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* 什么时候都可使用的表达方式: 1. Good-bye!再见! 2. Bye now!再见啦! 3. See you again!再见! 4. Good night!晚安! * 只用于亲友、熟人之间的表达方式: 1. So long!再见! 2. See you!再见! 3. Be seeing you!再见! 4. Sweet dreams!好梦! * 希望下次再约会的表达方式: 1. See you later / soon!一会儿见! “再2. See you tomorrow!明天见! 3. See you again next week!下周见! 4. See you next term!下学期见! * 再见含有祝福之意的表达方式: 1. All the best!事事顺利! 2. Have a good day!祝你过得愉快! 3. Good luck!祝你好运…  相似文献   

盘笋 《初中生》2002,(9):36
英语学习中,同学们免不了要与“再见”打交道。有的同学以为“再见”只有Goodbye一词,其实,有关“再见”的表达方法有多种,真是想说“再见”不容易。一、bye-bye.或bye.原系儿童用语。现为不太正式的告别用语。如:Mum,I must go to school now.Bye.妈妈,我得去上学了,再见。二、Good morning.常用在早晨或上午见面时,但有时可以用作上午分别时的告别用语,这时两个词都要重读。如:Class is over.Good morning.下课,再见。三、Good night!晚安!一般是在晚上睡觉前分别时说的。如:Good night!Thanks again for coming.晚安!再次谢谢光临。美国人有时下班时也互道一声“Good night!”,表示今天不再见面了。四、See you later含有“一会儿见”,也含有“一天或多天后再见”的意思。如:I’ll be back soon.See you later.我很快就回来,再见。五、So long!美国人常用于非正式场合,只对极熟的人讲。如:I’m leaving!So long!我走了,再见。六、See you (again!/soon!)含有“期望再见面”之意,不适合用在生人之间。如:Got to go now.See you again.现在我必须走了,下次再见!在See you后加上某一固定时间,可以表示约会。如:  相似文献   

1.在中学我们学了“再见”的几种表达法,如Good-bye, So long,See you later,See you tomorrow。请问,这几种表达法在用法上有何区别吗?(河南林惠荣) 答:Good-bye与So long(=Good-bye for now,非正式) 在用法上没有什么限制,但是See you later(等会儿见)与See you tomorrow(明天见)却多少要按照字义使用。因此,如果明知最近几天内不能见面,就不宜用后两种说法。另外, Good-bye与Good-by都可以用,前者多用于美国,后者多用于英国。此外,Good night通常用于晚上与人分别的场合;By  相似文献   

嘿髓葬犷 人们在上网聊天时,为了节省打字时间.发明了很多新的缩略语。你知道以下的例子和意思吗?=why为什么=you你、你们二See you.再见。二1 See.我知道了。CUL=See you later.再会。 二二U,J不LJ兀CY U CI(:婚婚婚瑙DNW=Don,t wo叮.别担心。GA== Go ahead.继续说。HOP=Hold on,please.请稍等。MZ二Me too.我也是。TA=Thanks again.再次感谢。HAU=How are you?你好吗?KIT=Keep in toueh.保持联系。VG=Ve巧good很好。SYS二See you soon.再见。PPD=Please put down.请记下。TTUL=Talk to you later.以后再谈BF二boy…  相似文献   

Womam:How much do you charge for taking children's photographs?Photographer:Ten dollars a dozen.Womam:I' ll have to come back later. So far,I only have ten.Which One?Mother: Be sure to wash your arms before you put on a clean shirt. John: Shall I wash them for long or short sleeves (袖子)?This Match Won't Light Man:This match won't light. Woman: What's the matter with it?  相似文献   

你是“网虫”吗?你上网聊天吗?在网上你常常会见到英文缩写词。那可是网友们的“暗号”!现在我把这些“暗号”告诉你。CU See you.再见。CUL See you later.再会。DNW Don’t worry.别急。GA Go ahead.继续(说):接着聊。HOP Hold on.please.请稍等。IC I see. 我知道了:明白了。PPD Please put down…请记下……TTUL Talk to you later.以后再谈(聊)。  相似文献   

在英语中,表示“再见”的道别语有很多,主要有以下两个方面:1.常见的正式道别语G ood-bye!再见!I'd like to say goodbye to you.我得向你道别了。2.常用非正式场合的道别语。See you。再见!See you later。再见!See you soon。再见!See you again。再见!See you tom orrow。明天见!Bye。再见!Bye-bye。再见!(儿语)So long。再见!3.只用于晚上的道别语。G ood night。晚安!4.常见的见面时的问候同时也可用于分手时的道别语。G ood m orning。早上好!上午好!G ood afternoon。下午好!G ood evening。晚上好!G ood day。你好!不同的“再…  相似文献   

本文拟对英语中表示“告别”的用语作一分类说明。一、直接的告别用语有: Cood场e!(Byebye!Bye!) See you(tomorrow)! See you later. 50 long! Farewell!肠ter.(回头见。) Good night.二、委婉的告别用语有: I,d like to sayg以对bye to everyone. I,m afraid 1 must be goi  相似文献   

问候语是人们交际当中首先要使用的一类语言。两人一见面,总要打个招呼,有的还要相互寒暄几句。英语国家中这种习惯尤甚。像Good morning.Good evening.Goodnight.Good-bye.See you later.See youtomorrow等这样一些问候语及答语,总是离不开人们的嘴边。  相似文献   

英语精粹1.Hi,Mary.2.How are you?3.Nice to meet you.4.How about you?5.See you later.场景一问候与告别Bill:Hi,Mary.Mary:Hi,Bill.How are you?Bill:I’m fine,thank you.And you?Mary:I’m fine,too,thank you.Bill:How is your mother?Mary:She is very well,thank you.And how is your  相似文献   

葛文伟 《海外求学》2003,(14):56-57
第三个W:Why you will come back to China?你为什么一定会回来?你会回中国吗?  相似文献   

You are wanted on the phone.(有电话找你。) Will you ask him to call me back later?(你能叫他过些时间给我复电话吗?)[第一段]  相似文献   

Key Sentences(重点句子) 1.Beijing Trading Campany.May I help you? 北京贸易公司。请问有何贵干? 2.We have two Zhongs. 我们这里有两位先生姓钟。 3.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong? 你要接 Bob 钟,还是 John 钟? 4.I'm sorry,he's not in the office now. 很抱歉,他现在不在办公室。 5.Do you have any idea when he'll be back? 你知道他何时回来吗? 6.I have no idea(when he'll be back.) 我不知道(他何时回来)。 7.Can you ask him to call me when he comes back? 他回来时请告诉他打电话给我好吗? 8.It's urgent. …  相似文献   

Asks: I' m starting college as a freshman this fall, and I' m trying to choose a career. What advice can you give me in making a decision? Responds: First of all, pat yourself on the back for thinking about your future before you even start freshman year. Many students don' t start thinking about what career they' d like to pursue until MUCH later, often giving them-  相似文献   

If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,Be a scrub in the Valley—but beThe best little scrub by the side of the rill(小溪):Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.  相似文献   

Be understanding 10 your enemies.Be loyal to your friends.Be strong enough to face the world each day.Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything alone.Be’)generous to those who need help.Be。)frugal with what you need yourself.Be wise enough to know that you do not know everything.Be foolish enough to believe in miracles.Be willing to share the sorrow of others.Be a leader when you see a path others have missed.Be a follower when you are。)shrouded by the mists of uncedainty.Be the fi…  相似文献   

王松海 《初中生》2002,(21):70-71
一、美国人喜欢不拘小节 与别人首次见面,美国人常常直呼其名,也不一定跟人握手,往往只是笑一笑,说声"Hi!"或"Hello!".同样,在社交场合散席时,他们也不一定跟每个人握手道别,往往只是向大家挥挥手,或道一声"OK!Seeyou tomorrow."或"See you later."就走了.  相似文献   

Two boys camp in the backyard. A: What time is it? B: I don’t know.Let’s sing loudly."They sing loudly.Moments later,a neighbor opens the window and shouts:"Be quite! Don’t you know it’s three o’clock in the morning?"  相似文献   

编辑叔叔、阿姨: 你们好! 我喜欢《英语辅导》,我愿与大家分享我的快乐。愿以下这些句子能给大家带来几分理性的思索与一丝丝的快乐。Life is an echo. What you send out——you get back. What you give——you get. 心灵短笛  相似文献   

1.—D o you know aboutChina? —The people and the food. A .ifJim likes B .how does Jim like C.why does Jim like D .whatJim likes 2.Could you please tellm e how soon ? A .is your brother back from Britain B.your brother is back from Britain C.will your brother be back from Britain D .your brother willbe back from B ritain 3.D o you know ? A .whattim e would the train leave B .w hat tim e does the train leave C.whattim e will the train leave D .whattim e the train leaves 4.O ur teacher …  相似文献   

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