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1.a piece of cakeA: What do you think of the final exam?B: It's a piece of cake to me.A: You're bragging again, what if you failed?B: No way.甲: 你觉得期末考试怎么样?乙: 再容易不过了。甲: 你又在吹牛了。你要不及格呢?乙: 不可能。  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
piece是“块,片”,cake是“蛋糕”,那a piece of cake不就是“一块蛋糕”的意思啦?如果你也这样去理解“It’s a piece of cake.”这句话,那就真的误会John了。  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake同学们,你们知道“a piece of cake”的意思吗?下面,我给你们讲一个有趣的故事。一位初到美国的人,不懂英文,所以他就每天去语言学校学习英文。有一天,在休息时,他问一个同学他没听懂的问题,之后他对同学说:“Thank you very much.”那位同学回答说:“You are welcome.It's a piece of cake.”他听了后心里想:美国确实是一个金钱社会,做什么事情都要报酬。于是他说:“我今天没带蛋糕,饼干行不行?  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
中文和英文都喜欢用“吃”来打比方。我们汉语中有个成语是用来形容一件事特别容易的,就是“小菜一碟”。英语中也有一个成语是差不多的意思:a piece of cake。看来饮食真的是人类的根本啊!和a piece of cake意思相近的还有aseasy as pie、a piece of pie。这两个也是挺有趣的短语。据考证,19世纪的时候pie这个词就用来指“非常容易的事情”了。但是它们确切的起源还是无人知晓。我们用三个例子来具体说明一下:John is very good at mathematics,so thetest was a piece of cake for him.约翰的数学很好,所以这次考试对他来说真是小菜一碟。—You’ll win this swimming competi-tion.—你会赢得这次游泳比赛的。—Why do you say that?—为什么这么说?—Because you can swim much fasterthan the other contestants.It’ll be a piece ofpie!—因为你比其他对手游得快多了。赢得比赛对你来说就是小菜一...  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
I knew little about English when I first came to America.So I went toa language school every day to learn English.One day,during the break Iasked one of my classmates a question that I didn蒺t understand.When Ithanked her for it,she said:“You are welcome.It蒺s a piece of cake.”Ithought to myself:“America is really a society for money in whicheverything is done for pay.”Thus I said to her:“I haven蒺t taken any pieceof cake with me today.How about a piece of biscuit?”Sh…  相似文献   

Let's Trade     
颜萍 《中学生英语》2002,(11):10-10
Let‘s Trade!Will you take a piece of cake for an apple?a good book for a game?a toy boat for a car?  相似文献   

刘亚兰 《初中生》2009,(1):85-88
cake It's a piece of cake.它太容易了。这个句子相当于It's very easy.或It's simple.你也可以简单地说成It's a cake!形容一门课程很好学,用英语表达就是a cake course。同学问你如何能打出那么漂亮的一球,而你觉得那是“小菜一碟”,就可以说:It's a piece of cake!Watch!(太容易了!看着!)  相似文献   

A sundae and a piece of cake cost $2.50 but the cake costs a dollar more than the sundae.  相似文献   

a little too far有点太过分了A:I feel so sorry.but I didn’t mean it.B:Really.don’t you know you have gone a little too far? A:我十分抱歉,但我不是有意的。B:真的,难道你不知道你有点太过分吗?after you请你先走(两人同时出门,让对方先行) A:You first.B:No.after you.A:Thanks!it's nice of you.  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake. [指点迷津] 生活中,当我们想表达某件事很容易做时,可以说: “It' s a piece of cake."”(小菜一碟,易事一件)。想想吧:做某件事犹如吃一块蛋糕,那还不容易?  相似文献   

(A) 【情景对话】 A: Are you a musician? B: Yes, I play for a rock band. A: What can you play? B: I can play the trumpet. A: Can you play it well? B: Yes, a little.  相似文献   

1.rise like a phoenix from its ashes从毁灭中再生,新生干劲大A:Oh,my God!The Indonesia Tsunami destroyed this city totally! B:Though it was destroyed,I believe it will rise like a phoenix from its ashes soon. A:噢,天哪!这次印尼海啸把这个城市彻底摧毁了。B:虽然这座城市遭到了破坏,但我相信它很快就会从毁灭中再生的。2.get the hang of找到……的窍门A:Have you got the hang of using this camera? B:Yes.It is a piece of cake to me. A:你找到用这个照相机的窍门了吗? B:找到了,这对我来说是小菜一碟。  相似文献   

cake It's a piece of cake.它太容易了.这个句子相当于It's very easy.或It's simple.你也可以简单地说成It's a cake!形容一门课程很好学,用英语表达就是a cake course.同学问你如何能打出那么漂亮的一球,而你觉得那是"小菜一碟",就可以说:It's a piece of cake!Watch!(太容易了!看着!)  相似文献   

1.the salt of the earth:优秀的人;社会精华salt(盐)是人类生活中不可缺少之物,它能使食物增添味道,古代尤为珍贵,所以salt of the earth(世上的盐)在英语口语中常被来喻指“优秀的人”“社会精华”。例:A:Did you talk with Harold at the party last time?B:No.Ihaven’t known him before.A:What a pity!Buthe’s the salt of the earth today.A:上次在聚会上你和哈罗德交谈了吗?B:没有。我以前不认识他。A:真可惜!他可是当今社会的精英。  相似文献   

1.The boy asked me to give him a lift.[误]这个男孩请求我把他举起来。[正]这个男孩请求我让他搭便车。[析]give sb.a lift意为“让某人搭便车或帮某人忙”,也可说give a lift to sb.。2.Don’t worry!That’S only a piece of cake.[误]不用担心,那仅仅是一块蛋糕。[正]不用担心,那仅仅是小事一桩。[析]a piece of cake为固定短语,并非字面意义  相似文献   

A Charmed Life You like the constant reassur- ance[放心] of a little luck in your life.so you often carry a spe- cial token[象征物] with you.It could be anything from a meaningful piece of jewelry to a rabbit foot on your key chain[钥匙扣].You want all the help you can to get things to go your way!  相似文献   

吕浙 《初中生》2005,(7M):87-87
对西方人来说,蛋糕是极其平常的食物。无论是做蛋糕还是吃蛋糕.都是轻松愉快的一桩小事,因此,a piece of cake这个习语的意思是“非常简单,易如反掌.小菜一碟”。如:  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
中文和英文都喜欢用“吃”来打比方。我们汉语中有个成语是用来形容一件事特别容易的,就是“小菜一碟”。英语中也有一个成语是差不多的意思:a piece of cake。看来饮食真的是人类的根本啊!和a piece of cake意思相近的还有aseasy as pie、a piece of pie。这两个也是挺有趣的短语。据考证,19世纪的时候pie这个词就用来指“非常容易的事情”了。但是它们确切的起源还是无人知晓。我们用三个例子来具体说明一下:John is very good at mathematics,so thetest was a piece of cake for him.约翰的数学很好,所以这次考试对他来说真是小菜一碟…  相似文献   

People always talk about All the things there all about Write it on a piece of paper Got a feeling I’ll see you later There’s something’bout this Lets keep it moving And if it's good let’s just get something coking’Cause I really wanna rock with you I’m feeling some connection[关系]to the things you do (You do,you do)  相似文献   

1.not tum a hair泰然自若:毫不疲倦 A: What's his reaction when you told him that he had lost his job? B: Guess it ! A: Maybe he felt very sad and didn't say a word with you? B: On the contrary, he didn't turn a hair and even asked me to have dinner together.  相似文献   

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