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Adobe is a construction technique that uses raw earth mixed and moulded to form sun-dried blocks to realize a bearing wall. The recent discovery of adobe walls belonging to a Republican domus sited in Suasa (Ancona, Italy) was the starting point of the present work. The research was developed through an experimental approach, in order to characterize the mechanical behavior of this type of walls: firstly some adobe blocks similar to the original ones were reproduced by using the soil directly came from the archaeological site near the adobe walls and adding straw to reduce hygrometric shrinkage and coarse sand, taken from a local quarry, as a stabilizer, as Romans were used to do. Then, after a seasoning period of 4 months, four adobe walls were produced to be tested by compression and shear. From compression tests, maximum strength, first cracking compression stress, Young modulus and breaking manner were evaluated. As well, compression results show a possible two-storey structure of the earthen Republican domus. In fact, it appears that the stress from the two-storey load analysis is lower than the first cracking compression stress. From the shear tests, a proportional law seems to regulate the relation between the maximum value of the mean tangential tensions and the vertical compression the sample is subjected to. This could be the starting point for a future seismic analysis.  相似文献   

Along the Umbria-Marche stretch of the Flaminia Consular Road (220 B.C.) several archaeological finds of the most important monumental works, are well preserved. The stones, employed to build many bridges, substructions and sewerages, are represented by carbonatic breccias whose geological environment of formation and source areas had never been established. On the basis of mineralogical, petrographic and micropalaeontological analyses, two groups of these lithotypes employed in Roman age were distinguished: “monogenic carbonatic breccias” only constituted by clasts of the Maiolica Unit (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and “polygenic carbonatic breccias” made of fragments (in different proportions) of Calcare Massiccio (Early Jurassic), Corniola (Early Jurassic), Maiolica (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous) and Scaglia Rossa (Late Cretaceous – Early Paleogene) Units. The possible source areas of the breccias are compatible with stratified slope-waste to scarp-base deposits of periglacial origin belonging to the Upper Pleistocene. In particular, among the seven investigated areas, we pointed out the most probable provenances (Monte Faeto-Colle, Costacciaro, Scirca, Foci, Secchiano) along the flanks of the Apennine Mesozoic chain of the Umbria and Marche regions. Although the Romans could have exploited the whole thickness of some outcrops (now disappeared) of these carbonatic lithotypes at the deepest part of the valleys, we have constrained a local provenance of the breccias so commonly used in the monumental works of the Flaminia.  相似文献   

The Sos Furrighesos necropolis (Anela) is considered to be one of the most important funerary monuments in Sardinia. The hypogeum consists of various graves, called Domus de Janas, which are decorated with Neolithic mural paintings and sculptures. This work was undertaken in order to clarify which techniques were used in the past, through the identification of pigments and binding media. The samples, scraped off from the paint surface, were studied by using various analytical techniques in order to characterise both the pigments and the binding media. The main problems concerning the characterisation were due to the small sizes (1–5 mg) of the samples and their complex nature. As regards pigments, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry analyses were performed on the samples. These techniques are well suited to the characterisation of inorganic pigments and have led to the identification of the red pigment as haematite. In order to characterise the organic binders, the samples were analysed by a procedure based on a gas chromatography–mass spectrometry technique, which allows proteinaceous and lipidic media determination in the same sample. In most of the samples, the presence of egg was suggested.  相似文献   

Roman funerary artefacts belonging to the archaeological collections in Modena and Reggio Emilia, two important Roman colonies (Mutina and Regium Lepidi, respectively) in the Cispadane region (Northern Italy), are made of trachytes from the Euganean Hills, close to Padua. In particular, the petrographic and chemical parameters, besides magnetic susceptibility of archaeological trachytes, suggest Monte Oliveto as their main source; very few of them, however, come from Monte Rosso and Monte Merlo. Surprisingly the trachytes from Monselice, which were used extensively to get flagstones for paving the Roman roads of the Po plain, were not implied in funerary art. Possibly the porosity of stones was determinant in addressing the use of the Euganean trachytes: the stones from Monte Oliveto (and also from Monte Rosso and Monte Merlo), which contain frequent cavities and voids, are porous and might favour body decomposition, like important stones used in antiquity for sarcophagi (e.g. lapis sarcophagus). By contrast, the trachytes from Monselice are dense, not porous, hence harder and more resistant to abrasion, therefore suitable for flagstones.  相似文献   

The use of coloured pastes for inlaying marble and limestone wall panels is one of the ornamental techniques that were widely used during the Mamluk period in Egypt (1250–1516 AD). Red and black pastes from Qijmas El-Eshaqe mosque (1482 AD) in Cairo were studied to identify their main components. The study of the samples involved the identification of the pigments, additive materials and organic binding media. The study was performed using various analytical methods such as polarising microscopy (PLM), scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analyser (SEM-EDX), inductively-coupled plasma (ICP-AES), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). These complementary analytical techniques provide precise identification of inorganic and organic substances used in the pastes. The results indicated that the red pigment is mainly obtained from red ochre containing hematite, whereas amorphous carbon (bone black and charcoal) was used to obtain the black colour. Both samples contain calcium sulphate, which was used to give some hardness to the pastes. Beeswax was used as an organic medium in both pastes. The study provides the information required for the conservation of the coloured paste ornaments.  相似文献   

The ruins of the Roman town of Volubilis, located in the Middle Atlas, near Meknes, between Fez and Rabat, constitute the most important Roman archaeological site in Morocco and are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Volubilis became the headquarters of the Mauritania Tingitana limes after the annexation of the kingdom of Mauritania to the Roman Empire in AD 42. Evacuated by the Romans after the second half of the 3rd century, the town became the capital of the kingdom of Idriss I in AD 789.The results of an archaeometric study of the marbles imported into Volubilis during the Roman age are reported herein the sixth framework program of the European Union.Of the few coloured lithotypes that have been found, all are of Greek origin with the exception of the so-called “Portuguese pink”, a pale pink marble exploited by the Romans near Vilaviçosa in the Lusitania which, till now, has not yet been identified outside Iberia. As regards the white marbles employed in the statuary, petrographic study in thin section and the δ13C and δ18O isotopic data emphasize the frequent use of Lunense and Pentelic marbles. The latter also features among the white marbles used for crustae and architectural elements together with the dolomitic variety of Thasian marble, Parian marble from Lakkoi, Proconnesian marble from the island of Marmara, an unknown marble most probably of local origin, and a variety of the so-called “greco scritto” whose provenance still remains unclear. In fact, its petrographic and geochemical features do not match those known for the classical “greco scritto” from Cap de Garde, near Annaba (Algeria).  相似文献   

Mineralogical, petrographic and chemical analyses were performed on sherds of transport amphorae (VI–III century B.C.) excavated at Locri Epizephiri, as well as on specimens of local manufacture. Examination of thin sections by the polarizing microscope and of X-ray powder diffraction patterns suggested that most of the amphorae could be assigned to local workshops since fossils and minerals as well as rock fragments are compatible with the crystalline basement of the Calabrian-Peloritanian arc. Chemical analysis, performed by ICP and flame atomic emission spectroscopy followed by multivariate treatment of data, further suggested that three groups of composition may gather most of the amphorae and the local reference products. These results point to a wide local production of transport amphorae in Locri, thus indicating that the ancient town was self-sufficient in producing agricultural foodstuffs, with limited dependence on imported goods.  相似文献   

The pervasive crystallization of secondary phosphates in pores and fractures of numerous potsherds from the archaeological site of Frattesina (Fratta Polesine, Rovigo – North-East Italy) indicates that contamination occurred after burial. The chemical composition of these phases, which are Mg-rich vivianite and mitridatite, shows that sources of phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium were locally available and that the precipitation and diagenesis of these minerals were strongly influenced by micro-environmental conditions within the archaeological deposit.  相似文献   

Over the last years, there was an increasing interest in keeping suitable microclimatic conditions for the preservation of artefacts: the artefacts preservation requirements may diverge from those of the museums visitors, willing to enjoy the works of art in a situation of psycho-physical wellness. The HVAC designers and engineers will have then to cooperate closely with the curator, in order to define a compromise between conflicting environmental performance requirements. In particular at the stage of air-conditioning system design or retrofit, it is extremely important to carry out a series of preliminary analysis to evaluate and monitor the existing environmental conditions and to anticipatory simulate and predict the post-intervention conditions. To this aim, advanced fluid-dynamic investigation tools (Computational Fluid Dynamic [CFD] techniques) enable to deal with the specificity of such topics and provide a useful decision-making support.  相似文献   

Piperno, a Late Quaternary magmatic rock cropping out on the eastern side of the Campi Flegrei (Italy), is probably the most important building stone of Naples, used over a time-span from at least the Roman age until the beginning of the 20th century. Despite its wide diffusion in the monumental architecture of Naples, very little is known about this rock, as regards its technical features, as well as the geological aspects. This paper aims at providing a first overall contribution towards a rediscovery of this long-time-used material, in view of careful restoration works, which nowadays at Naples only take into account the proper geological features of the stone in a few peculiar cases. Thus, it seems of extreme importance to understand the basic parameters of Piperno and, above all, its response to weathering agents. Main mineralogical, petrographical and engineering–geological properties are presented here for the first time, with specific reference to two sampling areas, located at Pianura and Soccavo, in the western sector of the Neapolitan urban area. As far as many of its physico–mechanical features are concerned, Piperno extends over a wide range of values, which allow different varieties of the rock to be identified. This preliminary result is seemingly in accordance with data from old historical literature, which stated the existence of six horizons in the Piperno formation.  相似文献   

After years of neglect and an almost complete lack of maintenance, the Racconigi Royal Park was in an inevitable and widespread state of decay. This decay also involved the waterways that were designed in the nineteenth-century by Xavier Kurten (1811–1840). The seasonal lack of water and the agricultural needs of the farms around the Park made it necessary, during the planning stage of the restoration project, to consider the practicability and the effectiveness of some measures that were conceived to optimize the operation of the restored waterways, without altering the historical structure of the system. The realization of a hydraulic numerical model of the system, which is briefly illustrated in the first part of this case study, resulted to be the most suitable tool to study different possible solutions of the problem. The model simulations in fact helped the restorers put into effect the right remedies to favour the correct flow of the water, to make the whole historical system more efficient and to make its future maintenance easier.  相似文献   

During the 13th and 14th centuries, the commune of Massa Marittima successfully exploited the nearby base-metal mines (copper, lead and silver). Several smelting sites were active. Twenty-seven slag specimens were sampled at Marsiliana, Arialla and Rocchette Pannocchieschi. Slags have been analysed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, X-ray powder diffraction, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The slags from the three sites differ in chemical composition. The most abundant pyrometallurgic phases in the glassy matrix are calcic clinopyroxene, kirschsteinite, melilite, accompanied by spinel, wüstite, sulphides, metals and metal alloys. The three sites produced more than 2000 t of copper, 6000 t of lead and 2 t of silver. Copper was mostly smelted at Marsiliana, and silver-bearing lead was smelted at Arialla and Rocchette Pannocchieschi. The minerals underwent only a mild roasting prior to smelting. Flux lime was added to the mineral charge, and the resulting viscosity index of the melts (from 0.9 to 3.7) assured effective metal segregation. Furnace temperatures reached 1150–1300 °C.  相似文献   

An archaeological excavation has been carried out at Pisa (Italy), unearthing an ancient metallurgical workshop. Since archaeological burnt materials provide important records of direction and intensity of the Earth's magnetic field in the past and they can be used to better improve geomagnetic secular variation curves (SVCs), an archaeomagnetic study has been performed. This small copper-alloy furnace presents a circular concave shape covered with a thin layer of mortar, with some traces of heated clay surrounding the feature that confirms the high temperature reached inside it. Archaeological context dating points to the last firing of the furnace between the last quarter of the 13th century and the first quarter of 14th century AD, when then the metallurgical workshop was transformed in a warehouse. Archaeomagnetic sampling has been performed using the modified Thellier method, by collecting several, large and independently oriented aliquots of heated clay, forming the bottom part of the circular wall of the structure. Laboratory treatments have been conducted at the IGG-CNR ARCHEO_LAB (Pisa, Italy) and at St. Maur Palaeomagnetic laboratory (Paris, France). Analytical measurements of the thermo-remanent magnetization index acquired from the samples have been performed using a large cell induction magnetometer for large samples, and the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) has been successfully isolated after an alternate field demagnetization cleaning procedure for each sample. The final mean archaeomagnetic direction has been calculated at sampling site (D = 6.9°; I = 52.8°; N = 9; k = 305; α95 = 2.6°) following the Fisher Statistics, and it exhibits a perfect agreement with some coeval already published directions obtained from Mt. Arso lava flows, these latter being an important anchor point in the preliminary Italian secular variation curve. Comparison with the preliminary Italian SVC, the French SVC and the SCHA.DIF.3K archaeomagnetic regional model have permitted to define an archaeomagnetic absolute age confirming the conventional archaeological age, underlining the importance of this result into the Italian archaeomagnetic data set.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the comparative evaluation of different procedures of salt extraction designed for archaeological ceramics from submarine burial environments. The experimental work was carried out on a particular type of late-Roman cooking ware finds (Pantellerian ware) found in a shipwreck near the shoreline of the Island of Pantelleria (Sicily). The studied ceramic test-pieces were first recognised in terms of bulk characteristics (mineralogy, petrography and chemistry). SEM-EDS observation allowed verification of the presence of various secondary minerals at the surface and in the pore spaces formed after the prolonged permanence in seawater under oxidising or reducing conditions. Pore-size distribution was also determined in the same fragments that had been subjected to the salt extraction routines. Three salt extraction methods were tested: two methods based on diffusion processes (water immersion under stationary conditions and under mechanical stirring conditions) and one method based on both diffusive and advective processes (multiple packages of sepiolite). The obtained experimental data allowed us to identify strengths and weaknesses of the tested procedures with practical spin-off for archaeologists and restorers (efficiency, kinetics, compatibility with the ceramic substrate, costs and simplicity of use). Salt extraction under mechanical stirring was the most effective method and, for this reason, is suitable for laboratory fieldwork during or immediately after submarine archaeological excavations. Similar advantages are also intended for the preliminary treatments of the most precious findings prior to museum storage.  相似文献   

The Saadian tombs from the era of sultan Ahmed al-Mansour (1574–1603) are beautifully decorated and have always been a major attraction for visitors to Marrakesh. The central mausoleum, named the Hall of Twelve Columns, encloses the tombs of Ahmed al-Mansour and his family. The hall has a huge vaulted ceiling, carved cedar doors, opening windows with wooden marquetry screen (Mashrabiya), and grey Italian marble columns. This paper presents the first attempt to identify the organic materials used by the Moroccan artisans. A GC/MS analytical procedure was used for the characterization of lipids, waxes, resins, pitch, tar, proteinaceous and saccharide materials in the same paint micro-sample. The analytical study identified the organic materials used in the polychrome and gilded decorations of the walls, ceiling and dome of the hall. Data showed that the polychrome decorations were painted using animal glue as a binder, and highlighted the treatment of the wall surface with linseed oil and the retouching of the paintings based on a saccharide binder. The use of a proteinaceous-resinous-oil mixture, applied on a proteinaceous preparation layer, for the gilded decorations revealed a very similar technique to that used at the time in Europe for mural paintings.  相似文献   

This paper reports petrographic and chemical data and magnetic susceptibility values for trachytes of quarries recognizable within the Euganean Hills and sets out diagnostic parameters for these rocks. The diagnostic scheme proposed is basic for the definition of provenance of trachytes used in ancient artefacts spread over northern Italy. Trachytes were extensively used by the Romans for paving Via Aemilia, the most important road in the Po Plains connecting Ariminum (present-day Rimini on the Adriatic sea) to Placentia (present-day Piacenza on the Po river). Remains of the trachytic flagstones (basoli) used for paving segments of Via Aemilia crossing Regium Lepidi (present-day Reggio Emilia) and Bononia (present-day Bologna) have been characterised petrographically, chemically and also using magnetic susceptibility data. The discriminating scheme proposed here for the Euganean trachytes has been applied to the data obtained for basoli and thus the provenance of each investigated block has been inferred. The rocks sampled at Regium Lepidi mostly come from Monselice (only a few blocks from Monte Oliveto and Monte Merlo) and those of Bononia come mostly from Monte Merlo and, subordinately, from Monte Oliveto and Monselice (only one sample from Monte San Daniele). The dominant provenance of blocks, which is different in the two colonies distant by less than 50 km, suggests that the two segments of Via Aemilia were not built simultaneously.  相似文献   

The carbonate building stones from the Asklepeion, Epidaurus, used to construct the monuments of Gymnasium, Tholos and Avaton can be grouped into 12 microfacies types, according to their microfacies characteristics such as the type of groundmass, the different kinds of particles, the facies-diagnostic fossils, the depositional and solution textures. Two of them, oocalcarenite (MF type I) and biocalcarenite (MF type II) belong to the marine Plio-Pleistocene carbonate sediments from Korinthos (ancient quarries in Kechries) and the northern part of the island of Aegina, respectively. Most of them, calcrete (MF type III), red biomicrites (MF type IV and V), oolitic grainstone (MF type VI), bio-grainstone (MF type VII), boundstone (MF type VIII), intrabreccia limestone (MF type IX), cherty biomicrite (MF type X) belong to the sedimentary carbonate formations of Mesozoic age of the adjacent areas in Argolis peninsula. The black lime-biomicrite (MF type XI) comes from a more distant sedimentary lithological formation, most probably from Dervenakia area (Tripolis zone). Finally, one belongs to the metamorphic carbonates (marbles of Naxos?). The endogenic decay causes are controlled by both sedimentary and diagenetic processes reflected in the microfacies type. So, the main endogenic factors of the oocalcarenite and biocalcarenite facies, which were used for the upper architectural members, are high porosity and the quantitative–qualitative mineralogical composition of the insoluble residue, which is mainly composed of swelling clay minerals (smectites). The calcrete facies, which was used in the foundations of all monuments, shows the heaviest decay problems which are related to the high structural irregularities, the high porosity and the quantitative–qualitative mineralogical composition of the non-carbonate minerals. The other facies appear with a weaker degree of decay whose endogenic causes are also investigated.  相似文献   

Late Apulian red figured pottery [1] from Egnatia (Fasano, Brindisi, Italy) was studied in order to widen the view on this ceramic class in Southern Italy. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) provided the samples elemental composition that allowed to make provenance hypotheses. Optical Microscopy (OM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS), supplied information about the minero-petrographic features of the objects to better understand their production technology. The set of results highlighted the contemporary presence in the Apulian land in the late 4th century BC of both local and imported finds and showed the existence of two different kinds of local production, the “classic” Attic and a peculiar one, characterized by the application of an engobe layer before the black gloss. Our previous studies resulted in the discovery that an engobe layer, with similar chemical and minero-petrographic characteristics, was present in finds from another site in central Apulia (Monte Sannace). So the discovery of red engobe on fragments from Egnatia, proves that its use was not an isolated occurrence, but was quite common in the production of red figured in Apulia during the Late period, appearing as a peculiar technological mark of Apulian potters.  相似文献   

During the excavation of the Etruscan and Roman harbour of Pisa, several shipwrecks were found. The wooden timbers constituting the ship C and ship F (which date back to the first and the second century A.D., respectively, as attested by archaeological findings) were selected in order to collect information about the technological knowledge of the time. Pinus pinaster Aiton was essentially utilised for the planking of ship C and Quercus sp. caducifolia for that of ship F. The choice of timber for the other parts of ship C hull was much more differentiated. Ship C seems to be built in a careful way and its characteristics when added to its overall lightness, seem to reflect its use as a higher capacity boat built for sea sailing. Ship F seems more linked to short voyages in inner fresh waters. The utilisation of different woods was linked not only to the technological characteristics of wood, but also to their easy availability. Palynological analysis, carried out on the clay sediments embedding the shipwrecks, has shown that the flora of Pisa area in that time period would have allowed the acquisition of all the timber species used for both the ships’ construction, with the exception of the fig wood. However, a foreign origin of the timber from somewhere else in the Northern Mediterranean area has not been excluded.  相似文献   

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