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所谓奇迹 生命是一种奇迹、孩子是一种奇迹,两情桕悦是一种奇迹,有缘相遇亦是一种奇迹!恰似同一季的。不可能搜查官”营野美穗甜甜微笑着说——生命只有两种演绎方式,一类是相信有奇迹,一类是相信没有奇迹——观赏完这部风格淡雅的《平凡的奇迹》,不禁感叹,只要活着,真的就会有“平凡的奇迹”发生。  相似文献   

1978年.法国总理希拉克参观秦俑后说:“世界上有了七大奇迹,秦俑的发现,可以说是八大奇迹了。”此后,很多资料都把秦俑说成“世界第八大奇迹”,事实上这种说法是不准确的。“世界第八奇迹”(The Eighkth Wonder)是英语里一个常用的短语,类似于汉语成语,用途相当广泛。菲律宾人说吕宋岛北部的古代梯田是世界第八大奇迹,埃赛俄比亚人说拉利贝拉教堂是世界第八大奇迹.德国人说慕尼黑国王宫殿是世界第八大奇迹,巴拿马人说巴拿马运河是世界第八大奇迹,加拿大人说多伦多天虹体育馆是世界第八大奇迹,美国人甚至把麦克·乔丹的球技列为世界第八大奇迹。中国经常被誉为世界第八大奇迹的景观有万里长城、秦兵马俑、圆明园、红旗渠、曾侯乙编钟、马王堆汉墓、三星堆古文化遗址、福建客家土楼等。可见.“世界第八大奇迹”并没有特定的所指。  相似文献   

叶紫 《海外求学》2004,(9):40-41
40年成功地帮助来自世界各地的300多万学生实现了留学梦。 是谁创造了这一奇迹,是一所国际名牌大学?回答是:否;是一家国际知名的留学中介公司?回答是:否。确实,在一般人的心目中,要创造出这个奇迹似乎是天方夜谭。然而,这决不是一条空穴来风的信息,创造这个奇迹的就是EF教育集团。  相似文献   

打开电脑,输入《第56号教室的奇迹》,跳入眼帘的是10万多条记录,其受欢迎程度可想而知。读完这本书,正如《作业的革命》的作者刘春生说的那样:“我们常把‘用心’只是理解为态度专注与否,并以此评判一个人事业上的得失。而雷夫老师创造的一个个奇迹却不断告诉我们:有热情和态度还不够,还要运用智慧,  相似文献   

这是散般的奇迹,奇迹般的散,只有沾着生命的汁液书写,才能使这些字如玑珠,带着无尽的深情,一粒粒地漫化在读心中。  相似文献   

我想我是笑了,现在摆在我面前的,不是一张纸,简直就是一个奇迹。我不知道这样说是不是有贬低卡鲁的嫌疑,但是,这真是一个奇迹。  相似文献   

奇迹与好奇,催动了采访;敬意与感受,记录了讲述。 用爱使因公致残、几近植物人的丈夫重新回到公安战线——这是一个奇迹。  相似文献   

日本历来重视道德教育,这是其创造经济迅速发展奇迹的重要因素之一。日本道德教育具有鲜明的特征,通过分析日本道德教育的特色,对我国的道德教育可以起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

如何看待“中国奇迹”罗马尼亚《经济论坛》周刊,近期连载保加利亚著名经济学教授杨科夫博士的文章:《保加利亚如何看待“中国奇迹”》。文章说,中国取得了亘古未有的经济奇迹,而保加利亚则陷入了前所未有的社会经济灾难之中。造成这种状况的主要原因是两国所实施的经...  相似文献   

秦陵铜车马○的科学工艺徐卫民在世界第八大奇迹秦兵马俑坑发现后的第四年,秦始皇陵又出现了一个震撼世界的奇迹。1978年,在位于秦始皇陵两侧的20米处,考古工作者勘探出了一个车马坑,其中发现了铜车马,奇迹中之奇迹展现在人们的面前。秦陵铜车马的发现和发掘车...  相似文献   

以色列作为中东地区发达国家,其发达的创新创业教育是推动国家科技进步和经济发展的不竭动力。以色列理工学院作为以色列甚至全球领先的创业型大学,通过培育创新创业文化、引进先进创业师资、开发创新创业课程、完善创新创业组织架构、促进科研成果转化等一系列措施已经构建起了成熟的创新创业教育生态系统,对以色列甚至整个世界均产生了重要影响。这对于我国高校创新创业教育生态系统的构建具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

以色列的特殊教育发展有其独特的一面,特殊学校和一体化教育项目都得到了足够的重视,以色列的特殊教育特点是国家重视,教育经费投入大,尊重学生的差异和多元文化,在教学中坚持人性化精神,在许多方面值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

The current field of Israel engagement has been significantly challenged by young North American Jews’ reported alienation from contemporary Israel. Literature in the last decade has addressed this challenge in depth, offering a wide variety of theoretical analyses and recommendations for program development. The present study is the first to thoroughly focus on one of these programs, the young emissaries (shinshinim) program, a joint initiative between the Jewish Agency for Israel and a growing number of Jewish communities around the world. Data were collected in the Greater Toronto Area, out of which the local Jewish Federation operates the largest shinshinim program worldwide. Levels of emotional, behavioral, and cognitive engagement with Israel were assessed in 47 local institutions’ representatives, 84 host families, and 197 high school students in relation to their interaction with shinshinim. Changes in attitudes toward Israel, Jewish tradition, and peoplehood, following their Year of Service, were also assessed in 36 shinshinim. All data were collected using questionnaires developed especially for the purposes of this study. Results show that the shinshinim program has a significant and positive impact on host families’ level of Israel engagement and that the Year of Service has a significant and positive impact on the shinshinim inclination to adopt Jewish traditions and to affiliate themselves with a Jewish Peoplehood. Results also show that the program is positively associated with Israel engagement among students and Jewish institutions’ representatives. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A new approach to Israel education has emerged to counteract what has been a tendency to romanticize Israel by avoiding criticism; it presumes that Israel engagement has much to offer a meaningful Jewish identity, but only when encountered critically, taking into account Israel’s many complexities. However, prevailing scholarly trends may not provide a clear stance on which to base critique and academic criticism may raise hard questions about the very idea of a Jewish and democratic state. This article addresses these concerns by offering a conceptual framework for scholarly study of Israel called “Mature Zionism” in which to ground a critical engagement with Israel that is genuinely educational.  相似文献   

Volume 23 (1) of this journal was a special issue on Education and Development guest-edited by Fred Lazin (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), Samuel Aroni (University of California at Los Angeles, USA) and Yehuda Gradus (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel). The guest editors comment in this article on the issues which arise from the papers they selected for inclusion in the special issue. In developing countries higher education has to face the problems associated with nation-building and the drive towards fast economic growth; in more developed countries there is the challenge implicit in the social and economic changes necessarily associated with the transition to post-industrial societies. Further comments are made on each of the articles in the special issue.  相似文献   

This study outlines the current and recent ‘state of play’ in Israeli and Palestinian schools concerning the education of students about ‘the Other’. This is seen to be far from satisfactory. An examination of the complexities involved in learning about ‘the Other’ and of education programmes in other countries that have been afflicted by internal conflict show the need for a properly developed peace education programme to be developed in Israel and Palestine if real peace in the region is to be promoted.  相似文献   


This article examines the practice of pretend Israel trips in Jewish early childhood education. Jewish early childhood educators who work in markedly different preschool settings, and who have differing beliefs about Israel and Israel education, nonetheless converge on a practice of pretend trips to Israel that remains remarkably stable across settings. This article examines how and why these pretend trips have become part of the “grammar” of Jewish early childhood education, illuminating a practice that is simultaneously beloved and unsatisfying for Jewish early childhood educators who care about early childhood education and Israel education.  相似文献   

以色列是成功实施大众创业教育的典型案例。以色列高校创业中心是以色列政府积极扶持发展的、为有意创业的群体提供早期系统支持的非营利性组织,其管理具有清晰的战略共识、支撑战略实施的组织架构、高素质专业化的指导教师队伍和政府实行有效监管等特点。通过分层级满足创业者的需求、开设专门的创业课程、强化创业实践训练、搭建关系网和商业资源等举措,帮助早期创业者提高创业成功的概率。借鉴以色列的经验,开启我国大众创业教育,需要明确教育的主体、积极发挥高校创业中心的作用、创新高校创业中心管理模式、着力提高大众创业教育的专业化水平。  相似文献   

以色列是通过联合国分治决议建立国家的,因此以色列与联合国的关系显得比较特殊。但是由于以色列和联合国在处理问题时的着眼点不同,所以以色列和联合国的关系既有积极合作的一面,又有不和谐的一面。以色列与联合国关系的特殊而复杂性,它既属于成员国与国际组织之间的关系,同时又含有很多特殊的关系成分。这种关系中既有特殊历史时期特殊历史事件的历史沉淀,又有新时期新形势下的现实矛盾的折射。在一定程度上,联合国催生了以色列国,而以色列国的建立却在一定程度上增加了联合国推动中东和平进程的难度。但是随着和平与发展潮流的逐渐强大,联合国在解决阿以冲突中的分量会不断提升,以色列与联合国之间就推动中东和平进程的利益将有所趋同。  相似文献   


Building on the established idea that to provide students with a full portrait of Israeli society and history, educators must introduce greater complexity into their Israel curriculum, the following paper explores three recently published graphic novels about Israel and considers how each offers opportunities for considering Israel in more nuanced ways. The paper is grounded in recent research about Israel education and empirical studies about graphic novels in education. Each of the three texts highlights aspects of Israeli society that are less frequently addressed in curriculum about Israel and therefore provide opportunities for presenting students with primary sources that directly grapple with the complexities of Israeli society.  相似文献   

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