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一个名叫汪向荣的日本史学者的去世没有引起人们的多少关注,但是在他的学术遗产里却有一本名为《山彦学校》的译著,乃是日本教育史上一个里程碑式的名著。该书1950年代早期被汪翻译进中国后并没有引起它在日本所表现出的那样大的反响,而是几乎不为人知,掉落在中国教育界的视野之外。本文对《山彦学校》一书的诞生、特点及其教育史地位作了详细的介绍,并试图联系中国当下教育之实际,重新发现此书的教育学意义和价值,提倡一种唤醒学生力量的教育。  相似文献   

当代西方的协商民主理论与中国的政治协商制度有着本质的区别,理想的协商民主是受一系列主客观条件限制的。在一些西方学者看来,理想的公共协商应该遵循自由、理性、平等的条件。  相似文献   

判断话语或言语的“真”与“假”有两条标准:一是依据客观事实;二是说写者意欲表达的信息。以此为主要依据,可以看出英语语法中的主谓一致、否定和时态所展示的不一致。主谓的不一致表现在谓语动词的数与结构的不一致和与意义的不一致;否定的“真”与“假”包含了否定的转移、形式的否定与意义的肯定以及结构的肯定与意义的否定;时态的讨论含盖了一般现在时表过去和将来时间,一般过去时表现在和将来时间以及SINCE从句、“假”主动态和“假”被动态等。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国共产党认真总结党内外、国内外民主建设的经验教训。不断进行理论创新与实践探索。党内民主建设取得了巨大的成绩,并积累了宝贵的经验。回顾光辉历程,总结宝贵经验,对于推进党的建设新的伟大工程具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

教材是教学活动的基本依据 ,是教育改革成果的集中体现。本文主要阐述了我国新形势下教育学院所面临的问题以及如何进行教材改革 ,提出优选教材 ,基本教材与补充教材相结合 ,文字教材与软件教材相结合的教材改革思路。  相似文献   

《蒙古秘史》,国内外学者从不同的角度对它进行研究,取得了巨大的成就。但是,迄今为止,从教育的角度研究《蒙古秘史》者,并不多见,笔者认为,《蒙古秘史》的教育内涵十分丰富,许多问题需要进一步深入探讨。因此,笔者从生产、生活、技术、习俗、音乐、医学、道德、军事、管理等方面研究《蒙古秘史》,初步揭示了其应有的教育价值。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In their search for more communal forms of agency that might guide education, contemporary educational psychologists have mostly neglected the theorizing of George Herbert Mead. In this essay, Jack Martin aims to remedy such oversight by interpreting Mead's social-psychological and educational theorizing of selfhood and agency through the lenses of the perspectival realism Mead developed in the last decade of his life. This interpretation understands education as concerned with the cultivation and coordination of cultural, societal, interpersonal, and personal perspectives. Within this framework, communal agency is understood as a self-interpreting, self-determining capability of persons. This agentive capability derives from immersion and participation with others within sociocultural practices and perspectives, but also includes reactivity to those same practices and perspectives. The education of communal agents as envisioned here emphasizes the social nature of education, students' experience and development, and the critical role of the teacher as a mediator between student development and social process. Such an education is grounded in the immediate experiences and perspectives of learners, but increasingly assists learners to move beyond their own experiences through engaged interaction with others and with resources for acquiring broader, more organized perspectives on themselves, others, and the world.  相似文献   

源头为何非正源—教育心理学诞生的历史反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者从历史反思的视点出发,分析了教育心理学诞生之际中西方社会背景的差异,并着重从影响教育心理学诞生的直接因素-哲学思想、主流文化取向、民族心理和心理学等相关学科的发展方面探讨中西方的差异,找寻教育心理学最先诞生于西方的原因以及对发展我国教育心理学的启示。  相似文献   

孔子在自己的教育教学活动中 ,逐步形成了自己的教育心理学思想 ,他的教育心理学思想是以一定的理论观点为基础、为指导的。这一理论观点可以归纳为以下四个基本观点 :即性近习远论、发展论、学知论、个别差异论。  相似文献   

International university co‐operation which serves to Internationalize science and knowledge requires that students, teachers, and scientists be internationally mobile. For mobility to occur on a wide scale, it must be the object of inter‐university and international bilateral and multilateral agreements. The various sorts of agreement which have been negotiated and enacted since the 1950's have been very successful. Recognition and equivalence must be based on qualitative rather than on quantitative factors, and above all on trust Recognition procedures could be further perfected by such actions as the preparation of a set of harmonizable recommendations, on the determination of equivalences, greater co‐operation among the various European information networks on equivalence, and publication of a manual on recognized universities in Europe.  相似文献   

本文阐述了现代教育技术在教育过程中的重要性,并就如何加速发展教育技术提出了几点看法.  相似文献   

试论太平天国文化与教育改革的特点   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
太平天国在其长达14年之久的革命斗争过程中,不仅在政治上、经济上和军事上对封建统治阶级进行了猛烈的冲击,而且在化和教育方面进行了一系列的改革。太平天国化与教育改革具有鲜明的时代特点。一方面,太平天国顺应历史发展潮流,反映广大农民的利益和愿望,其化与教育改革既继承了传统,又有所创新,更体现了进步的平等思想;另一方面,由于受阶级和时代的局限,太平天国的化与教育改革又蒙上了浓厚的宗教色彩,并带有很大的落后性和盲目性。  相似文献   

The mind is like an eye that sees but cannot see itself (Eck, 1981).  相似文献   

The purpose of this column is to keep religious educators abreast of the relevant significant research in the general field of psychology. Its implications for methods and materials in religious education are clear. Religious educators may well take advantage of every new finding in scientific research.

Each abstract or group is preceded by an evaluation and interpretative comment, which aims to guide the reader in understanding the research reported.

All of these abstracts are from PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, and used by permission of that periodical. The abstract number is Volume 28, Number 9‐10, September‐October, 1954.  相似文献   

陈燕 《海外英语》2003,(12):22-23
No single interpretation will suffice to explain the meaning of Egyptian art. Its purposes were varied, and the ideals it was supposed to represent changed with the shifting tendencies of political and social history. In general, it expressed the aspirations of a collectivized national life. It was not art for art's sake, nor did it serve to convey the individual's reactions to the problems of his personal world. Yet there were  相似文献   

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