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This article focuses on the four primary issues that directly affect service delivery to students with learning disabilities in postsecondary settings, including (a) How are high school and post-secondary settings different? (b) How are eligibility and access determined? (c) How are reasonable accommodations determined? and (d) How can the independence level of college students with learning disabilities be fostered? Each of these issues will be discussed within the context of the student's transition from high school, where Public Law 94-142 is in effect, to college, where Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies.  相似文献   

Education faculty are dedicated to preparing competent teachers. At the same time, they must provide reasonable accommodations in the teaching and evaluation of qualified students with disabilities, in compliance with the mandates of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This article describes some of the reasons that students with learning disabilities (LD) choose teaching as a profession, and the difficulties that some students with LD have in teacher preparation programs. It discusses the underlying legal and ethical issues encountered when working with students with LD in teacher education programs, as well as some ways to enhance success. The term learning disabilities is used since not all teacher candidates will have a language-based reading, spelling, and written expression disorder or dyslexia. It is assumed, however, that approximately 80 percent or more will have dyslexia.  相似文献   

Federal legislation requires that students with disabilities receive services to assist them in the transition from high school to post-secondary life. Transition services must address students' understanding of their disability, learning strengths and weaknesses, career decision-making skills, and preparation for the increased demands of postsecondary education. This study surveyed coordinators of special services for students with disabilities at 74 colleges and universities in New York state. Respondents provided their perceptions of how well the students they served had been prepared by the transition services they had received in high school. Overall, little satisfaction with transition services was expressed. Respondents were most satisfied with high schools' provision of updated evaluations for students prior to enrollment in college, and they rated students' preparation for self-advocacy as the greatest weakness of current transition services.  相似文献   

Equal program access for students with disabilities mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 has occasioned an increase in the number of students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) who attend postsecondary institutions (Scheiber &; Talpers, 1987). These students, however, often need curricular and/or instructional adaptations to benefit more completely from their educational programs.  相似文献   

This study examined several aspects of the socioemotional experiences (i.e., loneliness, social skills, reciprocal friendship, reciprocal rejection, and social status) of adolescents with and without learning disabilities in an Israeli kibbutz environment during school transition periods. The sample consisted of 106 students with learning disabilities (LD; 74 boys and 32 girls) and 101 students without learning disabilities (NLD; 62 boys and 39 girls) drawn from seventh grade (i.e., early adolescence) and ninth grade (i.e., middle adolescence). The results revealed that seventh- and ninth-grade adolescents with LD received more social peer rejection than did NLD group adolescents, and students with LD were judged by their teachers to exhibit lower social skills and higher behavioral problems than their classmates. No significant group differences were found on loneliness, but an age-related increase in loneliness feelings was noted, which was independent from group membership and gender. Gender differences on self-report, peer ratings, and teachers' ratings on social measures in favor of girls were demonstrated. The discussion focuses on the potential impact of school transitions and of the developmental environment provided in the kibbutz on adolescents' socioemotional functioning and adjustment.  相似文献   

The career development and disability knowledge of 97 students with learning disabilities from three postsecondary institutions in the Midwest was examined through semi‐structured interviews. Students with disabilities who were eligible for services while in high school generally did not engage in transition planning as required by federal law. Their career development activities were limited despite having unique career needs. The majority of students had difficulty describing their disability and its impact on their career exploration and planning. For students with learning disabilities at the postsecondary level, career development services should be provided, including training in self‐advocacy and career exploration in the first two years. Instruction in career self‐management skills should be ongoing.  相似文献   

Recent research has examined the role of vocational-technical training in facilitating the transition from school to work of adolescents with learning disabilities. The present study provided 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up data on such students who had attended vocational-technical programs. Matched groups of students without disabilities from vocational-technical programs, as well as randomly selected students without disabilities from regular high schools, were also included for comparisons. Results of the study raised several questions about the value and purpose of vocational-technical training for adolescents with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

This study used a multiple probe design across behaviours to determine if four high school students with learning disabilities could plan post‐school transition goals using a modified GO 4 IT … NOW! intervention while learning essential paragraph and essay writing skills. The results of this study indicate a functional relationship between the intervention and increased writing skills needed for high‐stakes testing and increases in students' knowledge of transition planning. During baseline, students produced extremely short essays and did not include essential paragraph elements. After instruction, students wrote longer compositions and included more details, and paragraphs contained more paragraph elements. All participants increased essay quality during the intervention as measured by the rubric used to evaluate end‐of‐instruction writing prompts.  相似文献   


Inclusion refers to the practice of educating students with disabilities in the general education setting. This concept stems from the seminal United States Congressional legislation PL 94-142, and its subsequent reauthorised amendments, which mandate that students with disabilities be educated in the general education setting with their ‘non-disabled’ peers to the maximum extent possible. IDEIA’s legal mandates underscore the stark reality of discrimination and exclusion faced by individuals with disabilities within schools and society. Although progress has been made in advancing equity agendas of access and academic achievement, few would deny that significant work remains. If all individuals, including those with disabilities are to achieve their birthright of full integration into society, schools must reflect integration at all levels. This article provides a historical perspective on the inclusion movement, discusses the role school leaders play in ensuring inclusive environments and concludes with recommendations for future school leaders and teachers.  相似文献   

The number of students identified since the mid-1970s as having learning disabilities has produced a corresponding increase in the population of such individuals in postsecondary programs. The Americans with Disabilities Act, along with Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, provide the basis for civil rights for students in higher education. These laws protect individuals who have a substantial limitation in a major life activity when compared with the general population. A disparity between the legal definition and the clinical definition of learning disabilities, which can encompass those identified on the basis of academic underachievement relative to intellectual potential, has stimulated debate about the fairest, most appropriate standard for declaring a student functionally impaired. Extending services to individuals without significant academic impairment may tax or even deplete scarce resources for others in greater needs, distort the normal processes by which individuals select careers, and diminish the credibility of the diagnosis itself.  相似文献   

Abstract. The complex nature of written expression presents difficulty for many students, particularly those with learning disabilities (LD). The literature in the area of written expression and students with learning disabilities indicates that explicit, rule‐based instruction can enhance the writing skills of struggling students. Research in Direct Instruction (DI) writing programs is promising, but limited at this time to a small number of group design studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the DI writing program, Expressive Writing, for high school students with learning disabilities using a single‐subject design methodology. Results indicated that the Expressive Writing program improved the writing skills of the students in this study. Students also were able to generalize and maintain the writing skills learned during intervention.  相似文献   

A meta-analytic review of 33 studies investigating the pragmatic language skills of 3- to 12-year-old students with language disorders, language-learning disabilities, or learning disabilities as compared with the pragmatic language skills of nondisabled peers was conducted. The students with language and/or learning disabilities demonstrated consistent and pervasive pragmatic deficits in conversation compared to non-disordered peers (mean effect size = -0.52; SE = 0.06) across settings, conversational partners, age groups, and types of pragmatic skills measured. The pragmatic differences between the students with language or learning disabilities and control groups could not be accounted for by differences in study methodology or design. Furthermore, these pragmatic deficits appeared to be more attributable to underlying language deficits than to insufficient social knowledge. These findings are consistent with the perspective that students with learning disabilities can also be described as language disordered, and that children with language disorders experience a continuum of language failure that may be manifested in different ways as they progress through school.  相似文献   

The development and current status of special education in South Korea are described and contrasted to that of the United States. South Korean special education was initiated in the 1890s by U.S. missionaries. Later, Japanese influence was considerable, especially on its regular educational programs. Special programs are available for five classifications of disabilities. Its major national special education legislation contains numerous provisions similar to P.L. 94-142. However, various conditions may impede the further development of services, including a high teacher-pupil ratio, the reliance on self-contained programs, negative attitudes toward people with disabilities, and lack of advocacy groups. Further initiatives require considerable research and policy debate among South Koreans.  相似文献   

Studies investigating the post-high-school vocational status of individuals with disabilities have frequently found that these individuals are more likely to be unemployed, underemployed, or employed part-time, when compared to nondisabled peers. Transition programs are needed for adolescents with disabilities to facilitate their vocational success. The current study surveyed 80 high school students with learning disabilities (LD) and 80 nondisabled (NLD) peers to determine their transitional needs. Results indicated that (a) more students with LD than NLD students are involved in transition programs; (b) career goals were established by the majority of both groups; (c) parents provided most of the assistance in making career decisions; and (d) twice as many NLD students as students with LD wanted to go to college, while twice as many students with LD as NLD students wanted to enter the job market. More students with LD than NLD students were aware of vocational rehabilitation (VR) services, but the number was still below 50%. The majority of the information about VR services came from the school.  相似文献   

This paper examines the limitations of standard scores of achievement tests commonly used in diagnosing learning disabilities. The consideration of these limitations is an important factor in attempting to decide whether a marked discrepancy exists between ability and achievemen, a requirement for the diagnosis of learning disabilities under Public Law 94–142. The phrase “standard score scale” is ambiguous because it can refer to both status score scales and developmental score scales. Unfortunately, many school psychologists seem unaware of the distinction between these two types of standard scores and the ramifications of this distinction. Many standardized achievement tests commonly used in the assessment of learning disabilities use status standard scores despite their severe limitations (noncomparability across grade levels and subjects, and failure to reflect changes in variability across grade levels). While developmental standard scores are to be preferred over status standard scores in diagnosing learning disabled children, their value is significantly lowered because they require greater growth for below-average students than for average or above-average students. Moreover, developmental scores are nonequal interval and they assume that subject matter is normally distributed within age or grade groups. Although we recommend the use of developmental standard scores over status standard scores, we urge that they be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   


The transition from elementary to middle or high school is an important experience common to most adolescents in North America. However, very little research has been conducted to understand the experiences of students with a disability status and the stakeholders involved in the transition. Clearly, there is a need to generate information that views the transition as a process between students and stakeholders that takes place over time. This investigation illustrates the utility of the action-project method for studying the transition to middle or high school. Three cases involving Canadian adolescents with different disabilities (learning, sensory/motor and emotional/behavioural) and their parents, as key stakeholders, are presented.  相似文献   

Court cases, Office of Civil Rights enforcement activities, and Department of Education policy statements have signaled new interpretations of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A summary of those portions of Section 504 most pertinent to school psychological practice is provided. Special attention is given to the similarities and differences between 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act regarding school responsibilities to students with special needs. Implications of 504 for school psychological practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this 2-year study was to describe how Hispanic students with and without learning disabilities fared academically and socially during the transition from elementary school to middle school. Participants were 14 Hispanic students who were instructed in a sixth-grade consultation/collaboration, inclusive elementary classroom before making the transition to middle school. Examination of social, academic, and student perception data revealed that, on the whole, the students with learning disabilities and those without experienced the transition similarly and fared well during the elementary-to-middle-school transition.  相似文献   

The relationships among verbal skills of primary school students with learning disabilities and a typically developing comparison group were studied and compared with written tasks carried out in Estonian classrooms. Word defining, categorising/justifying, guessing, and memorising tasks were used. The participants were 251 students in Grades 2–4; of these, 163 were described as achieving normally and were in regular education classrooms, and 88 were diagnosed as having specific learning disabilities and attended special schools or classes for students with specific learning disabilities. Except for performance on the memorising tasks by grade, all the scores were better in upper grades. Children with learning disabilities performed less well than the children in the typically developing comparison group on all the tests. Associations between the results of various tests were stronger in the typically developing comparison group than in the group of children with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Sociometric ratings assigned by and to 50 elementary school students with learning disabilities and 50 nonhandicapped elementary school students (in matched pairs) were compared in this study. In addition, traditional sociometric status applied to social impact and social preference was also examined. Results showed that the matched pairs did not differ significantly in assigned status to their peers, but differed significantly in acceptance and rejection received from their shared classmates. Students with learning disabilities and nonhandicapped students differed significantly in social preference, but not in social impact.  相似文献   

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