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解答应用题的几种特殊思考方法平罗县太西一小丁育才解答应用题大多是采用分析法和综合法,这是两种最基本的思考方法。但是解答有些应用题时,还需教给学生一些特殊的思考方法,如假设法、比较法、逆推法、转化法等。下面简单介绍一下这些方法在解应用题中的应用。一、假...  相似文献   

在高三复习中,总结并系统复习解答化学计算题的基本方法,对整个化学复习有比较深远的意义。与解答化学计算题有关的基本方法有:差量法、关系式法、终态分析法、极值法等。正确使用上述方法,能有效提高学生解计算题的准确率。  相似文献   

有关化学平衡中计算问题是化学基本理论知识中的重点和难点内答,也是高考试题中考查热点,解答这类问题应注意掌握常见的计算技巧和基本的计算模式,“三行式”法就是解答这类问题的有效工具。  相似文献   

张明启 《辅导员》2009,(14):32-32
有关溶液稀释的计算是初中化学教材中一类常见的计算题,解答这类题目的基本依据是根据溶液在稀释前后溶液中溶质的质量不变,列出方程,然后进行解答。但如果运用十字交叉法解答这类习题就比较快捷方便,下面举例说明。  相似文献   

解答高中数学选择题时不要求写出计算或推理过程,只要答案,虽然解答此类题目的方法主要是直接法,但是,为了提高效率避免小题大做,解题的基本策略应该是:充分地利用题干和题肢两方面的条件所提供的信息作出判断,先定性后定量,先特殊后推理,先间接后直接,先排除后求解,即解答选择题时要先考虑巧法.介绍了特例法、构造法和排除法三个巧法.  相似文献   

文页 《初中生之友》2015,(Z3):51-54
填空题具有题量小、跨度大、覆盖面广、形式灵活等特点。解答填空题的基本要求是:正确、迅速、合理、简捷;解题的要领:快——运算要快,力戒小题大作;稳——变形要稳,不可操之过急;全——答案要全,力避残缺不齐;活——解题要活,不要生搬硬套;细——审题要细,不能粗心大意。下面介绍填空题的解答方法。1.直接法。这是解答填空题的基本方法,它是直接从题设条件出发,通  相似文献   

基于对“测试题一”与“测试题二”的解答情况的统计分析,研究了高中生解答选择题的常用方法及其在解答中的猜测性问题,并为高中数学习题教学和选择题的编拟提出了相应的建议。研究的基本结论和教学建议是:(1)高中生解答数学选择题常用的和基本的解答方法主要有:直接法、排除法、数形结合法、猜测法;(2)对选择题和填空题的解答要有适当的“过程性要求”;(3)学生的猜测性解答,有些是“随机猜测”,更多的是合情猜测;(4)选择题的4个选择支的设计十分重要,3个诱误支要具有足够的迷惑性与诱误性;(5)谨防选择题考查意图的“旁落”。  相似文献   

张建军 《广西教育》2023,(17):127-130
本文结合学生运用排错法解答高考政治组合式选择题需具备的基本素养与关键能力、排错法在高考政治组合式选择题解题中的价值、高考政治组合式选择题圈项的常见错误类型,论述运用排错法解答高考政治组合式选择题的操作步骤,促进学生提高高考政治组合式选择题的得分率。  相似文献   

守恒法在高中化学的解答方法中属于一种基本的方法。它表示着化学物质完成反应之后,它的反应物以及生成物总是满足守恒定律。高中生应该学会熟练地运用化学守恒法,这样就能够在解答化学的过程中找到简单合适的方法。本文笔者将利用经典的例题来对高中化学解答问题进行分析。  相似文献   

掌握生物选择题的答题方法和技巧,对于提高解题能力和答题的正确率,有重要作用. 一、常用答题方法 1.直选法.这是解答生物选择题的最基本方法,解答时依据题目所给条件,借助于已学知识进行分析和判断,直接得出结论.此方法常常用于解答正误型选择题.  相似文献   

Cognitive-Style Differences in Testing Situations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Why will multiple-choice tests continue to serve the needs of education, business, and government? How d o differences in cognitive style affect performance on multiple-choice tests of different types? How does clarity and care in writing multiple-choice items affect performance?  相似文献   

Tests of educational achievement typically present items in the multiple-choice format. Some achievement test items may be so "saturated with aptitude" (Willingham, 1980) as to be insensitive to skills acquired through education. Multiple-choice tests are ill-suited for assessing productive thinking and problem-solving skills, skills that often constitute important objectives of education. Viewed as incentives for learning, multiple-choice tests may impede student progress toward these objectives. There is need for accelerated research to develop alternatives to multiple-choice achievement tests, with content selected to match the specified educational objectives.  相似文献   

In tests used to measure reading comprehension, validity is important in obtaining accurate results. Unfortunately, studies have shown that people can correctly answer some questions of these tests without reading the related passage. These findings bring forth the need to address whether this phenomenon is observed in multiple-choice only tests or in those that employ open-ended questions. Three common standardized reading comprehension tests were examined: the WIAT-III, the CAAT, and the Nelson–Denny. The WIAT-III is composed of open-ended questions, while the other two tests utilize multiple-choice questions. All participants were instructed to answer the questions to the best of their ability, without access to the related passage. The results revealed that participants correctly answered the questions at a significantly higher rate than by chance for the multiple-choice, which supports the independency issue. For the open-ended questions, participants still answered with 18% accuracy, without the passages.  相似文献   

This study focuses on differences between multiple-choice science tests and a learning-from-text (LFT) test, and how these tests predict success in basic medical studies. The subjects (N = 503) were applicants to the Helsinki University Medical Faculty. All of them had to take an entrance examination in order to be considered for admission to a 6-year study programme combining medical school and graduate studies. The entrance examination consisted of three traditional multiple-choice science tests and one LFT test, the latter designed to measure deep-level processing of text. A follow-up study was conducted in order to see how the different tasks were related to the grades and pace of studying of those who were accepted onto the programme.As hypothesized, there were very high correlations among the three multiple-choice tests, but no correlations between the LFT subtasks and the multiple-choice tests. LISREL analyses showed that the LFT Synthesis Task, designed to measure the ability to pull together the essentials of a text, was the best predictor of academic progress during basic science studies.  相似文献   

The impact of practice tests on students' calibration and exam performance for multiple-choice and essay items was investigated. The participants were 59 graduate students enrolled in 1 of 2 sections (practice tests and no practice tests) of an introductory research methods in education course. Practice tests were associated with significantly lower scores on the midterm multiple-choice items and less accurate predictions and postdictions on those items. High-achieving students were more accurate in their calibrations than low-achieving students. Among low-achieving students, prediction and postdiction accuracy was significantly higher for essay than for multiple-choice items. In open-ended responses, a large percentage of students who took the practice tests indicated that they were a beneficial review strategy.  相似文献   

I analyse various schemes of negative marking for tests consisting of multiple-choice questions and propose a scheme that reduces the impact of random guessing. I also propose an alternate style of multiple-choice questions, where each question may have several correct answers and the candidate is required to tick all correct answers in order to get credit.  相似文献   

States are increasingly requiring that public school teachers pass one or more tests as a condition for permanent employment. As a result of a recent federal court decision, these tests must now satisfy the same legal standards as other employment tests. Moreover, some of the measures used to assess teacher competence no longer rely on multiple-choice items. They now utilize various types of open-ended performance assessments. This article discusses how these developments may affect the adverse impact, reliability, validity, and pass-fail standards of teacher certification tests. The article concludes by recommending that such tests combine multiple-choice questions with open-end tasks that focus on the common or critical situations that are likely to arise across the full range of practice setting for which the teacher is being certified or licensed.  相似文献   

States are increasingly requiring that public school teachers pass one or more tests as a condition for permanent employment. As a result of a recent federal court decision, these tests must now satisfy the same legal standards as other employment tests. Moreover, some of the measures used to assess teacher competence no longer rely on multiple-choice items. They now utilize various types of open-ended performance assessments. This article discusses how these developments may affect the adverse impact, reliability, validity, and pass-fail standards of teacher certification tests. The article concludes by recommending that such tests combine multiple-choice questions with open-end tasks that focus on the common or critical situations that are likely to arise across the full range of practice setting for which the teacher is being certified or licensed.  相似文献   

Method of Measurement and Gender Differences in Scholastic Achievement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gender differences in scholastic achievement as a function of method of measurement were examined by comparing the performance of 15-year-old boys (N = 739) and girls (N = 758) in Irish schools on multiple-choice tests and free-response tests (requiring short written answers) of mathematics, Irish, and English achievement. Males performed significantly better than females on multiple-choice tests compared to their performance on free-response examinations. An expectation that the gender difference would be larger for the languages and smaller for mathematics because of the superior verbal skills attributed to females was not fulfilled.  相似文献   

Human Self-Assessment in Multiple-Choice Testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research indicates that the multiple-choice format in itself often seems to favor males over females. The present study utilizes a method that enables test takers to assess the correctness of their answers. Applying this self-assessment method may not only make the multiple-choice tests less biased but also provide a more comprehensive measurement of usable knowledge-that is, the kind of knowledge about which a person is sufficiently sure so that he or she will use the knowledge to make decisions and take actions. The performance of male and female undergraduates on a conventional multiple-choice test was compared with their performance on a multiple-choice self-assessment test. Results show that the difference between test scores of males and those of females was reduced when subjects were allowed to make self-assessments. This may be explained in terms of the alleged difference in cognitive style between the genders.  相似文献   

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