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王爱红 《中学生英语》2013,(Z5):111-114
汉语中的叠音词无论从数量上还是使用范围上,都远远超过英语。虽然英语中有AA式叠音词,文体上却与汉诗中使用的叠音词不符。用英语叠音词译汉诗中的叠音词是行不通的。那么如何将汉诗中特有、且兼具音韵美和意美的叠音词在英译诗中对等重现呢?本文以许渊冲先生的"三美"理论为标准进行探讨,总结出如下译法:1.用重词翻译叠音词;2.用语义上对等的表达翻译叠音词;3.用头韵、尾韵或谐音翻译叠音词。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》的修辞手法可谓丰富多彩,尤其它的语言注重运用叠音、双声、叠韵、拟声等修辞手法,给人以音韵和谐,铿锵悦耳之感.本文试从叠音、拟声的运用上来分析《红楼梦》语言的音乐美.一、叠音叠音词是用音节重叠的方式构成的,用于描摹声音、色彩和情态,具有生动而细致的描绘作用,以及加强声音印象,表现旋律的功能.《红楼梦》对叠音词的运用,形式多样,有时叠音单用,有时叠音对偶,有时叠音连用,收到了强烈的音韵效果.  相似文献   

汉英语言各具节奏美。本文通过对比汉语和英语在音步、平仄、叠音、押韵、停顿和结构等方面的异同,试图分析两种语言在翻译转换中营造节奏美的不同方式。  相似文献   

汉语中的叠音词集中体现了汉民族文学的音美、形美和意美。《聊斋志异》中有着大量象声叠音词、描摹状物叠音词及比喻叠音词,分析松迪和阿拉坦巴干两个蒙译版《聊斋志异》,发现译音采用意译、以实译实甚至忽略或者省略不译处理相关叠音词,导致译文音韵、节奏、非语言音素呈现等方面与原文相去甚远,造成审美缺憾。其实选择蒙语中与原语言风格相似、效果相当的词填补语言差异所致空白是一种合理的处理方式。  相似文献   

英汉叠音词的特点与翻译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英汉两种语言都有一定数量的叠音词,汉语叠音词比英语叠音词的构词能力强,表现形式多样,使用范围广泛。英语叠音词常用于口语、俚语或非正式文体;汉语叠音词不但常用于口语,也常见于文学作品里。翻译时要根据其特点适当处理。  相似文献   

陈信问:《荷塘月色》中的叠音词有何作用? 朱自清先生在《荷塘月色》中,用了26个叠音词。有双音节AA式的“缕缕”,有三音节ABB式的“阴森森”,还有四音节AABB式的“蓊蓊郁郁”。那么,这些叠音词在文中有些什么作用呢? 一、绘景。通过使用叠音词,生动地描绘自然景色,渲染环境气氛。从而达到情景交融。比如作者用叠音词描写荷叶:“弥望的是田田的叶子”、叶子“肩并肩密密地挨着”、“层层的叶子中间”、叶子“像亭亭的舞女的裙”。这里,用“田田”描写荷叶之多,用“密密”表现荷叶之稠。用“层层”展现荷叶之茂,用“亭亭”描绘荷叶之美。再如作者用叠音词描写树。用“蓊蓊郁郁”形容树木的茂盛,用“弯弯”描写  相似文献   

本文从视觉形式和听觉形式两个方面探讨了广告语言的音乐美。前者从对称、齐整和回环三个方面阐述了广告语言的均衡美;后者从平仄、韵脚、叠音、音步和重音等方面阐述了广告语言的声韵美。  相似文献   

通过对屈苏叠音词在创造意境、描绘性状、描摹声音、叙述真挚深沉的情感、形成诗章的韵律美和修辞美等方面的比较,可以得出结论:屈原为中国文学之圣人,而苏轼则算是文学大家。  相似文献   

翻译家约瑟·拉姆斯登 (JosephRamsten)曾指出 ,翻译之美表现于“修辞美、意境美、形象美、典型美与宏观美”。本文试图从翻译美的角度 ,谈谈英语不定冠词和量词的汉译所表现出的修辞功能及形象美。  相似文献   

翻译诗歌要尽量做到“三美”,即音美、形美和意美,三者既相关交叠,又有主有次。该文从讨论‘三美”的关系着手,从音美与意美、形美与意美和意美三个方面比较李白《将进酒》的两个英文译本,从中看出翻译的目标就是将原诗之美与译文之美珠联璧合,相得益彰,如此才能对原诗的理解与译诗的学习产生积极的意义。  相似文献   

诠释学作为一门指导文本理解和解释的学科,在以前类似于修辞学、语法学、逻辑学,从属于语文学。到了20世纪,诠释学由一种理解和解释的方法论发展成为一种哲学理论。诠释学的哲学转向与世界意义的多元化转向并行。随着古典诠释学向现代哲学诠释学的转换,诠释学不再仅是对经典文本的诠释而具有多元化的意义,从而为自己找到广阔的诠释空间,因此在诠释学的视野下比较诗学也具有更加开放的被诠释可能。以诠释学为背景,进一步探讨比较诗学在学理意义上的可能性和可行性,便会发现:比较诗学之“比较”不是工具论意义上的一种手段而是存在论意义上的一种思维方式,从而为比较诗学学科研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

A resurgence of national and international interest in citizenship education, citizenship and social cohesion has been coupled with an apparent emergence of a language of crisis (Sears & Hyslop-Margison, 2006). Given this background, how can or should one consider a subjective sense of membership in a single political community? What this article hopes to show is that confining the subject of citizenship or patriotism to a national framework is inadequate in as much as there are grounds to argue for a more expansive and, at the same time, integrated outlook. Patriotism, like Citizenship, is still open to interpretation and potentially in danger of falling short of a richer conception. Education, therefore, needs to incorporate inclusive practices and encourage an integrative mindset in order to accommodate: increasingly complex identities, associations, experiences and continuing changes in the political landscape. In this article, the author argues for the importance of learning ways in which to value and respect diversity while working towards a principle of unity in diversity. Cultivating a subjective sense of membership in a single world polity is vital in matters pertaining to sustainability and justice.
In response to considering possible ways of sharing a subjective sense of membership in a single community and some implications for Citizenship, Patriotism and Citizenship Education, this article looks to three areas: ways in which to understand the notion of citizenship and patriotism, cultural crises and the notion of a cosmopolitan nation and, finally, the personal dimension to education for world citizenship.  相似文献   

Teaching practitioners in all education sectors commonly face expectations to engage in ‘learner-focused’ teaching, although the term is defined and interpreted in a myriad of ways. In higher education, some studies have examined links between learner-focused teaching and academic disciplines. This article reports on a study which investigates the ways in which practitioners in different discipline areas conceive of, and report, different approaches to teaching. For 344 lecturers in a polytechnic in Singapore, data from the Approaches to Teaching Inventory indicated that these lecturers, as a group, reported paying more attention to teacher-focused approaches to teaching. Further, lecturers teaching a subject in a ‘hard’ discipline were more likely to report a teacher-focused approach to teaching for that subject. Conversely, those lecturers teaching a subject in a ‘soft’ discipline were more likely to report a learner-focused approach. The implications of this for staff development will be discussed.  相似文献   

With a starting point in the tradition of geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik, this article presents a challenge to inclusive education research to engage a Continental perspective on educational research. The motivation is to entice inclusive education researchers to begin to ask educational questions of inclusion, as opposed to inclusive questions of education. Recent years has seen a call to re-think inclusive education research and this paper attempts to answer this call by turning to a Continental perspective and the emphasis on an at least relative autonomy for the theory and practice of education. The article explores the relationship between Continental and Anglo-American educational theory, and why they seem to have developed in such distinct directions. Beginning with the Anglo-American perspective, it is outlined how pedagogy and the so-called educational interest became replaced by the scientific standards dominant in other academic disciplines. This is countered by a look at the continued endeavours in the Continental spheres to formulate specifically educational criteria for educational processes. This leads to a negative aim in the form of arguing against neo-liberal policy and the politicisation of inclusive education, and a positive aim in the form of an argument for a move towards constructing a pedagogical ideal of inclusion.  相似文献   

立志是儒学修养的前提和功夫,也以此特质区别于知识性学术,尤受阳明重视,并与其身心一体、以心导之思想相一致。阳明认为立志于为学首先是定向与植根,所谓“植根”就是播种,它是心灵纯化的方向和起点,“致良知”之“致”即立志。立志犹如舟舵、马衔,收拾身心并构成为学动力和恒力;立志又是定心,志定心收气凝。而人生并不怕科举功名,就怕消磨转移理想意志、立志不真切。立志是个体道德生命即良知的最初释放,是道德意志的最初真正展示和逐步坚固化,志立而不移就是从“致良知”到“良知致”。立志贵在专注,专于天理而非朱子的“持敬”,个人在专心主一的过程中,涵养精神,调理气机,使理气通达,上达天道,“精一”既是矢的又是功夫。  相似文献   

Could anyone reasonably oppose the idea that quality and excellence are essential to the university? However unlikely it seems, that is exactly what we would like to do in this article: we would like to reject the demand for quality and excellence in the university. We would like to arrive at a point at where the need for quality is no longer necessary. In this article, such a refusal will direct us to a proposal for using the spaces offered by the university and its teaching and research in a different way; in a way that transforms the university into a world university. This paper will argue that a world university is concentrated around attentive pools of worldly study. It is a university that has to invent new languages in order to answer the question “How can we live together?” In order to answer this question, and to be “present in the present,” we will clarify our argument that both acceptance and attention are needed in the world university. This position implies a kind of curiosity that is not driven by the “will to know” but by a caring attitude to what is happening now.  相似文献   

The aim of the study presented in this paper was to explore factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences in the process of (a) solving a problem, (b) explaining it to a peer, (c) liking it, and (d) teaching it. About 170 mathematics teachers took part in the different stages of the study. A special mathematical activity was designed to examine factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences and to develop teachers' preferences concerning whether to use symmetry when solving the problems. It was implemented and explored in an in-service program for professional development of high-school mathematics teachers. As a result, three interrelated factors that influence teachers' problem-solving preferences were identified: (i) Two patterns in teachers' problem-solving behavior, i.e., teachers' tendency to apply a stereotypical solution to a problem and teachers' tendency to act according to problem-solving beliefs, (ii) the way in which teachers characterize a problem-solving strategy, (iii) teachers' familiarity with a particular problem-solving strategy and a mathematical topic to which the problem belongs. Findings were related to teachers' developing thinking in solving problems and using them with their students. The activity examined in this paper may serve as a model for professional development of mathematic teachers and be useful for different professional development programs.  相似文献   

嘉莉,一个美丽的农村女孩,虽然天生.的演员素质,但是没有受过正规教育。为了生活,在城市里茫然挣扎。首先,她成为别人的情妇。后来,凭着自身的丽质和机会在城市得以成为一名著名的舞蹈演员。伴随着在城市经历的从寄人篱下。情妇到名演员的所经历的生活变化的是精神上的彷徨,思考和失落。嘉莉现象不仅是一种社会现象,而且是一种精神现象。它有其特定的精神实质。  相似文献   

大学生社会实践活动机制的科学构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会实践活动是大学生思想政治教育的重要环节,对于促进大学生了解国情、增长才干、奉献社会、锻炼毅力、培养品格、增强社会责任感具有不可替代的作用。保证大学生社会实践活动有效进行的关键就是要构建科学有序的组织管理机制,构建多方受益、分层推进的活动运行机制,构建三结合的内容创新机制,构建双向受益的基地建设机制,构建多渠道的资金保障机制,构建学习型的思政队伍机制,构建多元化的绩效评价机制。  相似文献   

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