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Any time you go outside,you get pummeled by in-visible storms of dust.Even on a perfectly sunny day,you inhale pieces of dead bugs.Floating specks of hairand pollen settle on your skin.Tiny chunks of cometsmight even fall on your head from outer space. "Every time you sit on a bench,you're sitting on cosmic dust,"says astronomer Don Brownlee from the University of Washington in Seattle.In fact,6 million pounds of space dust settle on the planet every year,he says."If you're outside during the day,you're probably  相似文献   

My Small Head     
head脑袋圆又圆头发hair长上边,face睑蛋红又红,眼睛eyes 亮晶晶耳朵ears听得清,  相似文献   

很多人都说美国是民主的过度。但是,当几位黑人孩子要去白人学校上学的时候,他们的父母却要向上帝祈祷保佑他们。这是为什么呢?  相似文献   

Goodmorning, ladies andgentlemen, On reading the prepared topic, I felt dubi- ous. “What is happiness?” When I searched my memory, a typical sentence from Robert Burns appeared in my mind,“My love is like a redredrose”. Yes, such moving words repre- s…  相似文献   

到底发生了什么事.Jimmy把房间弄得那么乱呢?而妈妈又为什么要让Jimmy“把衬衫穿上”?他明明衣服都穿好了呀?真奇怪!  相似文献   

In my opinion, advertisements are useful. From TV, newspapers and so on, we can see many advertisements. They can help us with our daily life.  相似文献   

人生路上,我们曾和许多人不期而遇;但在我们心田上留下印记的,却总是那些感动过我们的.让我们思考的人和事。  相似文献   

这是小学二年级英语教材《Primary English For China》Book 3中一节口语课《In My Classroom》的教学案例。其重点是认识和掌握11~20的数字以及结合句型How many…are there?There’s one…/There are…表达生活中的数字。  相似文献   

I think I’m a bright and lively boy with a sense of humor,so I hadardently expected the National Day to be a refreshing and active holiday aftera month’s hard study since the new term began. But to my surprise and  相似文献   

一、教学目标分析本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书新起点英语三年级上册Unit 5 My pet中的第二课时,新词汇有catch a mouse、wag its tail、talk。主要句型是:What can your pet do?It can…本课主要从情境和兴趣出发,联系学生所学的身体、颜色、  相似文献   

With the deepening of China‘s reform and open-door pohcy, the ability to participate mrectly m oral interactions in English becomes more and more important, hence the focus of English language teaching on improving students‘ oral English proficiency. The CET Spoken English Test (CET-SET), which is a face-to-face oral proficiency test, is a component part of the CET test. Since its first administration on a national scale in November 1999, it has been receiving a growing amount of attention from teachers and students in universities in China. As the number of studen tstaking the CET-SET is growing rapidly year by year, it has become crucial to develop an alternative to the CET-SET that can be operationally more practical. My views on the CET-SET are expounded in this paper, which is structured as follows. First, I provide an overview of the CET-SET. Next, I identify several aspects of the test that are amenable to changes. Finally, I put forward some suggestions as to the development of an alternative approach for the CET-SET.  相似文献   

My Country and My People是林语堂在西方文坛的成名作和代表作。该书以清新恬淡、幽默诙谐的风格向西方介绍中国文化,社会和历史。但由于种种原因,该书的中译本一直没有得到应有的重视。现存的两个中译本从语言风格、意义表达上与原作存在明显差距,缺少原作的风格和韵味。本文通过对两中译本进行描述性对比研究,探讨了影响译者翻译的历史文化社会因素,认为随着时代的发展,应该有更高质量的译本出现,重译林语堂是深入研究林语堂的关键。  相似文献   

第一步:听一听,记一记。首先播放中文的《爱无止境》(播放次数根据学生听的情况而定),然后播放英文的《My heart will go on》,要求学生边听边记下英文歌词,如有记不下来的留出空格。  相似文献   

刘冬雪 《黑河教育》2012,(11):63-63
本课主要包括八个与课程内容相关的小图标及相应的八个描述课程的单词,这样的内容对于学生来说贴近生活,学习起来容易理解,但是对楼层的表达还相对陌生。学生可以通过视觉,感知八个课程单词的拼写形式。本课还更加生动、形象地展示了一层至三层楼的表达法:firstfloor,secondfloor,thirdfloor  相似文献   

浪漫爱情喜剧《Oh!My lady》是一个关于年过30的大妈尹开花离婚后为了生计出来找工作。却误打误撞成为了花美男明星的经纪人,意外与他擦出了意想不到的爱情火花的故事。蔡琳与崔始源在剧中的角色相差7岁.又是一场不折不扣的姐弟恋。  相似文献   

【教学设计】设计说明:1.课题:《新标准英语》(一年级起点)第一册第6模块Unit1。2.课时:1课时。教学内容:与学习密切相关的词:teacher,classroom,desk,seat,表示连接的词and,物主代词our;句型:Thisismy/our…教学目标:1.知识与技能:能听、说、认、读6个与学习生活密切相关的词:classroom,desk,seat,teacher,and,our,并能在实际情境中运用;让学生在游戏活动中熟悉运用所学单词,并能用Thisismy/our…句型对教室里的事物进行描述。2.情感态度与价值观:通过学习教室内的物品,培养学生热爱校园生活的积极情感,同时培养学生文明礼貌的习惯。  相似文献   

Do a surveyTask1:Choose a suitable form T:Now,class,do you want to know how many children in our class have pets?And what are the specific numbers?I give you a suggestion.You can work  相似文献   


This article offers a critique of the concept of ownership central to contemporary theorising about professional development in education. The theorising was tested against data from a national programme of professional development projects for 185 primary headteachers, in which a strong sense of ownership had been embedded. In four areas, i.e. the focus of the projects, funding priorities, capacity building and impact on pupils, the theory appeared to be paradoxical. The concluding discussion examines some explanations for the paradoxes, including the possibility that theorising has developed ahead of empirical data and that pragmatism has high salience for headteachers.  相似文献   

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