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一字笔画最少,可是经诗人巧妙安排,能化平淡为神奇。清代文学家纪晓岚曾写过一首一字到底的诗:一帆一桨一渔舟,一个渔翁一钓钩,一俯一仰一颦笑,一人独占一江秋。清代女诗人何佩玉,擅长作数字诗,她写过这样一首诗:一花一柳一鱼矶,一抹斜阳  相似文献   

<正>我很喜欢一句话:青春只一晌,不如去远方。虽然有几许叛逆,但很早开始,我便想背上背包来一场潇潇洒洒的旅行。一个人上路,欣赏沿途的风景。没有什么背景,不带什么心情。单单纯纯走向远方,任心情自由飞扬,活得更漂亮。一山一水一旅人,一月一影一盏灯。一树一花一烟霞,一琴一曲一浮生。禅意红尘,法道人生。站在这  相似文献   

思想,是人类思维活动而产生的结果。味道,是一种内在品质,也是一种人格、一种文化、一种修养、一种品位、一种情趣的外在表现。不同的思想,不同的味道。思想可以跨越,味道可以升华。有一种思想,叫抽象;有一种思想,叫灵感;有一种思想,叫艺术。  相似文献   

教室,像一只蜂巢。 排列的桌椅,是一格一格的蜂房,井然有序。上课钤一响,你一格,我一格,大家坐好。  相似文献   

我是樱花,不起眼的、小小的日本樱花。花蕾绽放,一串接着一串,一层紧贴一层,一片连着一片。  相似文献   

盛夏酷暑,随意步人永济市的任何一所初中、小学,扑面而来的是一丝清爽、几许欣慰。学生们在老师的带领下惬意地做着自己喜欢的事情。唱一段蒲剧,舞一曲秧歌,奏一首乐曲,书一幅字画,敲一通锣鼓,诵一篇佳作,下一盘象棋,剪一纸窗花,捏一个泥人,设计一套漂亮的服饰,制作一件艺术品,其乐融融,其趣盎然,不由使人感慨进入了理想的殿堂。这是永济市教育局组织全市义务教育阶段学校开展“一周两节兴趣课”特长活动的一个个缩影。  相似文献   

细节究竟有多少力量呢?有一首童谣从反面作了演绎:失了一颗铁钉,丢了一只马蹄铁;丢了一只马蹄铁,折了一匹战马;折了一匹战马,损了一位将军;损了一位将军,输了一场战争;输了一场战争,亡了一个帝国。多么形象的演绎啊!一个帝国的灭亡,居然缘于一颗小小的铁钉的松落。正所谓小洞不补,大洞吃苦。可见细节何等重要。作文中重视细节描写同样重要。  相似文献   

教育是一门科学,管理是一种艺术。一位班级管理优秀的班主任,其成功的经验都有一条,那就是热爱学生。有了爱这个支点,教育就不仅仅是一种手段、一项工作、一件事情,而是一种力量、一种智慧、一份快乐。因此,我的治班理念:用热情去工作,用真诚来沟通,用知识教学生,用人品育栋梁。通过多年的班主任工作,我总结班主任工作经验如下。  相似文献   

岸边有一艘小船,一艘摆渡的小船。它一次次地摇向对岸,又一次次地摇回来。一天,从下游上来一艘大船,一艘运货的大船。大船对小船说:你天天在这里划来划去,哪儿也没  相似文献   

成卓 《小学生导读》2013,(12):24-24
今天的作文课上,老师带我们到校园里观看竹子。我们先远远地观察,竹子一排一排的,像一个个挺拔的卫兵。竹子上面的竹叶一团团簇拥在一起,像一朵绿色的云。我们走近竹子,竹子一节一节的,它的叶子像一把把锋利的小宝剑。竹竿又细又长,用手一摸,感到光滑无比,给人一种很舒服的感觉。  相似文献   

本研究采用个别访谈方法对北京海淀区六所幼儿园的60名大班幼儿的母亲进行了访谈,访谈的内容有:(1)母亲对孩子目前在幼儿园的表现满意程度;(2)母亲对幼儿上小学的潜力估计;(3)母亲对幼儿六种 能力的估计;(4)母亲对幼儿的两种个性品质--毅力和动机的评价;(5)母亲给孩子购买学习资料的情况;(6)母亲对幼儿知识来源的评估。我们按照被访谈母亲的化程度差异,将被调查的母亲分为三类。结果发现:(1)化程度不同的三类母亲对幼儿目前在幼儿园的表现满意程度没有差异。(2)三类母亲对孩子的能力评估差异显。(3)三类母亲给孩子购买学习资料方面差异显。(4)三类母亲对幼儿坚持做一件事的毅力评估得分差异显。  相似文献   

Predictors of 5-year-old kindergartners' insights into their friends, and their accounts of liking and conflict with their friends were investigated, with a focus on both the children's and their friends' social understanding during the preschool period, and the quality of their preschool friendships. Seventy children initially studied at 4 years utilizing social cognition tasks and observations of dyadic play with their friends were followed over the transition to school; at school they were interviewed about their friendships and their social understanding was assessed. One group had remained close to their preschool friends, whereas a second group had formed new friendships. Social understanding, language abilities, and prosocial characteristics of both the children and preschool friends, their successful communication and shared pretend play experiences during the preschool period, and their mothers' educational level were related to their perspectives on their current school friends. Liking of current friends was linked to relationship history and maternal educational level for both those with old and with new friends, whereas insight was related to assessments of social cognition.  相似文献   

Professional burnout and factors related to the burnout phenomenon are issues that frequently appear in the current literature. Empirical studies to establish the relationships between perceived burnout and pertinent personal or organizational characteristics are difficult to find, however. This exploratory study sought to investigate relationships between counselors' felt degree of burnout and their perceptions of school leadership style, themselves, their job, and their clients. It was found that leadership style in the school was related to counselor's perceptions of themselves and their jobs, but not to their views of their clients or their own potency. Further, it was found that self-reported burnout was strongly related to counselors' perceptions and that self, job, and clients were all perceived more negatively as burnout increased.  相似文献   

Ru Yun and San Hua were best friends. They had been the best of friends for almost half their lives, at about fifteen years of age. They went to the same school, took the same bus and shared the same interests. They were always together like a pair of Siamese twins. Nothing could separate them, not even their studies or their parents,  相似文献   

This investigation of mother and toddler play had 2 goals. The primary goal was to examine the types of play mothers introduce in direct response to their toddlers' play. A secondary and exploratory goal was to examine the relation between maternal knowledge about child play and actual maternal play behaviors. 50 mothers and their 21-month-old toddlers were observed at home during free play. Mother and child exploratory, nonsymbolic, and symbolic play were coded. Sequential analyses revealed that mothers adjusted their play to their children's play level by responding to their children with play that was either at the same level or at a higher level than their children's play. Furthermore, mothers who were more knowledgeable about early play development more often responded to their children's play by introducing higher level play. These findings suggest that mothers tend to play with their toddlers in ways that might promote their child's development, and that mothers with more knowledge about play development provide their children with appropriately challenging play interactions.  相似文献   

Talwar V  Lee K 《Child development》2008,79(4):866-881
The relation between children's lie-telling and their social and cognitive development was examined. Children (3–8 years) were told not to peek at a toy. Most children peeked and later lied about peeking. Children's subsequent verbal statements were not always consistent with their initial denial and leaked critical information revealing their deceit. Children's conceptual moral understanding of lies, executive functioning, and theory-of-mind understanding were also assessed. Children's initial false denials were related to their first-order belief understanding and their inhibitory control. Children's ability to maintain their lies was related to their second-order belief understanding. Children's lying was related to their moral evaluations. These findings suggest that social and cognitive factors may play an important role in children's lie-telling abilities.  相似文献   

The role of adolescents' disclosure to their parents in their academic adjustment was examined in a study of 825 American and Chinese adolescents (mean age = 12.73 years). Four times over the seventh and eighth grades, adolescents reported on their spontaneous disclosure of everyday activities to their parents, the quality of their relationships with their parents, and their parents' autonomy support and control. Information about multiple dimensions of adolescents' academic adjustment (e.g., learning strategies, autonomous vs. controlled motivation, and grades) was also obtained. Both American and Chinese adolescents' disclosure predicted their enhanced academic adjustment over time. However, when American adolescents disclosed in a negative context (e.g., a poor parent–child relationship or controlling parenting), their autonomous (vs. controlled) motivation was undermined.  相似文献   

晋宋之际,高门士族的动向以义熙八年为界。此前,他们仍在“门阀政治”的观念下从事政治活动,二刘之争即隐含着高门士族利用时局恢复“门阀政治”的因素在内。义熙八年刘裕独掌大权后。高门士族接受最高统治者权威统治的政治格局,转向关注权力分配。在权力危机面前,部分高门子弟表现出强烈的政治进取心,背离了该阶层历来标榜的“素退”的精神风貌。更重要的是,激化了的权力竞争关系削弱了高门士族在政治上的一致性,从而使“门阀政治”的成立条件彻底丧失。  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the influence of changes in children's knowledge on earlier constructed memories. Kindergartners' (N = 102) recall of a series of stories was examined as a function of their interpersonal knowledge about the main story character. Children's knowledge about the protagonist was manipulated prior to presentation of the stories, and the effects of their impressions on story recall were examined. A change in some of the children's impressions was then promoted, and the impact of this second knowledge manipulation on recall of previously heard stories was assessed. The results indicated that children's story recall was affected by their prior impressions. Moreover, following the second knowledge manipulation, children revised their story reports in ways that were consistent with their newly acquired impressions, which suggests that they had reconstructed their memories of previously heard stories. These findings provide evidence for both prospective and retrospective effects of knowledge on memory.  相似文献   

Two studies showed that the link between how much students base their self-worth on academics and their math performance depends on whether their identification with math was statistically controlled and whether the task measured ability or not. Study 1 showed that, when math identification was uncontrolled and the task was ability-diagnostic, basing self-worth on academics was unrelated to the students' math performance. When math identification was controlled, however, the more students based self-worth on academics the worse their math performance. Study 2 showed that, when math identification was uncontrolled and the task was ability non-diagnostic, the more students based self-worth on academics the better their math performance. When math identification was controlled, however, students' level of basing self-worth on academics was unrelated to math performance. These results held for females and males even when gender was made salient. In both studies, higher math identification linked to better math performance.  相似文献   

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