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通过对西部欠发达地区毕节市城乡小学写字教育的基本状况的调查,发现该地区对小学写字教育的重要性有较为一致的认识,但小学写字课程设置及实施不尽合理,教材使用欠规范,专业教师极为匮乏,学生写字状况不尽理想,城乡写字教育差别比较明显.加快该区小学写字教育的进程并提高写字教学质量需要从以下方面努力:认真贯彻落实《教育部关于加强学生写字教学的意见》(教基二〔2011〕4号)文件精神,树立科学的教育发展观,进一步深化新课程与教学改革,加强写字教学师资队伍建设,加强对贫困地区写字教育的研究等.  相似文献   

在国民整体书写水平下滑的同时,中小学写字教育的现状同样令人堪忧。现代文化的隐性冲击,硬性写字考评体系的缺失,教师书写素养和认识的偏差是造成目前中小学写字教育滑坡的原因所在。要从根本上化解写字教育危机,关键是构建科学合理的书写评价体系,使中小学书写教学有据可依,同时学校家庭形成教育合力,培养学生的书写兴趣。  相似文献   

赵作广 《天津教育》2014,(17):108-108
在小学阶段培养学生写字兴趣,使学生养成良好的写字习惯,是小学语文教师的重要职责。我在从事写字教学的过程中,主要从以下几方面来培养学生对写字的兴趣。 一、亲自示范。激发兴趣 国家教委十分重视写字教学,曾发出《关于加强义务教育阶段中小学生写字教学的通知》,为了提高学生的写字水平,我坚持将写字教育贯穿于课堂的始终,使写字教育常规化、系统化。  相似文献   

在日本,书道教育高于剑道教育。写字教育作为国民教育内容是写进宪法的,日本人的写字教育课程一直开到文学。在中国,虽说“说好普通话,写好规范字”是教育部教学大纲规定的最基本要求,但不提小学生,就连当代大学生写出的字都让我们“目不忍睹”。汉字研究专家安子介曾说,“我们靠汉字统一中国”,可今天的汉字,却期待着一场救赎。2000年,山东省阳谷县原县教委主任刘登华开始掀起了一场“写字运动”,全县14万中小学生以及老师全部进入系统全面的写字训练中。刘登华发下文件:写不好规范宇,老师不许上讲台。我们不妨把这场运动看做救赎汉字这场浩大工程的一篇序曲。我们期待着序曲过后,会有更激昂的主旋律奏响。  相似文献   

陈耀彭 《考试周刊》2014,(35):18-19
在写字教育中渗透校园文化建设,对于陶冶学生的情操、磨炼学生的意志、培养学生的审美情趣、提高学生的能力素质、促进学生全面发展有着极其重要的作用。本文从基于校园文化建设写字教育的途径及校园文化建设对写字教育的影响方面阐述如何将写字静态转化为写字动态的校园文化建设。  相似文献   

书法是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。小学是书法教育的初级阶段,小学的书法教育就是写字教学。从儿童发展的规律来看,小学低年级是激发学生写字兴趣,培养学生正确书写习惯,提高学生写字水平的最佳时期。书法教育工作者应始终不懈怠写字教学,在激发学生的写字兴趣、培养学生的写字习惯和指导学生写字方法等方面需认真研究,大胆尝试。  相似文献   

写字是一项重要的基本功.对于提高学生的文化素养起着重要的作用。必须从小打好基础。《新课程标准》对写字教学更是提出了很高的要求。如今的写字教学也是引起了全面的重视.并进行了大量的研究与探索,而且把写好字作为学生一项重要的最基本的素质予以重视。任何事情的成功.都必须有一个良好的习惯。中国青少年研究中心研究员孙云晓说,“习惯决定孩子命运。”可见习惯的重要性。学生要写好字,就必须让他们养成良好的写字习惯。  相似文献   

写字是一项重要的语文基本功,这一基本功形成和发展的关键时期在小学,对学生的强化写字教育是小学语文教育的一项主要任务,也是提高学生素质的基本要求。因此,教师必须花大力气培养学生良好的写字能力。  相似文献   

季静 《文教资料》2010,(5):169-171
写字教育是基础教育的基本任务,是提高学生素质的必然要求,也是历史赋予的重要使命。本文就如何在新的《语文课程标准》的引领下为写字教学建构科学的教学体系、构建科学的训练体系、建立科学的评价体系进行了阐述和分析。  相似文献   

写字是小学生的一项必备的重要的基本功,是素质教育的基本要求。而写字教学又是教师的一项必备的重要的教学基本功。2012年《小学语文新课程标准》重新修订,对小学生的写字要求有了更明确的要求,对每个学段都确定了具体目标,教育学生养成正确的写字“双姿”和良好的写字习惯,书写规范、端正、整洁,熟练地用硬笔书写正楷字,能用毛笔临摹、书写正楷字,能感受汉字的艺术美感。  相似文献   

创新教育是素质教育的重点 ,书法课具有培养学生创新人格、创新思维、创新技能的优势。但在传统书法教学中一些陈旧、落后的教学法阻碍压抑了创新教育的发展。在书法教学中应加强适应创新教育的教学方法研究。  相似文献   

Handwriting has a low status and profile in literacy education in England and in recent years has attracted little attention from teachers, policy‐makers or researchers into mainstream educational processes. This article identifies a substantial programme of research into handwriting, including studies located in the domains of special needs education and psychology, suggesting that it is time to re‐evaluate the importance of handwriting in the teaching of literacy. Explorations of the way handwriting affects composing have opened up new avenues for research, screening and intervention, which have the potential to make a significant contribution to children's progress in learning to write. In particular, the role of orthographic motor integration and automaticity in handwriting is now seen as of key importance in composing. Evidence from existing studies suggests that handwriting intervention programmes may have a real impact on the composing skills of young writers. In particular, they could positively affect the progress of the many boys who struggle with writing throughout the primary school years.  相似文献   

A recent review of handwriting research in Literacy concluded that current curricula of handwriting education focus too much on writing style and neatness and neglect the aspect of handwriting automaticity. This conclusion is supported by evidence in the field of graphonomic research, where a range of experiments have been used to investigate this issue from a movement perspective. The present article offers a brief introduction to a graphonomic approach to handwriting analysis and the findings of graphonomic research about handwriting automaticity. These findings indicate that attentional control to any characteristic of the writing process (e.g. direction, lexical status, movement, style) results in an impairment of handwriting automaticity. These findings support and add a new dimension to previous conclusions.  相似文献   

Handwriting is a complex skill that, despite increasing use of computers, still plays a vital role in education. It is assumed that children will master letter formation at a relatively early stage in their school life, with handwriting fluency developing steadily until automaticity is attained. The capacity theory of writing suggests that as automaticity develops, the proportion of working memory dedicated to the mechanics of handwriting is reduced, releasing capacity for the planning, composing and editing of content. This study examined the handwriting ability of 284 mainstream primary school children and explored possible associated factors. Correlations were found between poor handwriting, lower cognitive and literacy scores, and a longer duration for handwriting tasks. Giving children the opportunity to practise their handwriting sufficiently to increase the level of automaticity may release working memory to be applied to the cognitive demands of the task and may potentially raise their level of attainment.  相似文献   

A random sample of primary grade teachers from across the United States was surveyed about their instructional practices in handwriting. Nine out of every ten teachers indicated that they taught handwriting, averaging 70 minutes of instruction per week. Only 12% of teachers, however, indicated that the education courses taken in college adequately prepared them to teach handwriting. Despite this lack of formal preparation, the majority of teachers used a variety of recommended instructional practices for teaching handwriting. The application of such practices, though, was applied unevenly, raising concerns about the quality of handwriting instruction for all children. Preparation of this paper was supported by the Center to Accelerate Student Learning, funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs Grant H324V980001.  相似文献   

Legible written communication is essential for students to share knowledge (Rogers and Case-Smith 2002). If students lack proficiency in written communication, their composition skills will suffer, which can affect their self-esteem and grades. Whether or not this proficiency is in handwriting or keyboarding is a question worthy of discussion. In this article the authors define motor learning, examine the overlapping principles of motor learning in handwriting and keyboarding skill development, and discuss the need for fluency. The principles of motor learning indicate that handwriting precedes keyboarding when comparing skills and time needed to gain competency. Also discussed are correlations between handwriting and keyboarding skills and the impact of teacher attitudes toward each. As occupational therapists, the authors’ recommendations are based on the review of literature and evidence their combined with their extensive experience as school-based occupational therapists. Using a school-based consultative model of occupational therapy at the continuing education or university educational level can facilitate the sharing of this knowledge with early childhood education teachers.  相似文献   

Jean Alston, senior lecturer in special education at Crwe and Alsager College of Higher Education, reports from a longitudinal study of handwriting in pupils from a representative sample of Cheshire schools. She examines performance changes between the first and second years of junior school and identifies those who have handwriting difficulties at the age of nine.  相似文献   


This article examines the Uruguayan state approach to the teaching of writing in public elementary education during the 1830s, and is an attempt to explain why state officials advanced new pedagogical methods aimed at increasing rationalisation and standardisation. While many different handwriting styles existed in the past, the school system simplified and standardised public education under a single cursive style, the English round-hand. Notwithstanding the state’s standardising directives, Uruguayan teachers combined the pedagogical innovations of Lancaster’s monitorial system with the calligraphic traditions of the old writing masters. According to personal preference and necessity, teachers devised a hybrid system, which implemented new dictation exercises and the use of the writing slate, but preserved the writing masters’ imitation of muestras, and the use of quill, ink, and paper. The government arranged an inventive procedure to accurately measure students’ handwriting performance. The planas, or samples of students’ handwriting, were useful tools in the standardisation and evaluation of public education. Elementary schools from all over the country forwarded handwriting samples to the central state, or exhibited them in public examination ceremonies, as teachers publicised pedagogical success, and state officials confirmed the general advancement of public education. This study is also an attempt to show that the teaching of writing was part of a greater pedagogical mission and nation-building project: the intentional departure from colonial corporate identities, and the construction of a national community conceived as the sum of its individual citizens.  相似文献   

中国书法教育是以技巧开始 ,进行审美目标的选择、阐释技理 ,显示文化素养的形式美 ,以追求人格完善为终。它唤起历代受教者对艺术、对自身的郑重审视 ,从而成为具有文化素养等综合能力的人才。书教是手段 ,人教是目的 ,只有这样 ,才能使书教的美学理想逐渐成为现实。  相似文献   

小学书法教育目的主要是激发学生的书法兴趣.培养良好的书写技能、养成良好的书写习惯:书法教育的内容以写字教学为主,同时应予以新的艺术内容和书法文化知识:书法教育与小学生的全面发展紧密联系。  相似文献   

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