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The matter of crossing borders in the creation of democratic communities arises in ways that are pressing, both within the nation‐state and on a global scale. Tensions between tendencies toward nationalism and the cosmopolitan call for global understanding touch the heart of ideas of democracy as beginning at home—at political, psychological, and existential levels. Yet in both orientations there is a certain consolidation of what John Dewey called the “we.” In this essay Naoko Saito and Paul Standish address questions concerning the “I's” relation to the “we.” It is through an exploration of the apparently apolitical approach of Stanley Cavell, through what he calls the “politics of interpretation,” that Saito and Standish try to give substance to the critical destabilization of these terms and tensions that they believe to be necessary. Cavell's Wittgensteinian approach to skepticism and his account of the Emersonian sense of the tragic help to demonstrate the need to meet the political crisis of democracy with language of a more subtly critical kind. The antifoundationalism Cavell derives from these sources, with its concomitant notion of philosophy as translation, provides us with a language that answers to the problems of the “we.” This is, the authors conclude, a better formulation of, and a more hopeful response to, the challenge of crossing borders within. It touches despair but realizes within it the prophetic power of language. And it shows the political crisis in which democracy finds itself to be something that is not peculiar to our times but internal to the very nature of our (political) lives.  相似文献   

In this essay Amanda Fulford examines the subject of inter‐cultural understanding from two perspectives: first, through considering Naoko Saito's exploration of translation and inter‐/intra‐cultural understanding, and second, through a discussion of work from the field of literacy studies, in particular the New London Group's “pedagogy of multiliteracies.” In her consideration of the different approaches taken to the challenge of multicultural and globalized societies, and the experiences of encounters with language, Fulford pursues four principal themes: learning from difference, active design of meaning, a relation with language, and transformation of the individual. She shows how Saito's use of American philosophy, in particular Henry David Thoreau's Walden and Stanley Cavell's readings of Thoreau, can play a crucial role in any reconsideration of teaching and learning in adult literacy education. Fulford further demonstrates how Thoreau's notion of the “father tongue” is central to the idea of learning from difference and to our use of language. She concludes by proposing that literacy education and research within the field of literacy studies could benefit from the kind of philosophical conversation, across the borders of subject and epistemology, that an exposure to, and consideration of, the ideas of Thoreau and Cavell on what it means to read and write can offer.  相似文献   

A bstract .  Dewey's idea of "mutual national understanding" faces new challenges in the age of globalization, especially in education for global understanding. In this essay Naoko Saito aims to find an alternative idea and language for "mutual national understanding," one that is more attuned to the sensibility of our times. She argues for Stanley Cavell's idea of philosophy as translation as such an alternative. Based upon Cavell's rereading of Thoreau's Walden , Saito represents Thoreau as a cross-cultural figure who transcends cultural and national boundaries. On the strength of this, she proposes a Cavellian education for global citizenship, that is, a perfectionist education for imperfect understanding in acknowledgment of alterity. Our founding of democracy must depend upon a readiness to "deconfound" the culture we have come from, the better to find new foundations together. The "native" is always in transition, by and through language, in processes of translation.  相似文献   

Educators, not to mention philosophers of education, find themselves in a difficult position nowadays. They are confronted with problems such as which kind of values one would want citizens to embrace, or to what extent social practices of a particular group may differ from what is generally held. In this essay, Paul Smeyers and Yusef Waghid focus on postmodern critiques, in particular on the position of Michel Foucault as it is relevant for the debate on cosmopolitanism. The authors argue that Foucault's analysis of the self in relation to the other is somewhat contentious, as it seems to invoke an independent ethical self other than a social self. Smeyers and Waghid claim that a more nuanced position regarding this relation can be found in the work of Stanley Cavell. They conclude that encounters with the other should not be seen as a new kind of universalism or Foucauldian subjectivism, but rather as an opening that creates opportunities both for attachment and detachments, that is, for acknowledgment and avoidance.  相似文献   

哲学、诗歌与智术-柏拉图的千古课程难题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为安顿灵魂与城邦,柏拉图提出以学园、对话作为实施其哲学教育的外在条件,但这些条件并未涉及哲学教育的内涵,因此他必须展开一段旨在界定其哲学教育内涵的思考。通过极力与诗人、智者设计的教学内容区别开来,柏拉图界定了自己的哲学教育,让自己的学园与对话教学有了满意的内容,同时也挑起了何为哲学、知识分裂与灵魂完美之悖论关系等千古课程难题,以至于尼采、海德格尔等现代思想家不得不重构柏拉图的哲学界定。但他们终究无法让教育安定下来,有关教育内容的思考仍可能会在柏拉图曾经遭遇的分裂与紧张中,寻求即使达不到也坚信一定存在或应当存在的完美。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInpastphilosophyandscience ,dualphilos ophyordichotomywasemphasized .AndwhenIsystematizethetriadthoughts,Icanintroducetriadphilosophyandtriadsciencebasedontriadlogic.TriadphilosophyandtriadsciencearecontemporarydevelopmentsthatpenetrateWest e…  相似文献   

恩格斯的总体物质自组织理论在核时代的深化发展对揭示原生自然环境和次生自然生态环境(特指地球生物圈)具有普遍方法论价值。整个再生生态系统具有依赖性和脆弱性,人类应对呵护生态系统、生物多样性负有最高的生态道德责任。在20世纪生态环境恶化危及全球的条件下,西方哲学有识之士对生态伦理学问题进行了较全面的新思考,其有价值的成果应给予充分的肯定。生态道德观念的创新与发展,可持续发展的环境价值观的全球化和生态化,使反映生态道德规范和准则的体系必然随之深化、丰富和发展。  相似文献   

Education is often understood as a process whereby children come to conform to the norms teachers believe should govern our practices. This picture problematically presumes that educators know in advance what it means for children to go on the way that is expected of them. In this essay Viktor Johansson suggests a revision of education, through the philosophy of Stanley Cavell, that can account for both the attunement in our practices and the possible dissonance that follows when the teacher and child do not go on together. There is an anxiety generated by the threat of disharmony in our educational undertakings that may drive teachers toward philosophy in educational contexts. Here Johansson offers a philosophical treatment of this intellectual anxiety that teachers may experience when they, upon meeting dissonant children, search for epistemic justifications of their practices—a treatment whereby dissonant children can support teachers in dissolving their intellectual frustrations.  相似文献   

生态哲学是以生态系统为研究对象,以人与人态环境的关系为基本问题的一门相对独立的哲学学科。它同生态学、生态学哲学、生态伦理学等相近学科既有千丝万缕的密切联系,又有着根本的区别,明确了解这一点,对于严格规范生态哲学的基本范畴,限定其理论内容和建构其体系结构都具有重大的理论意义。为此,笔者想就生态哲学与相近学科的关系做一粗浅的分析。  相似文献   

哲学基本问题是任何哲学都不能回避的问题.西方近代哲学因从知识论的立场出发来解决这一问题而陷入困境.冯契立足于马克思哲学的基础上,一方面以实践为基础,通过人在实践活动中对象的实在感来论证物质第一性原理;另一方面,冯契又借用西方哲学中内在性与外在性概念以及中国哲学中"体用不二"的原理论述了人的认识是可以把握对象的,从而很好地解决了哲学基本问题,为自己的智慧说奠定了科学的基础.  相似文献   

政治哲学相对于作为一般世界观和方法论的哲学来说,它是关于局部世界即政治领域的世界观和方法论.人类政治活动本身内含着真善美的有机统一.因而,政治哲学理论体系的建构,应当沿着求善-求真-求美这样的思维路径来展开,主要包括政治价值论证(求善)、政治理论基础(求真)、政治理想追求(求美)等三个方面的内容,即从关于政治的价值论证出发,进而阐明其政治理论基础,然后形成关于政治发展的理想追求,三者之间的有机联系便构成了整个政治哲学的理论体系.  相似文献   

In this essay, a tribute to Jacques Derrida's educational efforts at expanding access to current work in philosophy, John Willinsky examines his efforts as both a public right and an element of academic freedom that bear on the open access movement today. Willinsky covers Derrida's extension and outreach work with the Groupe de Recherches pour l'Enseignement de la Philosophie in the 1970s and a decade later with Collège International de Philosophie that provided public access to ongoing and leading-edge philosophical work, as well as supporting the teaching of philosophy in the schools. Willinsky also relates Derrida's dedicated, practical educational work, his historical analysis of Descartes's decision to write in French, and more recent initiatives that are using Internet technologies to increase public and educational access to published scholarly work in the humanities in a very similar spirit.  相似文献   

From a contemporary perspective, the work of the Frankfurt School thinkers can be considered the last grand modern attempt to offer transcendence, meaning, and religiosity rather than "emancipation" and "truth." In the very first stage of their work, Adorno and Horkheimer interlaced the goals of Critical Theory with the Marxian revolutionary project. The development of their thought led them to criticize orthodox Marxism and ended in a complete break with that tradition, as they developed a quest for a unique kind religiosity connected with the Gnostic tradition and emanating, to a certain extent, from Judaism. This religiosity offers a reformulated Negative Theology within the framework of what I call "Diasporic philosophy." In his later work, Horkheimer explicitly presented Critical Theory as a new Jewish theology. Rearticulating Critical Theory is of vital importance today, both for understanding the current historical moment and for going beyond the oppressive dimensions of Critical Pedagogy. This article does not satisfy itself by offering a new reconstruction of Critical Theory; its goal is to offer a blueprint for a Diasporic counter-education that transcends Critical Pedagogy and goes beyond the emancipatory dimensions of Judaism itself.  相似文献   

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