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以批评性语篇分析为理论基础,从词汇、语法、语篇三方面分析网络上很受欢迎的《搜狐北京播报》张朝阳对孙俪的采访,探讨权势现象,便于观众更好地欣赏此类谈话节目。  相似文献   

文章以韩礼德对于语言的三大纯理功能的界定为基础,通过对一篇学术采访中一段节选的分析,从话语标记语的角度对其在语篇中的功能进行了初步的探讨。通过分析,我们可以发现,话语标记语在语篇中的概念功能是相对薄弱的,但其人际功能和语篇功能是十分重要的,这为很好的理解学术采访这类语篇提供了有益的帮助。  相似文献   

This paper draws on interview data with Registered Inspectors, collected as part of a large research project examining the role of Registered Inspectors. The professional biographies of three Registered Inspectors are used to hypothesise the educational values that they hold and these values are then compared with those revealed during the interviews. The analysis shows that these Registered Inspectors have totally accepted the managerial discourse of Ofsted. It is finally suggested that this discourse has 'written' not merely the mode of inspection but the professional subjectivity of the inspectors.  相似文献   

在学术语境中,研究者倾向于使用特定的语言形式和结构来实现文本或语篇层面上的宏观功能,我们称之为学术话语功能。本文参照Halliday的语言元功能理论,描述与概括短语序列在学术文本中最常实现的三类话语功能:组织功能、指称功能和评价功能;它们是语篇元功能在学术语篇中的具体化表现。研究发现,某些短语序列被频繁地用于实施特定的学术话语功能,某种意义上,这些序列作为意义表达的核心承载,已成为具体功能的标志。  相似文献   

In this article, I explore a case study of the special education referral process as an institutional site of exploring the intersection of power, discourse and subjectivities. I engage with critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (Fairclough, Critical Discourse Analysis: the critical study of language , New York, Longman, 1995; Language and Power , London, Longman, 1989) as an analytic and social tool to uncover the webs of discursive practices involved in institutional decision-making. I focus on the process through which identities are constructed through discourse. I present three different interpretations from the beginning of the referral process: (1) the classroom teacher, (2) the remedial reading teacher, and (3) the parent of the child who was referred. In juxtaposing these interview texts I demonstrate how the teachers and June Treader, the parent, perceive the intention of the referral process differently. The school views the referral process as definitive while the mother views the referral as exploratory, to learn more about her daughter. I call on CDA--particularly the domains of discourse and style--as a means to explore and explain the differences in assumptions at the beginning of the referral process. This analysis demonstrates that despite the differences in interpretation at the beginning of the process there is remarkable similarity between the three participants around the values, beliefs and assumptions of 'schooled literacy'. This research suggests the need to expand on frameworks that conceptualize 'conflict' between discourse practices to consider the consequences of alignment.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an interview‐based study which explored the implementation of a major policy initiative in Queensland, Australia, with particular attention to social justice issues. Interviews were conducted with key policy actors in three sections of the bureaucracy: strategic directions, performance and measurement; curriculum and assessment; workforce and professional development. We were interested in the ways in which the tensions between redistributive and recognitive approaches to social justice were being managed in the bureaucracy. We drew on Bourdieu’s concepts of field, logic of practice, political discourse, habitus, capital, and symbolic power struggles to theorize the politics of discourse associated with such policy implementation processes within bureaucracies. The interview data revealed differences in approach to equity issues and in the language used in the three sections of the bureaucracy. We argue that these differences, associated with the different priorities of the three sections and their differing roles in the implementation processes, reflect the different logics of practice operating within the different sections. The final section of the paper discusses the implications of the analysis for theorizing equity and difference in education policy in new times and considers the value of Bourdieu’s concepts for theorizing policy implementation processes.  相似文献   

This essay includes selected examples of interview discourse derived from a larger study exploring how social structures and cultural identification issues of race, sex, and class are jointly negotiated in the relational accounts of black and white interracial marital partners. A dialectic of critical and interpretive perspectives is utilized to uncover complex intersecting cultural and relational identifications. The discourse shows that couples negotiate who they are in their relationships; ambivalence, contradiction, and change over time are evident. At some points, couples' negotiations reveal disassociation from the label “interracial,” and discursive forms that show both problematizing and evading race in their personal relationships and in the workplace. Overall, couples' collaborative interview discourse reveals a vigilance and protection of the partners, their relationship, and family from discrimination.  相似文献   

文章将政府新闻发布会话语视为政治话语与新闻话语的结合体,并认为,政治性是本质,新闻性是形式,因此,政府新闻发布会话语当属政治话语的一个特殊语类--政治新闻话语.讨论了政府新闻发布会话语与政治新闻报道、政治演讲、政府公告、白皮书、政治访谈等其它语类的区别和联系.  相似文献   

This study reports on the non-discursive aspects of the disciplinary enculturation experiences of five international doctoral students from East Asia in three Second Language studies graduate programmes in the United States. Based largely on interview data, this study examined how students participate in their graduate discourse communities and what may contribute to or hinder academic success. It appeared that the kinds of social capital accrued through social ties and networks are key to students' successful disciplinary enculturation, suggesting the importance of establishing positive personal interactions and locating oneself within supportive discourse community contexts. The present study also sheds light on the issue that disciplinary enculturation is an inherent cultural practice, which may not favour students who do not adopt mainstream socio-academic conventions.  相似文献   

语篇翻译不仅要从概念意义上进行分析,还应从意义所在的语域来分析语篇意义和交际意义。分析语域三要素有助于译者理解原文和译文,减少语用错误,使原文与译文不仅在概念意义上对等,更力求两者在语域上对等,从而使译文更准确更忠实于原文。  相似文献   

首先从系统功能语言学的人际隐喻角度探讨了"投射"句的功能语义特征,然后又从功能文体学的角度,统计分析"投射"人际隐喻在英语新闻访谈中的分布特征,揭示其文体价值.  相似文献   

This study explores the use of a corpus of classroom discourse data (Singapore Corpus of Research in Education or SCoRE) to facilitate the professional development of English language (EL) teachers in Singapore. A survey was first conducted to probe the knowledge base and belief system of EL teachers in three key domains: epistemology, pedagogy, and discourse. This was followed by a discourse analysis of the SCoRE corpus to mine resources that could address the specific professional needs of teachers identified through the survey. Survey findings suggest that EL teachers in Singapore are less secure in epistemology than pedagogy or discourse-related issues. The efficacy of using corpus-based materials to help teachers reflect on and develop their professional competencies was tested through a workshop. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of using authentic and situated corpus resources to facilitate teachers’ reflective practice and professional development.  相似文献   

话语标记语是电视访谈会话中常见而又容易被忽视的语言现象。以语言顺应论为理论工具分析电视访谈中的话语标记语,可发现它们在顺应语境的过程中主要发挥了四种语用功能,即表明个人态度、阐发前述信息、推进言谈、语用缓和。这些话语标记语是说话人在语言选择过程中顺应语境条件的标记,也是交际者的元语用意识的反映。  相似文献   

多模态话语研究能够为高级英语教学实践提供有益的指导。结合该课程实例展示了多模态教学的设计程序,以及设计过程中如何考虑话语范围、话语基调和话语方式3个要素。同时,探讨了通过多模态设计要实现的教学目标,即帮助学生深入理解课程内容和提高学生的多模态交际能力。在具体的课堂环境,恰当地使用多种模态教学,可以更好地完成教学任务。  相似文献   

This study examines classroom code-switching in relation to individual and group identity and to functional use of two languages. It investigates how high school Chinese immigrant students perceive the use of first language (L1) and second language (L2) in class, and how they use these languages during group activities. The interview data demonstrate that the students in this study had multiple and contradictory feelings aboutL1andL2use. The observation data show that there were differences in the functions of these students' L1 and L2 discourse. These findings indicate that bilingual classroom code-switching involved dilemmas for the students. They appeared to be torn between identifying with compatriots in L1 and gaining membership in mainstream classes in L2, between maintaining L1 and developing L2, and between using L1 for academic discourse and developing academic discourse in L2. Identity and language functions seem two side-by-side components of the dilemmas. A complex vision that includes both may address code-switching dilemmas more adequately.  相似文献   

The paper considers the status of autobiographical interview data in life history and biographical research. Interviews tend to be treated, it is suggested, as ‘sacred’ texts‐‐as contemplative and authoritative versions that are as free as possible from the biasses and desires that ordinarily animate (and ‘contaminate') personal stories and anecdotes. It is argued here that, on the contrary, interview accounts are as mundane and pragmatic as any other kind of self‐talk. People use identity for practical ends‐‐to make sense of their conduct, to establish allegiances, to justify moral positions and defend educational ideals. The paper ends by examining a fragment from an interview. Using concepts from discourse and conversation analysis it shows how a teacher, Karen, constructs a particular professional identity and thus engages in an act of mundane autobiography.  相似文献   

共同背景是交际研究的重要组成部分,求职者积极的会话策略需要建立在对共同背景了解的基础之上。在Istvan Kecskes提出的社会认知语用框架下,以真实的求职面试语篇为语料,对共同背景的构建过程进行了实证研究。分析结果表明:在注意力和意图交互作用的同时,共存在三种共同背景的构建方式。  相似文献   

在外语课堂中教师话语既是教学内容又是教学手段。随着英语新课改的不断深入,教师话语对于语言教学的影响已经成为一个被学界日益关注的课题。本研究通过课堂录音和课后访谈,从语言输入和互动两个角度,对一名农村中学英语教师课堂教学中的目的语使用比例、句法特征、教师话语量、提问方式、反馈方式等方面的特点进行了系统分析。研究结果表明:该教师课堂是典型的"以教师为中心"的传统课堂,虽然为学习者提供了一定的目的语输入,但太多地使用陈述句;教师话语量明显多于学生话语量,提问与反馈方式并不能有效地引发学习者的目的语输出。  相似文献   

批评性话语分析是最近20年来兴起的一种话语分析方法,它旨在透过话语的表面形式,揭露不平等的权力关系。政治语言是政治主体在政治活动中用来交流政治信息的语言,其主要功能之一是说服、控制,让公众接受自己的见解或主张,从而影响公众的意识形态。修辞的运用是政治语言的一个显著特征。本文从批评性话语分析的角度,分析政治语言中修辞手法的运用,揭示隐藏在政治语言背后的权力关系。  相似文献   

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