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Visual cues have an important role in food preference for both rats and humans. Here, we aim to isolate the effects of numerosity, density, and surface area on food preference and running speed in rats, by using a forced-choice maze paradigm. In Experiment 1, rats preferred and ran faster for a group of multiple smaller pellets rather than a single large pellet, corroborating previous research (Capaldi, Miller, & Alptekin Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 15(1), 75–80, 1989). Further experiments tested the prevailing hypothesis that multiple food pieces are more reinforcing because they occupy a larger surface area. Experiment 2 controlled for numerosity by utilizing a continuous food: mashed potatoes flattened to cover a larger surface area or rounded into a ball. The rats preferred and ran faster for the flattened potatoes, suggesting surface area plays a role in quantity estimations. Finally, in Experiment 3, rats displayed no preference or difference in running speed between a group of scattered and clustered pellets when number of pellets were kept constant. Taken together, these results suggest that density has an important role in food perception—that is, the rewarding effect of higher numerosity or larger surface area is removed when the food does not fill out the entire space. Alternative explanations and implications for human diet are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of worked example and problem‐solving approaches in individual or group work settings on learning to solve geometry problems. One hundred and one seventh graders from Indonesia were randomly allocated to four experimental groups using a 2 (problem‐solving vs. worked examples) × 2 (individual vs. group study) design. Performance measures on numeric and reasoning abilities using both similar and transfer tasks were collected. The results indicated a significant superiority of the worked example approach in both the individual and group work settings. Supporting data revealed that students could understand the material more easily using worked examples than when solving problems. The experiment provided evidence that the advantage of using worked examples over solving problems extends to a group work context.  相似文献   

The temporal relationship between heart rate (HR) acceleration and crying was examined in 16 8-16-month-old infants. Consistently, the HR acceleration began well before the onset of crying, suggesting that such acceleration is not merely a by-product of crying. The accelerations observed were above and beyond a return to baseline following orienting. The crying itself validates the association between these instances of HR acceleration and negative effect.  相似文献   

父母冲突对儿童青少年心理发展的影响是研究者长期关注的一个话题,但是有关父母冲突对大学生自我分化作用及其影响机制的研究相对较少。自我分化指个体能在理智与情感、亲密与独立之间保持平衡的能力,为了探讨父母冲突对大学生自我分化的影响及冲突评价在其中的中介作用,本研究采用分层整群抽样的方法从北京四所不同类型的大学中选取1023名大一至大四的学生进行匿名问卷调查。通过方差分析、相关分析和结构方程模型分析,结果表明:(1)大学生的自我分化程度处于中上水平,在自我分化的四个方面,大学生情感断绝方面的分化程度最高,其次是自我立场,第三是人际融合,分化程度最低的方面是情绪反应;(2)父母冲突水平越高,大学生对父母冲突的评价就会越消极,大学生的自我分化程度也越低;(3)冲突评价的三个方面"冲突应对效能"、"冲突威胁认知"、"冲突自我归因"和父母冲突特征的"父母冲突解决"方面可依次显著负向预测大学生的自我分化水平;(4)大学生对父母冲突的评价在父母冲突与自我分化的关系中起完全中介作用,而且中介模型存在显著的性别差异:在男生模型中,冲突评价起完全中介作用,但只有冲突应对效能的中介效应显著;在女生模型中,冲突评价起完全中介作用,且三个维度的中介效应均显著。  相似文献   

The relationship between art and reality is broadly categorized according to mimesis. This paper attempts to examine the relationship among mimesis, art and reality in discussing criticisms of several representative classical literature theorists. Their concepts of mimesis lead them to take an important position regarding artistic creation.  相似文献   

This article draws attention to the growing evidence of a mismatch between sociological categorization and actors' worlds of meaning as expressed in the classroom. The mismatch is especially blatant in cases where students from disadvantaged groups are introduced to what educators and theorists presume to be the liberating discourse of multicultural education. Nurtured by recent developments in the sociology of culture, the article sheds light on this phenomenon by delving into the logic of the actors' own worlds of meaning while making a concerted effort to avoid directing prepackaged allegations of ‘false consciousness‘ at informants. The article delves into the mismatch by reviewing multicultural education sites in two national contexts, the United States and Israel. Its findings from a unique high school in Jerusalem invite researchers to explore new avenues for understanding cultural encounters at school in view of the growing multicultural reality.  相似文献   

Level II of the Wide Range Achievement Test and the Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised were administered to 45 subjects. The results indicated that the WRAT-R standard scores were significantly lower (8–11 points) than the WRAT Standard scores for Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic. Correlations between the standard scores of the two tests were .98, .97, and .79 for Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic, respectively. Reasons for the lower arithmetic correlation are discussed. Vocational and guidance counselors, school psychologists, and other users should consider these findings when using WRAT and WRAT-R scores in making academic/vocational or other placement decisions. The WRAT-R should be used as a screening, not diagnostic, instrument for academic problems.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to use multivariate multilevel techniques to investigate whether it was possible to separate different dimensions in grades that relate to subject-matter achievement and to other factors. Data were derived from The Gothenburg Educational Longitudinal Database (GOLD), and the subjects were 99,070 ninth-grade students born in 1987. The analyses were based on subject grades and scores on national tests in Swedish, English, and mathematics. The results showed that, at both individual and school levels, the greatest part of the variance in grades was due to achievement in the different subject areas. At both levels, it was possible to identify a dimension that cut across the grades in all 3 subjects, which suggests that grading is influenced by factors other than achievement. One of the most interesting results concerns the relation between parental education and the common grade dimension at the school level.  相似文献   



The roles of gonadal hormones and nitric oxide (NO) on the analgesic effects of morphine, tolerance to morphine, and their interactions have been widely investigated. In the present study, the effect of l-arginine (an NO precursor) on morphine tolerance in sham and ovariectomized (OVX) female mice was investigated.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine how individual interest and knowledge acquisition are causally related. Three hypotheses were tested using a cross‐lagged panel analysis (= 186) and two quasi‐experimental studies (= 68 and = 108) involving students from schools in Singapore. The first hypothesis is the broadly shared standard assumption on the relation between individual interest and knowledge: the more an individual is interested in a topic, the more (s)he is willing to engage in learning. An alternative hypothesis assumes that individual interest is not the cause but the consequence of the process of learning: individual interest as an affective by‐product of learning. Finally, a third possibility is that interest and knowledge influence each other reciprocally. The results supported the affective‐by‐product hypothesis. Our findings seem at variance with commonly held conceptions that being interested guides knowledge attainment. The implications of these findings for interest research are discussed.  相似文献   

行政管理过程中的个体理性是指个体基于自身利益所追求的至高无上的个体价值,而集体理性是指为了维护集体利益而所追求的至高无上的集体价值,包括高利润,内部稳定和成员公平等价值。个体理性是为集体理性服务的,集体理性也要照顾到个体理性,当然有时可能会牺牲个体理性。本文论述了行政管理中个体理性与集体理性的冲突,提出协调两者之间的关系方法,尽量做到两者协同发展。  相似文献   

"教育市场化"改革已成为世界各国教育改革的趋势,但这并不意味着政府公共教育职能的丧失和政府责任的转嫁,政府仍是维护和促进教育公平的主体。重要的是我们要借助市场的力量打破政府对教育的垄断,保障民众教育选择权利的公平性。  相似文献   

劳动法律关系与民事法律关系是社会活动和司法实践中最普遍的法律关系,两者既有联系,又有区别。根据目前我国有关民事、劳动法律法规,从主体、内容、客体三个方面对两者进行了较为深入的比较研究。  相似文献   

论网络学习中的诸因素与学习心理的辨证关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习心理影响学习行为和效率,学习效率直接牵引学习心理的发展,文章依据勒温的行为理论从学习方式和学习环境两大方面分析其内涵的诸多因素与学习心理的辩证关系。  相似文献   

论教学主客体关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在分析我国教学主客体关系研究现状的基础上,采用协同学理论研究了教学主客体关系,提出学生是教学的主体,教师是教学的客体.基于此,把教学过程分为被组织和自组织两个阶段.当教学过程处于被组织阶段时,教师起主导作用,是教学过程的决定性因素;当教学过程进入从被组织向自组织转变的临界区域时,学生起主导作用,成为教学过程的决定性因素.  相似文献   

我国早期学与史学工没有的分界,所以有些史学名词时也是学名。史分家后,史学作以直载史实为贵,忽视了必要的学描写,往往使史书缺少可读性,这对于史学的普及与发展极为不利。司马迁在《史记》中成功地运用某些学描写手法史,说明了史结合的写作方法对史的必要性。  相似文献   

人类和自然的关系经历了不同历史发展阶段的发展,自然主宰人类的时代,人类敬畏自然;人类主宰自然的时代,人类对自然恣意掠取。这种转变给人类自身带来了严重的甚至是灾难性的后果。为了人类与自然的和谐,必须要处理好人类与自然之间的关系,建立相应的环境道德约束规范,切实保护好环境,以求人与自然能和谐发展。  相似文献   

师生关系是教育大厦的基石,当前大学师生关系紧张的现状表明高校不和谐因素依然存在,在高校构建和谐师生关系显得日益迫切与重要.重建良好的师生关系,教师应树立正确的观念,努力提高师德修养,采取民主的方法进行管理和教学;学生应尊师重教,主动与教师沟通;学校应注重制度创新,营造和谐校园氛围,形成良好生态环境.  相似文献   

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