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以每三个月一期的频率记录我国民办高等教育和高等职业教育的发展轨迹 ,对民办教育实践进行动态追踪 ,是《海淀走读大学学报》创刊60期以来一直从事的工作。我们始终遵循一个办刊原则 ,借用数学中的三个座标轴来表述就是 :以探索的精神串成直线 ,以争鸣的方式联为平面 ,以创新的思维构筑立体空间。海淀走读大学是改革开放以来全国最早创建的国家承认学历的“民办公助”高等院校 ,学报从 1 988年办刊之初 ,就始终坚持探索我国高等教育特别是民办高等职业教育的发展道路 ,以民办高教和高职教育为探求与交流的重点 ,立足海大 ,放眼全国 ,注重宣…  相似文献   

2011年3月中国人民大学书报资料中心公布了"2010年度《复印报刊资料》转载学术论文指数排名"。《首都师范大学学报》(社会科学版)入选,并在高等院校主办学报"综合指数排名"中列第30位。全国各类高等院校主办的学报约有1150余种,被2010年度《复印报刊资料》全文转载的学报有435种,公布排名取前50种。《首都师范大学学报》  相似文献   

2011年3月中国人民大学书报资料中心公布了"2010年度《复印报刊资料》转载学术论文指数排名"。《首都师范大学学报》(社会科学版)入选,并在高等院校主办学报"综合指数排名"中列第30位。全国各类高等院校主办的学报约有1150余种,被2010年度《复印报刊资料》全文转载的学报有  相似文献   

《国际金融》课程是教育部确定的高等院校经济、管理类专业的核心基础课,课程的实践性和理论性很强。本文根据多年从事民办高职《国际金融》课程教学的经验,以钟山职业技术学院为例,分析了民办高职《国际金融》课程的教学现状,提出了改革措施。  相似文献   

海淀走读大学是全国最早创建的国家承认学历的民办公助的高等学校,也是全国唯一的一所民办高等职业试点院校。现有10个学院,88个专业,是一所万人高职院校。《海淀走读大学学报》的前身是《海大教育研究》,创刊于 1988年。 1998年经国家新闻出版署批准为国内外公开发行的学报,更名为:《海淀走读大学学报》。学报坚持正确的办刊原则,以民办高教和高职教育为研究重点,立足海大,放眼全国。本刊注重宣传党和国家的教育方针,着力介绍国内外成功的、先进的教育教学经验,探索我国高等教育特别是民办高等职业教育的发展道路,…  相似文献   

文章提出了民办高等院校学报发展中应该考虑的几个问题 :办刊的方向、编辑社会化以及读者大众化还是小众化 (即赢利型还是要公益型 )  相似文献   

本文选自《中国高等院校学报学概论》的第二章《中国高等院校学报发展史》的第一,二两节。这两节主要论述了中国高等院校学报的历史渊源及其学术思想源流。历史渊源主要是从书籍源、期刊源、编辑源和大学源四个方面来阐述的;学术思想源流则是按照中国社会发展的特点和围绕农学、医学、天文学、数学、文学、史学、教育学、哲学八大传统学科的演进来阐述的。  相似文献   

本文选自《中国高等院校学报学概论》的第八章《作者编者和读者》的第四节。本节主要论述了中国高等院校学报编辑活动中作者、编者、读者相互依存、相互制约、相互促进的关系,并论述了如何促使三者形成合力,融为有机的整体。  相似文献   

本文选自《中国高等院校学报学概论》的第八章《作者编者和读者》的第四节。本节主要论述了中国高等院校学报编辑活动中作者、编者、读者相互依存、相互制约、相互促进的关系,并论述了如何促使三者形成合力,融为有机的整体。  相似文献   

本文选自《中国高等院校学报学概论》的第二章《中国高等院校学报发展史》的第一、二两节。这两节主要论述了中国高等院校学报的历史渊源及其学术思想源流。历史渊源主要是从书籍源、期刊源、编辑源和大学源四个方面来阐述的;学术思想源流则是按照中国社会发展的特点和围绕农学、医学、天文学、数学、文学、史学、教育学、哲学八大传统学科的演进来阐述的。  相似文献   

清朝入关后的立法活动,虽以《大清律例》为代表,但不限于《大清律例》,除去律以外。还进行了多种形式的法制建设。但最为重要和基本的,当然就是律和例了。在清代,律,就是大清律;例,就是条例。清王朝建立后,曾于顺治四年(1647年)、雍正三年(1725年)和乾隆五年(1740年)分别颁布了《大清律集解附例》、《大清律集解》和《大清律例》三部正式的成文法典,最后定本律四百三十六条,附条例一千零四十九条。本文主要论述律例之间的变化。  相似文献   

This article is based on an address by Professor Dahllöf at the annual meeting of the Board of Consultants on Research and Development of the National Board of Education in Sweden in November 1967. It was also published in a journal on the technology of teaching, Undervisningsteknologi (1967, No. 10).  相似文献   

由于我国正处在社会主义初级阶段,劳动关系相对来说比较复杂。我国颁行的《劳动合同法》虽然在一定程度上填补了我国有关“劳务派遣”的立法空白,也进一步规范了我国的劳务派遣市场,但相关纠纷还是时有发生。完善我国相关法律法规、拓展派遣机构服务职能、加强对劳务派遣工作的监管等是解决问题的关键。  相似文献   

The Journal of College Counseling (JCC) began its life in 1995 with the appointment of a founding editor and its 1st editorial board. The 1st semiannual issue of the journal was published in spring 1998, and the journal has continued to be published twice each year since then. This article presents an analysis and discussion of the content of the first 15 issues of JCC. Implications and recommendations for the future of the journal are discussed.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored how in a 7-month-long journal club pre- and inservice science teachers engaged with education research literature relevant to their practice to reduce the theory–practice gap. In the journal club they had the opportunity to critique and analyze peer-reviewed science education articles in the context of their classroom practice. Data sources included audio recordings of the meetings; semi-structured pre- and post-interviews of the teachers; focus groups; and artifacts (e.g., journal articles, reflective paper, email exchanges, and researcher’s field notes). Data were analyzed using the techniques of grounded theory (Corbin & Strauss in Basics of qualitative research, 3rd ed. Sage, Thousand Oaks, 2008). In addition we used some preconceived categories that we created from existing literature on journal clubs and communities of practice (Newswander & Borrego in European Journal of Engineering Education 34(6): 561–571, 2009; Wenger in Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998) and from our previous research (Tallman & Feldman, 2012). We found that the journal club incorporated the three characteristics of a community of practice (Wenger in Communities of practice: learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998) into its functioning (mutual engagement, joint enterprise, and shared repertoire). The teachers mutually engaged around the joint enterprise of reading, critiquing, and understanding the research studies with the goal of improving practice. The teachers also asked each other analytical questions, which became a shared repertoire of the journal club. They reflected on their practice by presenting, reading, and discussing the articles, which helped them to determine whether and how the findings from the articles could be incorporated into their teaching practice. In doing so, they learned the skills needed to critique the research literature in relation to their practice as classroom teachers.  相似文献   

The responses which we received on the appearance of the first issue of Western European Education have been gratifying: they confirmed the need for a journal to help overcome the linguistic and geographic obstacles that tend to keep American educators unaware of the many interesting developments in modern West European education. The responses also welcomed the access — offered by this journal — to relevant sources and documents that are otherwise not available through bibliographic channels; and the readers seem to favor the policy that each issue be devoted to a selected theme and each article be introduced by editorial explanations. The layout of these introductions has aroused justified criticism, and we hope the present issue will show improvement in this respect.  相似文献   

By 2008 a total of 87, 339 students were studying on foundation degrees in the UK (Foundation Degree Forward 2009 Foundation Degree Forward. 2009. “Forward 10.” http://www.fdf.ac.uk/uploads/journal10.pdf. [Google Scholar]). This article reports on the views of selected students and academic tutors regarding ICTs (Information Communication Technologies) associated with the Early Years Sector Endorsed Foundation Degree (EYSEFD) in England. The students study part time at five further education (FE) colleges working in partnership with a UK higher education institution (HEI). The research project has gathered data on the views of students and programme tutors about ICTs since October 2009. Data has been gathered through questionnaires with students and focus group discussions with selected students and tutors about the perception of ICTs. A main finding is that the students in this study associate ICTs with computers and software whereas their academic tutors focus on the wider pedagogical learning associated with technology. The article discusses some of the debates that surround pedagogical practice and ICTs in further and higher education. The students’ association of computers and pedagogical best practice appears to reiterate current neoliberal educational values as opposed to reflecting the learning goals of their academic programme. This article presents the findings of this study and the conclusions that are drawn will be of relevance to those involved in the delivery and development of higher education in further education contexts.  相似文献   


This article provides an annotated list of 326 journals in criminal justice and criminology. After consulting the “notes for contributors” sections of each journal, the authors mailed a self-administered survey to all journal editors soliciting their input on their editorial policies. Journal websites were also consulted to construct the journals' mission, scope, and editorial focus. A total of 221 editors returned the survey for a return rate of 68%. The following entries present an annotation that summarizes the mission, philosophy, and editorial policies of each journal. Following the annotations, the chart documents contact information for the editors and editorial policies concerning submissions to each journal.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to identify and discuss the possible uses of higher education journal rankings, and the associated advantages and disadvantages of using them. The research involved 40 individuals - lecturers, university managers, journal editors and publishers - who represented a range of stakeholders involved with research into higher education. The respondents completed an online questionnaire that consisted mainly of open questions. Although clear support for or opposition to journal rankings was split about equally, over two-thirds of the respondents reported having used or referred to a journal ranking during the previous 12 months. This suggests wide acceptance of the use of journal rankings, despite the downsides and problematic nature of these rankings being clearly recognised. It raises the question why the very diverse field of higher education does not show more resistance against the rather homogenising instrument of journal rankings.


As M. Belbenoit's contribution is much lengthier than the articles normally accepted for the ATEE‐journal, the Editorial Secretariat were at first inclined to try to condense it. We found, however, that condensation would not allow a fair representation of the author's views, so decided to publish it in two instalments, of which the first in this issue of the journal.

Puisque I'article de M. Belbenoit est plus long que les articles normalement acceptés par le ATEE Journal, le Bureau de la Rédaction avait pensé en premier lieu à condenser l'article. Cependant nous avons jugé que cette procédure né permettait pas une représentation juste des opinions de l'auteur. Nous avons alors décidée de le publier en deux parties dont voici la premiè're.  相似文献   

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