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两型社会与文化产业新业态的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄岑  邓向阳 《今传媒》2011,(6):76-77
本文从"两型社会"的内涵出发,"两型社会"即"资源节约型和环境友好型社会",在此基础上拓展了"两型社会"的内涵。对文化产业新业态做了界定,区别于"文化创新产业",并分析了"两型社会"与文化产业新业态之间支撑和促进的关系。  相似文献   

荣婷  刘怡 《新闻记者》2012,(9):72-76
本文基于首届全球论坛暨中美新媒体与社会发展双边论坛的主题"新媒体与社会发展",围绕"新媒体对社会究竟带来怎样的改变"、"新媒体与公共政策"、"新媒体与网络意见领袖"、"新媒体环境下传统媒体的转型与融合"、"微博和中国社会"、"新媒体与中国国家形象传播"、"互联网的监管与立法"等重点话题进行深入评述,从不同角度探讨了当前新媒体传播对社会发展的影响和冲击。  相似文献   

徐尚青  潘元金 《新闻界》2012,(22):39-43
移动新媒体时代的拍客传播是旧"景观社会"通向新"景观社会"的一把钥匙。拍客的兴起既是"景观社会"发展的必然要求,也是受传媒技术推动的传播结构变革的结果;拍客实现了对传统媒体时代的旧"景观社会"的全面化建构与结构性反叛,从而建构了新的"景观社会"。本文着重论述拍客对传统媒体时代的旧"景观社会"的全面化建构:一方面通过健全"景观社会"公民的图像语言和思维能力培养了"景观社会"的合格公民;另一方面通过"小众景观"的建构弥补了旧"景观社会"的片面性。  相似文献   

"社会记忆"即社会共有的记忆,是人类社会历史和传统的继承和连续。作为历史承载物的档案,与社会记忆之间具有千丝万缕的内在联系,集中表现为"社会记忆工程"档案文献资源。它包含档案文献遗产与社会记忆、城市档案与城市记忆、家庭档案与平民记忆、乡村档案与乡村记忆等方面。本文从主体、客体、协作三方面剖析了"社会记忆工程"档案文献资源的不足及其原因,并提出相应策略。  相似文献   

孙健 《新闻记者》2012,(3):84-88
2011年中国传播学论坛暨"新媒体与当代中国社会"国际学术研讨会的主题是"新媒体与当代中国社会",与会者就"新媒体与中国新闻传媒业重构"、"互联网与大众政治"、"新媒体与未来社会"、"21世纪健康传播与公共健康"等问题展开研讨,并从不同角度对当下的新媒体传播进行了独到而深入的解读。  相似文献   

董仲舒以天道为其政治理论的逻辑起点,据汉初的社会具体情况,提出了以"大一统"为意旨的系列政治思想。本文基于社会控制理论,从社会控制的主体、客体、途径与目标等方面重新对董仲舒政治思想进行了梳理与厘清。董仲舒以"天"作为社会控制的主体,为了维护君主统治的合法性,他主张"君权神授"进而先验地推出作为"天子"的君主是社会控制现实的主体。董仲舒否定先秦儒家的共同人性论,提出了"性三品"的等级人性论,将具有可教性的"中民"设定为了社会控制的具体客体。社会控制的整个运行机制则是君主通过"德治"等社会控制途径教化"中民",广大民众在恪守"三纲五常"的封建道德中获得社会秩序的稳定,并以此达到异化的王道盛世即"大一统"的社会控制目标。  相似文献   

尼克·库尔德里的新著《媒介·社会·世界:社会理论与数字媒体实践》对当今数字媒介背景下社会现象进行了深刻的解析。该书通过分析社会文化、政治经济等学术理论,深刻解析了"数字化民主"的发展前景,同时也丰富了"媒介力量"的学术理论。本文从数字媒体和社会理论、网络社会与政治、媒介文化以及媒介道德等方面予以重点解读。  相似文献   

泛在信息社会及其基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的发展和科学技术的不断进步,信息社会将逐渐过渡到"泛在信息社会"。泛在信息社会,也称未来信息社会,它将把任何人与任何物,任何物与任何物的通信与联系纳入其中,使得信息的产生、获取、传输、存储、处理的各个应用环节形成了一个全新过程,从而构建一种新的社会形态或新的社会模式。"泛在"是泛在信息社会的主要特征,射频识别是泛在信息社会的核心技术,物联网是泛在信息社会的"发动机"。泛在信息社会是信息社会高度发展的结果,信息社会与泛在信息社会既有联系又有区别。  相似文献   

"档案与社会正义"问题近年来成为国外档案伦理研究的热点问题,取得了许多重要研究成果。著名学者哈里斯概括了南非档案界"档案维护正义"传统的基本精神;美国档案学家吉莫森阐释了在档案和文件工作中维护社会正义的主要途径;英国华莱士等学者建构了档案与社会正义关系的多层次分析框架。国外学者从理论与实践两个方面对档案与社会正义关系进行了新解释,提出了许多新认识:档案追求社会正义的实质是通过改变现在,影响未来,档案工作的社会责任是确保政府开放和社会的公平。  相似文献   

李红艳  冉学平 《新闻大学》2020,(2):94-101,122,123
从抖音短视频的视角,对乡村社会的另一种"凸显"的思考,是建立在以人与媒介之间关系为基本设定的"人的尺度"与"去媒人界面"的论争中。这种思考表现在:一方面,通过对"人的尺度"的追溯与阐释,揭示了乡村社会存在的虚拟现实与经验现实之间的紧张关系,进而回应了抖音短视频带给乡村社会的新挑战;另一方面,透过对"去媒人界面"的讨论与检视,继而达致一种乡村社会与来自后人类主义思想的一脉关联性的认识论转向、"新社会"反省及新问题思考。  相似文献   

充分阐述社交媒体对社会记忆的建构传承有助于形成基于互联网的社会记忆发展新态势,社交媒体档案记忆的多元化、智能化,亦可推进发展社交媒体建构传承社会记忆的理论与方法。从社交媒体孕育社会记忆建构传承的新环境以及积极影响、消极影响这三个方面逐层诠释社交媒体的社会记忆建构传承,并对如何发挥社交媒体建构传承社会记忆的积极作用,克服避免其消极作用在媒体平台、档案部门、互联网用户等方面提出了应对之策。社交媒体具有记忆价值、人文情感等特质为社会记忆建构传承提供了广泛的发展空间;推动媒体融合发展、树立数据思维、促进记忆“智造”、建立过滤机制等策略为社会记忆的建构传承提供了普世的应用性。  相似文献   

社会记忆作为人们对共同记忆的认知和重构,在人类文明传承的过程中发挥了重要的作用,而档案作为社会记忆的重要载体,在构建社会记忆的实践工作中扮演着十分关键的角色。本文主要围绕档案与社会记忆两者展开研究,首先从两者的基本概念以及两者相结合产生的档案记忆理论入手,并在此基础上对档案与社会记忆之间呈现的关系以及建构功能进行阐述,探究档案对于构建社会记忆的理论创新和实践引导意义,进而提出社会记忆的构建需要理论与实践统筹共同发展。通过从社会记忆建设的实际需求出发探讨档案的功能与价值,可以促进档案与社会记忆构建在丰富的实践经验和成熟的理论中更好地发挥其文化价值,并有利于社会事业的发展以及文化内涵的提高。  相似文献   

Social TV viewing is generally understood as a simultaneous act of watching TV and engaging in communication about the TV program with other TV viewers connected online. In response to the increasing popularity of this new TV viewing practice, the current study examined how individuals’ extrovert personality and loneliness influence social TV viewing experiences through the theoretical notion of social presence. An online survey was completed by 330 individuals. Results demonstrated that extrovert personality positively influenced social TV viewing experiences; it is important to note that this relationship was mediated by social presence. Loneliness itself was negatively related to social TV viewing experiences; however, this relationship was moderated by social presence. Specifically, when lonely people felt strong social presence, they enjoyed social TV viewing experiences. The findings provide theoretical implications for social TV research, the dynamic role of social presence, social enhancement model, and social compensation model.  相似文献   

American newsrooms are adopting social media as an innovation for greater engagement. However, several organizational and individual factors may affect the extent to which news outlets adopt social media innovations. In particular, there is assumed to be a divide among different age groups of journalists in embracing social media. Utilizing a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, the study seeks to understand how social media culture in newsrooms affects journalists’ strategies of taking social media as an innovation, and how journalists of different age groups differ in the SEM model fit. The analyses indicated Twitter engagement mediates social media culture and journalists’ attitude toward social media. However, that was not the case with Facebook. Additionally, while younger journalists favored Twitter, older journalists embraced Facebook and middle-aged journalists adopted both Facebook and Twitter. The analyses showed the more that middle-aged journalists interacted on Twitter, the more they tended to have a positive attitude toward social media. However, the more that younger and older journalists engaged on Twitter, the more they tended to have a negative attitude toward social media. Journalists from all three age groups tended to hold a negative attitude toward social media if they engaged more on Facebook.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以内蒙古赤峰市图书馆为例,探讨在当前社会环境下公共图书馆社会服务能力的建设与实践问题,以期为我国公共图书馆如何更有效地承担起自己的社会责任提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程]结合内蒙古赤峰市图书馆社会服务能力建设的实践过程,总结图书馆社会服务能力建设的共性问题及解决办法。[结果/结论]提出在当前社会环境下,公共图书馆社会服务能力建设应首先将社会责任融入到图书馆的战略规划中,并在制度上给予充分的保障,将其转化为图书馆价值观和理念的一部分,通过与社会力量的广泛合作来开辟新的模式,但要注意量力而为,择优突破。  相似文献   

This study investigated social television viewing behavior by introducing the social engagement construct and validating its measurement scale. A total of 655 social media users in 2 online consumer panels were sampled to complete the 3-stage research strategy. Through conceptualization and operationalization of social engagement, this study identified 4 underlying dimensions in social engagement, i.e., vertical involvement, diagonal interaction, horizontal intimacy, and horizontal influence. These 4 dimensions represent a continuum in which audiences’ social engagement behaviors range from a lower level (vertical involvement) to a higher level (horizontal influence). The theoretical and practical implications of the social engagement construct were also discussed.  相似文献   

Social justice impact of archives: a preliminary investigation   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
This article reports the first stage of a research collaboration that is elaborating the multiple relationships between archives and social justice. Specifically, it is developing narrative frameworks and diagrammatic representations to identify, understand, illustrate, and deploy the actual and potential social justice impact of archives, archivists, and archival repositories. A discussion of the broader and historical social justice landscape culminates with a working conceptualization-framework of social justice followed by an examination of the many methods and modes by which social justice can be an object of research. This is followed by an examination of the rising presence of social justice as an explicit and accelerating concern in four key English language archival journals before offering a working articulation and approach to an archival—social justice framework. A discussion of understanding and measuring impact, with specific reference to the framework of impact that we have chosen to deploy, culminates with an analysis of the social justice impact of archives as evidenced through two exemplary case studies. This is followed by a summation of key findings and a discussion of future plans to expand this research. The overall objective of these efforts is targeted toward elucidating how archives can be cast as having both positive and negative social justice consequences and demonstrating how archival work can serve social justice goals.  相似文献   

Lewis Wickes Hine exploited the powerful impact of the visual image to arouse the reforming spirit among the middle and upper classes and to inspire them to do something about the living and working conditions of thousands of America's poor. Hine was acquainted with many of the men and women who were involved in the Progressive social reform campaigns that were popular in the United States during the early twentieth century. A trained sociologist, he became interested in photography while teaching at the Ethical Culture School. Hine quickly realized that photographs could be powerful instruments of social reform and was able to effectively combine his interests in social welfare and photography. Hine believed that this efforts as a photographer should be guided by a social conscience and referred to his work as "social photography." His photographs of men, women and children enduring dangerous and inhuman working conditions were both sensitive and intense. As a result of his social conscience and artistic commitment Hine raised the cultural and social awareness of his contemporaries and made a significant contribution to social reform efforts in the United States.  相似文献   

This study extends the cognitive mediation model (CMM) by examining the role of social media in cultivating public science knowledge. A sample of 901 Singaporeans was collected through an online survey panel. The results showed that the CMM could be applied to a social media context with a focus on science literacy. Specifically, the findings indicated that people with higher levels of surveillance gratification and social utility motivations tended to pay more attention and to elaborate more about science news that they encounter on social media. Likewise, people with greater social utility motivation tended to engage in greater interpersonal discussions on social media. Notably, attention to news on social media had an indirect association with science knowledge through news elaboration and interpersonal discussion on social media. Implications for theory and practice for science communication were discussed.  相似文献   

This study employed an online survey (N = 310) to explore how viewers’ motivations for social TV participation influence their involvement in social TV activities, their program commitment, and network loyalty. Findings show that social infotainment and social companionship are the primary motivations of social TV participation. However, only social infotainment significantly predicts the intensity of viewers’ social TV usage, which has a positive influence on program commitment and network loyalty. Additionally, the relationship between social TV usage and network loyalty is partially mediated by program commitment. These findings demonstrate the value of social TV to broadcasters and provide directions for initiating and maintaining long-term relationships with viewers.  相似文献   

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