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美国加利福尼亚州实行的教学表现性评价提升了入职教师资格认定的可靠性。文章对教学表现性评价的基本框架、具体内容和准备过程进行了介绍,以期对我国在教师资格认定实践中应用教学表现性评价提供一定的理论指导和实践参考。  相似文献   

<正>教师表现性评价(edTPA)系统是斯坦福大学在总结美国各州25年来对教师教学表现评价研究经验的基础上,开发设计的美国第一套全国性的高质量的教师评价系统。教师表现性评价能够有效评估职前教师是否已经充分做好成为一名合格教师的准备。文章对斯坦福大学的教师表现性评价系统进行了细致的解析,对我国的教师资格认定工作和教师专业发展具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代起,美国、加拿大等国开始在中小学教师专业资格认定中使用表现性评价。文章在对中小学教师表现性评价这一概念的核心内涵进行界定的基础上,简述了美、加等国推行表现性评价制度的基本情况,分析了表现性评价的积极意义;同时分析了其对我国中小学教师评价的积极借鉴价值;最后谈了我国实施中小学教师表现性评价的看法。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,我国教师资格认定工作在演进中逐步得到完善。目前,教师资格认定主要有国家统一考试认定、根据师范类专业认证结果认定和免试直接认定三种方式,但每一种认定方式都存在缺陷。新时代改革教师资格认定工作需要以建立健全教育教学能力考核制度为重点,将教师职业能力贯穿人才培养过程始终作为难点,将协调多重关系作为焦点。  相似文献   

教育部发布《〈教师资格条例〉实施办法》教育部10月下旬发布了《〈教师资格条例〉实施办法》,全面实施教师资格制度工作将于年内正式启动。1994年1月1日以后进人教师队伍的人员和符合教师资格认定条件的中国公民将可以根据法定的教师资格认定程序获得教师资格。《办法》规定国务院教育行政部门负责全国教师资格制度的组织实施和协调监督工作,县级以上(包括县级)地方人民政府教育行政部门根据《教师资格条例》规定权限负责本地教师资格认定和管理的组织、指导、监督和实施工作。申请认定教师资格者应  相似文献   

教育部发布《〈教师资格条例〉实施办法》教育部10月下旬发布了《〈教师资格条例〉实施办法》,全面实施教师资格制度工作将于年内正式启动。1994年1月1日以后进人教师队伍的人员和符合教师资格认定条件的中国公民将可以根据法定的教师资格认定程序获得教师资格。《办法》规定国务院教育行政部门负责全国教师资格制度的组织实施和协调监督工作,县级以上(包括县级)地方人民政府教育行政部门根据《教师资格条例》规定权限负责本地教师资格认定和管理的组织、指导、监督和实施工作。申请认定教师资格者应  相似文献   

今年起,北京市中小学教师资格认定将取消教育学、教育心理学的免考制度,所有想从教的非师范专业学生,都必须先通过市教委组织的教育学、教育心理学全市统考。(此前,非师范专业学生,只要在高校选修过教育学、教育心理学,或是通过自考这两门课程的,就可以免考,直接申请教师资格认定。)市教委将此看作是严格教师资格准入制度的重要措施。教师“国标”颁布后,北京市将依据“标准”建立教师教育质量保障体系,提高幼儿园和中小学教师培养和培训质量;依据“标准”制定教师专业发展规划,  相似文献   

▲我国将全面实施教师资格制度 届时,1994年1月1日以后进入教师队伍的人员和符合教师资格认定条件的中国公民将可以根据法定的教师资格认定程序获得教师资格。 申请认定教师资格者应当遵守宪法和法律,热爱教育事业,履行《教师法》规定的义务,遵守教师职业道德,具备《教师  相似文献   

Y广州市精心组织教师资格认定工作广州市从2001年10月中旬开始启动教师资格认定工作,现已进入认定阶段。广州市坚持全面部署、精心组织、整体推进、稳步实施的原则,确保教师资格认定工作的顺利进行。该市已成立13个各级教师资格专家审查委员会,121个测试专业小组。已发放《教师资格申请表》等28.3万份,其中向社会人员发放13000份。首次申请教师资格认定的达55000多人。在教师资格认定工作中,广州市切实做到“四严格”和“五把关”:严格按照教师资格认定的法定程序操作,严格规范教师资格认定机构及认定权限…  相似文献   

鉴于中等职业学校的培养目标、学生状况、教学策略和方式等方面的特色,对中职文化课教师的要求与普通高中教师有显著区别,将中职文化课教师资格标准等同于普通高中教师是不妥的.可以单独设立中职文化课教师资格,但在基本标准、认定制度上应该顾及到与普通高中教师资格的接轨.也可以将中职文化课教师和专业课教师作为一个整体,规定共同的基本资格标准,再按学科、专业类别制定对应的教师资格要求.  相似文献   

补习教育产业在日本经济、社会和教育领域具有相当的影响力.政府政策供给与市场需求失衡、教师能力与消费者期待存在落差、行业标准缺失与教师专业发展龃龉成为日本补习教育教师资格认证制度产生的原因.日本补习教育教师资格认证制度由全国学习塾协会制定,包括认证分类、认证标准、计分方法、认证程序和有效期限等,具有高标准、弹性化、重实践的特点.  相似文献   

幼儿园教师资格制度在我国施行已十年,但现行幼儿园教师资格制度在实施中存在着不少问题:资质要求偏低、认定办法缺乏科学性、资格证书单一、资格证终身化。为有效改善幼儿园教师资格制度,应尽快研究制定专业的幼儿园教师资格标准,改革幼儿园教师资格考试办法,拓宽幼儿园教师获取资格证书渠道,设立幼儿园教师资格证书的有效年限,以有效保障和推进幼儿园教师专业发展。  相似文献   

This contribution shows an example of how an assessment innovation can serve as a flywheel for changing teaching and learning. This article first explains the development of an authentic, competence-based performance assessment in pre-vocational secondary education (pre-VET). Using these assessments in pre-VET, that is preparatory to VET, is important for motivating students for a future in VET. Second, in an action research 34 teacher teams of 11 pre-VET institutions implement the new assessment, supported by researchers and teacher coaches, to illuminate how it motivates students, prepares them for VET, and influences teaching and learning. Data from 76 teachers, 68 students, 24 teacher coaches and 3 researchers showed how implementing these assessments raised questions about changing educational content and pedagogy to fit a competence-based approach. Increasing teachers’ expectations of students, changing student-teacher interaction patterns, and developing teachers’ practical understanding of competencies and how they can be observed and discussed in assessments are some of the intriguing challenges that require further support for proper implementation of competence-based assessments and developing an aligned competence-based teaching and learning process.  相似文献   

美国新任教师教学知识和能力考试体系的分析及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代以来,美国各州政府为了提高新任教师的专业化水平,对新任教师教学知识和能力的考察逐渐从多样化走向标准化,普瑞克西斯考试体系(Praxis Series)就是影响最大的标准化考试之一,现在美国有47个州利用该系列测试对教师资格进行认证.美国凭借严格的教师筛选制度提高新任教师的整体素质,以期改善学校的教育质量.本文在对美国普瑞克西斯考试体系分析的基础上对我国教师资格证书考试中教育教学能力的考察方式的改革提出若干思考.  相似文献   

This study investigated the self-reported instructional assessment practices of a selected sample of secondary school science teachers in Barbados. The study sought to determine if there were statistically significant differences in the instructional assessment practices of teachers based on their sex and teacher quality (teaching experience, professional qualification and teacher academic qualification). It also sought to determine the extent to which each of these four selected variables individually and jointly affected the teachers’ report of their instructional assessment practices. A sample of 55 science teachers from nine secondary schools in Barbados was randomly selected to participate in this study. Data was collected by means of a survey and was analyzed using the means and standard deviations of the instructional assessment practices scores and linear, multiple and binary logistic regression. The results of the study were such that the majority of the sample reported good overall instructional assessment practices while only a few participants reported moderate assessment practices. The instructional assessment practices in the area of student knowledge were mostly moderate as indicated by the sample. There were no statistically significant differences between or among the mean scores of the teachers’ reported instructional assessment practices based on sex ( t?=?0.10; df?=?53; p?=?0.992), teaching experience ( F[4,50]?=?1.766; p?=?0.150), the level of professional qualification (F[3,45]?=?0.2117; p?=?0.111) or the level of academic qualification (F[2,52]?=?0.504; p?=?0.607). The independent variables (teacher sex, teaching experience, teacher professional qualification or teacher academic qualification) were not significant predictors of the instructional assessment practices scores. However, teacher sex was a significant predictor of the teachers’ report of good instructional assessment practices. The study also found that the joint effect of the variables teacher sex, teaching experience, teacher professional qualification and teacher academic qualification was not significant in predicting the instructional assessment practices scores of the science teachers. However, the joint effect of these variables was statistically significant (X 2?=?18.482; df?=?10; p?=?0.047) in predicting the teachers’ reported use of good instructional assessment practices. The best predictor of teachers’ report of good instructional assessment practices, though not statistically significant, was the diploma in education professional qualification.  相似文献   

客观对待教师绩效评价和发展性教师评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张俊友 《教育学报》2007,3(1):47-53
教师绩效评价有其特定的内涵,既包括对教师教学工作过程的评价,也包括对教师教学工作结果的评价。由于教育目标更具模糊性与教育效果的复杂性,对教师的绩效评价就更应侧重于对教师教学过程的评价。许多研究者与管理者却把教师绩效评价曲解为“不正确”的教师评价,而把发展性教师评价神化为“正确”的教师评价。他们错误地认为教师绩效评价只能调动少部分人的积极性,绩效评价是针对过去的、对未来没有意义,唯有发展性教师评价才能促进教师发展,而教师绩效评价不能促进教师专业发展。实际上,发展性教师评价关于“自我实现的人”的人性假设及其人文主义的管理范式也有其内在的缺陷。虽然,发展性教师评价是更高境界的教师评价,但它必须以教师绩效评价所达到的严格、精确为现实基础。由于我国现阶段教师管理中面临的最严重的问题是科学化不足,因此,应当认真对待教师绩效评价,而不是盲目地推崇发展性教师评价。  相似文献   

‘Motivation’ is a significant concept for teachers and students during programmes of learning which lead explicitly to high stakes assessments and examinations. This systematic literature review surveys current research evidence to find out how secondary school teachers use motivational strategies specifically in respect of student academic assessment and performance. Six research studies were identified describing the behaviours secondary school teachers engaged in to improve student performance in assessment. Taken together, the studies presented show the importance of teacher behaviours to students’ academic performance, with both positive and negative impacts. The review highlights a need for further research on teacher knowledge of the effects of teacher behaviour upon the motivation of students. The review recommends collaboration between teachers and students specific to the context of learning programmes that lead to high-stakes assessments, in order to provide a locally sensitive knowledge base for teachers’ practice.  相似文献   

This study compared different stakeholders' perceived validity of various indicators of student learning used to judge the quality of students' academic performance. Data were gathered from the questionnaire responses of 314 educators in three states that have implemented comprehensive state-wide assessment programs with high-stakes consequences both for educators and for students. MANOVA results showed that while educators generally hold similar perceptions, significant differences exist between school administrators and teachers. Administrators perceived the results from nationally normed standardized assessments, state assessments, and district assessments to be more valid indicators of student achievement than did teachers. In contrast, teachers granted more validity to classroom observations and homework completion and quality than did administrators. The implications of these differences for reform initiatives are discussed, particularly with regard to teachers' motivation to improve results.  相似文献   

Undergraduate students, and their class teachers, assessed the performance of their peers in three oral and written tasks as part of a group project. The two sets of marks awarded by peers and teachers were subsequently compared to find out whether the students were competent to assess their peers alongside their class teachers and whether this competence, or lack of it, was partly determined by the nature of the task being assessed. A number of statistical tests were run to establish the levels of agreement, the ranges, differences and relationship between peer and teacher assessments. The results have led us to conclude that the peer assessments are not sufficiently reliable to be used to supplement teacher assessments. Students’ competencies in peer assessment do not appear to be dependent on the nature of the task being assessed, but there is some evidence that practical experience of assessing a particular task type can lead to an improvement in students’ assessment skills when they assess a similar task. The paper also discusses possible improvements in peer assessment procedures based on the experiences gained.  相似文献   

完善、合理的教师资格认证制度,是提高中小学教师队伍质量的根本保证。加拿大科学、严格的中小学教师资格认证制度,即加拿大中小学教师获取教师资格证书的条件、培训计划、学习时间、培训内容及获取学分等方面,对改善我国的教师资格认证体系具有重要的参考价值。并对从根本上解决我国教师资格认证制度中存在的学历起点要求偏低、认证机构水平失...  相似文献   

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