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This paper is concerned with the stability analysis of systems with two additive time-varying delay components in an improved delay interconnection Lyapunov–Krasovskii framework. At first, an augmented vector and some integral terms considering the additive delays information in a new way are introduced to the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional (LKF), in which the information of the two upper bounds and the relationship between the two upper bounds and the upper bound of the total delay are both fully considered. Then, the obtained stability criterion shows advantage over the existing ones since not only an improved delay interconnection LKF is constructed but also some advanced techniques such as the free-matrix-based integral inequality and extended reciprocally convex matrix inequality are used to estimate the upper bound of the derivative of the proposed LKF. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and to show the superiority of the proposed method over existing results.  相似文献   

This paper considers the finite-time synchronization problem for a class of fractional-order complex dynamical networks (FOCDNs). By utilizing the properties of fractional calculus and fractional-order comparison principle, we propose a new lemma. Base on the new lemma, some analysis techniques and algebraic graph theory method, some novel criteria are given to ensure finite-time synchronization of FOCDNs, and the upper bound of the setting time for synchronization is estimated. At last, numerical simulations are given to verify the effectiveness of the obtained results.  相似文献   

The induced matching partition number of graph G is the minimum integer k such that there exists a k-partition (V1,V2,…Vk) of V(G) such that,for each i(1≤i≤k),G[Vi]is 1-regular.In this paper,we study the induced matching partition number of product graphs. We provide a lower bound and an upper bound for the induced matching partition number of product graphs, and exact results are given for some special product graphs.  相似文献   

In this paper, the state estimation problem is studied for a class of discrete-time stochastic complex networks with switched topology. In the network under consideration, we assume that measurement outputs can be got from only partial nodes, besides, the switching rule of this network is characterized by a sequence of Bernoulli random variables. The aim of the presented estimation problem is to develop a recursive estimator based on the framework of extended Kalman filter (EKF), such that the upper bound for the filtering error convariance is optimized. In order to address the nonlinear functions, the Taylor series expansion is utilized and the high-order terms of linearization errors are expressed in an exact way. Furthermore, by solving two Ricatti-like difference equations, the gain matrix can be acquired at each time instant. It is shown that the filtering error is bounded in mean square under some conditions with the aid of stochastic analysis techniques. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the validity of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the problem of finite-time stabilization of time-varying delayed neural networks with uncertainty. By employing the Lyapunov approach and linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), two different memory controllers are derived to achieve the finite-time stabilization of the addressed neural networks. Moreover, the upper bound of the setting-time for stabilization can be estimated via different Lyapunov functions. Our results improve and extend some recent works. Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed controllers are demonstrated by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper studies a scaled consensus problem with output saturation in the sense that the states of agents reach assigned proportions rather than a common consensus value. Specifically, we investigate single-integrator agents with output saturation under both undirected and strongly connected graphs. Some conditions for single-integrator agents with output saturation are illustrated. The main contribution is that by employing an integral Lyapunov function, a necessary and sufficient condition is first obtained to reach scaled consensus among agents with output saturation. Simulation results are presented to show the performance of the scaled consensus.  相似文献   

Fractional-order calculus has been studied deeply because many networked systems can only be described with fractional-order dynamics in complex environments. When different agents of networked systems show diverse individual features, fractional-order dynamics with heterogeneous characters will be used to illustrate the multi-agent systems (MAS). Based on the distinguishing behaviors of agents, a compounded fractional-order multi-agent systems(FOMAS) is presented with diverse dynamical equations. Suppose multiple leader agents existing in FOMAS, containment consensus control of FOMAS with directed weighted topologies is studied. By applying frequency domain analysis theory of the fractional-order operator, an upper bound of delays is obtained to ensure containment controls of heterogenous FOMAS with communication delays. The consensus results of delayed fractional-order dynamics in this paper can be expanded to the integer-order models. Finally, the results are verified by simulation examples.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the quantitative mean square exponential stability and stabilization for stochastic systems with Markovian switching. First, the concept of quantitative mean square exponential stability(QMSES) is introduced, and two stability criteria are derived. Then, based on an auxiliary definition of general finite-time mean square stability(GFTMSS), the relations among QMSES, GFTMSS and finite time stochastic stability (FTSS) are obtained. Subsequently, QMSE-stabilization is investigated and several new sufficient conditions for the existence of the state and observer-based controllers are provided by means of linear matrix inequalities. An algorithm is given to achieve the relation between the minimum states’ upper bound and the states’ decay velocity. Finally, a numerical example is utilized to show the merit of the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the expected static group synchronization problem of the second-order multi-agent systems via pinning control. For directed communication topology with spanning tree, based on Gershgorin disk theorem and the matrix property, a static pinning control protocol with fixed gains is first introduced and some sufficient and necessary static group synchronization criteria are also established. It is worth mentioning that a rigorous proof is also given that only one pinning node is needed to guarantee static group synchronization, which could be inferred that our protocol might be more economical and effective in large scale of multi-agent systems. Then, for weakly connected directed communication topology with nodes of zero in-degree, an adaptive pinning control applied to the node with zero in-degree is also proposed to achieve static group synchronization. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed protocols is verified by two simulation examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the fixed-time consensus problem for multi-agent systems with structurally balanced signed graph. A new class of fixed-time nonlinear consensus protocols is designed by employing the neighbor’s information. By using Lyapunov stability method, states of all agents can be guaranteed to reach agreement in a fixed time under our presented protocols, and the consensus values are the same in modulus but different in sign. Moreover, it is shown that the settling time is not dependent on the initial conditions, and it makes a good convenience to estimate the convergence time by just knowing the graph topology and the information flow of the multi-agent systems. Finally, two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed consensus protocols.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of cluster lag consensus for first-order multi-agent systems which can be formulated as moving agents in a capacity-limited network. A distributed control protocol is developed based on local information, and the robustness of the protocol is analyzed by using tools of Frobenius norm, Lyapunov functional and matrix theory. It is shown that when the root agents of the clusters are influenced by the active leader and the intra-coupling among agents is stronger enough, the multi-agent system will reach cluster lag consensus. Moreover, cluster lag consensus for multi-agent systems with a time-varying communication topology and heterogeneous multi-agent systems with a directed topology are studied. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed protocol is demonstrated by some numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The current paper addresses leader-following guaranteed cost synchronization with the cost budget given previously for the second-order wireless sensor networks. The published researches on guaranteed cost synchronization design criteria usually are based on the linear matrix inequality (LMI) techniques and cannot take the cost budget given previously into consideration. Firstly, the current paper proposes a guaranteed cost synchronization protocol, which can realize the tradeoff design between the battery power consumption and the synchronization regulation performance. Secondly, for the case without the given cost budget, sufficient conditions for leader-following guaranteed cost synchronization are presented and an upper bound of the cost function is shown. Thirdly, for the case that the cost budget is given previously, the criterion for leader-following guaranteed cost synchronization is proposed. Especially, the value ranges of control gains in these criteria are determined, which means that the existence of control gains in synchronization criteria can be guaranteed, but the LMI techniques can only determine the gain matrix and cannot give the value ranges of control gains. Moreover, these criteria are only associated with the minimum nonzero eigenvalue and the maximum eigenvalue, which can ensure the scalability of the wireless sensor networks. Finally, numerical simulations are given to illustrate theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we design two distributed output consensus controllers for heterogeneous linear systems based on internal model principle and then study the quantization effect on the controllers when uniform quantizers are used in the communication channels. The first controller considers the general situation when the internal model state matrix of the system may be unstable and the communication graphs are strongly connected directed graphs. We prove that the bound of the consensus error is proportional to the quantizer parameter with a coefficient related to the size of the network and the property of the communication graphs. The second controller considers the situation when the internal model state matrix is neutrally stable and the communication graphs are undirected connected graphs. In this case, we derive a better bound of the consensus error which is proportional to the quantizer parameter and the coefficient is unrelated to the size of the network when the linear systems are homogeneous. Simulation examples are provided to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the output formation-containment problem of the coupled heterogeneous linear systems under intermittent communication. The systems considered in this paper are more general in the sense that each system, whether a leader or a follower, has different dimension and different dynamic. Besides, each system only communicates with its neighbors intermittently. Based on the intermittent information, both the state-feedback and the output-feedback distributed control protocols are designed and a criterion is derived to calculate the lower bound of the communication ratio. Furthermore, a heuristic algorithm based on the Fireworks Algorithm is developed to obtain an optimized communication ratio, which greatly reduces the communication burden. Finally, numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a distributed dynamic state estimation problem for time-varying systems. Based on the distributed maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation algorithm proposed in our previous study, which studies the linear measurement models of each subsystem, and by weakening the constraint condition as that each time-varying subsystem is observable, this paper proves that the error covariances of state estimation and prediction obtained from the improved algorithm are respectively positive definite and have upper bounds, which verifies the feasibility of this algorithm. We also use new weighting functions and time-varying exponential smoothing method to ensure the robustness and improve the forecast accuracy of the distributed state estimation method. At last, an example is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm together with the parameter identification.  相似文献   

In this paper, the global robust exponential stability problem for a class of uncertain inertial-type BAM neural networks with both time-varying delays is focused through Lagrange sense. The existence of time-varying delays in discrete and distributed terms is explored with the availability of lower and upper bounds of time-varying delays. Firstly, we transform the proposed inertial BAM neural networks to usual one. Secondly, by the aid of LKF, stability theory, integral inequality, some novel sufficient conditions for the global robust exponential stability of the addressed neural networks are obtained in terms of linear matrix inequalities, which can be easily tested in practice by utilizing LMI control toolbox in MATLAB software. Furthermore, many comparisons of proposed work are listed with some existing literatures to get less conservatism. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the advantages and superiority of our theoretical outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper mainly considers the consensus for first-order discrete-time multi-agent systems w.r.t. two key parameters, the step size T and the delay τ. First, the consensus is recast into the concurrent stability for a series of trinomials. Then, for each associated trinomial, we derive a necessary and sufficient stability condition, based on proving the two invariance properties for the asymptotic behavior of the critical unitary roots. As a result, the exhaustive consensus region in the T?τ parameter space (i.e., the parameter set such that the multi-agent system reaches a consensus iff T and τ belong to that set) is determined. Furthermore, we show that the obtained result also applies to systems with diverse input delays, through an extra sufficient consensus condition. Finally, two illustrative examples are presented.  相似文献   

In this work, we analyze the performance degradation of stealthy attacks against sensor measurements in vector systems. Two types of attacks are considered. One is strictly stealthy attack and the other is ?-stealthy attack. For the strictly stealthy attack, we characterize the upper bound of the performance degradation and design an optimal strictly stealthy attack that can achieve the upper bound. For the ?-stealthy attack, we quantify the upper bound of the performance degradation and propose a sub-optimal ?-stealthy attack approximately achieving the upper bound. Numerical results are given to illustrate the trade off between performance degradation versus the stealthiness level of the attack.  相似文献   

杨倩倩  刘宪  马德章 《科研管理》2020,41(7):258-261
 作为2014年新推出的一项科研评价指数,自然指数能通过文章计量数和分数式计量数两个指标数据反映出国家、地区、科研机构和大学等高水平论文的产出能力、创新趋势、创新能力、优势学科和合作潜力,为我们提供了一种新的评估高校科研能力的方法。自然指数以12个月为统计时长,定期更新,对被评价机构在82种顶级自然科学类期刊上发表的研究型论文进行了统计分析。与基本科学指标数据库(ESI)评价体系需要监测十年的论文数据相比,自然指数的排名更能反映出被评价机构在短期内的科研产出情况,能更客观公正的评价新建高校科研产出的情况。以南方科技大学为例,该校建校未满十年,ESI数据与其他老牌高校还有一定差距,但从自然指数数据显示,该校高水平论文一直在飞速增长,上升势头非常明显,2018年已跃居内地高校第27位,深圳地区首位。数据还表明该校与海外大学的科研合作十分密切,发表的高水平论文以外部合作为主,其优势学科为化学和物理学科,生命科学和地球与环境科学相对比较薄弱,学科发展水平较不均衡。同样,自然指数评价体系也存在一些不足,如对学者的贡献程度没有区分,默认每位作者的贡献相等;统计的是论文数量和分数式计量的总量,没有以个人平均产出作为衡量标准等。随着自然指数的推广,入选自然指数统计源的各期刊,极有可能被科研管理部门在科研评价中赋予更高的权重,也会成为科研工作者投稿时选择顶级期刊的一个标准。自然指数以一种全新的视角评价了高校的科研产出情况,为今后的科研管理工作提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

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