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This paper sketches the debate on evidence-based educational practice focusing on teaching and instruction in schools. The authors review requirements that have to be fulfilled by educational research that aims to provide a basis for educational policy and practice. Specifically, they discuss the challenges that are associated with a notion of a sender-recipient relationship describing research and practice. Models for a stronger research-based connection with the field of educational practice are described. Subsequently, they show how the discourse on teaching and instruction that is prevalent in the educational sciences in Germany illuminates the inherent difficulties when teaching practice is expected to follow scientific evidence. The authors illustrate these two strands of the paper – communication between researchers and practitioners, and opinions about the constitution of ‘good’ teaching and instruction – by excerpts of interviews with researchers and teachers.  相似文献   

Acquisition of an argument structure may be affected by the diversity of lexical types that appear in that structure (Conwell et al., 2011; Yang, 2016). Seventy-two 5- and 6-year-old English-speaking children completed a learning study where they were exposed to a novel argument structure and then tested on their ability to comprehend it. The number of verb types heard in the learning phase did not predict comprehension at test. However, learning with only full noun phrase arguments resulted in lower comprehension of the structure, particularly with pronouns. Hearing pronouns during learning supported comprehension of all argument types at test. These results indicate that pronominal arguments support argument structure learning by providing multiple cues that can facilitate thematic role assignment.  相似文献   

Early childhood educators often deliberate the difference between the use of arts versus crafts in the classroom as learning opportunities. This paper discusses the distinct differences between the two and how encouraging young children to engage within art making provides great opportunity for personal and communal exploration, expression, and discussion. Open-ended activities that focus on the process, and not necessarily the end product, provide children with authentic, differentiated, and holistic methods of exploration and learning. Fostering a willingness to creatively engage within an aesthetic problem-solving process that allows children to select, represent, and explain their thoughts and actions will help them develop skills necessary for success in an unknown future.  相似文献   


One of the biggest problems in Higher Education, but one which is often not fully recognised by either students or teachers until some way into academic courses, is the problem of reading, perhaps because reading in itself is not assessed. However, the results or output from reading are assessed. Students are often overwhelmed by the quantity of reading required and fail to adequately exploit or benefit from their reading efforts when they themselves write or give presentations. Tutors complain about the lack of critical argument in much student work. This paper takes argument in reading as a central touchstone to academic study, discusses some views of the source of the difficulty and makes some suggestions which have proved to be helpful.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality, evolution, and position of university students’ argumentation about organic agriculture over a 4-week argument–critique–argument e-learning experience embedded in a first year university biology course. The participants (N??=??43) were classified into three groups based on their epistemological views. Data collected from individual arguments, group deliberations, and individual critiques were coded and analyzed to establish the quality and evolution of argumentation. Results indicated significant improvement in the quality of their justifications between the first and second arguments. Post-hoc comparison of epistemological groups indicated that the more constructivist-oriented students had a greater significant evolution of their justifications than the more empiricist-oriented students, but there was no significant main effect for epistemological orientation. Qualitative analysis of the intervening critiques indicated that some students incorporated or used other students’ arguments or counter-arguments to change their position or to enhance the justification of their original position on organic agriculture, while others appeared to be locked into a confirmation-bias stance and search for evidence that supported their original position and disregarded contradictory evidence.  相似文献   

Which kinds of content- and language-integrated interventions can better support mathematical learning, depending on students’ language background, as measured by communication on the discourse level or additional lexical training on the word level? A control trial compared interventions with two different materials (discursive versus lexical-discursive, each 5 × 90?min.) with respect to the dependent variable of conceptual and procedural knowledge for fractions. The effects are investigated differentially for four language groups: monolinguals versus bilinguals, each with higher versus lower German language proficiency (n = 343). For both interventions, the ANOVA shows an increase of mathematical knowledge for the experimental group, which is significantly higher than for the control group, but no significant difference between the interventions. The intervention with lexical-discursive materials led to a slightly higher increase of knowledge in the post test, but the discursive intervention was superior in the follow up test. Monolingual and multilingual students had similar patterns of growth without differential pattern. However, the proficient monolingual students tend to profit more from the interventions, especially from the lexical-discursive intervention.  相似文献   

“Transfer” from research into practical applications is mostly seen as an autonomous domain between research and practice. For educational research, the author develops a conception in which transfer is a part of research, especially of applied educational research with a focus on teaching activities and teaching-learning materials. The criticism of traditional teaching research is examined and a research and development approach to didactics is proposed as a chance to combine theory and practice. The article comprises considerations on the scientific nature of research and development in didactics borrowing concepts from Bunge and Stokes and R & D in the economic sciences. The last section shows two research examples and closes with considerations for process and product evaluation in didactic research and development.  相似文献   

The research reported in this study examines the very first time the participants planned for and enacted science instruction within a “best-case scenario” teacher preparation program. Evidence from this study indicates that, within this context, preservice teachers are capable of implementing several of the discursive practices of science called for in standards documents including engaging students in science investigations and constructing evidence-based explanations. The participants designed experiences that allowed their students to interact with natural phenomena, gather evidence, and craft explanations of natural phenomenon. The study contends that the participants were able to achieve such successes due to their participation in a teacher education program and field placement, which were designed using a comprehensive, conceptual framework. Video of the participant’s teaching and annotated self-analysis videos served as the primary data for this study. Implications for future research and elementary science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the developmental side of organizational learning. It starts out from the hypothesis that those conditions of successful learning and development competency, which can be externally influenced, are indeed independent of specific organizations and can be identified empirically. On the basis of the current results of an empirical investigation in the area of adult education, we will present a detailed profile of the requirements of a learning further education organization consisting of the dimensions organizational leadership, strategy, structure and culture, core competencies and treatment of knowledge and organizational environment. This profile was generated through a three-stepped research process combining theoretical, empirical and developmental approaches.  相似文献   

At the turn of the 18th to the 19tb Century, pictures from books and leaflets developed into didactic wall charts. Between 1860 and 1960 the wall charts became the decisive medium of teaching. Three factors favoured this process: didactic theory formation, the invention of lithography, and compulsory schooling, which was gradually generalised during that period. Chance and the spirit of the time also had a role to play in the publication and presentation of wall charts, as well as the evolution in teaching methods. The selection of the pictures we will use, was governed by the principles of information, conceptualisation and aesthetic education. Reality itself served as a model for the illustrators, which can be demonstrated by pictures from history and geography lessons. Nevertheless, the didactic efforts to present as much information as possible on the one hand and to instruct the children with precise and highly desired conceptualisations of the reality on the other hand, led to an overloading of the context as well as to an unrealistic simplification of the complexities presented in the wall charts.  相似文献   

Literature in the field of information technology in educations in full of references to “no significant differences” findings from studies on the efficacy of technology integration. These findings may be due factors such as flawed assessment procedures, widely varying definitions of technology integration, and research design problems. The current special issue focuses on the development and use of reliable and valid instruments and procedures to access technology integration. This editorial reviews the concepts of reliability and validity, and summarizes assessment methods presented in the articles in this special issue.  相似文献   

In Deutschland liegt seit 2003 ein Konzept zur Entwicklung nationaler Bildungsstandards vor. Bildungsstandards beziehen sich auf einen bestimmten Lernbereich. Innerhalb der Standards dieser Lernbereiche sollen zudem f?cherübergreifende Bildungsziele als Standards berücksichtigt werden. Lernkompetenzen, die in diesem Artikel fokussiert werden. stehen in einer Zusammenstellung m?glicher f?cherübergreifender Bildungsziele an erster Stelle. Im Gegensatz zur Umsetzung von fachlichen Kompetenzen als Bildungsstandards liegen bislang allerdings keine Vorschl?ge vor, wie Lernkompetenzen innerhalb der Standards der einzelnen Lernbereiche umgesetzt werden k?nnen. Der vorliegende Artikel soll einen Beitrag zur Kl?rung der Frage leisten, inwiefern dies auf der Basis des vorliegenden Konzepts nationaler Bildungsstandards realisierbar ist. Die Diskussion zwei der zentralsten Punkte des Bildungsstandardskonzepts zeigt. dass sich Lernkompetenzen ohne eine Reformulierung des Referenzrahmens von Bildungsstandards nur partiell als Standards umsetzen lassen. Im letzten Kapitel werden in der Folge Umsetzungsm?glichkeiten zur Etablierung von Lernkompetenzen als Bildungsstandards diskutiert.  相似文献   

With the rise of poststructuralist critiques of the autonomous subject, attention has shifted from the nature of “intentional persuasion” to the constitutive nature of discourse. Although this turn has led to valuable new insights into the nature of rhetoric, it also threatens to discount one of the most vital contributions of the rhetorical tradition—the nature of rhetorical invention. This essay seeks to recover the notion of invention by drawing from John Dewey's naturalistic interpretation of experience. In Dewey's framework, “consciousness” is neither the private contents of thought nor a point of articulation for social discourse, but a practice of manipulating public meanings as a means of responding to problematic situations. I then use Dewey's notion to advance the concept of a “rhetorical consciousness,” which I define in terms of the sophistical principles of imitatio and dissoi logoi. To demonstrate the pragmatic significance of this concept, I then show, through an analysis of Charles Darwin's notebooks, how Darwin employed his own rhetorical consciousness within his struggle to invent the revolutionary arguments that led up to his publication of On the Origin of Species. My hope is that this naturalistic interpretation of rhetorical invention will contribute to the ongoing project of cultivating a more intelligent, critical, and creative citizenry through the application of classical rhetorical principles to contemporary democratic forms of education in both the arts and sciences.  相似文献   

This study addresses a competency of students’ historical thinking related to taking perspectives. We start by discussing socio-cognitive theories from psychology as well as approaches from history education that focus on this competency. We also present empirical findings concerning relationships between achievement, self-concept and interest in the subject of history and connect these findings with the competency to take historical perspectives. Our research questions target this relationship between indicators of achievement and motivation in the subject of history, the competency of historical perspective taking and students’ socio-cognitive ability to adopt social perspectives in their everyday lives. These questions are investigated using a cross-sectional design with 375 grammar school students in grades 7 and 10. Results indicate that in grade 7 the competency to take historical perspectives relates to students’ ability to coordinate social perspectives in their everyday lives. For 10th graders, however, the adoption of historical perspectives is closely related to subject-specific variables such as interest for history, self-concept, history grade and achievement in a test of historical knowledge. In the last section of this paper, we discuss challenges that arise when students’ competencies in a subject like history are assessed within the context of standard-based testing. Specifically, we raise the issues of reliability, validity, the context-specificity of measurements, the kinds of response formats used and the formulation of progression models of historical thinking.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Persönlichkeit, die fast überall positiv verstanden wird, besteht nicht von Geburt an, sondern entwickelt sich unter Einfluß von Anlagen und Umwelt. Die Jugend, die als Übergang zwischen Kindheit und Erwachsenenalter bezeichnet wird, wirft in vielen modernen Industriestaaten Probleme auf, die aus der oftmals schwierigen Suche nach der eigenen Identität resultieren. Identität wird hier als Wechselwirkung zwischen Anlagen und Umwelt verstanden. Der Jugendliche muß auf dem Weg zur eigenen Persönlichkeit vor sich selbst, der Gesellschaft und dem Leben insgesamt bestehen. Die Psychologie definiert die Persönlichkeit als Summe vieler psychologischer Eigenschaften, in denen sich Unterschiede zwischen den Menschen zeigen. Die Entwicklung dieser Eigenschaften ist in Umwelt, Reifung und Handlung des Individuums zu sehen. Sie wird in Ursachen, Bedingungen und Verläufe unterschieden. Als letzten Punkt führt der Artikel verschiedene Aspekte der Bildungsproblematik an. Der Verfasser kommt zu dem Schluß, daß Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zwar Ziel der Bildung sein sollte, dieses Ziel aber aufgrund des heutigen unklaren Bildungskonzeptes nicht erreichbar ist.
Personality, which is a term almost always used in a positive sense, does not exist from the moment of birth, but it develops under the influence of heredity and environment. Adolescence, which is seen as a transition from childhood to adulthood, raises difficulties in many modern industrialized countries as a result of the often arduous search for individual identity. In this context identity is seen as an interaction between heredity and environment. While developing his own personality, the young person has to maintain an integral existence vis-à-vis himself, society and life. Psychology defines the personality as the sum of numerous psychological characteristics, through which differences between people are revealed. The development of these characteristics is to be seen in the environment, maturation and actions of the individual. It can be subdivided into causes, conditions and processes. Finally the article discusses various aspects of the general question of education. The author concludes that the development of the personality should be an aim of education, but that this aim is presently unattainable because of a lack of clarity in the concept of education.

Résumé La personnalité, qui est un terme presque toujours employé dans un sens positif, n'existe pas dès la naissance, mais se développe sous l'influence de l'hérédité et de l'environnement. L'adolescence, que l'on considère comme une période de transition entre l'enfance et l'âge adulte, crée des difficultés dans de nombreux pays modernes industrialisés en raison de la recherche souvent ardue d'une identité individuelle. Dans ce contexte, on entend par identité l'interaction entre hérédité et environnement. Tout en développant sa propre personnalité, l'adolescent doit continuer d'exister par rapport à lui-même, la société et la vie. La psychologie définit la personnalité comme la somme de nombreuses caractéristiques psychologiques, à travers lesquelles se dessinent les différences entre les personnes. On peut observer le développement de ces caractéristiques dans l'environnement, la croissance et les actions de l'individu. On peut les classer en causes, conditions et processus. Enfin, le présent article examine les divers aspects de la problématique de l'éducation. L'auteur conclut que le développement de la personnalité devrait être un but de l'éducation, mais que celui-ci n'est pas présentement réalisé en raison du manque de clarté du concept de l'éducation.

Höchstes Glück der Erdenkinder sei nur die Persönlichkeit (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Westöstlicher Diwan)  相似文献   

WHO?WHAT?WHEN?WHERE?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雪里已知春信至,寒梅点缀琼枝腻。香脸半开娇待施。当庭际,玉人浴出新妆洗。造化可能偏有意,故教明月玲瑰地。共赏金榜沉绿蚁。莫辞醉,此花不与群花比。这是一首咏物词,它描写傲雪绽放的寒梅,赞美了名孤傲不群的风采,抒发了月下赏梅的欢悦情绪。请问:这首词的作者是谁?北湖南咸水漫漫,一片降旗百尺竿。二三百年间同晓梦,钟山何处有龙盘?这首七绝《咏史)是李商隐咏史诗中的杰作之一。它借三国孙权立国以至陈亡这一历史时期中,建都金陵的几个朝代纷纷代谢的史实来抒发感慨。请问:诗中‘叫b湖”。“南垃”分别指的是什么地方?…  相似文献   

赵星  暖乎乎  贞子  木头 《大学生》2012,(Z4):118-119
我是山东一所医学院临床加英语专业(六年制,双专业)的一名学生。我的学校不是很好,二本,但是我想找个好点的工作,又觉得趁着还在学校精力相对容易集中考个名牌学校的研挺必要。但我学医学很费劲,四年了,自我感觉狠下了功夫但还是没投入进去,甚至看见它心里都隐隐的怕(每一门课考试都很费劲,一想到熬夜通宵记东西,拿着课本就是看不进去的日子我就板上钉钉地认为自己真的不适合学医,我不想一辈子栽在它上面)。而英语一直是我自信心的源泉,没用那么多精力也学得不  相似文献   

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