛中的怀旧小说。小说主人公有着敏锐的嗅觉,这一特征不仅成为联系主人公感情经历的纽带,也是主人公证明并力图重建自我的一个隐喻意象,从而在叙述和隐喻两个层面上将过去与现在、记忆与当下自然地连接起来。作品成功地刻画了一个力图重建完整自我却又不能如愿的现代人,同时也反映了作家本人的现代主义和后现代主义的双重立场。  相似文献   

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