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The study shows how explanations for school success are expressed and dialogically constructed during teacher–parent conferences at school. Attribution theory is used to conceptualize the various explanations for school success that were expressed. However, instead of only looking at attributions as beliefs which individuals or groups ‘have’, the aim of this study is to show how attributions are part of co-constructed processes in which multiple partners impact upon each other’s attributions over the course of a conversation. The results indicated that in the conversations between teachers and minority parents, school performance is more often attributed to effort while in conversations with majority parents, psychological attributions were more common. Besides these differences in content, the process through which these accounts were constructed was different. While the diagnosis on what went wrong was more commonly constructed in case of the conversations with majority parents, they were more characterised by opposition or a passive position by the parent in case of the conversations with minority parents. The analyses show that instead of a simple mismatch between explanations of the home and the school, these explanations are interactionally co-constructed as both parents and teachers necessarily ‘re’-act on each other’s claims and understanding of school success. The results ultimately reveal how the interactive process impacted upon the construction of the attributions and the possibilities this creates for partnerships between parents and teachers to create an understanding of the child’s academic potential across home and school.  相似文献   

诠释学:从主客体间性到主体间性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代诠释学各流派之间的的差异,根源在于对诠释的目标、诠释的主体与对象及其关系上的认识差异.对诠释的主体性的安顿乃是诠释学研究所关注的焦点.在现代诠释学形成之前,因强调解释的客观性而要求排除理解过程中的主观性因素.施莱尔马赫与狄尔泰继承了这一观点,并且为保证理解的准确性与和谐一致性,将心理学引入了诠释学.理解被视为主观地重建客观的过程.海德格尔的本体论变革使诠释学摆脱"客观知识"的束缚而彻底转向"意义"问题提供了本体论基础,诠释学本身也由理解的方法理论扩展为本体论学说.理解不惟是把握文本的方式,而且直接就是人的存在状态.伽达默尔的对话理论最终将被理解对象主体化,完成了诠释学从传统的注重"主-客体"关系的认知模式到"主体间"的理解模式的转化.  相似文献   

主体和客体的问题是认识论的基本问题,皮亚杰发生认识论的主客体思想在微观领域丰富和发展了辩证唯物主义认识论的主客体思想的丰富和发展。  相似文献   

The use of hybridity today suggests a less coherent, unified and directed process than that found in the Enlightenment science’s cultural imperialism, but regardless of this neither concept exists outside power and inequality. Hence, hybridity raises the question of the terms of the mixture and the conditions of mixing. Cultural hybridity produced by colonisation, under the watchful eye of science at the time, and the subsequent life in a modern world since does not obscure the power that was embedded in the moment of colonisation. Indigenous identities are constructed within and by cultural power. While we all live in a global society whose consequences no one can escape, we remain unequal participants and globalisation remains an uneven process. This article argues that power has become a constitutive element in our own hybrid identities in indigenous people’s attempts to participate in science and science education. Using the indigenous peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand (called Māori) as a site of identity construction, I argue that the move from being the object of science to the subject of science, through science education in schools, brings with it traces of an earlier meaning of ‘hybridity’ that constantly erupts into the lives of Māori women scientists.
Elizabeth McKinleyEmail:

Elizabeth McKinley   is currently the Director of the Starpath Project for Tertiary Participation and Success, and an Associate Professor in Maori Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Auckland. Her experience includes teaching and administration in secondary schools, pre-service and in-service teacher education, national curriculum development and liberal arts education. Liz’s doctoral work investigated issues of identity and colonization in the under-representation of Maori women as scientists. She has published extensively in the area of science education and indigenous students. Liz has led a number of research projects around Maori content, language and participation in Mathematics and Science education. She is currently also Principal Investigator for a Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI) funded project on the teaching and learning in the supervision of Māori doctoral students. Liz has been invited to speak at conferences in New Zealand, Denmark, Japan, Hawaii, Alaska, Fiji and Canada.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest within the academic literature on the role played by Higher Education Institutions in the social and economic development of their communities. The Australia Government has recently released its National Science and Innovation Agenda (NISA) which is designed to incentivise university-community research partnerships. In this article, the identified lack of Australian university-community engagement will be problematised through the experience of academics who undertook such an engagement in a regional university setting. A completed research project is used as a lens through which institutional factors impacting on collaborative projects between universities and their communities are identified. The difficulties of university-community engagement are unpacked and problematised so that the various forces contributing to the shortage of university-community partnerships can be better identified and understood. The unitary manner in which university-community research is to be reported under NISA is highlighted as a key barrier to regional research partnerships.  相似文献   


The paper explores poststructural figures of identity via a reading of a collection of texts by and about a Victorian maidservant, Hannah Cullwick. Drawing on Donna Haraway's figure of the trickster or shape changer and on the theorizing of the ''subaltern'' subject in postcolonial writing, the paper challenges readings of Hannah and her life that offer her up as an exemplary figure of suffering or heroic womanhood. Instead, it is proposed that Hannah can be seen as an ambivalent and transgressive figure of difference and in - between - ness . The paper gestures towards some implications for the handling of first-person narratives in qualitative research. The ''Hannah Cullwick'' texts include her diaries and those of her secret lover and, later, husband, an eminent barrister, together with the commentaries of their respective editors. Reference is also made to a photographic essay and to contemporary scholarly works about Hannah and her life.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the implementation of a school reform policy for educating young children in one south eastern state in the US, a reform known as the non-graded primary program. The reform is examined through the lens of Sabatier and Mazmanian's [(1981). The implementation of public policy: A framework for analysis. In D.A. Mazmanian, & P.A. Sabatier (Eds.), Effective policy implementation (pp. 3–36). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books] framework for policy implementation and Hashweh's [(2003). Teacher accommodative change. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19, 421–434] model of accommodative change which proposes to explain how individual teachers change their practices. The article features four related studies of teacher change and the attitudes of teachers, administrators, and community members. The community, politics, and media had an impact on the sustainability of the change, and subsequently, after 10 years, many teachers had reverted to old practices. Teachers who made the most progressive changes were those whose beliefs were philosophically aligned with the theory of the policy, had excellent and continued professional development, and had supportive leadership.  相似文献   

Building electronic communities: success and failure in computer networking   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper is about networking failures as well as networking successes. A research strategy for comparing educational activities conducted across electronic networks was employed to examine the critical features of successes as well as failures in designing electronic communities. The analysis provides a set of guidelines for those who plan to use telecommunications as a tool for creating global communities.  相似文献   

在领主属宾句已有研究成果的基础上,以领主属宾句中的词汇为切入点,用配价理论具体分析了领主属宾句式中的动词类、名词类,体现了生成语法的最简方案精神.  相似文献   

交往实践是时代哲学的主题。教育交往是一种特殊的交往。教育交往是指在教育过程中具有差异性和独特性的主体之间的连续交往。教育交往的主体,包括交往的双方即教师与学生(也包括师生的个体与群体等)。教育交往的中介化客体,包括交往手段和信息以及信息的载体(语言、文字、符号等)。  相似文献   

The behavioral, self-evaluative, and attributional responses of 120 boys with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and 65 control boys to social success and failure were examined using a dyadic, laboratory get-acquainted task employing child confederates. Objective coders rated boys with ADHD as less socially effective than controls in their interactions, but also as less frustrated and helpless. In terms of self-evaluations, ADHD boys overwhelmingly rated their own performance more favorably than did controls and in some instances, these differences were more apparent following failure. The attributional pattern of ADHD and control boys differed in that ADHD boys were more likely than controls to attribute success to external, uncontrollable factors such as task ease and being lucky; controls, on the other hand, were more likely than ADHD boys to attribute initial failure to not having tried hard enough. Results are discussed in the context of existing literature documenting a positive illusory bias in ADHD boys' self-perceptions.  相似文献   

“物感说”与“摹仿说”是分别雄霸中西两千余年的文艺理论,它们是在不同的主客关系下产生的。这种不同的主客关系也影响了二者的创作理论,使它们的创作理论在创作客体、创作心态与创作追求这三个方面显示出截然不同的特点,也反映了中国与西方的差异。  相似文献   

《学理论教程》以作品、作家、世界、读等学活动的四要素作为全书的建构原则和编写体例,取得了学观念、研究视角、理论指向、学术视野等四个方面的突破,被誉为“换代”教材。但是,由于学四要素是一种共时性结构,四要素编写体例必然会偏重学活动过程的完整阐述,而失缺学理论作为艺学体系中基础性的分支的自觉而明确的方法论意识,消弱学理论指导学批评和学史的重要功能。  相似文献   

林潇潇是福州三中 97届高中毕业生。在老师们的印象中 ,她相貌平平 ,性格文静 ,写作能力稍强 ,但总体学习成绩一般 ,是个容易被人淡忘的学生。 97年她参加高考 ,出人意料地落榜了。福州三中是省一级达标校 ,97年高考上重点大学分数线的毕业生约占毕业生总数 6 0 % ,本科以上近 90 %。于是潇潇在老师和同学们的心目中是个“失败者”。高考落榜后 ,在父母的劝说下 ,林潇潇参加了福州三中高考补习班学习 ,成了一名“高四”学生。经过艰苦的又一年的补习 ,98年林潇潇再次参加高考 ,成绩仍不理想 ,最后勉强挤进福建师范大学。经历两次残酷的高考 …  相似文献   

教学主客体问题的探讨长期达不成共识的主要原因在于研究者在方法论运用上存在偏差。应该紧紧把握住教学的实践本质,用实践的观点对教学主客体问题进行分析。“师生共同体”是教学活动的主体,“学生的素质结构及发展水平”是教学活动的客体。  相似文献   

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