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《数学物理方程》相关理论的研究已经渗透到数学学科大部分后续课程中,目前的《数学物理方程》大多采取孤立的教学模式,没有把《数学物理方程》这门课与数学学科的整体结合起来。因此,要利用《数学物理方程》培养学生的创新能力:利用心理学理论,结合多媒体和数学软件的可视化,把微分方程抽象的理论结果可视化,从而达到激发学生学习兴趣的目的,并通过介绍教师目前研究的问题,激发学生的研究热情。  相似文献   

对如何加强、改进力学专业数学物理方程课程教学进行了论述,介绍了MATLAB/MAPLE等现代数学工具在该课程教学中的应用,并结合实例说明,能够适当地应用这些数学工具对提高工科数学物理方程课程教学质量,激发学生的学习积极性都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

弦振动的研究实验表现出的物理现象与数学物理方程课程的数学论证过程相结合,可以强化学生的感性认知,提高学习兴趣,加深对典型波动方程的建立、边界条件和初始条件的设定、解的求解过程的深刻理解.  相似文献   

从调查本科二年级学生学习“数学物理方程”的状态出发,应用已修订的布鲁纳学习认知策略量表及Gjesme和Nygard成就动机量表,分析学生在学习数学物理方程课程的上中下三个学习阶段学生学习状态与心理变化,找出阶段性影响的主要因素,并对课程成绩与各策略维度相关性进行分析,发现中期是本科生学习状态的转折点,学生虽未能把握好元认知学习策略,但临近考核时具有一定的自控能力,而个人兴趣与自身的学习能力可能决定成绩的高低。  相似文献   

《数学物理方程》是很多高校数学系本科以及工科专业一门颇为重要的专业基础课程.但基于该课程“繁、难”的特点,学生在学习中更多是被动接受,易出现厌学情绪.本文根据教学过程中存在的问题,从理论和实践两个方面出发,阐述作者的一些认识与体会,并从教学目标、教学内容、教学方法等多方面上进行了一些探索与尝试.  相似文献   

一、《数学物理方法》的重要性和教学改革的必要性 《数学物理方法》是物理专业、应用物理专业和工程物理专业一门重要的专业基础课程。它是物理专业的学生在学完高等数学和一些普通物理课程(如力学、热学、电磁学等),具备了一定的数学基础和大学物理知识后,为以后进一步更好地学习物理专业的其它课程,准备的又一门重要的数学课。  相似文献   

探讨在教学时数减少的条件下,如何搞好《数学物理方程》课程的教学内容改革.教学内容改革中要在四个方面突出重点:精简内容,渗透现代数学观点;精选例题,适当增加应用实例;引入现代科技知识,拓展学生视野;突出阐述课程基本结构,重在数学思想方法体系构建.  相似文献   

文章研究和探讨在教学时数减少的条件下,怎样搞好“数学物理方程”及其相关课程的教学工作。结论是在课程讲授中要在三个方面突出教学重点:即讲授理论,要突出阐述基本的数学思想;讲授概念,要突出讲授有关的物理背景;讲授解法,要突出训练主要的求解方法。  相似文献   

变量代换在数学物理方程中是不可或缺的,变量代换并不能作为方程求解的通用方法,但是对于一些特殊的方程,变量代换还是有着重要的作用.本文总结了数学物理方程这门课程中的几类变量代换,分别对于不同类型的方程,给出了比较重要的变量代换方法,并对一些结果作了补充和推广.  相似文献   

新建本科院校数学物理方程课程的教学工作,应突出模型的建立和背景知识的介绍,适当地增加实践环节和后续可研究的知识点,注重数学思想与文化的结合,提高学生的积极性和主动性,从而达到理想的教学效果.  相似文献   

The case study described in this paper investigates the relationship among some pre-instructional knowledge, the learning gain and the final physics performance of computing engineering students in the introductory physics course. The results of the entrance engineering test (EET) have been used as a measurement of reading comprehension, logic and mathematics skills and basic physics knowledge of a sample of 47 Computing Engineering freshmen at the University of Palermo (Italy). These data give a significant picture of the initial knowledge status of a student choosing engineering studies. The students' physics learning gain has been calculated using a standardized tool in mechanics: the force concept inventory (FCI). The analysis shows that mathematical and physical background contribute to achieve a good final preparation in physics courses of engineering faculties; however the students' learning gain in physics is independent of students' initial level of mathematics skills and physics knowledge. Initial logic skills and reading comprehension abilities are not significant factors for the learning physics gain and the performance on physics courses.  相似文献   

The author presents a review of some mathematical aspects of magnetohydrodynamics and plasma-dynamics, and the fields of mathematics required and used in those domains are briefly discussed. The last section is devoted to the discussion of adjusting the mathematical program of a university, from the point of view of engineering, physics and mathematics, so that a greater number of students in those disciplines will be prepared for graduate courses in magnetohydrodynamics and plasma-dynamics.  相似文献   

在教学实践中 ,物理是部分学生感到较为难学的一门学科 .其原因 ,除了物理学科自身的艰深外 ,数学方法在物理中的运用 ,是学生困惑的又一因素 .物理的实践验证观点经常被数学所运用 .同理 ,数学的严谨推理 ,周密分析方法也应为物理所借鉴 .寻找两门学科的联结点 ,进行跨学科点拨 ,对学生举一反三 ,提高学习效率至关重要 .本文通过函数图象和图形分析在物理中的运用 ,以及对数学思想的描述 ,为学生学好物理提供了一种方法和途径 .  相似文献   

The number of students entering engineering schools in Australian universities has increased tremendously over the last few years because of the Australian Federal Government's policy of increasing the participation rates of Higher School Certificate students and students from low social economic status backgrounds in the tertiary sector. They now come with a diverse background of skills, motivations and prior knowledge. It is imperative that new methods of teaching and learning be developed. This paper describes an online tutorial system used in conjunction with contextual physics and mathematics, and the revision of the relevant mathematical knowledge at the appropriate time before a new topic is introduced in the teaching and learning of engineering physics. Taken as a whole, this study shows that students not only improved their final examination results but there was also an increase in the retention rate of first-year engineering students which has financial implications for the university.  相似文献   

在近几年的教学实践中发现学生经常会把大学物理视为一门较难的学科.究其原因,除了物理学科自身的难度外,数学方法在物理中的运用是又一因素.本文以曲边梯形面积为例简要介绍了微积分方法在大学物理力、热教学中的应用,并对大学物理的教学工作提出了一些有益的建议.  相似文献   

在多年学习和研究的基础上,对于应用型本科计算机专业在现有的师资与学生的情况下,提出了办学对策.在专业基础课方面:加强学生的数理基础、电子技术基础和计算机专业基础培养;在专业方向上:确定了软件工程、网络工程和嵌入式系统3个方向;在学生实践能力方面:设置课程实验、课程设计、毕业实习和毕业设计4个层次.并希望在特色办学方面有所突破,同时讨论了面临的一些必须解决的问题.  相似文献   

通过对学生成绩的抽样统计,采用数理统计分析方法得出高等数学对相关基础课--大学物理、线性代数、概率论与数理统计的成绩都有影响,从而肯定了高等数学在理工科学科中的基础性地位.  相似文献   

A brief account is given of a recently established procedure of admitting students without advanced high school courses in physics and mathematics to the Tampere Universiry of Technology. As background there has been a need to broaden the recruiting basis for engineering education. This has also meant admitting a much greater proportion of female engineering students than usual. These students have partly different qualities compared to those admitted through the normal tests. However, despite this, there is no intention of changing the curriculum or the level of engineering education in the technical universities. So there must be methods of training the newly entering students and give them the same knowledge as traditional recruits.  相似文献   

米铁  刘延湘  黄芳 《科教导刊》2020,(3):164-165
流体力学是环境工程专业的一门基础课.学生常有这样的反映流体力学难学.作为讲授流体力学的教师,认为流体力学的"难"主要体现在两个方面:一是流体力学涉及的知识较广,如高等数学、大学物理等知识;二是流体力学比较抽象,理解起来有难度,加之粉笔+黑板满堂灌的教学模式单一,致使学生感到枯燥难懂,从而厌学或放弃.2011年,湖北省教育厅批准江汉大学环境工程专业实施战略性新兴产业人才(工业烟尘污染控制)培养计划.基于环境工程专业新兴产业人才培养目标要求,结合学校的课程教学改革精神,实施流体力学课程教学方法与教学模式改革.在本文中将课程改革实践中一些经验与心得分享,希望能抛砖引玉,对同行有所借鉴.  相似文献   

Changing the assessment method is a way to influence the students’ attitudes towards their studies; their ways of working to a large extent are determined by the assessment methods. One way to take advantage of this is to use the assessment to stimulate creativity and communication skills. This has been tried in full‐scale studies for students in engineering physics, computer science and mathematics at Uppsala University and Vdxjö University, both in Sweden. Undergraduate education in engineering, computer science and mathematics has by tradition emphasized training in skills. The examination often consists of problems that the students solve individually. It is difficult to give complex and/or loosely defined problems in such an examination. The students are not encouraged to analyze, judge, communicate or discuss these skills. In fact, in the authors’ experience, traditional examinations can actually inhibit the development of the students’ independence and creativity. Both projects have been supported by the Council for Renewal of Undergraduate Education, Sweden.  相似文献   

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