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本文以行为引导型教学法为指导,将“计算机应用基础”的操作技能划分为“硬件识别与安装”、“软件安装”、“OFFICE软件使用”三种基本行为。在此基础上,构建本课程相应的三种行为引导型教学模式,并根据校本教材,分别设计了它们的课程教学结构,深入实施行为引导型教学。  相似文献   

高职院校市场营销专业要实现“双证”融通,需要抓好以下环节:兴趣引导,明确意义;优化计划,整合课程;考试引导,改革教法;编写资料,强化训练。同时,还必须有组织保证,以课题为纽带形成研究团队,培养一支素质过硬的“双师型”教师队伍。  相似文献   

从对教学发挥作用的角度看,可以把考试分为诊断型、协助型和引导型三种类型。引导型考试对教学的引导作用既有正面的,也有负面的。负面的引导型考试促成了“为考而教”的应试教育。我国现代语文教育史上,多次出现这种应试教育,尤以上世纪80年代以来为重。改革的办法,从观念上来说,是认清并避免考试对教学的负面引导;从体制上来说,主要是改革高考和中考制度中的一系列弊端。  相似文献   

“网瘾倾向”行为是“网瘾行为”的早期表现,不加干预将严重影响学生正常的学习和生活。我们需要结合小学生“网瘾倾向”的实际情况,利用学校教育的有利环境及早开展有针对性的干预。本研究在调查的基础上,区分了“游戏型、聊天型、技术型和信息型”四种“网瘾倾向”类型,通过建立“疏-控-引-动-学”的五项干预方法,按照“疏导为主,家校合力,促进发展”的原则.采取了“兴趣转移法、生活补偿法、特长引导法和信息任务法”四种引导策略,来实施“网瘾倾向”的分类干预。  相似文献   

行为引导型教学法的实践与思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在职业技术教育中采用行为引导型教学法对培养学生素质,提高学生能力,使职教适应社会快速发展有着重要的意义.要根据课程的特点合理地采用行为引导型教学法,项目教学法作为行为引导型教学法中的一种,可分成四个步骤来实施.  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试是考核应考者高等教育学历的国家考试,命题是确保考试质量的核心工作。为做好工商企业管理专业“组织行为学”课程全国统一命题工作,特制定本命题大纲。一、命题的指导思想 1.宗旨体现专业和课程特点,既考核应考者系统掌握“组织行为学”课程的基本概念、基本理论和基本技能的程度,亦注意考核应考者综合应用组织行为学  相似文献   

"行为引导型"教学法在经济管理类课程中的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在教学过程中充分发挥学生的主体作用是教育改革的必然趋势.文章对“行为引导型”教学法作了简要介绍并对其在经济管理课程中的实际运用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

论研究型教学的考试方法研究与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以钢结构课程研究型教学为依托,探讨与之适应的考试方式方法。采用课堂随机口试、平时测验(开卷笔试加讨论)、期未考试(有限开卷笔试)等多种方式有效结合的考试方法,学生“全过程参与”教学,考试贯穿教学的全过程,避免了“一卷定终身”的弊端。课程成绩由平时成绩(课堂随机口试、平时测验、参与命题)和期末考试成绩两部分组成。以考试为“指挥棒”,转变师生教与学的观念,教师的教,重在引导学生“全员参与”探索知识;学生的学,重在“主动探索”新知识的发生过程。  相似文献   

“数字电子技术实验”课程是电气类、自动化类、信息类等相关专业的专业基础课.在分析和总结了传统的“数字电子技术实验”教学过程中存在的问题的基础上,对“数字电子技术实验”课程进行了一系列相应的教学改革.在实验教学模式上采用“学生为主体、教师为主导”的教学模式;在实验教学内容上增加设计型、系统型实验的比例,并引导学生利用EDA软件进行数字电路的仿真;在实验考核机制上增加实验考试环节,完善实验课成绩给定方法.实践表明,“数字电子技术实验”课程教学改革取得了明显成效.  相似文献   

开展"参与式"教学的几点对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“参与式”教学作为一种有效的教学模式,对师生的主动合作、探究学习及自身观念、态度和行为上的改变有着重要意义。本文针对“参与式”教学存在的问题提出了四种有效对策,即了解学生的学习特点。为学生提供参与机会;尊重学生的主体地位,引导学生参与;鼓励学生提问,及时指导学生的认识误差;注重教学形式的合理运用,实现在参与中发展。  相似文献   

This exploratory case study examined in depth the studying activities of eight students across two studying episodes, and compared traces of actual studying activities to self-reports of self-regulated learning. Students participated in a 2-hour activity using our gStudy software to complete a course assignment. We used log file data to construct profiles of self-regulated learning activity in four ways: (a) frequency of studying events, (b) patterns of studying activity, (c) timing and sequencing of events, and (d) content analyses of students’ notes and summaries. Findings indicate that students’ self-reports may not calibrate to actual studying activity. Analyses of log file traces of studying activities provide important information for defining strategies and sequences of fine-grained studying actions. We contrast these analytic methods and illustrate how trace-based profiles of students’ self-regulated studying inform models of metacognitive monitoring, evaluation, and self-regulated adaptation.  相似文献   

"数字图像处理"实验课教学改革与实践   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
根据《数字图像处理》课程本身的特点以及国家示范性软件学院培养实用型软件人才的目的,将基于项目的学习理论和方法引入数字图像处理的实验课教学中,并从实验环境的建立、学习内容的筛选、教学策略的运用、以及学习评价等方面进行了论述。教学实践显示,这一系统的教学改革方案对于提高课程学习者的学习效果有显著作用。  相似文献   

高师地理专业遥感课程实践教学改革研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实践教学是决定遥感课程教学质量的关键环节,传统的实践教学模式单纯强调遥感相关软件的培训,忽略了创新能力培养,并最终导致学生技术应用能力和创新能力得不到提高。本文在分析当前遥感实践教学环节存在问题的基础上,提出了实践教学改革的对策,构建了多层次的实践教学体系,以期为高师院校地理专业遥感课程实践教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

In this exploratory study we compare and report two ways in which instructors describe their teaching: (a) thinking about a course they are teaching, (b) thinking about specific classes within that course. Extensive interviews over an extended time provided the data for analysis. At the course level, we analyzed comments about teaching decisions asked at two times: before instructors taught a course and after it was completed. At the class level, we analyzed comments about specific teaching decisions asked prior to and shortly after a particular class; of importance is that in part of the post-class interview, a video of the class helped to stimulate recall about specific class actions. The analysis, which focused on goal setting and knowledge use, demonstrated variation in levels of specificity for both goals and knowledge. In situating this study in the literature on teacher thinking, we conclude that the variation in specificity of teacher thinking in the course and class interviews represents intermediary levels between teaching conceptions and teaching actions. Our proposed model of thinking distinguishes yet provides links among conceptions, thinking related to decisions at the course and class levels, and teaching actions.  相似文献   

This article examines the relative perceived importance of 19 instructor actions in online courses according to both instructors and students. The instructor actions were culled from guidelines in the online learning literature base and then reviewed and rated by 14 experts. Thirty‐two online instructors and 170 students from their classes at a large public university and a private online university were asked to review and rate these guidelines. Findings show that the instructors believe that learner performance is more likely tied to instructor actions that are focused on course content and provide both proactive (models, expectations) and reactive (feedback) information to learners about their ability to demonstrate knowledge of course material, but learner satisfaction is more likely tied to learners’ feeling that their interpersonal communication needs are met. Learners rated items focused on communication needs and being treated as individuals as most important, aligning their stated preferences with the instructors’ perceptions of what actions are most satisfying to online learners.  相似文献   

This paper describes a research project into undergraduates’ use of a software tool to learn symbolic logic—a complex abstract domain that has been shown to be intimidating for students. The software allows the students to manipulate proofs in certain ways and then calculates the consequences of their actions. A research method has been developed that allowed students’ use of this tool to be modelled, and this model was then used to identify, refine and create visual cues that provide support for students’ reasoning. The focus of this paper is the role of the software as an artefact to aid students’ visualisation of reasoning processes rather than the logic itself. The main mechanisms by which this visualisation is supported are the imposition of constraints on the actions available and the demonstration to students of the consequences of their actions. The study shows that the software encouraged experimentation with different routes to a proof, and constituted a challenge to fixated reasoning.  相似文献   

在多年学习和研究的基础上,对于应用型本科计算机专业在现有的师资与学生的情况下,提出了办学对策.在专业基础课方面:加强学生的数理基础、电子技术基础和计算机专业基础培养;在专业方向上:确定了软件工程、网络工程和嵌入式系统3个方向;在学生实践能力方面:设置课程实验、课程设计、毕业实习和毕业设计4个层次.并希望在特色办学方面有所突破,同时讨论了面临的一些必须解决的问题.  相似文献   

针对当前软件体系结构课程特点和教学过程中存在的难点,提出贯穿式案例实践教学法。通过设计一套可贯穿软件体系结构课程各主要知识点的若干案例,组织学生分组实践,设计软件架构,解决现有教学模式存在的问题。该教学模式将理论与实践相结合,帮助学生理解理论知识,培养学生动手实践能力,在实际教学中取得较好效果。  相似文献   

用多体动力学软件ADAMS/Car模块建立某轿车的整车模型,其整车包括前后悬挂、轮胎、转向系、车身和动力传动子系统。在四柱试验台上施加垂直向上的位移模拟汽车通过减速带,得到了汽车以不同车速经过减速带的整车振动响应。  相似文献   

In this single-case study, small groups of learners were supported by use of multiple social software tools and face-to-face activities in the context of higher education. The aim of the study was to explore how designed learning activities contribute to students' learning outcomes by studying probabilistic dependencies between the variables. Explorative Bayesian classification analysis revealed that the best predictors of good learning outcomes were wiki-related activities. According to the Bayesian dependency model, students who were active in conceptualizing issues by taking photos were also active blog reflectors and collaborative knowledge builders in their group. In general, the results indicated that interaction between individual and collective actions likely increased individual knowledge acquisition during the course.  相似文献   

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