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分布于古代扬州区域内的会稽、吴都、丹阳、馥章、庐陵、新都、鄱阳等郡的山越,在两汉时期.一直沉默安分.汉末.政治腐败黑暗.加上自然灾害袭击,严重威胁着山越人民的生存.山越在孙吴腹心地带丹阳、宣城、泾、陵阳、始安、彩、歙诸陵县异常话跃.丹阳郡成为山越的活动中心,也即在今天的皖南地区.孙氏政权镇压山越目的在于:拓地盘,扩大统治颁域;扩兵源.增强武装队伍:掠人口。以供赋役.孙吴进行了同化山越人的政策,三国末年时,山越大部便基本消声敛迹了.  相似文献   

山越,是江东六郡山区土著的泛称。从公元195年孙策渡江进入江东开始,山越问题就成为一个非常棘手的问题。与山越的关系如何,在一定程度上左右着孙氏政权的内外政策。从195年到280年孙吴灭亡的八十年中,孙吴与山越的关系怎样?有“善用兵,见策知变”、(1)“观古今之成败,能先见事机者”之誉的孙策、孙权是怎样制定他们对山越的政策的呢?似乎有必要作进一步的探索。  相似文献   

坐落于资水之北的古城益阳,在孙吴统治时期有极其重要的战略地位。它不仅是吴蜀奋力争取的古战场,而且是孙吴镇压山越人反抗的据点之一。所以,在半个多世纪里,孙吴一直将益阳置于部都尉下进行军事管理。  相似文献   

山越是我国古代的一个少数民族,其活动时代历汉晋至隋唐(约当公元二至九世纪),分布在我国东南部的今江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、福建等省的山区。三国孙吴时,山越人数众多,盛极一时,曾与汉族人民一起,不断举行斗争,以反抗封建统治阶级的压迫与剥削。山越人民对于开发我国东南地区,繁荣祖国的经济和文化,也作出了应有的贡献。山越的名称及源流战国秦汉之际,我国东南部的主要居民  相似文献   

三国吴国内部的社会矛盾最复杂,概括起来有三种:一是地方宗部势力同官僚世家大族之间的矛盾,这种矛盾主要集中在前期,表现为地方宗部势力对孙氏集团的抵制;二是山越等少数族同官僚世家大族之间的矛盾,这种矛盾在中期最突出,表现为山越等少数族对孙吴政权的反抗;三是农民同官僚世家大族之间的矛盾,这种矛盾在后期最明显,表现为农民针对孙吴地方政权乃至中央政权的大规模暴动。  相似文献   

建国以来有关山越的研究取得了重大成果,其中关于山越的渊源研究,学界一致认为"山越"之名见诸于史书,最早为<后汉书·灵帝纪>,嗣后关于山越的记载,史不绝书.对于山越分布及社会状况的研究,分歧不大,基本上是维持在今长江以南的闽、浙、赣、皖、苏等省交界地带.有关山越与孙吴关系的研究,研究者角度不同.得出的结论也不尽相同.对这些问题进行综合性地考察、概括和总结很有必要,也很有价值.  相似文献   

山越对于孙吴,南中对于蜀汉,二者之间颇有相似之处,对于这二者的比较是有工作可做的,本文试图从四个方面来分析:第一从山越与南中的构成成分来看:第二从两个民族的社会发展情况来看;第三从征山越和平南中的背景来看;第四从对善后的处理来看。笔者尝试着分析出两者之间的区别,以便了解两个民族对当时社会的影响,给今天处理民族关系提供参考。  相似文献   

汉吾时期,由于中原战乱频繁,导致人口大量南迁。黄巾起义后,三国鼎立局面逐渐形成,孙吴政权平定山越,客观上开发了丹扬(今微州)地区。晋永嘉之乱后,大量中原士人渡江南下,徽州因四周重峦叠嶂,自古少遇兵 ,成为战乱时期人们理想的避乱之地。汉晋间迁入徽州的中原世族,对徽州宗族重视族谱的修撰、保持儒家道德伦理准则与生活方式及严密的宗法观念等风俗有着重要影响。  相似文献   

从已公布的走马楼吴简来看,临湘吏民的"叛走"集中在嘉禾二年十月至嘉禾四年上半年。其原因是吕岱屯兵沤口与潘濬讨伐武陵蛮夷这两次军事行动所导致的临时性徭役过于繁重。临湘百姓"叛走"的方向是临湘周围的泠道等县。这些地区有较为偏僻的山区,为山越等蛮夷聚居之所,"叛走"吏民遂与蛮夷杂居。孙吴国家采取暴力讨伐与怀柔招诱的方式,迫使大部分山越等蛮夷与"叛走"吏民出山,成为编户,另有部分则被赶往更偏僻的地域。这个过程就是国家不断开发内地,强化对地方社会控制的过程。  相似文献   

从已公布的走马楼吴简来看,临湘吏民的“叛走”集中在嘉禾二年十月至嘉禾四年上半年。其原因是吕岱屯兵沤口与潘溶讨伐武陵蛮夷这两次军事行动所导致的临时性徭役过于繁重。临湘百姓“叛走”的方向是临湘周围的泠道等县。这些地区有较为偏僻的山区,为山越等蛮夷聚居之所,“叛走”吏民遂与蛮夷杂居。孙吴国家采取暴力讨伐与怀柔招诱的方式,迫使大部分山越等蛮夷与“叛走”吏民出山,成为编户,另有部分则被赶往更偏僻的地域。这个过程就是国家不断开发内地,强化对地方社会控制的过程。  相似文献   

Past minority influence research has found that the number of minority subgroup members and argument quality can affect the likelihood of the minority subgroup being able to influence the majority subgroup. How minority size and argument quality affect minority influence and perceptions of the minority is addressed in this study. Confederates were used to vary argument quality and the size of the minority subgroup while keeping consistency of presenting the minority's side of the issue constant. Groups discussed a topic and measures were used to assess the amount of influence, perceived competence, perceived correctness, and how much the minority was liked. Results indicated that both argument quality and minority size were important when attempting to influence the majority and a large minority can compensate for a minority using weak arguments while a small minority using weak arguments residts in strengthening the majority's initial opinion. The perceptions fostered by the minority were a function of an argument quality by group size interaction.  相似文献   

使用学校适应性量表对云南省少数民族小学生1000名,汉族小学生1000名进行测查。结果表明少数民族小学生在社会能力和反社会行为的危险水平上,分别占19.89%和19.49%;在高危险水平上,分别占7.53%和2.13%;少数民族小学生的学校适应性水平显著差于汉族小学生,突出表现在敌意、攻击、破坏等方面;少数民族小学生男生的学校适应性状况差于女生,问题的表现依次为,人际技能、自我管理技能、学业技能、敌意、攻击、破坏;贫困地区少数民族小学生的学校适应性状况差于非贫困地区。  相似文献   

Data from 2 studies revealed that ethnic and sexual minority clients experienced greater psychological distress on multiple dimensions than did European American or heterosexual clients, respectively, as did ethnic and sexual minority students who were not clients. Among sexual minority students, ethnicity was not an added source of distress. Among ethnic minority students, sexual minority status was associated with heightened psychological distress.  相似文献   

主题为"民族.商业.文化"的第三届中国原生态民族文化高峰论坛2012年12月24日至27日在怀化学院举行,本次论坛围绕民族文化观、民族经济与文化生活及民族文化的保护、传承与开发三个方面,从不同学科的角度,对原生态民族文化进行了研究。  相似文献   

Denmark's commitment to childhood characterized by equality, democracy, and social cooperation stands in stark contrast to public discourse about immigrant children, who are sometimes branded with negative stereotypes and cast as the cause of school problems. This study examined ethnic-group membership, ethnicity salience, and peer preferences of 399 children in 21 classrooms in two Danish cities to explore whether anti-immigrant sentiments tracked into classrooms, socially marginalizing minority children, and whether any such disadvantages derived from ethnicity salience, in-group favouritism and/or out-group bias. Researchers introduced an index to control for class differences in the relative number of ethnic minority and majority children and analyzed both child as chooser and child as chosen dynamics. They found that minority/majority status was associated with in-group preference, social preference, and social status, disadvantaging minority children, especially in the smaller city. Salience was associated with minority status only. In-group preference did not correlate with out-group bias. Findings revealed potential risks and protective factors for minority children. Evidence contradicted stereotypic characterizations of minority children.  相似文献   

One quarter of all schoolchildren in Latvia go to the publicly funded minority (predominantly Russian) schools. In 2004, the language of instruction in minority schools was changed from essentially minority language to a composite of 60% Latvian and 40% minority. This paper studies the effects of this ‘60/40’ reform on the academic performance of pupils in minority schools. Using data on 2002–2011 centralised exam results for the universe of Latvia's secondary schools, we find that there has been a significant deterioration in the exam performance of minority schools relative to that of majority schools after the reform year 2004. The negative effects were most pronounced in the early years following the reform.  相似文献   

Universities and colleges have developed many new courses concerned with race relations. Objectives of these courses have been far-reaching and it has been particularly difficult to evaluate their effectiveness. Out-comes are often not clearly described. This study examined student experiences with minority groups before, during, and after taking an experimental course in race relations. We observed differences in the experiences with minority groups of open-minded, moderate, and closed-minded students who took the course, and differences in the experiences with minority groups of students who were more or less satisfied with the course. The sample was made up of 69 percent (N = 66) of the students who completed the course. Students said they had first heard of more of the well known minority individuals and had had more interpersonal relations with members of minority groups before taking the course. Most had visited or heard of more of the community agencies and councils while taking the course. At the conclusion of the course, a large number still had not read most of the books, magazines, and newspapers. Open-minded students had had more experiences with minority groups than had moderates before taking the course. The degree to which students were open or closed minded was also related to their number of non-experiences with both minority group people and minority literature at the conclusion of the course. Surprisingly, closed minded students were more satisfied with the course. More satisfied students read less about minority groups after the course was completed. Finally, the results indicated no significant differences in the experiences before, during, and after the course of students who were more and less satisfied with the course.  相似文献   

通过对来自湖南城步苗族自治县、江华瑶族自治县、广西龙胜各族自治县的3所城镇小学、1所希望小学以及8所乡镇村小的361名教师样分析研究,结果发现:(1)少数民族地区小学教师的职业倦怠整体处于中等水平;(2)教师职业倦怠情况在性别、学校类型、教龄等上存在显著差异;(3)教师职业倦怠与其所拥有的社会支持度存在显著的负相关。  相似文献   

近五十年来的中国民族史学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国是多民族国家, 民族史学研究是史学史学科的重要分支, 它在中国历史上有着悠久的传统。新中国成立以来, 马克思主义民族史学研究经历了起步与发展两个阶段; 在民族史学的综合研究、断代研究和专题研究等方面都取得了长足进展; 在理论探索上则反映出研究的自觉意识不断增强, 民族史观探讨逐步走向深入, 具有突出的现实意义等积极倾向, 显示了民族史学研究的广阔前景  相似文献   

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