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The present study examined the role of female/male wage differentials in a model of job satisfaction. Female/male wage differentials were initially derived in a manner designed to eliminate much of past discriminatory practices. Subsequently, wage differentials were incorporated in a causal model to predict multiple aspects of academic job satisfaction for female faculty. It was hypothesized that the magnitude of the gender-based wage differential not only affected global job satisfaction but also intentions to remain in the academy, perceived stress level, perceptions of collegiality, and perception of the institution among female faculty. The findings indicated that as gender-based wage differentials increased, global job satisfaction of female faculty decreased. This significant effect was manifested predominantly through faculty perceptions of the institution.  相似文献   

A human capital approach is assumed to explain wage differentials among workers in an input-output framework, where skilled workers are produced by means of goods and labor of different kinds. The first part discusses the solution of the input-output system; wage differentials are analyzed in terms of the rate of profit. In the second part, on the basis of an education matrix compiled ad hoc, hypothetical wage differentials are calculated according to education costs and the changes of skill prices at various levels of nonwage incomes derived.  相似文献   

This article tries to explain the wage differentials across industries and firms by the human capital theory, the compensating wage differential theory or other reasons and also the empirical evidences.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWehavenoticedthewagedifferentialsacrossindustriesandfirmsintheworld ,andalwaysex plainthisbythehumancapitaltheoryandthecompensatingwagedifferentialsbecauseintheperfectcompetitivelabourmarketwhereworkersacceptjobscanexpecttoreceivecompensat…  相似文献   

Using data from the 2018 Labor Force Survey, this paper analyzes wage differentials by field of study among Vietnamese university graduates. In contrast to previous findings, we find that many fields, even more technically and quantitatively oriented disciplines, such as engineering, science/math/computer science and business/finance, afford lower earnings than do the arts/humanities disciplines. The differences are statistically significant and, in many cases, large, even after controlling for other individual and regional characteristics. Also, the differences are greater among female than among male graduates. Our results shed light on the value of various types of human capital represented by the various disciplines. Such findings offer useful policy implications for policymakers and educational managers.  相似文献   

Wage differential studies examining legally protected groups typically focus on gender or racial differences. Legislation also fully protects individuals with learning disabilities (LD). This article is the first to decompose wage differentials between adults with and without LD. An original data set of college graduates with documented LD was constructed, and these individuals were compared to a control group from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). Our results show that much of the observed lower wages for individuals with LD is due to differences in productivity characteristics. However, there is an unexplained portion of the wage gap that could possibly be considered wage discrimination against individuals with LD. This possibility seems smaller due to the fact that the subsample of the employers who knew of the employee's learning disabilities did not appear to pay significantly lower wages to these individuals. Alternative hypotheses are discussed, as are sample-specific issues.  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data, this article examines mobility and wage equilibration patterns for instructional personnel for kindergarten through the twelfth grade. The study concludes that (1) contrary to popular belief, educators are at least as responsive as other workers to interoccupational wage differences in deciding to change occupations; (2) educators paid above (below) the wage they could expect in the economy at large experience less (greater) than average wage growth; (3) educators are responsive to wage differentials within teaching in deciding to change districts but not as strongly responsive as to wage differentials between teaching and other occupations; and (4) educators paid above (below) the average wage for educators with similar qualifications experience less (greater) than average wage growth from one school year to the next.“Frustrated teachers stew over working conditions, but most don't quit.”  相似文献   

Inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) has often been considered to play a prominent role in the development of human capital in the host economy by introducing a foreign wage premium into the labour market. However, extant evidence on IFDI labour market effects is inconclusive, especially in emerging economies. We investigate for the case of Mexico whether foreign wage premia have an effect on educational outcomes of young cohorts that were 15 years old at the time of IFDI arrival in their municipality of residence. Results suggest that increasing foreign wage premium for unskilled jobs, both in manufacturing and services, has negative effects on a cohort's subsequent educational outcomes. The effects of foreign wage premium for skilled workers, however, are not significant but may lead to positive educational outcomes. The long-term implications of losses accruing from low investment in human capital do not only affect individuals but regions as well.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies examining nursing wages, very little attention has focused on nursing wage differentials. We build on previous research by modeling nursing wages and examining male–female wage differences within the context of the current nursing shortage. Our results show that male nurses do earn a wage premium, largely explained by employment as a nurse anesthetist, job satisfaction, and experience. Whether or not this differential indicates discrimination toward females in the US nursing labor market is unclear. Since males represent a small proportion of the nursing workforce, the time required for males to become prevalent in the nursing labor market and help ease the nursing shortage is unknown. Consequently, one must ask whether the male wage premium is sufficient to attract substantial numbers of men into nursing, and whether wages, in general, are sufficient to attract the requisite numbers of males and females into nursing to address the shortage ‘crisis’.  相似文献   

利用2009-2017年全国高校毕业生就业调查数据,采用倾向得分匹配和Oaxaca-Blinder成因分解等实证方法,对高校毕业生行业收入差距的成因进行探析。研究结果表明:毕业生行业收入差距在总体上存在拉大趋势,行业收入差距更多体现在行业间;新兴服务业(金融和IT)既是高校毕业生最热衷进入的行业,又是存在显著收入溢价的行业;行业间的个人、家庭、工作和人力资本特征差异是造成行业间收入差距的重要原因,其中人力资本异质性的贡献度更大;排除以上因素的影响,能力相似的毕业生因为选择进入新兴服务业,起薪至少显著高12%。这意味着新兴服务业从业人员的收入溢价主要源于毕业生选择进入新兴服务业,而不是因为进入新兴服务业的毕业生的人力资本水平更高,家庭背景更好,或者从事的工作岗位级别更高。  相似文献   

人力资本的外部性与行业收入差异   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文使用2000年国家统计局城镇住户调查数据、运用“两阶段计量回归方法”,对中国人力资本外部性与行业收入差异之间的关系进行了实证检验。实证结果显示第一,中国人力资本存在显著的外部性,即行业平均受教育程度越高则行业收入溢出就越大;第二,行业垄断因素也是产生行业收入差异的主要解释变量之一。  相似文献   

Married women with children are observed to earn less than men, and less also than women without children. Differences in the hourly wage rates of individuals of the same age and with the same educational attainment may reflect, in part, differences in labor force experience. While interruption in the work experience of women is recognized as an important cause of lower current wage rates, less attention has been directed to the impact of child-related reductions in hours worked when women are in the labor force. This paper examines the impact of hours worked in all past periods on the current wage rate. Our model, in which the ‘intensity’ of an individual's work experience in any period can vary from 0 (no work) to 100% (full-time work), is contrasted with the standard human capital earnings function, in which intensity is assumed to be 100% in every period subsequent to the completion of school. Using a new data set, both models are estimated for a sample of working mothers. Contrasting the wages of the women in this sample with the wages of their husbands, we find that differences in the intensity of prior work experience account for approximately half of the observed sex-related wage gap.  相似文献   

我国国有部门和非国有部门间工资差异既表现在均值水平上,还表现在不同收入层上,并且收入层越高工资差异越大;受教育水平和个人特征等变量确实能解释工资差异中一部分,但仍有相当大部分工资差异无法解释.造成该部分无法解释的原因是不同部门工资决定机制的差异。同时,不同地区不同收入层的国有部门和非国有部门间工资差异十分显著,女性的部门工资差异显著大于男性,高收入层的男性部门工资差异为负。  相似文献   

This study incorporates occupational choice into a model of wage determination in wage and self-employed activities. The self-selection model emphasizes managerial ability and capital market imperfections in determining whether an individual chooses between wage and self-employment. Using Heckman's correction for sample selection bias, the results show no bias in the OLS estimates but find that the two groups have different earnings structure. The results for employees confirm the robustness of the human capital model but the model explains only a small fraction of the variation of self-employed earnings.  相似文献   

论资本自由流动下的劳动力市场结构对收入集中的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在资本自由流动和劳动力市场刚性的假设前提下,建立一个开放经济下不同的劳动力市场结构的一般动态均衡模型,对集体议价工资率和完全竞争性工资率进行比较分析,说明全球资本整合对工资和福利的影响主要依赖于相关国家的劳动力市场结构。在完全资本市场条件下,尽管劳动力市场结构不同,资本和收入的集中总是存在。然而,不同的劳动力市场结构却成为工资收入趋同的阻碍因素,表现为较低的工资率和国际资本流入。  相似文献   

从加拿大2001年的人口普查中抽取3%的样本数据,分析了原住民和非原住加拿大人之间工资和薪金的差异,发现注册印第安人、梅蒂斯人与非原住民的年收入和周薪在跨组和组内都有显著差异。这种差异在很大程度上是由于人口、人力资本、职业以及这三种人口的区域差异。  相似文献   

大学毕业生出现低薪现象的原因主要有供求总量失衡、市场歧视等几个方面.尽管在操作过程中会遇到一些困难和阻力,但政府在大学毕业生就业市场设立最低工资保障是完全必要的.因为设立针对这个群体的最低工资保障不仅是反对市场歧视的一种必要手段,而且也是鼓励人力资本投资的必然要求,更是为大学毕业生提供生活保障和发展基础的基本要求.政府应尽快建立分地区分类别的大学毕业生最低工资指导价,对就业市场和高等教育进行必要的监督和干预.  相似文献   

大学生在职业选择时,主观上要求在规避职业风险的同时,实现教育投资的收益最大化。就业市场的分割性收益差异、人力资本的流动不顺畅及人力资本的专用性是大学生偏好于沿海较发达地区、偏好于城市和垄断行业就业的主要因素。据此,国家应对赴西部基层及农村地区就业的大学进行制度化、多元化、明确化的人力资本投资补偿,以激励引导和促进大学生就业。  相似文献   

Using data from the American Community Survey for 2012-2016, I estimate relative earnings differentials between teachers and observationally equivalent non-teachers. Two concerns at primary issue in the paper are adequately controlling for differing geographic locations of teachers and non-teachers, and addressing the bias that can arise in the use of logarithmic specifications of earnings regressions to estimate average wage differentials. I find that both issues are of relevance: while ignoring disparate location biases the differential away from zero, failing to account fully for differences in the distribution of earnings for teachers and non-teachers biases it towards zero. An analysis of data from the 2007-2011 American Community Survey suggests that that the magnitude of the teacher pay differential has increased since that time. Other suggested corrections, based on earlier research on differential time misreporting and benefit differences, lead to a smaller but still economically significant differential.  相似文献   

本文基于2009年大学毕业生抽样调查数据,采用统计分析方法考察了人力资本、社会资本这两个因素对大学生就业的影响,得出两点主要发现:第一,在提高大学毕业生就业概率方面,人力资本和社会资本二者都重要,不可或缺;第二,决定大学毕业生起薪水平的因素,是人力资本而非社会资本,即人力资本更为重要。上述发现表明,一方面,在我国当前的高等教育劳动力市场上,工资决定机制越来越回归新古典模式;另一方面,大学生就业领域中的不公平、不合理现象仍然存在,劳动力的合理配置还不能完全通过市场机制来实现。如果任由这种不公平、不合理状况发展下去,不仅不利于社会公平的实现,从长远来说还会在很大程度上抑制人们的人力资本投资热情。  相似文献   

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