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流行文化对于青少年思想价值观念的培养具有重要的影响,如何培养其正确的思想观念和价值观,对于国家的健康发展和和谐社会体系构建具有重要的意义.本文首先分析了流行文化的内涵及其对青少年思想政治教育的影响,然后提出了相关的优化创新政策.学校、家庭和社会应该积极探寻流行文化的优点,发挥大众媒介的作用,引导学生建立正确的人生观、价值观,实现流行文化背景下青少年思想政治教育优化创新工作的顺利开展.  相似文献   

当家庭环境、学校环境和社区环境等对青少年思想品德教育都会产生重要影响,各种价值观念的冲突是产生一系列青少年思想品德教育环境问题的主要原因。优化青少年思想品德教育环境的基本构想包括优化家庭环境、正确定位学校的德育角色、加强社区文化建设和正确发挥政府的德育功能。  相似文献   

青少年流行文化不仅成为青少年的生活行为方式的一部分,而且深刻地影响着他们的认知、情感、态度和思维。优化青少年流行文化氛围,促进青少年健康成长,不仅需要对青少年流行文化的价值进行合理定位,创造良好的文化环境,为青少年提供精美的精神食粮,而且需要以主流文化引导青少年流行文化,保证其正确的价值导向,并不断更新教育理念、改进教育方法,提高青少年的文化素养。  相似文献   

中华民族的传统美德对于陶冶青少年学生的情操,提高学生思想品德素质,促进他们养成良好的行为习惯,都有着重要的作用。为了进一步搞好青少年学生的思想品德教育,应该把传统美德教育纳入学校德育工作的大格局之中,有计划、有针对住地、采统地对青少年进行传统美德教育。  相似文献   

传统文化是中华民族伟大智慧的结晶,经历了千年风雨屹立不倒,而近年来,随着各种通讯媒体的不断崛起,各种网络文化、流行文化、快餐文化冲击着我国青少年甚至于儿童的生活。在这种巨大的影响力下,很多青少年开始走向迷茫,那么在这个文化碰撞激烈的年代中,谁应该是小学教育中弘扬我国伟大传统文化的中坚力量呢?毫无疑问——小学语文!  相似文献   

骆殿兵 《教育》2014,(7):58-59
学校不仅是青少年学习知识和技能的场所,更是青少年通过知识和技能学习进一步提高学习价值、践行价值的场所。思想品德课程作为一门以初中学生为基础、引导和促进学生思想品德发展为根本目的的综合性课程,理应成为价值教育实施的重要部分。基于此,笔者尝试建构一种基于乡土文化的价值教育实践形态,以引领学生回归到自然的社会生活中,使主流价值导向潜入学生心灵,促进学生的终身发展。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下的思想品德教育在市场经济的条件卜,我认为应该从以下几个方面加强对青少年的思想品德教育:  相似文献   

社会主义教育要培养全面发展的人,对青少年思想品德的培养是造就一代新人最基本的内容之一。但是,相对于系统的科学文化素质的培养来说,我们的社会和学校,对于青少年思想品德素质的培养还显得缺乏系统性,这在相当程度上影响了现行思想教育的实际效果,从长远看,也有碍于思想教育水平的提高,所以,加速青少年思想教育系统化的进程,是改  相似文献   

青少年的价值观教育是当前中小学思想品德教育的一个重要课题,对青少年进行价值观教育的关键是对其价值观形成的各方面情况有比较系统的了解.青少年价值观形成中的主要矛盾是个人价值、自身利益与社会价值、集体利益的矛盾,目的性价值与工具性价值的矛盾,追求物质享受与陶冶精神情操的矛盾,索取与奉献的矛盾;社会思潮、家庭教育和青少年自身主观方面的消极因素影响青少年价值观的形成.  相似文献   

博物馆文化主要包括为广大观众提高思想品德和文化素养服务,为在校学生的校外教育服务.充分挖掘博物馆文化建设的内在意义和价值,从而和校园教育联姻,对丰富和拓展教育渠道、提升广大青少年的综合素质和道德文化观念有着十分重要的意义和作用.  相似文献   

It is worthy of noting that, whilst Crookston Castle witnessed the earlier and happier portion of Mary's variegated life,  相似文献   

一、吃和喝吃苹果 eat an apple, 吃药 take medicine,吃糖 have some sweets,吃饭 have one's meals,吃馆子 dine out,吃惊 be surprised/  相似文献   

Many college freshmen arrive woefully unprepared to do college work, and as disadvantaged populations continue to grow, the share of the American work force that has made it through college is expected to plummet. Many experts blame that educational failure not just on high schools but also on colleges. School & College, a special report by The Chronicle, looks at efforts to fix the system. What reforms would better prepare students for college? What should schools and colleges be doing differently? How should state and federal officials help?  相似文献   

There are numbers of crossroads on our long and unpredictable life journey where we totally have no idea about which direction to choose. No matter what our decision is, we should not turn back, but face the music and go ahead instead. I am this kind of girl who always does try without regretting, one example is how I dealt with my love.  相似文献   

王菲 《华章》2007,(12):273-273
Migration occurs behind a variety of reasons and has a great effect on the whole world. People may migrate in order to improve their economic situation, or in order to escape civil strife, persecution, and environmental disasters. The impact of migration is complex, bringing both benefits anddisadvantages. This paper briefly talks about the causes of migration, the allocation of benefits, and the ways in which individual countries and the international community deal with this important subject.  相似文献   

裴水妹 《华章》2007,(11):196
Sister Carrie is one of the most controversial characters in American literature.Thought as a "fallen woman" firstly,she was defined as a "new woman" by some critics later. However, by digging into the motivaton behind the whole process of Carrie's "success", the relationship between Carrie and her creator (the author), the social conditions of then American, it can be found that Carrie has never been free-standing on her thought and she has never found her real-sdf even after becoming a famous actress. In a society dominated by mass consumerism Carrie is only an adherent of her own desires. She also is a representative of all those country girls flooded into cities, a symbol and a sacrifice of the urbanization of America in a time countryside was overcome by cities.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionOne-cyclecontrolmethod,whichwasproposedaboutonedecadeago[1],hasbecomeanattractivemethodinspecialfieldssuchaspowerfactorcorrection[2-6],switchingamplifiers[7,8],etc.Themainideaofthiscontrollerisbasedonintegrationofdiodevoltageinone-cycleandforcesittobeexactlyequaltothereferencevalue.Themainadvantageofthiscontrollerisitsrealtimeabilitytorejectthevariationofinputvoltage[1].Despitethisgreatability,ithasnogoodperformancesinrejectingofloaddisturbanceandfollowingreferencecommands.Espec…  相似文献   

城堡, 是欧洲典型的建筑之一, 每个城堡都有一个美丽的传说或是一段历史。从本期开始, 我们将推出“城堡之旅”, 带各位读者去浏览、观赏欧洲各地的城堡, 开始一段文化与历史的旅途!  相似文献   

Today, Sunday morning, I sit thinking and typing at my computer. My thoughts are in my homeland, India and my body is in China. The body is here and mind there for a good reason. Mr. Hu is president and I am resident and both are in each other's countries (what a difference the absence of one small letter makes!). Mr. Hu will return in a few days and I will stay on longer.  相似文献   

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