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南安市教师进修学校幼教研究室主任、福建省特级教师洪亚臻,从福州幼师毕业后,便投身于南安市幼儿教育改革工作和师资培训培养工作,带领全市幼儿教师进行幼儿园教育教学改革和教育科学研究,使南安市幼儿园的保教质量一直走在泉州各县市区前列。作为当地幼儿教师专业成长的引路人,她强调农村幼儿园要连片开展研究,才能真正促进教师的专业成长,她还强调专业教师应该学会自己思考,把幼儿园教育当作事业而不是工作,从中体会到幼教的快乐,增强工作的积极性、主动性、创造性。  相似文献   

小学园丁颂歌叶存铃1939年出生于印尼,由归国侨生成长为小学语文教学专家、福建省特级教师宁德师范高级讲师。他现任福建省中师语文中心教研组组长,曾被评为全国优秀教师,被授予宁德地区专业技术拔尖人才的称号,荣获曾宪教育基金会年中师教师奖一等奖。叶存铃利用...  相似文献   

特级教师是推进我国基础教育发展的重要资源,他们每个个体都有特别的成长需求,教育行政部门必须遵循特级教师成长规律,利用区域教育资源优势为他们专业发展提供服务,提升特级教师专业生命的质量。  相似文献   

特级教师制度是我国特有的一项教师选拔、表彰和认定制度。特级教师是我国中小学教师的崇高荣誉,是我国中小学教师的优秀代表,是我国基础教育的宝贵财富。文章着重对特级教师专业成长的适应期、关键期和突破期进行分析,以研究探索特级教师专业成长的规律,为我国中小学教师的教育、培养、培训提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

本文阐述了特级教师研究的目标、内容和策略;在系统梳理我国特级教师评选制度来龙去脉的基础上,对特级教师的专业成长与发展提出了规律性假设,对特级教师的教学艺术风格进行了多角度的分析和总结  相似文献   

本文阐述了特级教师研究的目标、内容和策略;在系统梳理我国特级教师评选制度来龙去脉的基础上,对特级教师的专业成长与发展提出了规律性假设,对特级教师的教学艺术风格进行了多角度的分析和总结;在对相当数量且有一定代表性的特级教师进行个案研究的基础上,对我国特级教师遴选、管理、使用和专业发展等进行了系统研究与反思。  相似文献   

特级教师的专业成长总是基于特定的精神文化空间。影响特级教师成长的精神文化空间因素从宏观到微观主要有地域文化因素、学校文化因素和教研组文化因素。  相似文献   

教育思想的深刻性一定体现在与教育实践的血肉联系里。特级教师作为一个特殊的群体,需要有人系统总结、揭示和升华他们的思想。北京教育科学研究院教师研究中心对北京市20位特级教师进行访谈,总结其专业成长历程、教学思想及教学实践,提炼其先进教育思想和教学理念,为教师专业发展提供了生动的案例。这是教育理论工作者与特级教师的深度对话与合作,也是探索特级教师成长规律的一次有效尝试,更是研究机构运用自身的学术资源和专业优势为中小学教师梳理清晰的发展历程和思想的一条很好的路径。本刊将选登该研究的优秀成果,欢迎广大读者和我们一起探寻特级教师的成长之路。  相似文献   

<正>5月29日,同心·行知乡村教师成长计划晋级评优专家评审会在厦门福建省同心慈善基金会总部"同心学习书院"召开,同心慈善基金会副理事长、同心火种计划项目执行理事长邱德辉,福建省陶行知研究会执行会长兼秘书长邹开煌教授,翔安教育集团董事长、原厦门二中校长、特级教师正高级教师吴启建,宁德教师进修学院特级教师、福建省第二届杰出人民教师陈成龙,  相似文献   

陈成龙老师,是福建省宁德市教师进修学院教师,中国教育学会中学语文教学专业委员会课堂教学研究中心学术委员,全国中小学素质教育研究会常务理事,福建省语文学会副会长,福建省特级教师协会常务理事,宁德市中学语文教研会会长,宁德市特级教师协会会长,福建教育学院兼职副教授。曾多次被全国中语会聘请担任各种大赛的组委会委员。2009年被评为福建省杰出人民教师。  相似文献   

Current debates concerning effective professional development for teachers of early reading have focused on the potential benefits of a literacy coach in providing sustained support and guidance for teachers?? learning from a professional development program. In this study, we compare the response of first-grade teachers to a model of professional development that did or did not include a literacy coach (i.e., PD Coach or PD No Coach) by examining teachers?? attitudes toward professional development, their instruction, and student outcomes. We also take into account teachers?? views about their school climate, as these might influence their response to professional development activities. Results showed no differences in teachers?? attitudes toward the professional development, the support of their principal, or opportunities for collaboration with other teachers. The PD Coach teachers differed from the PD No Coach teachers in aspects of instruction relevant to the professional development program. Further, students in PD Coach teachers?? classrooms made greater improvements in word decoding from fall to spring. The support of the principal contributed to these outcomes. The results suggest benefits of a model of professional development in reading that included school-based coaching for first-grade teachers.  相似文献   

This research aims to evaluate the manner in which teachers perceive their professional development process. Forty-three teachers from Israeli schools participated in the study. I used a semi-structured interview to understand the teachers’ perceptions about their professional development. The qualitative analysis identified two dimensions that teachers referred to in their professional development stories: the professional development motivation (intrinsic/extrinsic) and types of aspirations (lateral/vertical). Using these dimensions, four ‘professional development patterns’ emerged. Participants’ professional trajectories are described in terms of these patterns: Hierarchically Ambitious, Hierarchically Compelled, the Laterally Ambitious and the Laterally Compelled. This categorisation could serve as an essential tool to help principals and decision-makers analyse teachers’ personal course of professional development. Hence, the categorisation of the teaching staff according to individuals’ professional aspirations could be utilised to design professional development programmes and incentives that would correspond to teachers’ particular needs.  相似文献   

英语课程改革对英语教师提出了新的挑战,教师素质成为改革成功的关键,农村英语教师素质也开始受到人们的关注。为了解农村英语教师的教学现状,在此以问卷调查为工具,对铜仁地区60所农村中小学81位英语教师进行了调查,结果显示:农村英语教师的教学现状不容乐观,他们对自身发展的需求强烈,但是,他们在职业发展过程中所面临着急需解决的困难。调查结果对如何提高农村英语教师素质问题有积极作用。  相似文献   

Scientist-teacher partnerships are a unique form of professional development that can assist teachers in translating current science into classroom instruction by involving them in meaningful collaborations with university researchers. However, few reported models aim to directly alter science teachers’ practices by supporting them in the development of curriculum materials. This article reports on a multiple case study of seven high school science teachers who attended an ongoing scientist–teacher partnership professional development program at a major Southeastern research university. Our interest was to understand the capacity of this professional development program for supporting teachers in the transfer of personal learning experiences with advanced science content and skills into curriculum materials for high school students. Findings indicate that, regardless of their ultimate success constructing curriculum materials, all cases considered the research grounded professional development supports beneficial to their professional growth with the exception of collective participation. Additionally, the cases also described how supports such as professional recognition and transferability served as affordances to the process of constructing these materials. However, teachers identified multiple constraints, including personal learning barriers, their classroom context, and the cost associated with implementing some of their curriculum ideas. Results have direct implications for future research and the purposeful design of professional development experiences through scientist-teacher partnerships.  相似文献   

The alignment of professional development and teacher evaluation has been a growing concern in teacher professional development practices. The issue of how teacher evaluation can help authentic professional development is important in that teachers only learn what is real, useful and valuable to them. Based on our reflections on current professional development in Taiwan, this article challenges the dominant evaluation-led approach to professional development, in which much attention and energy of policy-makers and educators is devoted to establishing extensive programmes and standards that might not be relevant to teachers’ concerns. We draw upon Habermas’ notion of system and lifeworld to sense-make and to theorise why it can be difficult for teachers to engage the entirety of their personhood with a policy agenda of pursuing system integration and efficiency whereby teachers’ learning actions become strategic. We argue for considering teacher development from an alternative, lifeworld perspective in which teachers and teachers’ subjectivities in striving to achieve what matters and makes sense to them are placed centre stage. Although the evaluation mechanism plays a role in avoiding the devolution of professional development into mere subjectivism, it is reductive to treat teacher professional development not only as distinct but also as requiring evaluation items and overlooking the importance of maintaining teacher development as a tacit, authentic process of knowing. We finally juxtapose the two approaches and their contrasting characteristics and describe implications for planning teacher professional development so that policy-makers and educators can reflect on their mindsets and implementation and modify their programme planning and strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

在教师职业实践阶段,促进教师终身发展问题成为教师专业化发展的关键。通过对教师教育理念、课程理念、教学理念内涵的解读,对促进教师专业发展的认识及教师在教学专业实践中的职业价值理解进行论述,以期对促进教师终身发展事业有所裨益。  相似文献   

原有的教师专业发展理念遵循一种"缺陷"模式,将教师视为"有缺陷的"、需要"被"发展的对象,这已不能完全覆盖教师成长的内涵。因此,教师专业学习作为教师专业发展的替代性概念应运而生。教师专业学习的理念认为:教师具有主动学习的意愿。教师不应只是单纯地接受知识,而是要在教育教学中不断建构知识。教师在学习过程中是"完整人"而不单纯是"职业人"。教师专业学习作为提升教师专业素质的重要路径,可以通过校本学习的方式来实现。学校作为教师教育实践的主要场所,应该为教师的专业学习提供环境支持,如建立规范化、制度化的校本学习机制,为教师专业学习提供多种合作平台,指导和引领教师的反思性实践等。  相似文献   

高职院校教师专业发展规划设计,是教师专业发展的保证,也是提高高职院校教师队伍素质的关键。在调查中发现,大部分教师对于从事的职业具有较高的认同、重视个人职业发展,但专业发展规划还需要加强、希望自己的职业生涯发展能够得到院校的支持。高职院校有必要基于各展所长、分类发展的原则,帮助教师做好专业发展规划设计。通过对教师进行分层和分类,帮助教师进行专业发展定位、帮助教师制定个人专业发展方案,设计个性化的专业发展目标和发展路径、设计不同类型教师的专业发展的支持框架,为教师专业发展提供全方位支持等措施,达到实施教师职业发展规划的效果。  相似文献   

青年外语教师在高校外语教师队伍中占据主体地位,处于专业发展的关键时期,具有极强的可塑性。然而对青年外语教师专业发展现状的调查发现:青年外语教师在专业发展上存在自主发展意识淡薄、自我发展能力水平较低、对发展环境的满意度低、缺乏明确目标等问题。结合教师自主专业发展的内涵,针对存在问题,提出相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

Over $18 billion is spent annually on professional development for in-service teachers. This study examined the focus, duration, and impact of professional development activities in which elementary (students ages 5–11) and middle school (students ages 11–14) teachers participated. Ninety-eight teacher-participants completed an online survey about their professional development experiences. In the analysis of literacy survey items and mathematics survey items, there were similarities in focus areas that received greater participation and areas that received less. There were also noticeable differences in frequency of participation in literacy and mathematics professional development. Comparisons between literacy and mathematics professional development indicated that more teachers reported participating in literacy experiences. This included workshops as well as ongoing support through planning meetings and mentorship. Overall, the consensus from teachers was that professional development was effective and has a beneficial impact on their classroom. Researchers share implications for the design and research of future professional development programs.  相似文献   

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