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Parents and teachers reported that 6- to 8-year-old boys with developmental delays were less able to regulate their emotions than nondelayed boys matched on chronological age. Compared to nondelayed boys, boys with developmental delays had more social problems, which persisted and increased over a 3-year period. Children's ability to regulate their emotions explained significant variance in their social problems after controlling for their developmental status. In addition, emotion regulation partially mediated the relationship between children's developmental status and their social problems. These results suggest that emotion regulation plays a significant role in the social problems of boys with developmental delays. Furthermore, increasing the emotional competence of these children may facilitate their peer relationships and, ultimately, their school adjustment.  相似文献   

This was an experimental study of the ability of adults to detect 1 social signal that is important in social interactions, children's glances or looks at their social partners. Adult judges were either parents of children with developmental delays, parents of nondelayed children, or nonparents with little experience with children. Each participant viewed 120 videotaped episodes in which very young children's looks (of 2 types, either a focus on parent's face or nonface focus) occurred or no looking occurred. Half the episodes featured children with documented developmental delays and half featured nondelayed children. Participants made judgments about the occurrence of a look in each episode and rated their confidence in each judgment. Participants made more accurate and quicker responses to social looks by children without than those with developmental delays. Accuracy effects were qualified by interactions with type of look. Participants were more confident of their judgments of looks for nondelayed toddlers than those with delays. Signal detection statistics indicated that looks of delayed toddlers were harder to identify and that judges set a more stringent criterion for responding to those looks. No effects of judges' level of experience with delayed or nondelayed children were found. Implications of these findings for social interaction involving individuals with developmental delays are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the major adaptations during the infancy period is the development of the ability to cope with arousing or uncertain events. The following study was designed to examine emotion regulation strategy use between 6 and 18 months. 75 infants (25 each of 6-, 12-, and 18-month-olds) were videotaped interacting with 3 female strangers. Coping strategies were coded using a portable computer with a continuous sampling program, enabling coders to record both frequencies and durations of behaviors. Results indicated that 6-month-olds were more likely than 12- or 18-month-olds to use gaze aversion and fussing as their primary emotion regulation strategies, and were less likely than the older infants to use self-soothing and self-distraction. 18-month-olds were more likely than the younger infants to attempt to direct their interactions with the strangers. Infants' strategy use also differed as a function of their wariness of strangers, particularly at 12 months of age.  相似文献   

文章从情绪调节的定义入手,介绍了治疗儿童焦虑症的认知行为疗法,但它只对大约60—70%的儿童是有效的。文中重点介绍了情绪调节在焦虑症儿童治疗中的作用,还介绍了针对改善个体水平以及家庭水平的情绪调节策略。  相似文献   

Objective. This study examined the cognitive-affective strategies used by parents of young children with conduct problems to regulate emotions. Key questions concerned the extent to which these emotion regulation strategies are associated with positive and negative parenting practices and predict quality of parenting through interplay with parental depression. Design. Participants were families of toddlers (n = 84) referred to a tertiary-level health service for the treatment of disruptive behavior problems. Parenting practices were indexed through observational coding of parent–child interactions and self-report data on multiple dimensions of positive and negative parenting. Parents self-reported their use of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression—the two emotion regulation strategies that are most robustly associated with psychosocial functioning in adults. Results. Associations between emotion regulation strategy and quality of parenting were moderated by parental depressive symptom severity, with distinct effects seen for positive and negative parenting practices. In terms of positive parenting, more frequent use of cognitive reappraisal was associated with increased use of labeled praise among parents with lower levels of depressive symptoms, whereas parents who had higher levels of depressive symptoms engaged in less such praise regardless of how frequently they used reappraisal. In terms of negative parenting, frequent use of cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression were associated with reduced levels of negative parenting, but only among parents with high levels of depression. Conclusions. These findings add to growing support for the integration of emotion regulation strategies into family process models of early-onset conduct problems and related clinical interventions.  相似文献   

This article presents a model featuring two types of emotion regulation—reactive and deliberate—and discusses the developmental trajectory of both types. We argue that the later-developing capacity for deliberate control builds on and coevolves with earlier-developing reactive control. Findings from the field of developmental neuroscience are mapped onto this model. The focus is on specific neural "hubs," such as the anterior cingulate cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex, which serve as epicenters for the coupling of cortical and subcortical processes. We propose that an increasing coordination between brain regions during emotional situations subserves more effective and efficient regulation with development. This framework can be used to explain different developmental pathways of regulatory styles that can, for example, lead to aggressive versus anxious modes of emotion regulation. The implications of this framework can help guide educational policy by supporting prevention and intervention strategies for children exhibiting difficulties with emotion regulation.  相似文献   

Research concerning the determinants affecting access to postsecondary education has primarily been conducted in two spheres: academic preparation and financial aid. Although these two strands of literature are often treated as oppositional hypotheses, they need not be. This article fuses the two bodies of research while discussing the relatively untreated role of information concerning both academic preparation and financial aid as an important determinant in a student's probability of accessing postsecondary education. The evolution of empirical models regarding important determinants in postsecondary access are presented with the proposition of next steps, including the role of information, that will allow for a more fully specified model in studying what variables affect whether a student continues her education after high school graduation.  相似文献   

The study of social reticence in early childhood has focused primarily on those dispositional, intra-individual factors that might account for its demonstration among peers. Little is known, however, about the relations between social reticence and its association with the quality of parenting behaviors. Indeed, the independent and interactive “contributions” of dispositional and parenting factors to children's demonstration of socially reticent behavior have not received adequate attention. In this study, 188 preschool children and their mothers were observed during unstructured Free-play and a structured Lego-building teaching task. Additionally, the children were observed in quartets of same-sex, same-age unfamiliar peers. Results indicated that children's shy, socially reticent behavior was predicted by the extent to which mothers were over-solicitous during Free-play. In addition, preschooler's expressions of reticent behavior were predicted by the interactions between emotion dysregulation and the lack of maternal guidance and control during a teaching task. Emotionally dysregulated children whose mothers provided little control in this putatively stressful teaching task were more likely to be shy and reticent. This relation was non-significant for dysregulated children with mothers who provided high levels of guidance. The results suggest that early childhood educators offer reticent/shy children opportunities to explore their impersonal and social milieus and to warmly encourage such exploratory activities. Without such encouragement and opportunity building, reticent preschoolers may suffer from not having experienced sufficient exploration-to-play sequences thereby stifling the problem-solving competencies derived from such experiences.  相似文献   

The conflict resolution patterns of preschool-age mildly developmentally delayed children were compared to those of older and younger groups of typically developing children matched on the basis of chronological age or developmental level. Children participated in short-term heterogeneous playgroups consisting of representatives from all three developmental status groups. Naturally occurring conflicts with peers in the form of extended directive episodes were assessed in terms of their frequency, purpose, strategies, and the way conflicts were resolved. Results revealed that mildly delayed children exhibit a more negative and less adaptive interaction style, even in comparison to typically developing children similar in developmental level. Special problems were apparent when younger typically developing and mildly delayed children engaged in conflict episodes, whereas typically developing older children were able to adjust and interact appropriately irrespective of their companions' developmental status. In addition, typically developing older children elicited a pattern in which other children were less demanding and negative, but more responsive, positive, and adaptive. The implications of developmental differences between younger and older typically developing children and the unique problems in conflict situations were discussed.  相似文献   

The conflict resolution patterns of preschool-age mildly developmentally delayed children were compared to those of older and younger groups of typically developing children matched on the basis of chronological age or developmental level. Children participated in short-term heterogeneous playgroups consisting of representatives from all three developmental status groups. Naturally occurring conflicts with peers in the form of extended directive episodes were assessed in terms of their frequency, purpose, strategies, and the way conflicts were resolved. Results revealed that mildly delayed children exhibit a more negative and less adaptive interaction style, even in comparison to typically developing children similar in developmental level. Special problems were apparent when younger typically developing and mildly delayed children engaged in conflict episodes, whereas typically developing older children were able to adjust and interact appropriately irrespective of their companions' developmental status. In addition, typically developing older children elicited a pattern in which other children were less demanding and negative, but more responsive, positive, and adaptive. The implications of developmental differences between younger and older typically developing children and the unique problems in conflict situations were discussed.  相似文献   

幼儿情绪理解能力的发展特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪理解是社会认知研究的一个新领域,在个体的社会性发展中起着重要的作用.幼儿阶段是幼儿情绪理解迅速发展的时期.本研究选取142名3岁~6岁幼儿,通过表情识别、情绪线索识别、愿望情绪理解、信念情绪理解四项测验任务,探讨我国幼儿情绪理解能力发展的年龄、性别特点.  相似文献   

认识过程是一个充满主客体矛盾的复杂过程,它永远无法摆脱主体主观因素的影响。其中情感在认识中发挥着十分明显的作用,它非但不是否定客观知识的理由,而且是认识、获得客观知识的基础。  相似文献   

The Role of Emotion in Teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Associated with the recent research results of emotion psychology, the paper addresses the role of emotion in teaching from five aspects. The author presents that emotion plays a primary role of internalization and regulation in the process of teaching and directly restricts the accepting of course contents, the mastery of academic knowledge, the internalization of learning motivation, the regulation of students' behavior and the construction of teaching strategies while arousing the relevant emotional experience, which is the psychological base of effective teaching.  相似文献   

有关情绪调节的研究受到人们越来越多的关注,并已取得长足的进展,其中对情绪调节理论模型的研究尤其受到研究者的重视。目前研究者提出的情绪调节理论模型可以分为过程模型和结构模型两种主要形式。两种模型都是研究者根据自己不同的研究关注提出的,都有一定的合理性。实际上,情绪调节既可以看做是一个包含一定心理成分的结构,也可以将其看做是遵循一定发生顺序的心理过程。  相似文献   

通过对广西少数民族地区342名留守儿童的情绪调节能力和社会适应进行了问卷调查,结果显示:民族地区留守儿童的情绪调节能力在年级、对父母打工态度、父母回家频率及亲子联系频率方面存在显著差异;留守儿童的社会适应在年级、同住对象、对父母打工态度、父母回家频率及亲子联系频率方面也存在显著差异。留守儿童的情绪调节能力能够显著预测其社会适应。  相似文献   

对广西河池市342名农村留守儿童进行情绪调节能力和社会行为的问卷调查,研究发现:留守儿童的情绪调节能力在年级、对父母打工态度、父母回家频率及亲子联系频率方面存在显著差异,留守儿童的社会行为在年级、对父母打工态度、父母回家频率及亲子联系频率方面存在显著差异,留守儿童的情绪调节能力能够显著预测其社会行为。  相似文献   

Mothers' perspectives of children's peer-related social development were obtained from matched groups of young children with developmental delays, communicative disorders, and typically developing children. Structured interviews elicited information on numerous issues including mothers' views of the importance of children's social skills development, rationales with respect to why children succeed or had difficulties on specific social tasks, and the socialization strategies mothers employ to promote children's peer-related social development. Mothers also reported on their efforts to arrange play with peers for their child and the degree to which they monitored that play. Results indicated that mothers rated children's social development as highly important, offered primarily internal rationales (e.g., traits, dispositions) for success or difficulties in achieving social tasks, and endorsed moderate and low power socialization strategies. Differences across the three groups were minimal. Mothers arranged play with peers least often for children with developmental delays and communication disorders, but monitored play more extensively for children with delays. These finding were discussed in terms of mothers adopting a developmental orientation to understand children's social development and their implications for maternal participation in peer competence intervention programs.  相似文献   

本文通过综合不同情绪的多层模型所构建的理论框架,阐述了情绪的双重记忆模型,展示了情绪和情绪调节在其复杂的交互系统中的运作,表明了情绪和情绪调节对认知各重要领域均具有恢复作用。针对在情绪调节中运行的认知过程不同,系统地考察了连续注意、记忆过程、意识和情绪体验觉察等问题,结合临床应用得出结论,并对未来的研究方向予以了展望。  相似文献   

The protective role of strength of group identity was examined for youth in a context of protracted political conflict. Participants included 814 adolescents (Mage = 13.61, SD = 1.99 at Time 1) participating in a longitudinal study in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Utilizing hierarchical linear modeling, the results show that the effect of exposure to sectarian antisocial behaviors has a stronger effect on youth emotion problems for older adolescents. The results also show that youth with higher strength of group identity reported fewer emotion problems in the face of sectarian antisocial behavior but that this buffering effect is stronger for Protestants compared to Catholics. Implications are discussed for understanding the role of social identity in postaccord societies.  相似文献   

本文在已有理论的基础上,根据对本校低功能组五个班级数名孤独症儿童的情绪行为跟踪及与其家长就儿童行为的交谈,分析整理音乐治疗对低功能孤独症儿童的情绪调节所具体存在的作用。并在研究基础上对低功能孤独症儿童的教育提出个人见解及建议,并未之后的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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