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通过采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法等方法,对延安大学体育学院体育教育专业人才培养课程体系进行深入调查分析。结果表明:我院体育教育人才培养课程体系与新课程改革背景下的中小学体育教学需求有着一定的差异,课程体系设置难以满足中小学体育教学师资培养和社会体育人才的需求。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify how information about physical education is exchanged between secondary schools and their respective feeder primary schools, what information is exchanged and how this information is used. A secondary purpose was to look at whether there is any relationship between schools engaging in liaison activities and exchanging information about physical education, and between exchanging information and the number of associated secondary schools to which pupils are sent or feeder primary schools from which pupils are received. Questionnaires were sent to 177 secondary and 538 feeder primary schools. Responses from 80 secondary schools and 299 primary schools showed that the highest percentage of teachers exchanged information through written documentation, followed by discussion at cross phase liaison meetings. The type of information exchanged by the highest percentage of teachers was identified as generic information about key stage 2 and 3 of the National Curriculum for Physical Education (NCPE) areas of activity and schemes of work, rather than information about the specific physical education content covered or information about individual pupils, such as levels of attainment or ability. Further, results suggest that information may be used for pastoral purposes and that only a small percentage of teachers used the information exchanged to plan for continuity and progression in the physical education curriculum. There was a significant positive relationship between engagement in liaison activities and information received about the physical education curriculum followed by pupils, but a significant negative relationship for primary teachers between the number of different secondary schools to which pupils' progress and knowledge about the key stage 3 schemes of work that Year 6 pupils will follow in their associated secondary schools. These results are discussed in relation to continuity and progression in physical education in the transfer of pupils from primary to secondary schools.  相似文献   

Using Technology to Increase Parent Involvement in Schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of parent involvement in Parents who monitor their student’s schoolwork and daily activities, communicate frequently with teachers and help develop schools and its relationship to student achievement have been widely studied. Nevertheless, many principals and teachers report that lack of parent involvement continues to be an obstacle to increasing student achievement at school. The purpose of this study was to determine whether emerging technologies facilitate better parent-teacher communication and parent involvement. Data were collected through surveys and semi-structured focus group interviews to analyze the relationship between parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of student achievement when electronic communications are used between parents and school. The study revealed that parents and teachers both place a high value on proactive parent involvement. Because proactive involvement does not require parents to be physically at their children’s school, the question of how technology can be used to keep parents involved in their children’s academic lives becomes important. As access to technology continues to expand, the capabilities for connecting parents to schools will continue to grow. As schools invest in websites, phone calling systems, parent portals, online curriculum, and other types of technologies that connect schools to home, research needs to continue to focus on the effectiveness of these technologies to increase parent involvement.  相似文献   

The aim of the Primary and Early Childhood Science and Technology Education Project (PECSTEP) is to improve teaching and learning in science and technology of by increasing the number of early childhood and primary teachers who are effective educators. PECSTEP is based on an interactive model of teaching and systematically links work on gender with the learning and teaching of science and technology. The project involves: a year-long inservice program which includes the development of a science curriculum unit by teachers in their schools; linking of the preservice and inservice programs; and the development of support networks for teachers. Each phase of PECSTEP has been researched by means of surveys, interviews and the use of diaries. Research questions have focussed particularly on changes in: teachers’ and student teachers’ attitudes to teaching science and technology; their perceptions of science and technology; their perceptions of their students’ responses and their understandings of how gender relates to these areas. Specializations: primary science curriculum, science teacher education, sociology of science, technology and education. Specializations: gender and science/science teacher education, feminist theory, curriculum theory. Specializations: Science education research, curriculum development.  相似文献   

The counselling literature has frequently reported problems of conflict and ambiguity within the counsellor's role, and its possible dysfunctional effects. Early studies in Kuwaiti secondary schools have suggested that conflicting perceptions of the educational counsellor's role may exist, which need to be addressed if the guidance programme is to be improved. This study examined differences in perceptions of the role of educational counsellors held by students, teachers and counsellors themselves. Questionnaires were completed by a sample of 300 students, 300 teachers and 30 educational counsellors located across Kuwait's five educational zones. Their ratings of the importance of 20 counsellor activities revealed differences in perceptions between the three groups of respondents, indicating that role conflict and ambiguity may indeed be a problem. Possible reasons for this, with specific reference to the Kuwaiti context, are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers’ views on discipline in primary schools in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia, were investigated using a survey instrument developed for the Elton Enquiry into school discipline in England and Wales. Results of the survey suggest that primary and junior primary teachers experience frequent but minor discipline problems in their classes and in the school yard, but that they cope with these problems reasonably well. Data are presented summarising and comparing primary and junior primary teachers’ most common discipline problems, which are the most difficult to handle, teachers’ perceptions of the seriousness of these problems, and their suggestions to improve their capacity to deal with these problems. Differences between public and teacher perceptions of discipline problems in government primary schools are exposed. The implications of several findings for teacher training and development are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at exploring teachers’ perceptions and practices of peer support in Bangladeshi primary schools. It also looks into the contrast between the perceptions and practices, and the underlying reasons behind such deviations. The study collects data from teachers who are undergoing a large-scale teacher development project called English in Action. The project provides face-to-face and distance learning support to the teachers, as well as promotes the idea of context-based learning through peer support in both primary and secondary schools in Bangladesh. This study adopted a mixed method approach. The quantitative part looks into teachers’ perceptions and practices in regards to peer support. A close-ended questionnaire was used to understand the extent teachers feel peer support is important and their actual engagement with colleagues for the support activities. Qualitative methods including observations, focus group discussions, and interviews are used to identify the activities that teachers do together with their colleagues in a school and the barriers to such activities. The results show that, teachers define peer support in a specific way and consider it as very important for their professional development. However, their engagement in such activities is restricted by several factors.  相似文献   


This paper explores the use of counselling and other helping skills with young people in schools, focusing on how teachers, who may not be formally trained, work in this area. The author argues that counselling in schools may not be common but that teachers’ use of counselling skills and the involvement in intensive case work is much more so. The ethical issues in this work are identified. It is argued that schools should draw up their own ethical position statements and that staff who are involved in intensive support work with pupils should receive supervision.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of counselling and other helping skills with young people in schools, focusing on how teachers, who may not be formally trained, work in this area. The author argues that counselling in schools may not be common but that teachers' use of counselling skills and the involvement in intensive case work is much more so. The ethical issues in this work are identified. It is argued that schools should draw up their own ethical position statements and that staff who are involved in intensive support work with pupils should receive supervision.  相似文献   

Teachers’ role in curriculum design is a broad question that inspires political educational reforms among European countries, a trend that even extends to higher education politics. The perspective on teachers’ role in curriculum, both at the level of the policies and of the practices, shapes recent educational reforms in Portugal. These are the concerns underlying our research that intends to substantiate school teachers’ involvement in curriculum development as it is experienced by them, and while comparing their views to the roles they are attributed in the political and academic dominant discourses. To reach teachers’ perceptions, we distributed questionnaires which were completed by 214 teachers in primary and secondary schools. We could conclude that the enactment of a professional identity on the basis of teacher assumption of their role as real curriculum designers is still far from being achieved.  相似文献   

This paper examines perceptions of roles and responsibilities in primary and secondary initial teacher education following a sustained period of increase in the involvement of schools. The paper reports findings from a survey of higher education staff, school-based mentors and student teachers, which sought information about their perceptions of roles and responsibilities. A postal survey was followed up by telephone interviews. We found broad levels of agreement between all three partners in the training process and across primary and secondary phases. We found no evidence of a wish on the part of schools to assume greater responsibility for training student teachers. All three parties involved in the survey were able to articulate clearly areas of student professional development where they see complementary roles for school and higher education.  相似文献   

中小学教师的专业发展是当今教育界普遍关注的热点问题。特别是新课程的改革和实施,对教师专业发展是一次新的机遇与挑战,本研究对洛阳市新课程改革实验区和非实验区中小学教师的专业化发展现状进行了调查分析。调查发现:中小学教师普遍接纳新课程改革,形成了业已稳定的新教育教学理念,业务能力普遍提高,但角色、地位转变困难,教研能力提高慢等。只有从社会及国家政策方面、学校方面、教师个人诸方面全方位改革,才能促进教师专业化发展和基础教育课程改革的进一步实施。  相似文献   


This article describes the role of primary school teachers in Iraq in connection with curriculum change and development. It identifies the ways in which professional teachers have been faced with increased central control and concludes by responding directly to the Ministry of Education. A survey involving interviews and question‐ naires was conducted with primary school teachers of different school location, age, gender, experience, qualifications and subjects taught, and in various school locations. Headteachers and education officials were also interviewed to establish the degree of involvement of primary teachers in their curriculum planning process.  相似文献   

The low status of the foundation subjects (e.g. Music and Physical Education (PE)) in English primary schools is well documented. Using PE as an illustrative example, a thematic analysis of 51 PE trainee students’ assignments, based on their perceptions of a two-week experience in a primary school, highlighted a number of areas of concern (e.g. limited/inadequate preparation; insufficient teacher knowledge/confidence; variable/limited subject leadership and non-qualified teachers delivering the curriculum). The possibility of teachers, coaches and other external specialists learning collaboratively with and from each other within a community of practice/learning is proposed as one way of strengthening the foundation subjects within the primary school curriculum.  相似文献   

The study featured in this paper investigates pre- and in-service Physical Education (PE) teachers' diverse views of OE (Outdoor Education) against the backdrop of numerous curricular changes underpinning Singaporean education. We highlight the potential challenges Singaporean schools and teachers may face in implementing the newly formalized OE curriculum. Findings revealed the teachers' prioritization of high elements and adventure activities within residential camps. Then, the teachers linked these ‘risky’ and ‘unfamiliar’ activities with transferrable learning outcomes, mostly in line with students' personal and social development. The more experienced teachers in the cohort tended to advocate that OE could be situated within local school and community environs. Yet, this envisioning of OE within a place-based learning model reflected limited understanding of this concept. We conclude by suggesting that curriculum designers and teacher educators should draw upon pre- and in-service PE teachers' perceptions of OE. It is imperative that these teachers' key concerns and beliefs, which currently structure their work in this recently formalized subject area, are used to contextualize the extensive curricular change and professional learning endeavors that are being implemented by the education ministry.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of students’ and teachers’ perceptions of their classroom learning environment in Bhutanese eighth-grade mathematics classes. Research suggests that positive perceptions of the learning environment can have a positive influence on students’ learning outcomes, interest and engagement in classroom activities. The study was conducted in 2013, using the survey samples of 608 students and 98 teachers from 22 lower- and middle-secondary schools in western Bhutan. Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of the classroom environment were measured using the Mathematics Classroom Learning Environment Survey (MCLES). Students and teachers mostly perceived their classroom environments favourably on the MCLES scales irrespective of gender, school level and school location. The study is significant for understanding and evaluating the implementation of new mathematics curriculum in Bhutanese schools because it could guide the development of strategies for more-productive mathematics classroom learning. It is also significant from the perspective of Bhutan’s national goal of Gross National Happiness because perceptions and happiness always go hand-in-hand.  相似文献   

2012年教育部在《关于大力推进农村义务教育教师队伍建设的意见》中指出,为农村学校定向培养补充"下得去、留得住、干得好"的高素质教师。为此,课题组先后在九江地区九江县、星子县、德安县、修水县、湖口县的多所农村小学及教学点进行调研,根据乡村小学的现状及随着社会经济发展所带来的小班化教学趋势,提出本土化定向培养乡村小学教师,同时,构建了基础课程、专业课程、技能课程和实践课程的全科型小学教师培养课程体系,为乡村小学全科型教师的培养及补充机制作出有益的探索。  相似文献   

新的《聋校义务教育课程设置实验方案》中把“沟通与交往”列为国家规定的必修课,但在对招收聋学生的50所特殊教育学校进行“沟通与交往”课程实施情况的调查中发现:58.3%的特殊学校还未开设该课程;已经开设了“沟通与交往”课程的特殊学校里,存在着课程开设的盲目性和随意性、教师缺乏专业培训等方面的问题。迫切需要教育管理部门尽快出台课程指导文件,规范课程内容和实施方式;特殊教育学校也需要认真执行课程计划,完善课程管理制度,加强教师培训,提高课程实施的有效性。  相似文献   

This study applies a model of school organisation developed by one of the authors to investigate school improvement processes leading to a whole school approach in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) literature. The model is operationalized to a survey instrument and distributed to Swedish upper secondary teachers. The instrument provides empirical indications of teachers’ perceptions of their schools in terms of four major dimensions of an ESD whole school approach, the importance assigned to a holistic vision, routines and structures, professional knowledge creation, and practical pedagogical work. The aims of the study are to compare the teachers’ perception of their school organisation. We compare perceptions of teachers working in schools actively implementing ESD and teachers in comparable reference schools. Comparisons are also made between teachers from schools applying different strategies and quality approaches in implementing ESD. The results indicate that, relative to teachers in ordinary schools, those in ESD schools perceive their school organisations to have higher quality and coherence, with greater potential to support teaching and pedagogical work in practice. However, there is substantial variation in perceptions of teachers from different ESD schools. The model’s robustness is validated by coherence of earlier results in the same schools.  相似文献   

This article presents Malaysian student teachers’ reports of using an action, reflection and modelling (ARM) pedagogical approach during their placements in Malaysian primary schools. The ARM approach was designed to support the implementation of the Malaysian primary school mathematics curriculum, which involved changing classroom practice in learning and teaching. It was developed and used during a Malaysia–UK collaborative project to construct a Bachelor of Education (Honours) degree programme in Primary Mathematics for a cohort of 120 student teachers in Malaysia. The three principles integral to the ARM approach were repeatedly made explicit to the student practitioners who were engaged in learning and teaching on the new degree programme. Using findings from surveys carried out with the students at the end of their first and final placements, this article provides examples of the way some of them described ARM and recounted how they had used the approach in the classroom. Four of these narratives are used as ‘vignettes’ to illustrate the students’ perceptions of using new ways of learning and teaching in primary schools and to inform and enable a discussion of the relationship between theory and practice in teacher education.  相似文献   

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