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In Taiwan, lectures are commonly used for younger students to learn their own language, which is traditional Chinese. Passively listening to lectures has led to this group of students making such mistakes as forgetting strokes and word meanings, combining phrases to create incomprehensible blurs of information, and switching radicals with phonetic characters. Thus, the rationale of this study is that better and longer lasting Chinese learning results will occur when a combination of well‐designed texts, audio, graphics, animation, and hands‐on practice are employed. A multimedia system with computer‐based courseware in combination with added, assistive technologies including sound equipment, digital boards, and pens was developed based on this rationale. This study used a treatment group who used the system and a comparison group who received lectures. The subjects were 41 second graders in a southern city in Taiwan and all of them received the same pretest, immediate posttest, and the delayed posttest. Even though some of the differences between the two groups did not reach statistical significance, the results revealed that the treatment group consistently performed better than the comparison group in almost all the areas of competencies in both posttests.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of computer-assisted videodisc-based anchored instruction on attitudes toward mathematics and instruction as well as problem-solving skills among Taiwanese elementary students. Results from a t-test indicate a significant main effect on student attitudes toward mathematics. Results from a two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA show that students' problem-solving skills improve significantly with anchored instruction. Results also indicate that all the students benefit from the effects of anchored instruction on their problem-solving performance regardless of their mathematics and science abilities. The findings suggest that video-based anchored instruction provide a more motivating environment that enhanced students' problem-solving skills. This study is significant because it establishes an example of video-based anchored instruction for Taiwanese students and also provides empirical evidence of its effects on affective and cognitive responses among fifth graders in learning mathematics. This study is helpful to educators who want to help students learn to think and learn throughout technology.  相似文献   

Group social structure provides a comfortable and predictable context for interaction in learning environments. Students in face‐to‐face learning environments process social information about others in order to assess traits, predict behaviors, and determine qualifications for assuming particular responsibilities within a group. In online learning environments, however, negotiating social information and maintaining social connectedness can pose challenges for participants. Nonverbal strategies one typically uses for enhancing communication and overcoming ambiguity – such as an approving smile or a questioning brow – must be approached differently while learning online where fewer sensory communication channels are typically available. We present the theoretical foundation for how social information processing and group structure theories may be combined to assist instructional designers in further examining the social system perceived by the online learner. We propose a framework for thinking more systematically about the development of group social structure in online learning environments.  相似文献   

This special issue comprises a set of six papers, in which studies are presented that use eye tracking to analyse multimedia learning processes in detail. Most of the papers focus on the effects on visual attention of animations with different design features such as spoken vs. written text, different kinds of cues, or different presentation speeds. Two contributions concern effects of learner characteristics (prior knowledge) on visual attention when learning with video and complex graphics. In addition, in some papers eye tracking is not only used as a process measure in itself, but also as input for verbal reports (i.e., cued retrospective reporting). In the two commentaries, the contributions are discussed from a multimedia learning perspective and an eye tracking perspective, by prominent researchers in those fields. Together, the contributions to this issue give an overview of the various possibilities eye tracking opens up for research on multimedia learning and instruction.  相似文献   

The study examined the effectiveness of learning options in two researcher-designed interactive multimedia instructional spelling programs, one offering predominantly behaviorist-visual learning options of the type employed by many current commercial spelling instructional programs and one offering predominantly cognitivist-phonological learning options of the type recommended by spelling research. The pretest-posttest control group study lasted one school month with students working each day for 10 minutes with their assigned computer program. Although both treatment groups demonstrated significant increases in spelling ability, there was no significant difference in adjusted posttest performance between the two groups. Examination of the influence of individual learning options in the two programs demonstrated that Spot It, a behaviorist-visual option, and Word Crunch, a cognitivist-phonological option, appear to account for most of the power in their treatments. The authors discuss how clusters of learning options affect performance and consider possible explanations for differences in relative effectiveness among learning options.This article reports Dr. Susan C. Goodling's dissertation work under him.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Over three years, our research team has designed various learning supports for promoting content knowledge and solving game levels. In this case...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of multimedia computer-assisted instruction (MCAI), traditional instruction (TI), and combined instruction (CI) methods on learning the skill of shooting in basketball. Additionally, a comparison of the students’ attitudes towards the MCAI and TI methods was made. Seventy-five middle school students of seventh and eighth grade were randomly assigned into three teaching method groups: TI, MCAI and CI. Each group received ten 45-min periods of instruction divided into three sections: (a) 5-min introduction, (b) 30-min instructional time and (c) 10-min questions and review. Students took pre-, post-, and retention written test covering techniques and rules of the games. Participants in the CI group also completed a post-test attitude survey towards the MCAI and TI methods. Two-way analysis of variances (ANOVA), with repeated measures on the last factor, were conducted to determine effect of method groups (MCAI, TI, CI) and measures (pre-test, post-test, re-test) on knowledge test. Paired samples t-test analyses were conducted to measure students’ attitude towards the MCAI and TI methods. Post-test results indicated no significant differences between the groups concerning the written test. Nevertheless, the attitude test scores of the CI group were more favourable to MCAI method than the TI method. Retention test results showed that groups retained the knowledge acquisition. However, the combine method of instruction tended to be the most effective on cognitive learning.  相似文献   

A learning activity supported by a mobile multimedia learning system (MMLS) was designed in this study. We aimed to test the effectiveness of the learning activity to enhance autonomous language learning in quasi-experimental Study 1 using a pretest/posttest design. Two groups participated in the learning activity: the students in a control group (n = 27) completed the activity using traditional approach whereas the students in an experimental group (n = 26) completed the activity using MMLS. The results of Study 1 showed that the experimental students outperformed their counterparts on the post-test (F = 29.602, p < 0.005, partial eta-squared = 0.372). In a non-experimental Study 2, the experimental students (n = 26) were assigned two learning tasks, the first task was completed individually and the second task in collaboration. We aimed to investigate which learning approach to complete tasks (i.e. individual vs. collaborative) enhances learning performance better by comparing students’ scores on two tasks. In addition, we explored students’ perceptions towards MMLS. The results of Study 2 showed that the students had better learning performance when they completed tasks in collaboration than individually. The results also showed that the students had high perceptions towards MMLS. Based on our results, we make suggestions and provide directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study compared the effectiveness of teaching a distance education statistics course using a computer-aided personalized system of instruction (CAPSI) in comparison to a distance education course that used video lectures. Data were collected between 2017 and 2022. Two-hundred and sixty-eight students were included in the sample. Results supported that students enrolled in the CAPSI statistics course were less likely to drop out of the course and mastered significantly more material than students enrolled in the lecture-based distance education course. It is recommended that instructors teaching statistics in distance education settings consider using CAPSI to improve student outcomes.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined visual attention distribution in learning from text and pictures. Participants watched a 16-step multimedia instruction on the formation of lightning. In Experiment 1 (N = 90) the instruction was system-paced (fast, medium, slow pace), while it was self-paced in Experiment 2 (N = 31). In both experiments the text modality was varied (written, spoken). During learning, the participants’ eye movements were recorded. Results from both experiments revealed that learners spent more time studying the visualizations with spoken text than those with written text. In written text conditions learners consistently started reading before alternating between text and visualization; moreover, they spent more time reading the text than inspecting the visualizations. While in Experiment 1 additional time that was made available in conditions with a slow or medium instruction pace was spent inspecting visualizations, in Experiment 2 longer learning times resulted from reading the text more intensively. With respect to learning outcomes (retention, transfer, and visual memory) Experiment 1 revealed an effect of text modality for visual memory only. In Experiment 2 no modality effects were found. Instruction pace was hardly related to learning outcomes. Overall, the results confirm prior findings suggesting that the distribution of visual attention in multimedia learning is largely guided by the text.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育的顺利实施,有赖于教学模式的改革,在教学中必须突出教师的"主导"作用和学生的"主体"地位,加强教学辅导,充分利用多种媒体教学资源,引导学生自主学习,保证电大开放教育人才培养质量。  相似文献   

Despite steady investment in English language education made by developing countries over the past few decades, results continue to be constrained by lack of high-quality instructors and language learning resources. Thus, using technology in language instruction has increasingly been recognized as a potential approach for addressing these constraints. This study uses administrative data from a large public university in Mexico to examine the impact of a technology-enhanced blended program on students' English course grades and course completion rates. Specifically, we focus on a campus-wide policy change in all compulsory English language courses that replaces half of the traditional face-to-face class time with an interactive online learning environment developed by a leading technology-mediated English language learning and assessment provider. Our results suggest that, compared to traditional face-to-face instruction, blended learning had a significant, positive impact on students' course grades and course completion rates. In addition, the enrollment-teacher ratio increased after replacing half of the face-to-face instructional time with online learning, suggesting that blended learning environments hold promise for providing high-quality and cost-effective language instruction.  相似文献   

Emotional design of multimedia instruction involves making the essential elements in the lesson's graphics more appealing, such as by rendering them with human-like features and with distinct, appealing colors (Um, Plass, Hayward, & Homer, 2012). College students received an 8-slide multimedia lesson on how a virus causes a cold for 5 min (Experiment 1) or for as long as they wanted (Experiment 2). For the control group, the graphics consisted of simple black-and-white drawings in which the host cell was represented as a large circle, and the virus was represented as a small circle with small spikes on the outside and a rectangle on the inside. For the enhanced group, the graphics were redrawn to render the host cell as a red face with expressive eyes (registering surprise, fear, and sickness at various stages in the process), and the virus as a blue face with fierce eyes and with a green dot at the end of each of the blue tentacles surrounding the virus face. The enhanced group performed better than the control group on a subsequent learning test (d = 0.69 in Experiment 1, d = 0.65 in Experiment 2) and gave higher effort ratings in Experiment 1 (d = 0.65) but not in Experiment 2 (d = −0.10). The findings are generally consistent with the cognitive affective theory of learning with media, and point to the importance of incorporating motivation into cognitive theories of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

This commentary focuses on the use of the eye-tracking methodology to study cognitive processes during multimedia learning. First, some general remarks are made about how the method is applied to investigate visual information processing, followed by a reflection on the eye movement measures employed in the studies published in this special issue. It is argued that global eye movement measures indexing attentional and encoding processes during the entire learning period should preferably be complemented with more fine-grained analyses that are either time-locked to important events taking place in an animation or that by other means provide information about the time course of learning. As nicely documented in the present set of studies, it is also of importance to complement the eye-tracking data with offline measures indexing the end product of learning. Such a complementary approach is likely to yield important new insights into the process of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

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